966 resultados para Local seismic Culture
This article provides an overview of the most essential issues in the trade and culture discourse from a global law perspective. It looks into the intensified disconnect between trade and culture and exposes its flaws and the considerable drawbacks that it brings with it. It is argued that these drawbacks become especially pronounced in the digital media environment, which has strongly affected both the conditions of trade with cultural products and services and cultural diversity in local and global contexts. In this modified setting, there could have been a number of feasible ‘trade and culture’ solutions – i.e. regulatory designs that whilst enhancing trade liberalisation are also conducive to cultural policy. Yet, the realisation of any of these options becomes chimerical as the line between trade and culture matters is drawn in a clear and resolute manner. The article is meant for an interdisciplinary audience and forthcoming in the Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society.
Native trees and shrubs are essential components of rural landscapes in the semi-arid inner-Andean valleys of Bolivia. They can be found as hedges and bushes in various agroecosystems such as terrace walls, slopes, field boundaries and fallow land. Their distribution and floristic composition are the result of dynamic spatial and temporal interactions between local farmers and the environment. Local uses of natural resources and biodiversity reflect the constantly evolving Andean culture, which can be generally characterised as an intertwining of the human, natural, and spiritual worlds. The aim of the present ethnobotanical study was to analyse the dynamics of traditional ecological knowledge, to ascertain local farmers’ perceptions and uses of native woody species in Andean communities and to associate the results with local conservation activities for the trees and shrubs concerned. Our case study was carried out within two communities of the Tunari National Park (Dept. Cochabamba) in Bolivia. For data collection, research methods from social science (semi-structured interviews, participative observation, participatory mapping) as well as vegetation surveys were combined. Local actors included women and men of all ages as well as families from different social categories and altitudinal levels of permanent residence. Our study indicates that, due to a multitude of socio-economic pressures (e.g. migration of young people) as well as changes in use of biodiversity (e.g. replacement of native by exotic introduced species), the traditional ecological knowledge base of native trees and shrubs and their respective uses has become diminished over time. In many cases it has led to a decline in people’s awareness of native species and as a consequence their practical, emotional and spiritual relationships with them have been lost. However, results also show that applied traditional ecological knowledge has led to local conservation strategies, which have succeeded in protecting those tree and shrub species which are most widely regarded for their multifunctional, constant and exclusive uses (e.g. Schinus molle, Prosopis laevigata, Baccharis dracunculifolia). The presentation will discuss the question if and how applied traditional ecological knowledge positively contributes to local initiatives of sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in rural areas.
Se destacan los cambios del paisaje urbano, los que se plasman en el espacio público, los que fueron estructurantes de las ciudades: calles y plazas hoy en abandono ante el auge de los espacios públicos privados . Conceptualiza espacio y lugar para luego recorrer las características de los espacios públicos predominantes en cada período histórico de la humanidad. El siglo XX es analizado en detalle para determinar los factores que más han influido en la transformación; como las comunicaciones , que transmiten imágenes conocidas por todos, aunque logran una identidad más global que local. Se analizan los principales espacios públicos del Gran Mendoza, si han sido renovados o no, en asociación con el consumo y cultura de la imagen, su vinculación con las líneas estructurantes de la ciudad y espacios verdes más relevantes. Se tiene en cuenta el crecimiento poblacional y uso del suelo. A través de relevamiento y encuestas se detectan problemas que permiten determinar algunas áreas periféricas desvinculadas del tejido urbano de la metrópolis, motivo de diversas propuestas.
La cultura se presenta hoy como un elemento determinante en la planificación del desarrollo, tanto por los efectos económicos que genera en términos de empleo, ingresos, y producción; como por ser un instrumento útil y eficaz para el fortalecimiento de la independencia, la soberanía y la identidad de los territorios en un mundo globalizado. El objetivo de este estudio es reconocer el impacto de la cultura en el desarrollo económico a través de un ejercicio empírico centrado en el Museo de Antioquia de la ciudad de Medellín (Colombia). Se aplicó una encuesta de percepción a los habitantes y visitantes de la ciudad. Los datos se sometieron a un análisis descriptivo y se formalizó un Modelo de Regresión Logística en busca de identificar y explicar los elementos que permiten vincular la cultura y el desarrollo. Se encontró que cerca al 90% de los encuestados afirmaron que la existencia del Museo de Antioquia es importante para el desarrollo económico de la ciudad de Medellín, identificándolo como un atractivo turístico y cultural que genera impactos positivos en el crecimiento económico y el bienestar social.
En un contexto de heterogeneidad entre las universidades nacionales argentinas, en relación a la capacidad y las condiciones de producción de conocimiento en educación, y de una fuerte concentración de la producción y los recursos humanos en las zonas metropolitanas, este trabajo se propuso indagar las características de la actividad de investigación en educación en Universidades Nacionales de zonas no metropolitanas. Se han analizado las prácticas, modalidades y condiciones de producción de dos universidades con dichas características; como también la formación de sus académicos, la cultura institucional y las redes sociales en las que participan. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, que indagó las percepciones y opiniones de los actores involucrados. Como resultado de la investigación se han identificado ciertos factores clave que redundan en la calidad de la producción de conocimiento realizada
En un contexto de heterogeneidad entre las universidades nacionales argentinas, en relación a la capacidad y las condiciones de producción de conocimiento en educación, y de una fuerte concentración de la producción y los recursos humanos en las zonas metropolitanas, este trabajo se propuso indagar las características de la actividad de investigación en educación en Universidades Nacionales de zonas no metropolitanas. Se han analizado las prácticas, modalidades y condiciones de producción de dos universidades con dichas características; como también la formación de sus académicos, la cultura institucional y las redes sociales en las que participan. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, que indagó las percepciones y opiniones de los actores involucrados. Como resultado de la investigación se han identificado ciertos factores clave que redundan en la calidad de la producción de conocimiento realizada
En un contexto de heterogeneidad entre las universidades nacionales argentinas, en relación a la capacidad y las condiciones de producción de conocimiento en educación, y de una fuerte concentración de la producción y los recursos humanos en las zonas metropolitanas, este trabajo se propuso indagar las características de la actividad de investigación en educación en Universidades Nacionales de zonas no metropolitanas. Se han analizado las prácticas, modalidades y condiciones de producción de dos universidades con dichas características; como también la formación de sus académicos, la cultura institucional y las redes sociales en las que participan. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo, que indagó las percepciones y opiniones de los actores involucrados. Como resultado de la investigación se han identificado ciertos factores clave que redundan en la calidad de la producción de conocimiento realizada
Evaluating the seismic hazard requires establishing a distribution of the seismic activity rate, irrespective of the methodology used in the evaluation. In practice, how that activity rate is established tends to be the main difference between the various evaluation methods. The traditional procedure relies on a seismogenic zonation and the Gutenberg-Richter (GR) hypothesis. Competing zonations are often compared looking only at the geometry of the zones, but the resulting activity rate is affected by both geometry and the values assigned to the GR parameters. Contour plots can be used for conducting more meaningful comparisons, providing the GR parameters are suitably normalised. More recent approaches for establishing the seismic activity rate forego the use of zones and GR statistics and special attention is paid here to such procedures. The paper presents comparisons between the local activity rates that result for the complete Iberian Peninsula using kernel estimators as well as two seismogenic zonations. It is concluded that the smooth variation of the seismic activity rate produced by zoneless methods is more realistic than the stepwise changes associated with zoned approaches; moreover, the choice of zonation often has a stronger influence on the results than its fairly subjective origin would warrant. It is also observed that the activity rate derived from the kernel approach, related with the GR parameter “a”, is qualitatively consistent with the epicentres in the catalogue. Finally, when comparing alternative zonations it is not just their geometry but the distribution of activity rate that should be compared.
The 12 January 2010, an earthquake hit the city of Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. The earthquake reached a magnitude Mw 7.0 and the epicenter was located near the town of Léogâne, approximately 25 km west of the capital. The earthquake occurred in the boundary region separating the Caribbean plate and the North American plate. This plate boundary is dominated by left-lateral strike slip motion and compression, and accommodates about 20 mm/y slip, with the Caribbean plate moving eastward with respect to the North American plate (DeMets et al., 2000). Initially the location and focal mechanism of the earthquake seemed to involve straightforward accommodation of oblique relative motion between the Caribbean and North American plates along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault system (EPGFZ), however Hayes et al., (2010) combined seismological observations, geologic field data and space geodetic measurements to show that, instead, the rupture process involved slip on multiple faults. Besides, the authors showed that remaining shallow shear strain will be released in future surface-rupturing earthquakes on the EPGFZ. In December 2010, a Spanish cooperation project financed by the Politechnical University of Madrid started with a clear objective: Evaluation of seismic hazard and risk in Haiti and its application to the seismic design, urban planning, emergency and resource management. One of the tasks of the project was devoted to vulnerability assessment of the current building stock and the estimation of seismic risk scenarios. The study was carried out by following the capacity spectrum method as implemented in the software SELENA (Molina et al., 2010). The method requires a detailed classification of the building stock in predominant building typologies (according to the materials in the structure and walls, number of stories and age of construction) and the use of the building (residential, commercial, etc.). Later, the knowledge of the soil characteristics of the city and the simulation of a scenario earthquake will provide the seismic risk scenarios (damaged buildings). The initial results of the study show that one of the highest sources of uncertainties comes from the difficulty of achieving a precise building typologies classification due to the craft construction without any regulations. Also it is observed that although the occurrence of big earthquakes usually helps to decrease the vulnerability of the cities due to the collapse of low quality buildings and the reconstruction of seismically designed buildings, in the case of Port-au-Prince the seismic risk in most of the districts remains high, showing very vulnerable areas. Therefore the local authorities have to drive their efforts towards the quality control of the new buildings, the reinforcement of the existing building stock, the establishment of seismic normatives and the development of emergency planning also through the education of the population.
In the last years many studies have been developed to analyze the seismic behavior throug the damage concept. In fact, the evaluation of the structural damage is important in order to quantify the safety of new and existing structures and, also, to establish a framework for seismic retrofitting decision making of structures. Most proposed models are based on a post-earthquake evaluation in such a way they uncouple the computation of the structural response from that of damage. However, there are other models which include explicity the existing coupling between the degradation and the structural mechanical beaviour. Those models are closer to the physical reality and its formulation is based on the principles of Continuum Damage Mechanics. In the present work, a coupled model is formulated using a simplified application of the Continuum Damage Mechanics to the analysis of frames and allows its representation in standard finite element programs. This work is part of the activities developed by the Structural Mechanics Department (UPM) within ICONS (European Research Project on Innovative Seismic Design Concepts for New and Existing Structures).
In this paper we present a global overview of the recent study carried out in Spain for the new hazard map, which final goal is the revision of the Building Code in our country (NCSE-02). The study was carried our for a working group joining experts from The Instituto Geografico Nacional (IGN) and the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) , being the different phases of the work supervised by an expert Committee integrated by national experts from public institutions involved in subject of seismic hazard. The PSHA method (Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment) has been followed, quantifying the epistemic uncertainties through a logic tree and the aleatory ones linked to variability of parameters by means of probability density functions and Monte Carlo simulations. In a first phase, the inputs have been prepared, which essentially are: 1) a project catalogue update and homogenization at Mw 2) proposal of zoning models and source characterization 3) calibration of Ground Motion Prediction Equations (GMPE’s) with actual data and development of a local model with data collected in Spain for Mw < 5.5. In a second phase, a sensitivity analysis of the different input options on hazard results has been carried out in order to have criteria for defining the branches of the logic tree and their weights. Finally, the hazard estimation was done with the logic tree shown in figure 1, including nodes for quantifying uncertainties corresponding to: 1) method for estimation of hazard (zoning and zoneless); 2) zoning models, 3) GMPE combinations used and 4) regression method for estimation of source parameters. In addition, the aleatory uncertainties corresponding to the magnitude of the events, recurrence parameters and maximum magnitude for each zone have been also considered including probability density functions and Monte Carlo simulations The main conclusions of the study are presented here, together with the obtained results in terms of PGA and other spectral accelerations SA (T) for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475 years. The map of the coefficient of variation (COV) are also represented to give an idea of the zones where the dispersion among results are the highest and the zones where the results are robust.
This paper presents shake-table tests conducted on a two-fifths-scale reinforced concrete frame representing a conventional construction design under current building code provisions in the Mediterranean area. The structure was subjected to a sequence of dynamic tests including free vibrations and four seismic simulations in which a historical ground motion record was scaled to levels of increasing intensity until collapse. Each seismic simulation was associated with a different level of seismic hazard, representing very frequent, frequent, rare and very rare earthquakes. The structure remained basically undamaged and within the inter-story drift limits of the "immediate occupancy" performance level for the very frequent and frequent earthquakes. For the rare earthquake, the specimen sustained significant damage with chord rotations of up to 28% of its ultimate capacity and approached the upper bound limit of inter-story drift associated with "life safety". The specimen collapsed at the beginning of the "very rare" seismic simulation. Besides summarizing the experimental program, this paper evaluates the damage quantitatively at the global and local levels in terms of chord rotation and other damage indexes, together with the energy dissipation demands for each level of seismic hazard. Further, the ratios of column-to-beam moment capacity recommended by Eurocode 8 and ACI-318 to guarantee the formation of a strong column-weak beam mechanism are examined.
En el Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto para obtener una caracterización del subsuelo mediante ensayos ReMi, en colaboración con el departamento de Geofísica del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. La técnica ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) permite, mediante ensayos geofísicos realizados localmente sobre el terreno,obtener los parámetros físicos del mismo, que resultan de especial interés en el ámbito de la ingeniería civil. Esta técnica se caracteriza por englobarse dentro de la sísmica pasiva, muy empleada en prospección geofísica y basada en la obtención del modelo subyacente de distribución de velocidades de propagación de la onda S en función de la profundidad, con la ventaja de aprovechar el ruido sísmico ambiental como fuente de energía. Fue desarrollada en el Laboratorio Sismológico de Nevada (EEUU) por Louie (2001), con el objetivo de presentar una técnica innovadora en la obtención de las velocidades de propagación de manera experimental. Presenta ciertas ventajas, como la observación directa de la dispersión de ondas superficiales,que da un buen resultado de la velocidad de onda S, siendo un método no invasivo, de bajo coste y buena resolución, aplicable en entornos urbanos o sensibles en los que tanto otras técnicas sismológicas como otras variedades de prospección presentan dificultades. La velocidad de propagación de la onda S en los 30 primeros metros VS30, es ampliamente reconocida como un parámetro equivalente válido para caracterizar geotécnicamente el subsuelo y se halla matemáticamente relacionada con la velocidad de propagación de las ondas superficiales a observar mediante la técnica ReMi. Su observación permite el análisis espectral de los registros adquiridos, obteniéndose un modelo representado por la curva de dispersión de cada emplazamiento, de modo que mediante una inversión se obtiene el modelo de velocidad de propagación en función de la profundidad. A través de estos modelos, pueden obtenerse otros parámetros de interés sismológico. Estos resultados se representan sobre mapas isométricos para obtener una relación espacial de los mismos, particularmente conocido como zonación sísmica. De este análisis se extrae que la VS30 promedio del Campus no es baja en exceso, correspondiéndose a posteriori con los resultados de amplificación sísmica, período fundamental de resonancia del lugar y profundidad del sustrato rocoso. En última instancia se comprueba que los valores de amplificación sísmica máxima y el período al cual se produce posiblemente coincidan con los períodos fundamentales de resonancia de algunos edificios del Campus. ABSTRACT In South Campus at Polytechnic University of Madrid, a project has been carried out to obtain a proper subsoil description by applying ReMi tests, in collaboration with the Department of Geophysics of the National Geographic Institute. Through geophysical tests conducted locally, the ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) technique allows to establish the physical parameters of soil, which are of special interest in the field of civil engineering. This technique is part of passive seismic methods, often used in geophysical prospecting. It focuses in obtaining the underlying model of propagation velocity distribution of the shear wave according to depth and has the advantage of being able to use seismic ambient noise as a source of energy. It was developed in the Nevada Seismological Laboratory (USA) by Louie (2001) as an innovative technique for obtaining propagation velocities experimentally. It has several other advantages, including the direct observation of the dispersion of surface waves, which allows to reliably measure S wave velocity. This is a non-invasive, low cost and good resolution method, which can be applied in urban or sensitive environments where other prospection methods present difficulties. The propagation velocity of shear waves in the first 30 meters Vs30 is widely recognized as a valid equivalent parameter to geotechnically characterize the subsurface. It is mathematically related to surface wave's velocity of propagation, which are to observe using REMI technique. Spectral analysis of acquired data sets up a model represented by the dispersion curve at each site, so that, using an inversion process, propagation velocity model in relation to depth is obtained. Through this models, other seismologically interesting parameters can be obtained. These results are represented on isometric maps in order to obtain a spatial relationship between them, a process which is known as seismic zonation. This analysis infers that Vs30 at South Campus is not alarmingly low , corresponding with subsequent results of seismic amplification, fundamental period of resonance of soil and depth of bedrock. Ultimately, it's found that calculated values of soil's fundamental periods at which maximum seismic amplification occurs, may possibly match fundamental periods of some Campus buildings.
Three-dimensional imaging of the Earth's interior, called seismic tomography, has achieved breakthrough advances in the last two decades, revealing fundamental geodynamical processes throughout the Earth's mantle and core. Convective circulation of the entire mantle is taking place, with subducted oceanic lithosphere sinking into the lower mantle, overcoming the resistance to penetration provided by the phase boundary near 650-km depth that separates the upper and lower mantle. The boundary layer at the base of the mantle has been revealed to have complex structure, involving local stratification, extensive structural anisotropy, and massive regions of partial melt. The Earth's high Rayleigh number convective regime now is recognized to be much more interesting and complex than suggested by textbook cartoons, and continued advances in seismic tomography, geodynamical modeling, and high-pressure–high-temperature mineral physics will be needed to fully quantify the complex dynamics of our planet's interior.