929 resultados para Língua inglesa Aquisição


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O presente trabalho configura um estudo sobre o emprego das pausas preenchidas eh () e uh () por brasileiros falantes de ingls como língua estrangeira em entrevistas do Teste de Profi cincia Oral em Língua Inglesa (TEPOLI). O estudo fundamenta-se sobre a teoria da Fonologia Prosdica de Nespor e Vogel (1986) e sobre os estudos de pausas preenchidas e o conceito de fluncia de Moniz (2006), Merlo (2006) e Scarpa (1995). A investigao compe-se de um olhar triplo: analisamos a escolha de eh e uh como sons preenchedores; investigamos os contextos prosdicos das pausas preenchidas; e examinamos a motivao cognitivo-discursiva para a insero dessas pausas preenchidas. Os dados embasam uma reflexo sobre o conceito de fluncia e oferecem maior poder descritivo escala do teste, contribuindo, portanto, para seus estudos de validade e confiabilidade.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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The main objective of this work is to describe conceptions and practices of evaluation observed at a private language school. The theoretical background was gathered from Demo (2002a, 2002b), Luckesi (2001), Romo (2001), Shohamy (2001), Hughes (1994) and Depresbiteris (1989). Regarding the data collected, we made use of questionnaires, interviews, group discussions and diaries. Results show that the topics fear of test and test content were the most frequent ones. Furthermore, there was a harmonious relationship between teacher and students when tests were applied. We observed a non-verbal agreement between them, that is, there was a minimum content to be studied and to be asked on a test. We also noticed that classroom activities had a more complex level than the content actually tested.


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This research, theoretically founded on Corpus Linguistics and Phraseology, has the purpose of extracting and analyzing general language and specialized collocations in the medical field, taken from a parallel corpus comprised of transcriptions of the TV serial Greys Anatomy. Based on this extraction, it is proposed a compilation of a bilingual glossary, so that the referred material can be used by learner translators as well as English language teachers.


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This paper analyzes voicing occurrences on the coda of Portuguese and English words pronounced by Brazilian speakers. The aim of this kind of analysis is to describe how voicing occurrences affect the realization and perception of foreign words. It was noted that there is a recurrence on the use of unvoiced coda in Portuguese, which was assumed to happen also in English when Brazilian Portuguese speakers uses it as a second language. The recordings were analyzed through Praat, software that generates waveforms and spectrograms, allowing segments to be divided and phonetically transcribed. The analysis proved the assumption to be true, concluding that speakers who had their speeches recorded produced unvoiced codas in fact. Conclusions concerning this take into consideration that, considering how minimal pairs in English can be produced based on coda voicing, there is a possible communication difficulty Brazilians may face due to this fact. But it goes by unnoticed, because this process sounds so natural it hardly is taken as a problem source


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo observar a presena de palavras de origem inglesa em dicionrios do Portugus Brasileiro relacionando este fato com a atual identificao do brasileiro com a cultura norteamericana como consequncia da importncia dos EUA no cenrio mundial nas ltimas dcadas. Neste estudo, notou-se que as palavras estrangeiras passam por um perodo de observao pelos lexicgrafos antes de serem finalmente inseridas em importantes obras de referncia da língua portuguesa. Observou-se tambm que, quando inseridas nos dicionrios, as palavras inglesas so encontradas em diferentes tipos de verbetes: alguns trazem transcrio fontica, por exemplo, outros no. Alm disso, muitos verbetes no indicam se a palavra ainda pode ser considerada estrangeira língua portuguesa ou se j se encontra aportuguesada. Dessa forma, podemos concluir que no h um padro de entrada para palavras estrangeiras em dicionrios do Portugus Brasileiro e que vem sendo uma tarefa difcil para os lexicgrafos encontrar um modelo de verbete que melhor atenda as necessidades das pessoas. Por fim, esta pesquisa comprovou que fatores extralingusticos e culturais so importantes para que se decida se uma palavra estrangeira deve ou no estar presente em um dicionrio do Portugus Brasileiro.


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Teaching foreign languages, especially English, has been highly valued and widespread in Brazil in recent decades; so many schools now offer it from the earliest grades of Elementary school or already in kindergarten. This fact can be observed mainly through the spread of bilingual schools and private ones in which individuals begin language instruction as earlier as possible. In this article we report the experience developed in the project Oficina de Ingls para crianas, conducted at a Child Care Unit in So Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), and that had counted with the use of various pedagogical materials with the goal of providing a first contact of children with the English Language through a fun and enjoyable way.


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Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Ps-graduao em Estudos Lingusticos - IBILCE


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Línguas so fenmenos ligados ao ser humano e so habilidades criadas pelas sociedades humanas. Segundo o linguista norte-americano, Noam Chomsky, quando estudamos a linguagem humana, aproximamo-nos do que poderamos chamar de essncia humana - as distintivas qualidades do pensamento que so nicas para os homens. Assim como Chomsky, o pensador Lev Vygotsky, tambm sustentou a ideia de que a linguagem serve essencialmente para a expresso do pensamento. Considerando tais pressupostos, este trabalho aborda as razes da língua e busca demonstrar como a Língua Inglesa no s envolve conhecimentos de pronncia, vocabulrio, gramtica etc., como abrange a discusso de fatores culturais e antropolgicos como indica o filsofo Josef Pieper e o linguista David Crystal. Aps uma discusso terica, analisa-se o caso do ingls e de sua dualidade.


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We live in a world inherently influenced by technology and in which education is immersed in realities made possible by the support of digital technologies, such as electronic mobile devices. Thus, the general aim of this study lies in mapping and analysing the influence of mobile devices on teaching, especially with reference to learning the English language. The specific aims are to investigate how the use of mobile devices is present in the research participants practices, consider whether such use is beneficial, according to the students, to the English language learning as well as mapping how the use of mobile devices favours the normalisation stage, taken in this research as a complex process.The theoretical background of this study includes the premises of the Paradigm of Complexity, especially concerning the acquisition of a second language, as well as the precepts of Normalisation, which is related to the total integration of digital technologies into the English teaching and learning process in such a way that they become invisible, and the theories of language learning mediated by computers and mobile devices. Methodologically, this is an ethnographic qualitative research and its context is a language institute located in the Tringulo Mineiro region. In addition to students from five groups in the institution, two teachers and an administrative assistant participated in the survey. Data was collected through an online questionnaire, learning reports produced by students and interviews with teachers and administrative staff. The analyses indicate that mobile devices are present in the daily practices of English learners, but these uses, in most cases, are carried out through the teacher's encouragement. Moreover, despite having positive sayings on the role of digital technologies in the process of English teaching and learning, there is, among students and teachers, a dichotomy between saying and doing about the learning contexts considered valid. Additionally, the use of mobile devices in the English learning process is not yet established as a normalised issue because the process of integration of technology in teaching is still ruled by traditional uses of the technology. I conclude that the use of mobile devices in the English learning process is still not normalised, because even if students use their mobile devices every day, they generally do not realize the affordances of such use as possibilities to learn English.