983 resultados para Leonardo Sciascia


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Esta tesina trata sobre la moral y el inconsciente a partir del análisis del personaje Leonardo Villalba de la novela La Reina de las Nieves, escrita por Carmen Martín Gaite. El estudio se hace a partir de las siguientes teorías: inconsciente de Sigmund Freud; ello, yo y superyó de Sigmund Freud; inconsciente de Carl Jung. La información almacenada en el inconsciente de una persona es algo que ésta no puede contar ya que ella misma no sabe que tiene tal información. Así, al ser Leonardo narrador-protagonista en gran parte de la obra, se supone que éste sólo puede transmitir la información de la que él mismo es consciente. No obstante, Martín Gaite consigue que Leonardo transmita información que él parece desconocer, a través de su inconsciente reflejado en sueños y reflexiones que explican ideas abstractas. Esto será demostrado en el apartado de análisis. La complejidad del personaje hace que la novela no sea una simple narración de hechos, sino que parte importante de ella sean sueños, la imaginación de Leonardo, preguntas existenciales que él mismo se hace, o recuerdos de su infancia o adolescencia que son de una importancia trascendental. La Reina de las Nieves es en gran parte una reflexión sobre la moral que, unida al inconsciente, son las bases de la novela.


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EQAVET, the quality assurance tool in vocational and educational training, was developed in response to the need for a supply of a trained workforce for labour market needs. Implementation of EQAVET at national level, however, remains a challenge. The research reported here focused on the implementation of QA processes by VET providers in 4 countries: Malta, Italy, Turkey, and Sweden. Data was collected through a questionnaire with 62 VET providers. Responses showed that there is an overall commitment to quality. There is, however, little knowledge of EQAVET across the countries, with the exception of Malta. None the less, all VET providers have implemented some aspects of EQAVET, even if not always intentionally. The situation is, however, far from EQAVET being fully implemented. Reflections are made on whether the EQAVET model specifically or qualification assurance principles assurances should be promoted across Europe. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Leonardo comprendió y utilizó el auténtico método experimental un siglo antes de que Francis Bacon filosofase sobre él, y antes de que Galileo lo pusiese en práctica. Leonardo no escribió tratados metodológicos, pero en sus cuadernos de apuntes nos dejó esparcidas sus ideas. Decía que las matemáticas, la geometría y la aritmética, podían llegar a la certeza absoluta dentro de su propio ámbito, pues manejan conceptos mentales ideales de valor universal. En cambio, la verdadera ciencia (refiriéndose a las ciencias empíricas), se basa en la observación; si pudiera aplicarse a ella el razonamiento matemático podría lograrse mayor grado de certeza, siendo hoy en día, uno de los pasos fundamentales del método científico. "No hay certeza en la ciencia si no se puede aplicar una de las ciencias matemáticas". En sus apuntes, Leonardo dejó constancia de la importancia que concede al método en la investigación (adelantándose a autores de la Modernidad tales como Descartes) y los preceptos que establece en su método en nada difieren de las modernas definiciones que hoy utilizamos para hablar del método científico. Podemos ver en estos textos una clara definición de los procesos de inducción y deducción que hoy explicamos en nuestras clases de Física o Filosofía. Una de las cuestiones que aborda la presente tesis es por qué autores de reputado prestigio, historiadores de la ciencia y de la tecnología, no conceden a Leonardo su verdadero valor como Ingeniero. Por citar algunos ejemplos, gran parte del famoso libro de “Los ingenieros del Renacimiento” está dedicado a la vida de Leonardo da Vinci, su carrera de ingeniero, su lado técnico, y su "método", según Bertrand Gille, no existe. Como señala el autor, es inexistente porque Leonardo está dotado de una curiosidad inmensa que desgraciadamente lo lleva a dispersarse, lo cual le impide especializarse en ciertos sectores, y por ende, a erigir los pilares de una investigación metódica. Además, Bertrand Gille indica que, aun si Leonardo Da Vinci lega un número amplio de dibujos a la posteridad, su aporte a nivel de innovaciones técnicas fue mínimo, dado que no brindaba soluciones prácticas viables, pero quedaba de una manera u otra fijado en el espíritu de su tiempo orientado hacia el análisis y la reproducción literal de los dibujos anteriores. George Basalla, catedrático emérito de historia de la técnica en la Universidad de Delaware, publicó “La evolución de la tecnología”, en donde comentó expresamente: “La más famosa colección de máquinas visionarias del Renacimiento no se reveló al público hasta finales del siglo XIX. Estuvo oculta entre los cuaderno personales no publicados de Leonardo da Vinci […]. Muchos de estos artefactos son imposibles tal como se presentan, y pocos, si acaso alguno, influyeron en el ulterior desarrollo tecnológico; sin embargo permiten hacerse una inusual idea de la mente de un gran genio técnico y del tipo de exuberancia tecnológica que había de convertirse en uno de los rasgos distintivos de la civilización occidental”. Observamos cómo una vez más se cuestiona la figura de Leonardo como ingeniero o inventor poco más que de artefactos o artilugios imposibles. Pero que hay de verdad en tales afirmaciones. Precisamente la contestación a esta pregunta es una de las cuestiones que se abordan en la presente tesis. Gran parte de la presente tesis doctoral está dirigida a ordenar todos los temas de carácter ingenieril que Leonardo trató en sus manuscritos y de comprobar fehacientemente y documentalmente consultando las fuentes primarias (sus manuscritos) y los artículos y libros publicados de reconocidos y prestigiosos leonardistas que abordan la cuestión. Hasta qué punto se puede considerar que Leonardo fuera un ingeniero del Renacimiento. Como resumen de lo que se pretende en la presente Tesis Doctoral se enumeran los objetivos que se desean alcanzar. Objetivos: El principal y primer objetivo de la investigación sobre Leonardo es reivindicar su figura como uno de los grandes ingenieros de todas las Historia. “Ser o no ser…ingeniero…esa es la cuestión”. Identificar, analizar y ordenar los principales temas que Leonardo escribió y dibujó sobre Ingeniería Militar, Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería Hidráulica, Ingeniería Civil e Ingeniería Aeronáutica, dispersos por sus manuscritos. Reflexionar sobre la figura del ingeniero hoy día. Investigar las diferentes interpretaciones que ha tenido a lo largo de la historia y elaborar un modelo tridimensional en 3D del famoso automóvil de Leonardo, folio 812 recto del Códice Atlántico.


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Leonardo Polo ́s method is shown as a constitutive aspect of gnoseology as a rigorous philosophical discipline. This work approaches some of the difficulties of polian gnoseology that could weaken its methodical rigor. Furthermore, it is argued that some of these difficulties come out of the misinterpretation of Polo ́s ideas.


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Carlo Collodi published the chapters of the story Pinocchio in a children’s newspaper between 1880 and 1883. Since that time, Pinocchio has become universally known as a fundamental work in literature. Based on the perspectives of social psychologist Shalom H. Schwartaz and theologian Leonardo Boff, the author of this article contemplates the possibility that Pinocchio’s story allows the reader to develop greater social and moral values for living.


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Knowmore (House of Commons) is a large scale generative interactive installation that incorporates embodied interaction, dynamic image creation, new furniture forms, touch sensitivity, innovative collaborative processes and multichannel generative sound creation. A large circular table spun by hand and a computer-controlled video projection falls on its top, creating an uncanny blend of physical object and virtual media. Participants’ presence around the table and how they touch it is registered, allowing up to five people to collaboratively ‘play’ this deeply immersive audiovisual work. Set within an ecological context, the work subtly asks what kind of resources and knowledges might be necessary to move us past simply knowing what needs to be changed to instead actually embodying that change, whilst hinting at other deeply relational ways of understanding and knowing the world. The work has successfully operated in two high traffic public environments, generating a subtle form of interactivity that allows different people to interact at different paces and speeds and with differing intentions, each contributing towards dramatic public outcomes. The research field involved developing new interaction and engagement strategies for eco-political media arts practice. The context was the creation of improved embodied, performative and improvisational experiences for participants; further informed by ‘Sustainment’ theory. The central question was, what ontological shifts may be necessary to better envision and align our everyday life choices in ways that respect that which is shared by all - 'The Commons'. The methodology was primarily practice-led and in concert with underlying theories. The work’s knowledge contribution was to question how new media interactive experience and embodied interaction might prompt participants to reflect upon the kind of resources and knowledges required to move past simply knowing what needs to be changed to instead actually embodying that change. This was achieved through focusing on the power of embodied learning implied by the works' strongly physical interface (i.e. the spinning of a full size table) in concert with the complex field of layered imagery and sound. The work was commissioned by the State Library of Queensland and Queensland Artworkers Alliance and significantly funded by The Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Queensland, QUT, RMIT Centre for Animation and Interactive Media and industry partners E2E Visuals. After premiering for 3 months at the State Library of Queensland it was curated into the significant ‘Mediations Biennial of Modern Art’ in Poznan, Poland. The work formed the basis of two papers, was reviewed in Realtime (90), was overviewed at Subtle Technologies (2010) in Toronto and shortlisted for ISEA 2011 Istanbul and included in the edited book/catalogue ‘Art in Spite of Economics’, a collaboration between Leonardo/ISAST (MIT Press); Goldsmiths, University of London; ISEA International; and Sabanci University, Istanbul.


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This study explores strategic decision-making (SDM) in micro-firms, an economically significant business subsector. As extant large- and small-firm literature currently proffers an incomplete characterization of SDM in very small enterprises, a multiple-case methodology was used to investigate how these firms make strategic decisions. Eleven Australian Information Technology service micro-firms participated in the study. Using an information-processing lens, the study uncovered patterns of SDM in micro-firms and derived a theoretical micro-firm SDM model. This research also identifies several implications for micro-firm management and directions for future research, contributing to the understanding of micro-firm SDM in both theory and practice.


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We discuss issues and opportunities for designing experiences with 3D simulations of nature where the landscape and the interactant engage in an equitable dialogue. We consider the way digital representations of the world and design habits tend to detach from corporeal dimensions in experiencing the natural world and perpetuate motifs in games that reflect taming, territorializing or defending ourselves from nature. We reflect on the Digital Songlines project, which translates the schema of indigenous people to construct a natural environment, and the inherent difficulty in cross-culturally representing inter-connectedness. This leads us to discuss insights into the use of natural features by western people in cultural transmission and in their experiences in natural places. We propose McCarthy and Wright's dialogical approach may reconcile conceptions of place and self in design and conclude by considering experiments in which designers digitally reconstruct their own corporeal experience in natural physical landscape.


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In recent years there has been widespread interest in patterns, perhaps provoked by a realisation that they constitute a fundamental brain activity and underpin many artificial intelligence systems. Theorised concepts of spatial patterns including scale, proportion, and symmetry, as well as social and psychological understandings are being revived through digital/parametric means of visualisation and production. The effect of pattern as an ornamental device has also changed from applied styling to mediated dynamic effect. The interior has also seen patterned motifs applied to wall coverings, linen, furniture and artefacts with the effect of enhancing aesthetic appreciation, or in some cases causing psychological and/or perceptual distress (Rodemann 1999). ----- ----- While much of this work concerns a repeating array of surface treatment, Philip Ball’s The Self- Made Tapestry: Pattern Formation in Nature (1999) suggests a number of ways that patterns are present at the macro and micro level, both in their formation and disposition. Unlike the conventional notion of a pattern being the regular repetition of a motif (geometrical or pictorial) he suggests that in nature they are not necessarily restricted to a repeating array of identical units, but also include those that are similar rather than identical (Ball 1999, 9). From his observations Ball argues that they need not necessarily all be the same size, but do share similar features that we recognise as typical. Examples include self-organized patterns on a grand scale such as sand dunes, or fractal networks caused by rivers on hills and mountains, through to patterns of flow observed in both scientific experiments and the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci.


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This chapter reviews common barriers to community engagement for Latino youth and suggests ways to move beyond those barriers by empowering them to communicate their experiences, address the challenges they face, and develop recommendations for making their community more youth-friendly. As a case study, this chapter describes a program called Youth FACE IT (Youth Fostering Active Community Engagement for Integration and Transformation)in Boulder County, Colorado. The program enables Latino youth to engage in critical dialogue and participate in a community-based initiative. The chapter concludes by explaining specific strategies that planners can use to support active community engagement and develop a future generation of planners and engaged community members that reflects emerging demographics.


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Analysis of Wikipedia's inter-language links provides insight into a new mechanism of knowledge sharing and linking worldwide.


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The interactive art system +-NOW captures moments in the past and present for dreamy, reflective play. It is composed of sand, imagery and interaction. This paper traces the creative process from initial landscape studies to museum installation in 2008. Key design concepts discussed include the origin and use of sand and emergence.