878 resultados para Low-protein diet


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OBJECTIVES: There is previous epidemiological evidence that intake of polyphenol-rich foods has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. We aimed to investigate the effect of increasing dietary polyphenol intake on microvascular function in hypertensive participants.

METHODS: All participants completed a 4-week run-in phase, consuming <2 portions of fruit and vegetables (F&V) daily and avoiding berries and dark chocolate. Subjects were then randomised to continue with the low-polyphenol diet for 8 weeks or to consume a high-polyphenol diet of six portions F&V (including one portion of berries/day and 50 g of dark chocolate). Endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine, ACh) and endothelium-independent (sodium nitroprusside) vasodilator responses were assessed by venous occlusion plethysmography. Compliance with the intervention was measured using food diaries and biochemical markers.

RESULTS: Final analysis of the primary endpoint was conducted on 92 participants. Between-group comparison of change in maximum % response to ACh revealed a significant improvement in the high-polyphenol group (p=0.02). There was a significantly larger increase in vitamin C, carotenoids and epicatechin in the high-polyphenol group (between-group difference p<0.001; p<0.001; p=0.008, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that increasing the polyphenol content of the diet via consumption of F&V, berries and dark chocolate results in a significant improvement in an established marker of cardiovascular risk in hypertensive participants.


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It is widely recognized that protein restriction in utero may cause metabolic and endocrine adaptations, which may be of benefit to the neonate on a short-term basis but may cause adverse long-term conditions such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Adequate foetal and early post natal nutrient and energy supply is therefore essential for adult animal health, performance and life span. In this project it was investigated the progressive adaptations of the hepatic proteome in male mink offspring exposed to either a low protein (FL) or an adequate protein (FA) diet in utero fed either on a low protein (LP) or on an adequate (AP) diet from weaning until sexual maturity. Specifically, the aim was to determine the metabolic adaptations at selected phases of the animal’s first annual cycle and establish the metabolic priorities occurring during those phases. The three different morphological stages studied during the first year of development included, end of bone growth at 4 months of age, maximal fat accretion at 6 months of age and sexual maturity at 12 months of age. A reference proteome of mink liver coming from these different animal groups were generated using 2D electrophoresis coupled to MALDI-TOF analysis and the way in which dietary treatment affect their proteome was established. Approximately 330 proteins were detected in the mink liver proteome. A total of 27 comparisons were carried out between all different animal groups which resulted in 20 differentially expressed proteins. An extensive survey was conducted towards the characterization of these proteins including their subcellular localization, the biological processes in which they are involved and their molecular functions. This characterization allowed the identification of proteins in various processes including the glycolysis and fatty acid metabolism. The detailed analysis of the different dietary treatment animal groups was indicative of differences in metabolism and also to changes associated with development in mink.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas (Ciências Funcionais), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015


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Among aminoacidopathies, phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent one. Early diagnosis in the neonatal period with a prompt nutritional therapy (low natural-protein and phenylalanine diet, supplemented with phenylalanine-free amino acid mixtures and special low-protein foods) remains the mainstay of the treatment. Data considering nutrient contents of cooked dishes is lacking. In this study, fourteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU individuals were analysed, regarding the lipid profile and iron and zinc contents. These dishes are poor sources of essential nutrients like Fe, Zn or n-3 fatty acids, reinforcing the need for adequate supplementation to cover individual patients’ needs. This study can contribute to a more accurate adjustment of PKU diets and supplementation in order to prevent eventual nutritional deficiencies. This study contributes to a better understanding of nutrient intake from PKU patients’ meals, showing the need for dietary supplementation.


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Bien que l’environnement intra-utérin défavorable soit associé à des conditions pathologiques à l’âge adulte, les mécanismes mis en place in utero ne sont pas encore élucidés. Nous avons établi un modèle de restriction de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU) en donnant une diète faible en sodium à la rate pendant la dernière semaine de gestation. Ce modèle se caractérise par une diminution de perfusion placentaire et une redistribution du flot sanguin, favorisant l’irrigation des organes nobles (cœur et cerveau) au détriment du rein fœtal. De plus, l’expression rénale du facteur de croissance endothéliale vasculaire (VEGF) est diminuée chez le fœtus. L’hypothèse de travail est que la néoglucogenèse hépatique et rénale augmente chez les fœtus RCIU afin de compenser la diminution de perfusion placentaire, et que l’expression rénale des récepteurs de VEGF (Flt-1 et Flk-1) est altérée à la suite de la redistribution du flot sanguin. Nos objectifs étaient de comparer l’expression protéique des enzymes de la néoglucogenèse et des récepteurs de VEGF entre les fœtus témoins et RCIU. L’aldolase B, la fructose-1,6-biphosphatase et la glucose-6-phosphatase augmentent dans les reins de fœtus RCIU par rapport aux témoins alors qu’aucun changement n’est observé dans le foie. De plus, l’expression de ces enzymes est différente selon le sexe du fœtus. Une diminution de Flt-1 est notée dans les reins de fœtus RCIU. Nos résultats démontrent que des adaptations surviennent chez le fœtus à la suite d’une insulte intra-utérine favorisant sa survie mais ayant des conséquences telles que la dysfonction rénale observée chez les adultes de ce modèle animal. À long terme, ces travaux pourront permettre d’entrevoir des avenues pour mieux identifier les approches de prévention lors de naissance à la suite d’une RCIU.


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Une diète faible en sodium donnée à des rates lors de la dernière semaine de gestation induit une diminution de l’expansion volumique, du diamètre des artères utérines et du poids des placentas comparativement à des rates témoins. Ces perturbations suggèrent une diminution de la perfusion placentaire affectant l’apport foetal en nutriments. Les ratons naissent avec une restriction de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU). Chez le foetus, le substrat énergétique cardiaque principal est le glucose via la glycolyse. À la naissance, la source principale d’énergie est l’utilisation des acides gras par la β-oxydation. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que dans ce modèle de RCIU, le coeur foetal répond à la diminution d’apport nutritionnel due à une atteinte maternelle en adaptant son métabolisme énergétique cardiaque à la baisse. Les rates gestantes (témoins et recevant la diète faible en sodium) sont sacrifiées au jour 22 de gestation (sur 23). Les coeurs foetaux sont prélevés afin de caractériser les protéines dites « limitantes » in vitro des voies de la glycolyse et de la β-oxydation. Les expressions protéiques de GLUT1, GLUT4, HK1, HK2, CPT2, CPT1β, cytochrome c, PFK1, PKM1/2, mesurées par immunobuvardage de type Western, sont similaires entre les coeurs des foetus RCIU et témoins, mâles et femelles. L’expression protéique de CPT1α est diminuée dans les coeurs des femelles RCIU seulement. Il n’existe aucune différence significative entre les différents groupes quant à l’activité enzymatique de PKM1/2. Nos résultats dressent un profil métabolique général suggérant que le sexe du foetus peut avoir un effet sur la réponse cardiaque foetale à une atteinte du volume sanguin maternel causée par la diète restreinte en sodium. Ce profil métabolique semble démontrer une atteinte du catabolisme des lipides. Afin de bien caractériser cette réponse du mécanisme énergétique, l’activité enzymatique des autres enzymes principales de la glycolyse (HK1, HK2, PFK1), le flux intra-mitochondrial d’acyl CoA à travers les CPTs ainsi que la quantité totale d’acétyl CoA devront être quantifiés.


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La restriction de croissance intrautérine (RCIU) est associée à l’apparition de maladies à l’âge adulte et le phénotype de la condition pathologique peut être différent selon le sexe. Notre laboratoire a développé un modèle de RCIU chez le rat en administrant une diète faible en sodium lors du dernier tiers de la gestation entraînant une réduction de l’expansion volémique maternelle et de la perfusion utéroplacentaire. L'activité rénine et la concentration d'aldostérone plasmatique sont augmentées chez la mère et les foetus RCIU. Antérieurement, notre laboratoire a démontré une augmentation de l’expression génique et protéique rénale de la Na+-K+-ATPase-α1 uniquement chez les foetus femelles RCIU. Ainsi, nous émettons l’hypothèse que la diminution du volume circulant chez la rate gestante entraîne une augmentation et une expression différentielle, selon le sexe, des éléments de la cascade de signalisation du récepteur des minéralocorticoïdes (MR) dans les reins de foetus RCIU. L’expression des gènes est réalisée par qRT-PCR et celle des protéines par immunobuvardage de type Western. Bien que les résultats démontrent que la transcription génique de SGK1, α-ENaC et GILZ soit augmentée dans les reins de foetus RCIU, l’expression protéique de SGK1, pSGK1(Thr 256) et α-ENaC est similaire à celle des témoins. La protéine GILZ est indétectable. Pour CNKSR3, aucune différence de l’ARNm ou de la protéine n’a été observée entre les deux groupes. Par contre, même si l’expression génique du MR n’est pas différente, l’expression protéique est diminuée chez les RCIU. Aucun effet du sexe n’a été observé. En conclusion, l’augmentation d'aldostérone plasmatique chez les foetus ayant subi une RCIU stimule la transcription des gènes associés à la voie de réabsorption sodique, mais la quantité protéique demeure inchangée. Ceci suggère qu’il peut avoir des mécanismes de régulation post-transcriptionnelle ou une dégradation accélérée des protéines. Malgré la pertinence du sexe dans le développement de maladies, le sexe n’influence pas l’expression des composantes de la voie de rétention sodique chez le foetus. Il serait important de suivre cette voie en fonction de l’âge et de corréler les expressions génique et protéique avec l’apparition de maladies.


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Il est désormais accepté qu'un environnement foetal défavorable prédispose à des maladies chroniques qui surviennent à l'âge adulte. Il a été démontré dans notre laboratoire qu'une diminution de perfusion placentaire induit une redistribution du débit sanguin vers le coeur chez le foetus ainsi qu’une restriction de croissance intrautérine. De plus, un remodelage et une diminution de la contractilité des cardiomyocytes ont été observés chez les femelles devenues adultes. En période périnatale, l’utilisation des acides gras comme substrat énergétique devient plus importante que celle du glucose au niveau des cardiomyocytes. Considérant qu'un mécanisme s'est mis en place in utero, nous émettons l’hypothèse que le transfert de la voie de l’utilisation du glucose vers l’utilisation des acides gras se fait plus tôt chez les foetus en restriction de croissance. L’objectif de cette étude est de mesurer, dans les coeurs foetaux, les constituants du métabolisme des acides gras, soit le transporteur principal des acides gras, la carnitine palmitoyltransférase‒1‒alpha, ainsi que ses protéines associées soit l’acyl‒CoenzymeA synthétase‒1 et le canal anionique voltage‒dépendant de type 1. Nous mesurerons l’activité du cytochrome c oxydase et le nombre de mitochondries. L’influence du sexe et la condition foetale (restriction de croissance intrautérine vs contrôle) seront comparés. Nous avons observé que l’expression protéique de la carnitine palmitoytransférase‒1α et de l’acyl‒CoenzymeA synthétase‒1 est significativement augmentée, mais pas celle du canal anionique voltage‒dépendant de type 1, dans les coeurs de foetus en restriction de croissance intrautérine femelles. Le nombre et l’activité des mitochondries est semblable dans tous les groupes. Ces résultats suggèrent que la condition foetale et le sexe altèrent la quantité du transporteur des acides gras, la carnitine palmitoytransférase‒1α, au niveau traductionnel sans toutefois affecter l’activité du cytochrome c oxydase et le nombre de mitochondries. À long terme, nos études permettront de mieux comprendre les conséquences et causes de la RCIU afin d’en permettre la prévention.


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Two experiments were undertaken in which grass silage was used in conjunction with a series of different concentrate types designed to examine the effect of carbohydrate source, protein level and degradability on total dietary phosphorus (P) utilization with emphasis on P pollution. Twelve Holstein-Friesian dairy cows in early to mid-lactation were used in an incomplete changeover design with four periods consisting of 4 weeks each. Phosphorus intake ranged from 54 to 80 g/day and faecal P represented the principal route by which ingested P was disposed of by cows, with insignificant amounts being voided in urine. A positive linear relationship between faecal P and P intake was established. In Experiment 1, P utilization was affected by dietary carbohydrate type, with an associated output of 3.3 g faecal P/g milk P produced for all treatments except those utilizing low degradable starch and low protein supplements, where a mean value of 2.8 g faecal P/g milk P was observed. In Experiment 2, where two protein levels and three protein degradabilities were examined, the efficiency of P utilization for milk P production was not affected by either level or degradability of crude protein (CP) but a significant reduction in faecal P excretion due to lower protein and P intake was observed. In general, P utilization in Experiment 2 was substantially improved compared to the Experiment 1, with an associated output of 1.8 g faecal P/g milk P produced. The improved utilization of P in Experiment 2 could be due to lower P content of the diets offered and higher dry matter (DM) intake. For dairy cows weighing 600 kg, consuming 17-18 kg DM/day and producing about 25 kg milk, P excretion in faeces and hence P pollution to the environment might be minimized without compromising lactational performance by formulating diets to supply about 68 g P/day, which is close to recent published recommended requirements for P.


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Food restriction has a great impact on skeletal muscle mass by inducing muscle protein breakdown to provide substrates for energy production through gluconeogenesis. Genetic models of hyper-muscularity interfere with the normal balance between protein synthesis and breakdown which eventually results in extreme muscle growth. Mutations or deletions in the myostatin gene result in extreme muscle mass. Here we evaluated the impact of food restriction for a period of 5 weeks on skeletal muscle size (i.e., fibre cross-sectional area), fibre type composition and contractile properties (i.e., tetanic and specific force) in myostatin null mice. We found that this hyper-muscular model was more susceptible to catabolic processes than wild type mice. The mechanism of skeletal muscle mass loss was examined and our data shows that the myostatin null mice placed on a low calorie diet maintained the activity of molecules involved in protein synthesis and did not up-regulate the expression of genes pivotal in ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation. However, we did find an increase in the expression of genes associated with autophagy. Surprisingly, the reduction on muscle size was followed by improved tetanic and specific force in the null mice compared to wild type mice. These data provide evidence that food restriction may revert the hyper-muscular phenotype of the myostatin null mouse restoring muscle function.


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The starchy endosperm is the major storage tissue in the mature wheat grain and exhibits quantitative and qualitative gradients in composition, with the outermost cell layers being rich in protein, mainly gliadins, and the inner cells being low in protein but enriched in high-molecular-weight (HMW) subunits of glutenin. We have used sequential pearling to produce flour fractions enriched in particular cell layers to determine the protein gradients in four different cultivars grown at two nitrogen levels. The results show that the steepness of the protein gradient is determined by both genetic and nutritional factors, with three high-protein breadmaking cultivars being more responsive to the N treatment than a low-protein cultivar suitable for livestock feed. Nitrogen also affected the relative abundances of the three main classes of wheat prolamins: the sulfur-poor ω-gliadins showed the greatest response to nitrogen and increased evenly across the grain; the HMW subunits also increased in response to nitrogen but proportionally more in the outer layers of the starchy endosperm than near the core, while the sulfur-rich prolamins showed the opposite trend.


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Blood lipid response to a given dietary intervention could be determined by the effect of diet, gene variants or gene–diet interactions. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether variants in presumed nutrient-sensitive genes involved in lipid metabolism modified lipid profile after weight loss and in response to a given diet, among overweight European adults participating in the Diet Obesity and Genes study. By multiple linear regressions, 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes were investigated for SNP main and SNP–diet interaction effects on total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and TAG after an 8-week low-energy diet (only main effect), and a 6-month ad libitum weight maintenance diet, with different contents of dietary protein or glycaemic index. After adjusting for multiple testing, a SNP–dietary protein interaction effect on TAG was identified for lipin 1 (LPIN1) rs4315495, with a decrease in TAG of − 0·26 mmol/l per A-allele/protein unit (95 % CI − 0·38, − 0·14, P= 0·000043). In conclusion, we investigated SNP–diet interactions for blood lipid profiles for 240 SNPs in twenty-four candidate genes, selected for their involvement in lipid metabolism pathways, and identified one significant interaction between LPIN1 rs4315495 and dietary protein for TAG concentration.


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The present study aims to investigate the dose dependent effects of consuming diets enriched in flavonoid-rich and flavonoid-poor fruits and vegetables on the urine metabolome of adults who had a C1.5 fold increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. A single-blind, dose-dependent, parallel randomized controlled dietary intervention was conducted where volunteers (n = 126) were randomly assigned to one of three diets: high flavonoid diet, low flavonoid diet or habitual diet as a control for 18 weeks. High resolution LC– MS untargeted metabolomics with minimal sample cleanup was performed using an Orbitrap mass spectrometer. Putative biomarkers which characterize diets with high and low flavonoid content were selected by state-of-the-art data analysis strategies and identified by HR-MS and HR-MS/MS assays. Discrimination between diets was observed by application of two linear mixedmodels: one including a diet-time interaction effect and the second containing only a time effect. Valerolactones, phenolic acids and their derivatives were among sixteen biomarkers related to the high flavonoid dietary exposure. Four biomarkers related to the low flavonoid diet belonged to the family of phenolic acids. For the first time abscisic acid glucuronide was reported as a biomarker after a dietary intake, however its origins have to be examined by future hypothesis driven experiments using a more targeted approach. This metabolomic analysis has identified a number of dose dependent urinary biomarkers (i.e. proline betaine or iberin-N-acetyl cysteine), which can be used in future observation and intervention studies to assess flavonoids and nonflavonoid phenolic intakes and compliance to fruit and vegetable intervention.


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The contact of inland and coastal prehistoric groups in Brazil is believed to have been restricted to regions with no geographical barrier, as is the case in the Ribeira de Iguape valley. The inland osteological collection from the riverine shellmound Moraes (5800-4500 BP) represents a unique opportunity to test this assumption for this region. Despite cultural similarities between riverine and coastal shellmounds, important ecological and site distribution differences are expected to impact on lifestyle. The purpose of this study is thus to document and interpret health and lifestyle indicators in Moraes in comparison to coastal shellmound groups. Specifically we test if the rare evidence of fish and mollusc remains in the riverine shellmound led to (a) higher caries rates and (b) lower auditory exostosis frequency and (c) if the small size of the riverine shellmound translates into reduced demographic density and thus rarity of communicable infectious diseases. Of the three hypotheses, (a) was confirmed, (b) was rejected and (c) was partly rejected. Bioanthropological similarities between Moraes and coastal shellmounds include auditory exostoses with equally high frequencies; significantly more frequent osteoarthritis in upper than in lower limbs; cranial and dental morphological affinities and low frequencies of violent trauma. However, there are also important differences: Moraes subsisted on a much broader protein diet and consumed more cariogenic food, but showed a stature even shorter than coastal groups. Thus, despite the contact also suggested by treponematoses in both site types, there was enough time for the people at the riverine site to adapt to local conditions. (c) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.