902 resultados para MG-LI ALLOYS


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The addition of transition metals to III-V semiconductors radically changes their electronic, magnetic, and structural properties. We show by ab initio calculations that in contrast to the conventional semiconductor alloys, the lattice parameter in magnetic semiconductor alloys, including those with diluted concentration, strongly deviates from Vegard's law. We find a direct correlation between the magnetic moment and the anion-transition metal bond lengths and derive a simple and general formula that determines the lattice parameter of a particular magnetic semiconductor by considering both the composition and magnetic moment. This dependence can explain some experimentally observed anomalies and stimulate other kind of investigations.


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Magnetoresistance measurements in p-type Pb(1-x)Eu(x)Te alloys, for x varying from 0% up to 5%, have been used to investigate localization and antilocalization effects. These are attributed to both the spin-orbit scattering and to the large Zeeman splitting present in these alloys due to the large values of the effective Lande g factor. The magnetoresistance curves are analyzed using the model of Fukuyama and Hoshino, which takes into account the spin-orbit and Zeeman scattering mechanisms. The spin-orbit scattering time is found to be independent of the temperature, while the inelastic-scattering time increases with decreasing temperature suggesting the electron-phonon interaction as the main scattering mechanism.


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The elastic-scattering angular distribution for (8)Li on (12)C has been measured at E(LAB) = 23.9 MeV with (8)Li radioactive nuclear beam produced by the Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil facility. This angular distribution was analyzed in terms of optical-model with Woods-Saxon and double-folding Sao Paulo potential. The roles of the breakup and inelastic channels were also investigated with cluster folding and deformed potentials, respectively, through coupled-channels calculations. The angular distribution for the proton-transfer (12)C((8)Li, (9)Be)(11)B reaction was also measured at the same energy. The spectroscopic factor for the <(9)Be|(8)Li + p > bound system was obtained and compared with shell-model calculations and with other experimental values. Total reaction cross sections for the present system were also extracted from the elastic-scattering analysis. A systematic of the reduced reaction cross sections obtained from the present and published data on (6,7,8)Li isotopes on (12)C was performed as a function of energy.


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Excitation functions of quasi-elastic scattering at backward angles have been measured for the (6,7)Li + (144)Sm systems at near-barrier energies, and fusion barrier distributions have been extracted from the first derivatives of the experimental cross sections with respect to the bombarding energies. The data have been analyzed in the framework of continuum discretized coupled-channel calculations, and the results have been obtained in terms of the influence exerted by the inclusion of different reaction channels, with emphasis on the role played by the projectile breakup.


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Fifteen strongly oscillating angular distributions of the elastic scattering of (12)C + (24)Mg at energies around the Coulomb barrier (E(c.m). = 10.67-16.00 MeV) are reproduced by adding five Breit-Wigner resonance terms to the l = 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 elastic S matrix. The nonresonant, background elastic scattering S matrix S(l)(0) is calculated using the Sao Paulo potential. The J = 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8 (h) over bar molecular resonances fit well into a rotational molecular band, together with other higher lying resonances observed in the (16)O + (20)Ne elastic scattering. We propose that the presently observed, largely deformed molecular band corresponds to the hyperdeformed band, which has been found previously in alpha-cluster calculations, as well as in a new Nilsson model calculation. Systematic study of its possible clusterizations predicts the preference of the (12)C + (24)Mg and (16)O + (20)Ne molecular structure, in accordance with our present results.


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Elastic scattering of (8)B, (7)Be, and (6)Li on a (58)Ni target has been measured at energies near the Coulomb barrier. Optical-model fits were made to the experimental angular distributions, and total reaction cross sections were deduced. A comparison with other systems provides striking evidence for proton-halo effects on (8)B reactions. As opposed to the situation for the neutron-halo nucleus (6)He, for which particle transfer dominates, the ""extra"" cross section observed for (8)B appears to result entirely from projectile breakup.


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High-precision data of backward-angle elastic and quasielastic scattering for the weakly bound (6)Li projectile on (144)Sm target at deep-sub-barrier, near-, and above-barrier energies were measured. From the deep-sub-barrier data, the surface diffuseness of the nuclear interacting potential was studied. Barrier distributions were extracted from the first derivatives of the elastic and quasielastic excitation functions. It is shown that sequential breakup through the first resonant state of the (6)Li is an important channel to be included in coupled-channels calculations, even at deep-sub-barrier energies.


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Angular distributions for the (9)Be((8)Li, (9)Be) (8)Li elastic-transfer reaction have been measured with a 27-MeV (8)Li radioactive nuclear beam. Spectroscopic factors for the <(9)Be vertical bar(8)Li + p > bound system were obtained from the comparison between the experimental differential cross sections and finite-range distorted-wave Born approximation calculations made with the code FRESCO. The spectroscopic factors so obtained are compared with shell-model calculations and other experimental values. Using the present value for the spectroscopic factors, cross sections and reaction rates for the (8)Li(p,gamma) (9)Be direct proton-capture reaction of astrophysical interest were calculated in the framework of the potential model.


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Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of (8)B, (7)Be, and (6)Li on a (12)C target have been measured at E(lab) = 25.8, 18.8, and 12.3 MeV, respectively. The analyses of these angular distributions have been performed in terms of the optical model using Woods-Saxon and double-folding type potentials. The effect of breakup in the elastic scattering of (8)B + (12)C is investigated by performing coupled-channels calculations with the continuum discretized coupled-channel method and cluster-model folding potentials. Total reaction cross sections were deduced from the elastic-scattering analysis and compared with published data on elastic scattering of other weakly and tightly bound projectiles on (12)C, as a function of energy. With the exception of (4)He and (16)O, the data can be described using a universal function for the reduced cross sections.


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We study rf spectroscopy of a lithium gas with the goal to explore the possibilities for photoemission spectroscopy of a strongly interacting p-wave Fermi gas. Radio-frequency spectra of quasibound p-wave molecules and of free atoms in the vicinity of the p-wave Feshbach resonance located at 159.15G are presented. The spectra are free of detrimental final-state effects. The observed relative magnetic-field shifts of the molecular and atomic resonances confirm earlier measurements realized with direct rf association. Furthermore, evidence of molecule production by adiabatically ramping the magnetic field is observed. Finally, we propose the use of a one-dimensional optical lattice to study anisotropic superfluid gaps as most direct proof of p-wave superfluidity.


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We present parameter-free calculations of electronic properties of InGaN, InAlN, and AlGaN alloys. The calculations are based on a generalized quasichemical approach, to account for disorder and composition effects, and first-principles calculations within the density functional theory with the LDA-1/2 approach, to accurately determine the band gaps. We provide precise results for AlGaN, InGaN, and AlInN band gaps for the entire range of compositions, and their respective bowing parameters. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3576570]


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The longitudinal and transverse magnetostriction and microstructure of polycrystalline Fe(100-x)Ge(x) (x= 8, 12, 15, 20) alloys were investigated in order to correlate the magnetostriction with microstructure. In order to obtain different microstructures in the Fe(100-x)Ge(x) alloys, the samples were annealed at 600 degrees C during 2 h and at 1150 degrees C for half hour and then quenched in cold water. For Ge concentrations lower than 14 at.%, the longitudinal magnetostriction is positive and increases positively up to 22 ppm at 12 at.% Ge then decreases and vanishes at about 14 at.% Ge. For further Ge concentration increase the longitudinal magnetostriction is negative and reaches -30 ppm for Fe(80)Ge(20). This behavior, that is very similar to that reported for Fe-Si alloys, is explained by the structural changes caused by different thermal histories of the alloys. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B. V.


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Beta titanium (Ti) alloys are one of the most promising groups of Ti alloys for biomedical applications. This work presents the production, microstructural characterization, and mechanical properties of as-cast Ti-10Mo-xNb (x = 0, 3, 6, 9, 20, and 30) alloys. They were produced via arc melting and characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The density of each alloy was measured by the Archimedes method and the mechanical characterization was carried out by using the Vickers microhardness test and Young`s modulus measurements. The results show a near beta microstructure for niobium (Nb) contents lower or equal to 9 wt% while beta single-phase microstructure was obtained for higher Nb additions. The microhardness values decreased with the increase of Nb content in the alloys. The elastic modulus values of Ti-10Mo-3Nb and Ti-10Mo-20Nb alloys were lower than those of cp Ti and Ti-6Al-4V.


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Accurate knowledge of several Me-B (Me - Metal) phase diagrams are important to evaluate higher order systems such as Me-Si-B ternaries. This work presents results of microstructural characterization of as-cast Cr-B alloys which are significant to assess the liquid compositions associated to most of the invariant reactions of this system. Alloys of different compositions were prepared by arc melting pure Cr and B pressed powder mixtures under argon atmosphere in a water-cooled copper crucible with non-consumable tungsten electrode and titanium getter. The phases were identified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), using back-scattered electron (BSE) image mode and X-ray diffraction (XRD). In general, a good agreement was found between our data and those from the currently accepted Cr-B phase diagram. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This work presents results of microstructural characterization of as-cast Cr-Si alloys. The alloys were prepared by arc melting pure Cr (min. 99.996%) and Si (min. 99.998%) powder mixtures under argon atmosphere in a water-cooled copper crucible with nonconsumable tungsten electrode and titanium getter. The phases were identified by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), using the back-scattered electron (BSE) image mode and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results confirm the currently accepted Cr-Si phase diagram in terms of the invariant reactions and solid phases present in this system. Small corrections are proposed for the compositions of the liquid phase in the following reactions: (i) L double left right arrow Cr-ss+Cr3Si, from 15 to 16 at.% Si; (ii) L+alpha Cr5Si3 double left right arrow CrSi, from 51 at.% Si to slightly above 53 at.% Si; (iii) L double left right arrow CrSi+CrSi2, from 56 to slightly above 57 at.% Si; (iv) L double left right arrow CrSi2+Si, from 82 to slightly above 85 at.% Si. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.