999 resultados para Literatura comparada - Portuguesa e brasileira
Este trabajo busca demostrar cómo la figura intelectual de Caetano Veloso es importante en el escenario de la cultura brasileña, presentando el análisis de algunas canciones de su producción musical, desde el momento heroico del Tropicalismo hasta las composiciones más recientes. Busca también, resaltar lo que el cancionista refleja en sus ensayos, referente a temas esenciales para la interpretación de Brasil en cuanto a la constitución de su identidad cultural. El pensamiento del mestizo de Caetano Veloso se investiga en su proyecto de canciones, para evidenciar su intervención en el mundo de la cultura, posibilitando una discusión que refleja las relaciones significativas entre la literatura y la música, además de favorecer un diálogo evidente con otros discursos estéticos
This work investigates the phenomenon of transitivity in the conversation. We examined the behavior of complements in Brazilian Portuguese speech, and then compared the results with previous researches in the English language by Thompson and Hopper (2001) and in the Spanish language by Vázques (2004). In Brazil, there are no researches that treat this phenomenon in the discursive conversation, for that reason it justifies and reveals the importance of this research that aims to answer questions related to the transitivity of ordinary conversations. Thus, we describe, explain and analize the transitivity based on concrete linguistic data, provided by native speakers of Portuguese language, specifically, spontaneous talk of people from Natal-RN. We have used as theoretical assumptions the Functional Linguistics usage-based (LFCU), which gathers academics of North-American Functional Linguistics, inspired by Chafe (1979), Hopper and Thompson (1980), Thompson and Hopper (2001), Givón (2001), Bybee (2010), Traugott (2009, 2011), among others, as well as Cognitive Linguistics, presented by Langacker (1987), Taylor (1995), Tomasello (1998) and Goldberg(1995), among others. This data consists in conversations extracted from the corpus Banco Conversacional de Natal (FURTADO DA CUNHA). The results obtained from this work confirm the assertions defined by prior conducted studies on the transitivity in the conversation. The research showed that these three idioms, Spanish, Portuguese and English, despite the differences, they present a uniform behavior regarding their transitivity in the conversation. We intend, by this work, to contribute, in some way, to the comprehension of the focused linguistic phenomenon, likewise to build a finer scenario around of the transitivity in the Brasilian Portuguese
In this dissertation, based on two theoretical frameworks, American functionalism and variationist sociolinguistics, I take as subject the sequence connectors E and AÍ, which has the grammatical function of indicating retroactive-propeller sequenciation of information. I analyze the variable use of these connectors in texts written by students from two public schools in the city of Natal, RN, attending at the time of data collection (the year 2012), two distinct levels of basic education: the sixth and the ninth year. The students who contributed to this research wrote, as part of their activities in the classroom, texts of two narrative genres: narrative of personal experience (non-fictional) and short story (fictional). In addition, these students and their Portuguese teachers answered a test of linguistic attitude in which they gave their opinions regarding the appropriateness of the use of connectors E and AÍ in contexts of speech and writing marked by distinct degrees of formality. The results obtained by means of quantitative analysis showed different tendencies of linguistic, social and stylistic distribution of connectors E and AÍ in the narrative texts written by the students. I related these results to the action of two principles: the principle of persistence, linked to the process of change by grammaticalization, and the principle of stylistic markedness. Besides, I took into account the answers provided by students and teachers to the test of linguistic attitude for refine the interpretation of the results
This research aims at investigating the constructions with adverbials in ly, based on the view of contemporaneous linguistic functionalism, such as proposed by Givón, Hopper, Thompson, Traugott, Furtado da Cunha, as well as the cognitivist notion of language, through construction grammar support upon the patterns of Goldberg and the prototypes theory. The cognitive functional approach adopted here considers the change as a proper and inherent phenomenon of language and understands the linguistic phenomenon as resulting from effective use of language. Another aspect to be considered to the realization of this study is the fact that the formation adjective + ly is a word construction mechanism really productive, which generates interests on linguistic description. In a particular way, our leading objective is to exam the constructions with adverbials in ly in the context of language in use, in its oral and written forms, looking for to apprehend the meaning multiple manifestations forged in the use. Bearing this in mind, we worked with data from the Corpus Discurso & Gramática (Natal). There are, in the data, adverbs ended in ly that take the signification of mode, as foreseen in traditional models, but there are also other significations, for instance, the modalizador in its different manifestations. The results show that this adverb is a linguistic mark that carries in its constitution the multissêmico and multifunctional character, which interferes extremely in the ordination of this category, assuming a position sometimes pre-verbal, sometimes post-verbal. Other aspect observed refers to the relationship between the adverb and the verb, with emphasis on the compatibility or restriction between them, option which is related to the semantic aspect. The data in analysis legitimate the use in different constructions with adverb ended in ly in various genres, as follows: personal experience narrative, retold narrative, local description, proceeding account, opinion account, both in oral as in written language
Settled within the realm of a problematization towards teaching and learning the Portuguese language, this study aims to investigate the way how the Portuguese Language discipline is dealt with in Secondary School. We propose specifically to analyze the orientations of the official documents concerning the educator practice, examining the way the PCNEM proposal is approached in the didactic book, identifying the treatment given to language questions, analyzing the way the teacher uses the didactic book and verifying the relations between the official approach and the pedagogical practice. The analysis takes into account the several discourses concerning school literacy, considering the various political-educational instances which institutionalize the teaching of the mother tongue - where we locate the teaching that is wanted . In what teachers and students say in their activities and concerning them - the realm of the teaching that is performed - we presuppose that there are signs of the principles - or conceptions - that orientate what they understand by language, teaching and learning. Such evidences are considered within the interrelation of the enunciative places where this literacy is promoted: the public policies concerning education - focusing the language questions - the academic researches about those questions, the educator formation and capacitation and the very school practices in the complexity of their discoursive inter-subjectivity. The principles - or conceptions - are pursued in what is said (or not) about what is done (or not) in the classroom when dealing with the Portuguese Language. The corpus is made up of oral and written texts produced in Portuguese classes in the Secondary School at a public school in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Situated in the realm of Applied Linguistics, the research is conducted in a qualitative and interpretative perspective, following the ethnography of communication procedures and the contributions of the Functional Linguistics. In the observations, language conceptions were discerned, among others, besides beliefs and representations where the theoretical and practical aspects, professional roles, expectations and uncertainties were diluted.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Este trabajo busca analizar cómo algunos aspectos presentes en la obra de ficción del escritor catalán Enrique Vila-Matas permiten pensar las prácticas de la escritura literaria contemporánea. A partir de una forma híbrida que reconsidera las relaciones tanto entre los géneros como entre los discursos crítico y de ficción, la obra del autor se propone reflexionar sobre sus propias posibilidades en el contexto sociocultural contemporáneo. De este modo, a través de una ficción que muchas veces adquiere los atributos del ensayo, Vila-Matas trae al centro de sus enredos la discusión de cuestiones relacionadas con los impases de una escritura que vuelve su atención para el destino de una tradición literaria desvinculada de los preceptos meramente mercadológicos contemporáneos. Su manera crítica de abordar la literatura y la experimentación en busca de nuevas posibilidades permite asociarlo tanto a Laurence Sterne como al proyecto literario de Jorge Luis Borges. Estos autores tienen propuestas que tratan de superar los límites del texto, ya que ahí está el deseo de acogerse a la ficción para demostrar la inestabilidad de los elementos de una cultura, apropiándose y desestabilizando los discursos y las claras distinciones entre los saberes. En este sentido, las diversas formas en que Vila- Matas se apropia de los textos de otros y construye una obra de carácter fuertemente intertextual denuncian jerarquizaciones y modos de circulación de textos que permiten aproximarse de la tensión existente entre temas como influencia, citación, prácticas de lectura y escritura
This thesis analyses the poetry of João Lins Caldas (1888-1967), in Brazilian literature context, aiming at describing and understanding the main features of his poetry. Thus, this research presents a corpus to be worked on: the poems in Poeira do céu e outros poemas (2009). Our study is characterized by a biographical, historiographical and critical tendency, by trying to organize the manuscripts of the author and biographical aspects while analyzing his poems. It is showed the relation between Brazilian poetry written by some authors, since the parnasianism and symbolism period until the twentieth century. On the one hand, our analysis is based on the ideas and criticism by Antonio Candido (2006; 2002; 1985), discussing the process of formation of Brazilian literature and the procedure to analyse poetry. It is also based on the concept of poetry and resistance, developed by Alfredo Bosi (2000; 2002), and the notion of Brazilian matter, identified by Roberto Schwarz (1987, 1997, 1999). On the other hand, this work focuses on melancholy under the theoretical ideas of authors such as Aristotle (1998), Walter Benjamin (1984), Jaime Ginzburg (1997) and Moacyr Scliar (2003). This focus on melancholy contributes to a better understanding of one of the main themes found in the poems analysed. By studying the poetry of João Lins Caldas, it was perceived the relevance of melancholy and resistance in his verses. This can be seen in his dissonant language, characterized by the broken syntax in his verses, as well as contradictory images and complex meanings in his poetry. This causes the effect of unfamiliarity on the reader. His poetry is the result of a style that finds its place in the best moment of modern Brazilian poetry and reveals its singularity through the inverted syntax with powerful themes such as love, death, pain, delusion, loss, memory, nature and God. All of them are aspects of Brazilian historicity. Finally, the work of João Lins Caldas is part of a multifaceted poetry
Esta tesis trata de cómo se desarrolla en la obra de la escritora contemporánea Nélida Piñon una especie de pensamiento cartográfico, presente desde su primer romance Guia-mapa de Gabriel Arcanjo, publicado en 1961. Para que se interprete el universo literario nelidiano, formulamos nuestro trabajo estableciendo un confronto con el texto del mito iluminado por las reflexiones de Eliade (2007; 2007b; 2008) y Meletínski (2002); con el discurso filosófico pos-estructuralista, representado principalmente por las contribuciones de Deleuze y Guattari (1995; 1996; 1997) a respecto de una geografía del nomadismo; y de Foucault (1996; 2006) sobre el orden del discurso, o nacimiento de la literatura y el ser del lenguaje. Examinadas por la lectura crítica y comparativista de esta investigación, las cartografías mito-póeticas de Piñon son presentadas al lector asociándose a una geografía de los sentimientos y al que Maffesoli (2001) denomina deseo de errância y de perdición, particularmente en las obras Tebas do Meu Coração, A República dos Sonhos, O Presumível Coração da América e Fundador. Esa última novela, publicada en 1969, por lo tanto anterior a los otros textos mencionados, servirá como corpus principal de nuestro análisis, que objetiva demostrar como la narrativa de Piñon se conecta a un linaje literario estructurado a partir de las acciones de un determinado tipo de personaje conocido como inaugurador de ciudades o héroe civilizador o cultural. En la reedición de ese arquetipo de personaje, la autora instaura el elemento de la seducción, en un juego que se establece entre los sujetos masculino y femenino y que pone de manifiesto cuestiones relacionadas al erotismo, a la transgresión y al sagrado, abordadas en nuestro discurso por las consideraciones de Baudrillard (2008) y Bataille (1987). Para que se explicite la constitución de esos puntos, realizaremos un viaje de las visiones del mundo arcaico al contemporáneo por las páginas de Fundador, apuntando de qué manera la escritora brasileña retoma las imágenes del mito cosmogónico, del mito del eterno retorno y del paraíso terreal, que se inscriben como fundamento do su texto literario
A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language written by Luís de Camões, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the Índias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Camões with the novelistic prose developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels written by Dostoiévski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Camões lies in the elaboration of a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Camões is the relative procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited, accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory adopted
This text aims to study the literary representation of homoaffectivity in short stories of Caio Fernando Abreu in the context of brazilian redemocratization, specifically in the narratives published between 1982 and 1988. To understand the relation between literature and historical context in the tales, we betake, principally, to a notion of Literature and Society, as proposed for Antonio Candido. Relating the narratives of Caio Fernando Abreu with the military dictatorship and the redemocratization processes, as well as a generational project named contraculture, we aim to verify as the search for affection for men that desire others men may be conditioned for specific socio-hystorical conditions, understanding the literary work as a privileged field of representation and comprehension of reality
Cet article étudie la poésie de l'enfance et de la mort de Manuel Bandeira, à partir de la relation entre l'expérience, le langage et le sens, afin de mettre en place une nouvelle perspective sur ce thème, qui sert de guide et structure son Estrela da vida inteira (1966). Pour cela, il faut introduire la notion de lyrique, discutée par Theodor Adorno, pendant la conférence Lírica e sociedade (1958), à promouvoir la compréhension du poète, comme c'est le cas de Bandeira, implique son art par le biais de la dimension négative face à une situation de fétichisation des choses, afin d'appréhender des expériences qui constituent la substance de la vie et l'essence de la poésie. À cette perspective de lyrique s ajoutent les concepts de l'enfance et de la mort, exploités par Giorgio Agamben, dans les oeuvres Infância e história (2005) et A linguagem e a morte (2006), étant largement favorables à la compréhension de la poétique de l'enfance chez Manuel Bandeira, comme une sorte de discours qui récupère l'idée d'expérience dans l actualité, en marquant la limite entre une expérience muette et une expérience de la langue, de même, la mort apporte des implications relatives à la négativité, comme une brèche par laquelle l'auteur explore la signification de sa lyrique et la«dénoue» des incrustations du monde réifié, pour être dans la défense du langage non contaminé par le clôturée qui entravent la conservation de la créature et la donnée originaire des choses . Cela culmine l aboutissement de la thèse, la conclusion d être la négativité la voie qui explicite, dans l oeuvre bandeirienne, la culture brésilienne non comme une totalité positivée dans une ethnie, classe ou nation, mais comme un langage qui reconstruit, avec lyrisme, le coloré mosaïque qui est le Brésil
This dissertation is a research on the marked topic construction (CT) in Brazilian personal letters from eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The goal of our research is to verify if CT are present in the writing of Brazilians born in the centuries in question. Our research focus is based on the assumptions of generative theory (CHOMSKY 1981; 1986), which states that grammar is internalized in the mind / brain of the writers, with the emphasis on studies of grammatical change, as pointed texts by Paixão de Sousa (2004), Carneiro (2005); Galves, Namiuti and Paixão de Sousa (2006) and Martins (2009). Our corpus was extracted from Projeto Para a História do Português Brasileiro (PHPB) and Cartas Brasileiras coletânea de fontes para o estudo do português. We selected forty-six correspondents who should be inserted into the two criteria set out in this research: to be Brazilian and be born in the centuries mentioned above, so that we could find legitimate topic constructions of PB. This work is based on researches by Pontes (1987), Mateus et al. (2003), Araujo (2006, 2009), Berlinck, Duarte and Oliveira (2009), which actively support us in the study of this linguistic phenomenon in Portuguese. The results show that the marked topic construction in our corpus appear on the writing of Brazilians since the second half of the eighteenth century, while the typical constructions in Brazilian Portuguese locative topic, subject topic and copy topic - are already reflected in the I-language of the writers born in the second half of the nineteenth century and the first of the twentieth century
The present work seeks essentially to demonstrate how some anthropological structures of the imaginary, theorized by the French thinker Gilbert DURAND, projected themselves in a noticeable manner in the poetic work of the Brazilian poet Orides FONTELA. Chiefly we will demonstrate with great care in what way this projection and vivification occur through an imagination that not only materializes some fundamental archetypes of the human imagination, but also seeks to organize them through original poems in its form of presenting the poetic discourse, giving here a different contribution of the mythical or religious discourse, privileged places, since always, where the symbolic functions also manifest themselves
The fictional work of the author Rubem Fonseca, since its debut in 1963, with the book of tales entitled Os Prisioneiros, it has been evoking a continuing interest in their readers and in the specialized criticism. The doctoral thesis entitled Por dentro da cidade solidão e marginalidade em Rubem Fonseca turns itself to his tale, it is considered by many as the most pungent of the author s literature. It is chosen a corpus of varied tales of the author, and still having as foundation the ideas from scholars of literary narratives, among them Antonio Candido (1980; 1987; 2006), Alfredo Bosi (1999; 2006) and still Walter Benjamin, (2000a; 2000b), the thesis discusses the contemporary Brazilian literature, more specifically the fonsequiana fiction, which exposes in an intense way the modern human condition in big cities: our dramas, inconstancies, desires and loneliness.