986 resultados para Linear Quadratic


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We present a distinguishing attack against SOBER-128 with linear masking. We found a linear approximation which has a bias of 2^− − 8.8 for the non-linear filter. The attack applies the observation made by Ekdahl and Johansson that there is a sequence of clocks for which the linear combination of some states vanishes. This linear dependency allows that the linear masking method can be applied. We also show that the bias of the distinguisher can be improved (or estimated more precisely) by considering quadratic terms of the approximation. The probability bias of the quadratic approximation used in the distinguisher is estimated to be equal to O(2^− − 51.8), so that we claim that SOBER-128 is distinguishable from truly random cipher by observing O(2^103.6) keystream words.


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In the commercial food industry, demonstration of microbiological safety and thermal process equivalence often involves a mathematical framework that assumes log-linear inactivation kinetics and invokes concepts of decimal reduction time (DT), z values, and accumulated lethality. However, many microbes, particularly spores, exhibit inactivation kinetics that are not log linear. This has led to alternative modeling approaches, such as the biphasic and Weibull models, that relax strong log-linear assumptions. Using a statistical framework, we developed a novel log-quadratic model, which approximates the biphasic and Weibull models and provides additional physiological interpretability. As a statistical linear model, the log-quadratic model is relatively simple to fit and straightforwardly provides confidence intervals for its fitted values. It allows a DT-like value to be derived, even from data that exhibit obvious "tailing." We also showed how existing models of non-log-linear microbial inactivation, such as the Weibull model, can fit into a statistical linear model framework that dramatically simplifies their solution. We applied the log-quadratic model to thermal inactivation data for the spore-forming bacterium Clostridium botulinum and evaluated its merits compared with those of popular previously described approaches. The log-quadratic model was used as the basis of a secondary model that can capture the dependence of microbial inactivation kinetics on temperature. This model, in turn, was linked to models of spore inactivation of Sapru et al. and Rodriguez et al. that posit different physiological states for spores within a population. We believe that the log-quadratic model provides a useful framework in which to test vitalistic and mechanistic hypotheses of inactivation by thermal and other processes. Copyright © 2009, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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Topology-based methods have been successfully used for the analysis and visualization of piecewise-linear functions defined on triangle meshes. This paper describes a mechanism for extending these methods to piecewise-quadratic functions defined on triangulations of surfaces. Each triangular patch is tessellated into monotone regions, so that existing algorithms for computing topological representations of piecewise-linear functions may be applied directly to the piecewise-quadratic function. In particular, the tessellation is used for computing the Reeb graph, a topological data structure that provides a succinct representation of level sets of the function.


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This paper deals with the approximate analysis of the step response of non-linear nonconservative systems by the application of ultraspherical polynomials. From the differential equations for amplitude and phase, set up by the method of variation of parameters, the approximate solutions are obtained by a generalized averaging technique based on ultraspherical polynomial expansions. The Krylov-Bogoliubov results are given by a particular set of these polynomials. The method has been applied to study the step response of a cubic spring mass system in presence of viscous, material, quadratic, and mixed types of damping. The approximate results are compared with the digital and analogue computer solutions and a close agreement has been found between the analytical and the exact results.


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In this paper, we present a wavelet - based approach to solve the non-linear perturbation equation encountered in optical tomography. A particularly suitable data gathering geometry is used to gather a data set consisting of differential changes in intensity owing to the presence of the inhomogeneous regions. With this scheme, the unknown image, the data, as well as the weight matrix are all represented by wavelet expansions, thus yielding the representation of the original non - linear perturbation equation in the wavelet domain. The advantage in use of the non-linear perturbation equation is that there is no need to recompute the derivatives during the entire reconstruction process. Once the derivatives are computed, they are transformed into the wavelet domain. The purpose of going to the wavelet domain, is that, it has an inherent localization and de-noising property. The use of approximation coefficients, without the detail coefficients, is ideally suited for diffuse optical tomographic reconstructions, as the diffusion equation removes most of the high frequency information and the reconstruction appears low-pass filtered. We demonstrate through numerical simulations, that through solving merely the approximation coefficients one can reconstruct an image which has the same information content as the reconstruction from a non-waveletized procedure. In addition we demonstrate a better noise tolerance and much reduced computation time for reconstructions from this approach.


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By using the strain smoothing technique proposed by Chen et al. (Comput. Mech. 2000; 25: 137-156) for meshless methods in the context of the finite element method (FEM), Liu et al. (Comput. Mech. 2007; 39(6): 859-877) developed the Smoothed FEM (SFEM). Although the SFEM is not yet well understood mathematically, numerical experiments point to potentially useful features of this particularly simple modification of the FEM. To date, the SFEM has only been investigated for bilinear and Wachspress approximations and is limited to linear reproducing conditions. The goal of this paper is to extend the strain smoothing to higher order elements and to investigate numerically in which condition strain smoothing is beneficial to accuracy and convergence of enriched finite element approximations. We focus on three widely used enrichment schemes, namely: (a) weak discontinuities; (b) strong discontinuities; (c) near-tip linear elastic fracture mechanics functions. The main conclusion is that strain smoothing in enriched approximation is only beneficial when the enrichment functions are polynomial (cases (a) and (b)), but that non-polynomial enrichment of type (c) lead to inferior methods compared to the standard enriched FEM (e.g. XFEM). Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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In this paper, the linear dynamics and active control of a string travelling with uniform velocity is presented. Discrete elastic supports are introduced along the length of the string. Finite element formulation is adopted to obtain the governing equations of motion. The velocity of translation introduces gyroscopic terms in the system equations. The effect of translation and the discrete elastic supports on the free vibration solution is studied. The solution is utilized in actively controlling the string vibrations due to an initial disturbance. The control, affected in modal space, is optimal with respect to a quadratic performance index. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the control strategy in regulating the travelling string vibrations.


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Linear stability and the nonmodal transient energy growth in compressible plane Couette flow are investigated for two prototype mean flows: (a) the uniform shear flow with constant viscosity, and (b) the nonuniform shear flow with stratified viscosity. Both mean flows are linearly unstable for a range of supersonic Mach numbers (M). For a given M, the critical Reynolds number (Re) is significantly smaller for the uniform shear flow than its nonuniform shear counterpart; for a given Re, the dominant instability (over all streamwise wave numbers, α) of each mean flow belongs to different modes for a range of supersonic M. An analysis of perturbation energy reveals that the instability is primarily caused by an excess transfer of energy from mean flow to perturbations. It is shown that the energy transfer from mean flow occurs close to the moving top wall for “mode I” instability, whereas it occurs in the bulk of the flow domain for “mode II.” For the nonmodal transient growth analysis, it is shown that the maximum temporal amplification of perturbation energy, Gmax, and the corresponding time scale are significantly larger for the uniform shear case compared to those for its nonuniform counterpart. For α=0, the linear stability operator can be partitioned into L∼L̅ +Re2 Lp, and the Re-dependent operator Lp is shown to have a negligibly small contribution to perturbation energy which is responsible for the validity of the well-known quadratic-scaling law in uniform shear flow: G(t∕Re)∼Re2. In contrast, the dominance of Lp is responsible for the invalidity of this scaling law in nonuniform shear flow. An inviscid reduced model, based on Ellingsen-Palm-type solution, has been shown to capture all salient features of transient energy growth of full viscous problem. For both modal and nonmodal instability, it is shown that the viscosity stratification of the underlying mean flow would lead to a delayed transition in compressible Couette flow.


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We propose a new abstract domain for static analysis of executable code. Concrete states are abstracted using circular linear progressions (CLPs). CLPs model computations using a finite word length as is seen in any real life processor. The finite abstraction allows handling overflow scenarios in a natural and straight-forward manner. Abstract transfer functions have been defined for a wide range of operations which makes this domain easily applicable for analyzing code for a wide range of ISAs. CLPs combine the scalability of interval domains with the discreteness of linear congruence domains. We also present a novel, lightweight method to track linear equality relations between static objects that is used by the analysis to improve precision. The analysis is efficient, the total space and time overhead being quadratic in the number of static objects being tracked.


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In the present article we take up the study of nonlinear localization induced base isolation of a 3 degree of freedom system having cubic nonlinearities under sinusoidal base excitation. The damping forces in the system are described by functions of fractional derivative of the instantaneous displacements, typically linear and quadratic damping are considered here separately. Under the assumption of smallness of certain system parameters and nonlinear terms an approximate estimate of the response at each degree of freedom of the system is obtained by the Method of Multiple Scales approach. We then consider a similar system where the nonlinear terms and certain other parameters are no longer small. Direct numerical simulation is made use of to obtain the amplitude plot in the frequency domain for this case, which helps us to establish the efficacy of this method of base isolation for a broad class of systems. Base isolation obtained this way has no counterpart in the linear theory.


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We have investigated quadratic nonlinearity (beta(HRS)) and linear and circular depolarization ratios (D and D', respectively) of a series of 1:1 complexes of tropyliumtetrafluoroborate as a cation and methyl-substituted benzenes as pi-donors by making polarization resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering measurements in solution. The measured D and D' values are much lower than the values expected from a typical sandwich or a T-shaped geometry of a complex. In the cation-pi complexes studied here, the D value varies from 1.36 to 1.46 and D' from 1.62 to 1.72 depending on the number of methyl substitutions on the benzene ring. In order to probe it further, beta, D and D' were computed using the Zerner intermediate neglect of differential overlap-correction vector self-consistent reaction field technique including single and double configuration interactions in the absence and presence of BF4- anion. In the absence of the anion, the calculated value of D varies from 4.20 to 4.60 and that of D' from 2.45 to 2.72 which disagree with experimental values. However, by arranging three cation-pi BF4- complexes in a trigonal symmetry, the computed values are brought to agreement with experiments. When such an arrangement was not considered, the calculated beta values were lower than the experimental values by more than a factor of two. This unprecedented influence of the otherwise ``unimportant'' anion in solution on the beta value and depolarization ratios of these cation-pi complexes is highlighted and emphasized in this paper. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4716020]


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State estimation is one of the most important functions in an energy control centre. An computationally efficient state estimator which is free from numerical instability/ill-conditioning is essential for security assessment of electric power grid. Whereas approaches to successfully overcome the numerical ill-conditioning issues have been proposed, an efficient algorithm for addressing the convergence issues in the presence of topological errors is yet to be evolved. Trust region (TR) methods have been successfully employed to overcome the divergence problem to certain extent. In this study, case studies are presented where the conventional algorithms including the existing TR methods would fail to converge. A linearised model-based TR method for successfully overcoming the convergence issues is proposed. On the computational front, unlike the existing TR methods for state estimation which employ quadratic models, the proposed linear model-based estimator is computationally efficient because the model minimiser can be computed in a single step. The model minimiser at each step is computed by minimising the linearised model in the presence of TR and measurement mismatch constraints. The infinity norm is used to define the geometry of the TR. Measurement mismatch constraints are employed to improve the accuracy. The proposed algorithm is compared with the quadratic model-based TR algorithm with case studies on the IEEE 30-bus system, 205-bus and 514-bus equivalent systems of part of Indian grid.


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A residual based a posteriori error estimator is derived for a quadratic finite element method (FEM) for the elliptic obstacle problem. The error estimator involves various residuals consisting of the data of the problem, discrete solution and a Lagrange multiplier related to the obstacle constraint. The choice of the discrete Lagrange multiplier yields an error estimator that is comparable with the error estimator in the case of linear FEM. Further, an a priori error estimate is derived to show that the discrete Lagrange multiplier converges at the same rate as that of the discrete solution of the obstacle problem. The numerical experiments of adaptive FEM show optimal order convergence. This demonstrates that the quadratic FEM for obstacle problem exhibits optimal performance.


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We first study a class of fundamental quantum stochastic processes induced by the generators of a six dimensional non-solvable Lie dagger-algebra consisting of all linear combinations of the generalized Gross Laplacian and its adjoint, annihilation operator, creation operator, conservation, and time, and then we study the quantum stochastic integrals associated with the class of fundamental quantum stochastic processes, and the quantum Ito formula is revisited. The existence and uniqueness of solution of a quantum stochastic differential equation is proved. The unitarity conditions of solutions of quantum stochastic differential equations associated with the fundamental processes are examined. The quantum stochastic calculus extends the Hudson-Parthasarathy quantum stochastic calculus. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This paper is devoted to the investigation of nonnegative solutions and the stability and asymptotic properties of the solutions of fractional differential dynamic linear time-varying systems involving delayed dynamics with delays. The dynamic systems are described based on q-calculus and Caputo fractional derivatives on any order.