437 resultados para Interrogation


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在分析和综合其他数据处理方案优缺点的基础上,提出了一种基于分区查表法的有效数据处理方案.该方案先确定待处理的电压商值在三段近似线性曲线上所属区域,再执行查表法将其和微应变量一一对应.这种处理方案不但解决了传统单匹配解调技术中的双值和可测试范围小的问题,而且提高了测试准确度.根据实验结果,采用普通的光纤光栅对,系统可传感的应变范围可达525 με,准确度可达±1 με.


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Two fiber grating sensors for high-temperature measurements are proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The interrogation technologies of the sensor systems are all simple, low cost but effective. In the first sensor system, the sensor head is comprised of one fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and two metal rods. The lengths of the rods are different from each other. The coefficients of thermal expansion of the rods are also different from each other. The FBG will be strained by the sensor head when the temperature to be measured changes. The temperature is measured based on the wavelength-shifts of the FBG induced by the strain. In the second sensor system, a long-period fiber grating (LPG) is used as the high-temperature sensor head. The LPG is very-high-temperature stable CO2-Aaser-induced grating and has a linear function of wavelength-temperature in the range of 0 - 800 degrees C. A dynamic range of 0 - 800 degrees C and a resolution of 1 degrees C have been obtained by either the first or the second sensor system. The experimental results agree with theoretical analyses. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor for the measurement of high temperature is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The interrogation system of the sensor system is simple, low cost but effective. The sensor head is comprised of one FBG and two metal rods. The lengths of the rods are different from each other. The coefficients of thermal expansion of the rods are also different from each other. The FBG will be strained by the sensor head when the temperature to be measured changes. The temperature is measured basis of the wavelength shifts of the FBG induced by strain. A dynamic range of 0-800 degrees C and a resolution of 1 degrees C have been obtained by the sensor system. The experiment results agree with theoretical analyses. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor system based on an interrogating technique by two parallel matched gratings was designed and theoretically discussed. With an interrogation grating playing the role of temperature compensation grating simultaneously, the wavelength drifts induced by temperature and strain were discriminated. Additionally, the expressions of temperature and strain were deduced for our solution, and dual-value problem and cross sensitivity were solved synchronously through data processing. The influence of the FBG's parameters on the dynamic range and precision was discussed. Besides, the change of environment temperature cannot influence the dynamic range of the sensor system through temperature tuning. The system proposed in this paper will be of great significance to accelerate the real engineering applications of FBG sensing techniques. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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[ES]Al escuchar la palabra interrogatorio, lo que normalmente sucede es que las personas asocien dicho término con el interrogatorio realizado por parte de la policía, debido a la gran cantidad de películas basadas en este tipo de interrogatorio. Lo que se ha pretendido a través de este trabajo es el estudio y análisis de las características y funciones que generalmente invaden el interrogatorio judicial, así como el examen de las distintas técnicas posibles a llevar a cabo para la consecución de su fin: la verdad sobre los hechos probados. Además, se ha querido subrayar la importancia e influencia que tiene la ciencia de la psicología en este campo, estableciendo y exponiendo diferentes claves psicológicas para realizar de una mejor manera el trabajo del abogado en el acto del interrogatorio judicial, ya que, aun siendo imprescindible el conocimiento de la ciencia del Derecho, ha de tenerse muy en cuenta y de hecho, no olvidarse de la ciencia de la Psicología.


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Ensaio não destrutivo é uma ferramenta essencial quando um equipamento, dispositivo ou componente não pode ser submetido a procedimentos destrutivos ou invasivos devido a razões de segurança, alto custo ou outras restrições físicas ou logísticas. Dentro deste quadro radiografias por transmissão com raios gama e nêutrons térmicos são técnicas singulares para inspecionar um objeto e desvendar sua estrutura interna devido à capacidade de atravessar uma vasta gama de materiais utilizados na indústria. Grosso modo, raios gama são mais atenuados por materiais pesados enquanto nêutrons térmicos são mais atenuados por materiais mais leves, tornando-as ferramentas complementares. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados obtidos na inspeção de vários componentes mecânicos, através da radiografia por transmissão com nêutrons térmicos e raios gama. O fluxo de nêutrons térmicos de 4,46x105 n.cm-2.s-1 disponível no canal principal do reator de pesquisa Argonauta do Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear foi usado como fonte para as imagens radiográficas com nêutrons. Raios dekeV emitidos pelo 198Au, também produzido no reator, foram usados como fonte de radiação para radiografias . Imaging Plates, especificamente produzidos para operar com nêutrons térmicos ou com raios X, foram empregados como detectores e dispositivos de armazenamento e captação de imagens para cada uma dessas radiações. Esses dispositivos exibem varias vantagens quando comparados ao filme radiográfico convencional. Com efeito, além de maior sensibilidade e serem reutilizáveis não são necessários câmaras escuras e processamento químico para a revelação. Em vez disso, ele é lido por um feixe de laser que libera elétrons armadilhados na rede cristalina durante a exposição à radiação, fornecendo uma imagem final digital. O desempenho de ambos os sistemas de aquisição de imagens, assim constituído, foi avaliado com respeito à sensibilidade, resolução espacial, linearidade e range dinâmico, incluído uma comparação com sistemas radiográficos com nêutrons empregando filmes e folhas de gadolínio como conversor de nêutrons em partículas carregadas. Além desta caracterização, diversos equipamentos e componentes foram radiografados com ambos os sistemas visando-se avaliar suas capacidades de desvendar a estrutura interna desses objetos e detectar estruturas e estados anormais. Dentro desta abordagem, uma neutrongrafia detectou a presença de material cerâmico remanescente empregado como molde no processo de fabricação nos canais de refrigeração de uma aleta do estator de uma turbina tipo turbo-fan, que deveria estar livre desse material. O reostato danificado de um sensor de pressão automotivo, foi identificado por neutrongrafia, embora nesse caso a radiografia também conseguiu realizar essa tarefa com melhor resolução, corroborando assim as curvas de resolução espacial obtidas na caracterização dos dois sistemas. A homogeneidade da distribuição do material encapsulado em uma gaxeta explosiva de chumbo utilizada na indústria aeroespacial foi igualmente verificada por neutrongrafia porque esse metal é relativamente transparente para nêutrons, mas suficientemente opaco para o explosivo rico em hidrogênio. Diversos outros instrumentos e componentes tais como variômetro, altímetro, bússola aeronáutica, injetor automotivo de combustível, foto-camera, disco rígido de computador, motor de passo, conectores eletrônicos e projéteis foram radiografados com ambos os sistemas visando avaliar suas habilidades em desvendar diferentes peculiaridades em função do agente interrogador.


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A wide area and error free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system based on the use of multiple antennas used in cooperation to provide high quality ubiquitous coverage, is presented. The system uses an intelligent distributed antenna system (DAS) whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antenna pairs are used to allow greatly improved multiple tag identification performance over wide areas. The system is shown to increase the read accuracy of 115 passive UHF RFID tags to 100% from <60% over a 10m × 8m open plan office area. The returned signal strength of the tag backscatter signals is also increased by an average of 10dB and 17dB over an area of 10m 8m and 10m × 4m respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the DAS RFID system has improved immunity to tag orientation. Finally, the new system is also shown to increase the tag read speed/rate of a population of tags compared with a conventional RFID system. © 2012 IEEE.


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In order to better understand the stratified combustion, the propagation of flame through stratified mixture field in laminar and turbulent flow conditions has been studied by using combined PIV/PLIF techniques. A great emphasis was placed on developing methods to improve the accuracy of local measurements of flame propagation. In particular, a new PIV approach has been developed to measure the local fresh gas velocity near preheat zone of flame front. To improve the resolution of measurement, the shape of interrogation window has been continuously modified based on the local flame topology and gas expansion effect. Statistical analysis of conditioned local measurements by the local equivalence ratio of flames allows the characterization of the properties of flame propagation subjected to the mixture stratification in laminar and turbulent flows, especially the highlight of the memory effect.


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This paper presents a long range and effectively error-free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system. The system is based on a novel technique whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antennas are used to enable greatly enhanced tag detection performance over longer distances using antenna diversity combined with frequency and phase hopping. The novel technique is first theoretically modelled using a Rician fading channel. It is shown that conventional RFID systems suffer from multi-path fading resulting in nulls in radio environments. We, for the first time, demonstrate that the nulls can be moved around by varying the phase and frequency of the interrogation signals in a multi-antenna system. As a result, much enhanced coverage can be achieved. A proof of principle prototype RFID system is built based on an Impinj R2000 transceiver. The demonstrator system shows that the new approach improves the tag detection accuracy from <50% to 100% and the tag backscatter signal strength by 10dB over a 20 m x 9 m area, compared with a conventional switched multi-antenna RFID system.


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A wide area and error free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system based on the use of multiple antennas used in cooperation to provide high quality ubiquitous coverage, is presented. The system uses an intelligent distributed antenna system (DAS) whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antenna pairs are used to allow greatly improved multiple tag identification performance over wide areas. The system is shown to increase the read accuracy of 115 passive UHF RFID tags to 100% from <60% over a 10m x 8m open plan office area. The returned signal strength of the tag backscatter signals is also increased by an average of 10dB and 17dB over an area of 10m x 8m and 10m x 4m respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the DAS RFID system has improved immunity to tag orientation. Finally, the new system is also shown to increase the tag read speed/rate of a population of tags compared with a conventional RFID system.


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Two adaptive numerical modelling techniques have been applied to prediction of fatigue thresholds in Ni-base superalloys. A Bayesian neural network and a neurofuzzy network have been compared, both of which have the ability to automatically adjust the network's complexity to the current dataset. In both cases, despite inevitable data restrictions, threshold values have been modelled with some degree of success. However, it is argued in this paper that the neurofuzzy modelling approach offers real benefits over the use of a classical neural network as the mathematical complexity of the relationships can be restricted to allow for the paucity of data, and the linguistic fuzzy rules produced allow assessment of the model without extensive interrogation and examination using a hypothetical dataset. The additive neurofuzzy network structure means that redundant inputs can be excluded from the model and simple sub-networks produced which represent global output trends. Both of these aspects are important for final verification and validation of the information extracted from the numerical data. In some situations neurofuzzy networks may require less data to produce a stable solution, and may be easier to verify in the light of existing physical understanding because of the production of transparent linguistic rules. © 1999 Elsevier Science S.A.


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This tunable holographic sensor offers interrogation and a reporting transducer as well as an analyte-responsive hydrogel, rendering it label-free and reusable. A single 6 ns laser pulse is used to fabricate holographic sensors consisting of silver nanoparticles arranged periodically within a polymer film. The tunability of the sensor is demonstrated through pH sensing of artificial urine and validated through computational modeling. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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A detailed study on analyzing the crosstalk in a wavelength division multiplexed fiber laser sensor array system based on a digital phase generated carrier interferometric interrogation scheme is reported. The crosstalk effects induced by the limited optical channel isolation of a dense wavelength division demultiplexer (DWDM) are presented, and the necessary channel isolation to keep the crosstalk negligible to the output signal was calculated via Bessel function expansion and demonstrated by a two serial fiber laser sensors system. Finally, a three-element fiber laser sensor array system with a 50-dB channel-isolation DWDM was built up. Experimental results demonstrated that there was no measurable crosstalk between the output channels.


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This paper describes a high-performance multiplexed vibration sensor system using fiber lasers. A serial vibration sensor array consists of four short cavity fiber lasers. The system employs a single, polarization-insensitive, unbalanced Michelson interferometer to translate individual laser wavelength shifts induced by vibration signals into interferometer phase shifts. A dense wavelength division demultiplexor (DWDM) with high channel isolation is inserted to demultiplex each laser signal as a wavelength filter. Finally, a digital phase demodulator based on the phase generated carrier technique is used to achieve high-resolution interrogation. Experimental results show that no observable crosstalk is measured on the output channels, and the minimal detectable acceleration of this system is similar to 200ng/root Hz at 250Hz, which is fundamentally limited by the frequency noise of the lasers.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Acção Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento