924 resultados para Livingston, Leon Ray, 1872-
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2015
Die ersten beiden Beinpaare und die Unterseite des Abdomens von Apiomerus nigritobus sind dicht mit Borsten besetzt, zwischen denen sich ein klebriges Sekret befindet. Das Sekret hilft den Tieren, ihre Beute zu ueberwaeltigen. Es wird in Druesenzellen hergestellt, die unter der Hypodermis als Einzelzellen oder als kleine Zellgruppen liegen. Die Druesenzelle besitzt homogenes Protoplasma und einen zentral gelegenen Kern. Der Ausleitungsapparat besteht aus einem langen, in der Zelle stark gewunden verlaufenden Cuticularroehrchen von etwa 0,2μ. Dicke, das von besonderen Zellen der Hypodermis gebildet wird. Die Oeffnung auf der Cuticula besitzt keine Hilfsapparate. Ausstoss und Transport des Sekrets beruhen auf dem Sekretdruck der Druesenzelle.
Os A. A. descrevem Pseudoxenus inclusus sp. n., baseados em uma fêmea e centenas de triungulinideos, encontrados parasitando Ammophila sp., proveniente de Corrego do Itá, Espírito Santo, Brasil. O encontro de um outro exemplar de Myrmecolax incautus Oliveira & Kogan, 1959, permitiu aos AA. complementar a descrição desta espécie, cujo holótipo está muito danificado.
The trabecular bone score (TBS, Med-Imaps, Pessac, France) is an index of bone microarchitecture texture extracted from anteroposterior dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry images of the spine. Previous studies have documented the ability of TBS of the spine to differentiate between women with and without fractures among age- and areal bone mineral density (aBMD)-matched controls, as well as to predict future fractures. In this cross-sectional analysis of data collected from 3 geographically dispersed facilities in the United States, we investigated age-related changes in the microarchitecture of lumbar vertebrae as assessed by TBS in a cohort of non-Hispanic US white American women. All subjects were 30 yr of age and older and had an L1-L4aBMDZ-score within ±2 SD of the population mean. Individuals were excluded if they had fractures, were on any osteoporosis treatment, or had any illness that would be expected to impact bone metabolism. All data were extracted from Prodigy dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry devices (GE-Lunar, Madison, WI). Cross-calibrations between the 3 participating centers were performed for TBS and aBMD. aBMD and TBS were evaluated for spine L1-L4 but also for all other possible vertebral combinations. To validate the cohort, a comparison between the aBMD normative data of our cohort and US non-Hispanic white Lunar data provided by the manufacturer was performed. A database of 619 non-Hispanic US white women, ages 30-90 yr, was created. aBMD normative data obtained from this cohort were not statistically different from the non-Hispanic US white Lunar normative data provided by the manufacturer (p = 0.30). This outcome thereby indirectly validates our cohort. TBS values at L1-L4 were weakly inversely correlated with body mass index (r = -0.17) and weight (r = -0.16) and not correlated with height. TBS values for all lumbar vertebral combinations decreased significantly with age. There was a linear decrease of 16.0% (-2.47 T-score) in TBS at L1-L4 between 45 and 90 yr of age (vs. -2.34 for aBMD). Microarchitectural loss rate increased after age 65 by 50% (-0.004 to -0.006). Similar results were obtained for other combinations of lumbar vertebra. TBS, an index of bone microarchitectural texture, decreases with advancing age in non-Hispanic US white women. Little change in TBS is observed between ages 30 and 45. Thereafter, a progressive decrease is observed with advancing age. The changes we observed in these American women are similar to that previously reported for a French population of white women (r(2) > 0.99). This reference database will facilitate the use of TBS to assess bone microarchitectural deterioration in clinical practice.
We studied the life cicle of several triatominae species: Dipetalogaster maximus (Uhler, 1894); Panstrongylus herreri Wygodzinsky, 1948; Panstrongylus megistus (Burmeister, 1835); Rhodnius ecuadoriensis Lent & Leon, 1958; Rhodnius nasutus Stal, 1859; Rhodnius neglectus Lent, 1954; Rhodnius pictipes Stal, 1872; Rhodnius prolixus Stal, 1859; Rhodnius robustus Larrousse, 1927; Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, 1911; Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834); Triatoma maculata (Erichson, 1848); Triatoma matogrossensis Leite & Barbosa, 1953; Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913; Triatoma protracta (Uhler, 1894); Triatoma sordida (Stal, 1859); Triatoma tibiamaculata (Pinto, 1926) e Triatoma vitticeps (Stal, 1859) (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). The main purpose of the study was to obtain information to improve control measures specially in those peridomiciliar species. The experiments were performed in two climatized chambers, both with an humidity of 70 ± 5% and photoperiod of 12 hours. One was maintained at 25 ± 0,5ºC and the other at 30 ± 1ºC.
Lean meat percentage (LMP) is an important carcass quality parameter. The aim of this work is to obtain a calibration equation for the Computed Tomography (CT) scans with the Partial Least Square Regression (PLS) technique in order to predict the LMP of the carcass and the different cuts and to study and compare two different methodologies of the selection of the variables (Variable Importance for Projection — VIP- and Stepwise) to be included in the prediction equation. The error of prediction with cross-validation (RMSEPCV) of the LMP obtained with PLS and selection based on VIP value was 0.82% and for stepwise selection it was 0.83%. The prediction of the LMP scanning only the ham had a RMSEPCV of 0.97% and if the ham and the loin were scanned the RMSEPCV was 0.90%. Results indicate that for CT data both VIP and stepwise selection are good methods. Moreover the scanning of only the ham allowed us to obtain a good prediction of the LMP of the whole carcass.
Rosickyite, the natural monoclinic gamma -form of sulphur, exists in only a few localities around the globe. In the old asphalt mine at La Presta, Neuchatel. Switzerland, rosickyite occurs locally as small, but very well formed crystals suitable for crystallographic studies. It grows as an alteration product of pyrite-rich asphalt. Rosickyite from La Presta mine is pure molecular sulphur, as revealed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The X-ray powder diffraction data of La Presta rosickyite does not match the one previously published for this species. Therefore, a single crystal study was undertaken and a new indexed X-ray powder diffraction diagram for natural rosickyite is proposed.
BACKGROUND: To test the hypothesis that intervals with superior beat-to-beat coronary artery repositioning precision exist in the cardiac cycle, to design a coronary MR angiography (MRA) methodology in response, and to ascertain its performance. METHODS: Coronary repositioning precision in consecutive heartbeats was measured on x-ray coronary angiograms of 17 patients and periods with the highest repositioning precision were identified. In response, the temporal order of coronary MRA pulse sequence elements required modification and the T2 -prep now follows (T2 -post) rather than precedes the imaging part of the sequence. The performance of T2 -post was quantitatively compared (signal-to-noise [SNR], contrast-to-noise [CNR], vessel sharpness) to that of T2 -prep in vivo. RESULTS: Coronary repositioning precision is <1 mm at peak systole and in mid diastole. When comparing systolic T2 -post to diastolic T2 -prep, CNR and vessel sharpness remained unchanged (both P = NS) but SNR for muscle and blood increased by 104% and 36% (both P < 0.05), respectively. CONCLUSION: Windows with improved coronary repositioning precision exist in the cardiac cycle: one in peak systole and one in mid diastole. Peak-systolic imaging necessitates a re-design of conventional coronary MRA pulse sequences and leads to image quality very similar to that of conventional mid-diastolic data acquisition but improved SNR. J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2015;41:1251-1258. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Aquest project es situa dins del marc del CNM-IMB (CSIC). Consisteix en el disseny d'un sistema de biòpsia mamaria en temps real. Per realitzar aquest sistema s’ha dissenyat una plataforma de lectura, test y caracterització pel ROIC Medipix2 que es basa en el microprocessador LEON3 i és programat sobre una FPGA.