1000 resultados para Klinger, Max, 1857-1920
Consider a wireless sensor network (WSN) where a broadcast from a sensor node does not reach all sensor nodes in the network; such networks are often called multihop networks. Sensor nodes take sensor readings but individual sensor readings are not very important. It is important however to compute aggregated quantities of these sensor readings. The minimum and maximum of all sensor readings at an instant are often interesting because they indicate abnormal behavior, for example if the maximum temperature is very high then it may be that a fire has broken out. We propose an algorithm for computing the min or max of sensor reading in a multihop network. This algorithm has the particularly interesting property of having a time complexity that does not depend on the number of sensor nodes; only the network diameter and the range of the value domain of sensor readings matter.
Penélope. Fazer e desfazer a história, n.14, pág.43-91
The method, site, and stage of multiplication of Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) rangeli Tejera, 1920 has not hitherto been known. "We have now observed many intracellular nests or pseudocysts, containing amastigotes and trypomastigotes of this parasite in the heart, liver, and spleen of suckling (5.0 g) male white mice (NMRI strain) inoculated i.p. with 9 x 10(4) metatrypomastigotes/g body weight from a 12-day-old culture of the "Dog-82" strain of T. rangeli. At the peak of parasitemia (1.9 x 10(6) trypomastigotes/ml blood, 3 days post-inoculation) various tissues were taken for sectioning and staining. The heart was most intensely parasitized. The amastigotes were rounded or ellipsoidal, with a rounded nucleus and the kinetoplast in the form of a straight or curved bar; the average maximum diameter of 50 measured amastigotes was 4.2 p. Binary fission was seen in the nucleus and kinetoplast of some amastigotes; no blood trypomastigotes were seen in division. The above characteristics, as well as the location of the pseudocysts in the tissues, are similar to T. cruzi. Comparison of these results with those reported for other Herpetosoma suggest study of the taxonomic position of T. rangeli.
Male mice (NMRI strain) of 3 and 5 g were inoculated i. p. with 8 x 10(6) and 9 x 10(4) metatrypomastigotes/g harvested from a 12-day-old LIT culture of Trypanosoma rangeli of the "Dog-82" strain. At regular intervals after inoculation, the animals were sacrificed and portions of heart, liver, spleen, lung, thigh, kidney, stomach, intestine, brain, sternum, and vertebral column were embedded in paraffin, sectioned, and stained with haematoxylin-eosin and Giemsa colophonium. Pathology was encountered in the first five tissues cited above. The subcutaneous, periosteal, interstitial, and peribronchial connective tissues, and later the muscle cells of the heart, were heavily parasitized by amastigotes and trypomastigotes. The possible reasons for the decrease in tissue parasitosis at the same time that the parasitemia is reaching its peak, and for the low level of inflammation in the parasitized tissues, are discussed. The observations of other workers, as well as the results described here, indicate that certain strains of T. rangeli under certain conditions may well cause pathological alterations in mammals.
During a recent field work on the southern coast of the island of Santa Maria (Azores) a bulk sample of 37 shells and 25 fragments of Leptaxis vetusta was assembled from Late Pleistocene and Holocene slope deposits outcropping in the area. These specimens are the first of this rare subfossil species to be mentioned since the original descriptions of Arthur Morelet and Henri Drouet (1857). The purposes of our paper are a systematic and biometric description of L. vestuta. For the first time, the original type: locality was localized with accuracy over the southern downslopes of Pico do Facho, between Figueiral and Prainha. The subfossil specimens were collected in slope deposits and detritic fans, overlying a fossiliferous marine deposit situated over the 2-3 m abrasion platform of Praia and Prainha bay. The age and factors associated to the extinction of this species are discussed, including the destruction of the original laurel cover and the colonization by Otala lactea (Muller, 1774), a continental helicid introduced and widespread in Santa Maria.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências Musicais
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História da Arte Contemporânea (Séculos XIX-XX)
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciência Política, especialidade de Teoria e Análise Política.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
To study the influence of host age, inoculum size, and route of infection on Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) rangeli, 12 lots of 6.0 g albino mice (NMRI strain) were infected up. with from 25x10¹ to 25x10(6) trypomastigotes/gram body weight harvested from LIT medium. The lower inocula produced low but persistent parasitemias, while the higher inocula produced high levels of parasitemia that fell quickly, suggesting the mobilization of resistance mechanisms. In other experiments, i.p. inoculation produced higher parasitemias than s.c. inoculation, and 6.0 g mice had higher parasitemias than 16.0 or 26.0 g mice. Thus, a standard methodology would seem to be necessary in the study of the various strains and/or species that may make up the T. rangeli complex.
Dissertação realizada em co-tutela para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em História, Filosofia e Património da Ciência e da Tecnologia(na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa) e em História Cultural(na Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris 3, École doctorale 267 - Arts & Médias; Centre de Recherches sur le Lien Social
As coleções de Entomolologia Sistemática do Instituto nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA) em Manaus, Brasil, no momento, contém aproximadamente 16.350 exemplares de invertebrados e vertebrados identificados, representando 330a espécies e incluindo 692 tipos que foram depositados entre 1940 e 1982 por pesquisadores e associados do Instituto Max-Planck de Limnologia em Plön, Alemanha Ocidental.
Através da comparação das ideias de três grandes teóricos da política no conturbado contexto da República de Weimar, esta dissertação pretende reconsiderar a crise da legitimidade política na modernidade tardia. Tal crise é concebida tanto em sentido estrito, enquanto crise das democracias liberais perante os efeitos de rápidas mudanças sociais e a emergência da política de massas, como em sentido lato, ou seja, enquanto crise dos alicerces político-intelectuais da era moderna. Nessa medida, veremos como os juízos de Weber, Kelsen e Schmitt não se limitam a veicular veredictos contrastantes sobre a democracia de massas, o parlamentarismo e os partidos políticos, remetendo também para narrativas distintas sobre o destino do homem moderno – narrativas que oscilam entre o optimismo moderado, a ambivalência e a reacção hostil.
v.146=ser.4:v.16 (1920) [no.8830-8873]