924 resultados para Java programming language
Neste trabalho, foi desenvolvido um simulador numérico baseado no método livre de malhas Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) para a resolução de escoamentos de fluidos newtonianos incompressíveis. Diferentemente da maioria das versões existentes deste método, o código numérico faz uso de uma técnica iterativa na determinação do campo de pressões. Este procedimento emprega a forma diferencial de uma equação de estado para um fluido compressível e a equação da continuidade a fim de que a correção da pressão seja determinada. Uma versão paralelizada do simulador numérico foi implementada usando a linguagem de programação C/C++ e a Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) da NVIDIA Corporation. Foram simulados três problemas, o problema unidimensional do escoamento de Couette e os problemas bidimensionais do escoamento no interior de uma Cavidade (Shear Driven Cavity Problem) e da Quebra de Barragem (Dambreak).
A presente dissertação trata da estipulação de limite de crédito para empresas clientes, de modo automático, com o uso de técnicas de Inteligência Computacional, especificamente redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Na análise de crédito as duas situações mais críticas são a liberação do crédito, de acordo com o perfil do cliente, e a manutenção deste limite ao longo do tempo de acordo com o histórico do cliente. O objeto desta dissertação visa a automação da estipulação do limite de crédito, implementando uma RNA que possa aprender com situações já ocorridas com outros clientes de perfil parecido e que seja capaz de tomar decisões baseando-se na política de crédito apreendida com um Analista de Crédito. O objetivo é tornar o sistema de crédito mais seguro para o credor, pois uma análise correta de crédito de um cliente reduz consideravelmente os índices de inadimplência e mantém as vendas num patamar ótimo. Para essa análise, utilizouse a linguagem de programação VB.Net para o sistema de cadastro e se utilizou do MatLab para treinamento das RNAs. A dissertação apresenta um estudo de caso, onde mostra a forma de aplicação deste software para a análise de crédito. Os resultados obtidos aplicando-se as técnicas de RNAs foram satisfatórias indicando um caminho eficiente para a determinação do limite de crédito.
This article investigates how to use UK probabilistic climate-change projections (UKCP09) in rigorous building energy analysis. Two office buildings (deep plan and shallow plan) are used as case studies to demonstrate the application of UKCP09. Three different methods for reducing the computational demands are explored: statistical reduction (Finkelstein-Schafer [F-S] statistics), simplification using degree-day theory and the use of metamodels. The first method, which is based on an established technique, can be used as reference because it provides the most accurate information. However, it is necessary to automatically choose weather files based on F-S statistic by using computer programming language because thousands of weather files created from UKCP09 weather generator need to be processed. A combination of the second (degree-day theory) and third method (metamodels) requires only a relatively small number of simulation runs, but still provides valuable information to further implement the uncertainty and sensitivity analyses. The article also demonstrates how grid computing can be used to speed up the calculation for many independent EnergyPlus models by harnessing the processing power of idle desktop computers. © 2011 International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA).
We present a new online psycholinguistic resource for Greek based on analyses of written corpora combined with text processing technologies developed at the Institute for Language & Speech Processing (ILSP), Greece. The "ILSP PsychoLinguistic Resource" (IPLR) is a freely accessible service via a dedicated web page, at http://speech.ilsp.gr/iplr. IPLR provides analyses of user-submitted letter strings (words and nonwords) as well as frequency tables for important units and conditions such as syllables, bigrams, and neighbors, calculated over two word lists based on printed text corpora and their phonetic transcription. Online tools allow retrieval of words matching user-specified orthographic or phonetic patterns. All results and processing code (in the Python programming language) are freely available for noncommercial educational or research use. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
This thesis mainly studies the technologies of 3-D seismic visualization and Graphic User Interface of seismic processing software. By studying Computer Graphics and 3-D geological modeling, the author designs and implements the visualization module of seismic data processing software using OpenGL and Motif. Setting seismic visualization flow as the subject, NURBS surface approximation and Delaunay Triangulation as the two different methods, the thesis discusses the key algorithms and technologies of seismic visualization and attempts to apply Octree Space Partitioning and Mip Mapping to enhance system performance. According to the research mentioned above, in view of portability and scalability, the author adopts Object-oriented Analysis and Object-oriented Design, uses standard C++ as programming language, OpenGL as 3-D graphics library and Motif as GUI developing tool to implement the seismic visualization framework on SGI Irix platform. This thesis also studies the solution of fluid equations in porous media. 2-D alternating direction implicit procedure has been turned into 3-D successive over relaxation iteration, which possesses such virtues as faster computing speed, faster convergence rate, better adaptability to heterogeneous media and less memory demanding.
This thesis presents SodaBot, a general-purpose software agent user-environment and construction system. Its primary component is the basic software agent --- a computational framework for building agents which is essentially an agent operating system. We also present a new language for programming the basic software agent whose primitives are designed around human-level descriptions of agent activity. Via this programming language, users can easily implement a wide-range of typical software agent applications, e.g. personal on-line assistants and meeting scheduling agents. The SodaBot system has been implemented and tested, and its description comprises the bulk of this thesis.
Many search problems are commonly solved with combinatoric algorithms that unnecessarily duplicate and serialize work at considerable computational expense. There are techniques available that can eliminate redundant computations and perform remaining operations concurrently, effectively reducing the branching factors of these algorithms. This thesis applies these techniques to the problem of parsing natural language. The result is an efficient programming language that can reduce some of the expense associated with principle-based parsing and other search problems. The language is used to implement various natural language parsers, and the improvements are compared to those that result from implementing more deterministic theories of language processing.
MIT Scheme is an implementation of the Scheme programming language that runs on many popular workstations. The MIT Scheme Reference Manual describes the special forms, procedures, and datatypes provided by the implementation for use by application programmers.
How can one represent the meaning of English sentences in a formal logical notation such that the translation of English into this logical form is simple and general? This report answers this question for a particular kind of meaning, namely quantifier scope, and for a particular part of the translation, namely the syntactic influence on the translation. Rules are presented which predict, for example, that the sentence: Everyone in this room speaks at least two languages. has the quantifier scope AE in standard predicate calculus, while the sentence: At lease two languages are spoken by everyone in this room. has the quantifier scope EA. Three different logical forms are presented, and their translation rules are examined. One of the logical forms is predicate calculus. The translation rules for it were developed by Robert May (May 19 77). The other two logical forms are Skolem form and a simple computer programming language. The translation rules for these two logical forms are new. All three sets of translation rules are shown to be general, in the sense that the same rules express the constraints that syntax imposes on certain other linguistic phenomena. For example, the rules that constrain the translation into Skolem form are shown to constrain definite np anaphora as well. A large body of carefully collected data is presented, and used to assess the empirical accuracy of each of the theories. None of the three theories is vastly superior to the others. However, the report concludes by suggesting that a combination of the two newer theories would have the greatest generality and the highest empirical accuracy.
Act2 is a highly concurrent programming language designed to exploit the processing power available from parallel computer architectures. The language supports advanced concepts in software engineering, providing high-level constructs suitable for implementing artificially-intelligent applications. Act2 is based on the Actor model of computation, consisting of virtual computational agents which communicate by message-passing. Act2 serves as a framework in which to integrate an actor language, a description and reasoning system, and a problem-solving and resource management system. This document describes issues in Act2's design and the implementation of an interpreter for the language.
"The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" is the entry-level subject in Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is required of all students at MIT who major in Electrical Engineering or in Computer Science, as one fourth of the "common core curriculum," which also includes two subjects on circuits and linear systems and a subject on the design of digital systems. We have been involved in the development of this subject since 1978, and we have taught this material in its present form since the fall of 1980 to approximately 600 students each year. Most of these students have had little or no prior formal training in computation, although most have played with computers a bit and a few have had extensive programming or hardware design experience. Our design of this introductory Computer Science subject reflects two major concerns. First we want to establish the idea that a computer language is not just a way of getting a computer to perform operations, but rather that it is a novel formal medium for expressing ideas about methodology. Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. Secondly, we believe that the essential material to be addressed by a subject at this level, is not the syntax of particular programming language constructs, nor clever algorithms for computing particular functions of efficiently, not even the mathematical analysis of algorithms and the foundations of computing, but rather the techniques used to control the intellectual complexity of large software systems.
ISBN: 3-540-76198-5 (out of print)
Implementations are presented of two common algorithms for integer factorization, Pollard’s “p – 1” method and the SQUFOF method. The algorithms are implemented in the F# language, a functional programming language developed by Microsoft and officially released for the first time in 2010. The algorithms are thoroughly tested on a set of large integers (up to 64 bits in size), running both on a physical machine and a Windows Azure machine instance. Analysis of the relative performance between the two environments indicates comparable performance when taking into account the difference in computing power. Further analysis reveals that the relative performance of the Azure implementation tends to improve as the magnitudes of the integers increase, indicating that such an approach may be suitable for larger, more complex factorization tasks. Finally, several questions are presented for future research, including the performance of F# and related languages for more efficient, parallelizable algorithms, and the relative cost and performance of factorization algorithms in various environments, including physical hardware and commercial cloud computing offerings from the various vendors in the industry.