972 resultados para Interferon Regulatory Factors
Insects are useful models for the study of innate immune reactions and development. The distinction between recognition mechanisms preceding the breakdown of apoptotic cells during metamorphosis, and the breakdown of cells in response to infections, is unclear. Hemolin, a Lepidopteran member of the immunoglobulin superfamily, is a candidate molecule in self/nonself recognition. This thesis investigates hemolin function and hemolin gene regulation at a molecular level. We investigated the binding and cell adhesion properties of hemolin from H. cecropia and demonstrated that the proteins could homodimerize in presence of calcium. Moreover, a higher molecular weight membrane form of hemolin was present on hemocytes. These results, taken together with an earlier finding that soluble hemolin inhibits hemocyte adhesion, indicated that the secreted hemolin could modulate hemocyte aggregation in a competitive manner in the blood. In addition, hemolin was expressed in different tissues and at different developmental stages. Since hemolin is expressed both during development and during the immune response, its different regulatory factors must act in concert. We found that the third intron contains an enhancer, through which Dif, C/EBP and HMGI synergistically activate a reporter construct in vitro. We concluded that the enhancer is used during infection, since the κB-site is crucial for an immune response. Interestingly, we also found that the active form of the steroid hormone, ecdysone, induces the hemolin gene transcription in vivo, and in addition, acts synergistically during bacterial infection. Preliminary in vivo results indicate a secondary effect of ecdysone and the importance of hormone receptor elements in the upstream promoter region of hemolin. To explore the use of Drosophila as a genetic tool for understanding hemolin function and regulation, we sought to isolate the functional homologue in this species. A fly cDNA library in yeast was screened using H. cecropia hemolin as bait. The screen was not successful. However, it did lead to the discovery of a Drosophila protein with true binding specificity for hemolin. Subsequent characterization revealed a new, highly conserved gene, which we named yippee. Yippee is distantly related to zinc finger proteins and represents a novel family of proteins present in numerous eukaryotes, including fungi, plants and humans. Notably, when the Drosophila genome sequence was revealed, no hemolin orthologue could be detected. Finally, an extensive Drosophila genome chip analysis was initiated. The goal was to investigate the Drosophila immune response, and, in contrast to earlier studies of artificially injected flies, to examine a set of natural microbes, orally and externally applied. In parallel experiments viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites were compared to unchallenged controls. We obtained a unique set of genes that were up-regulated in the response to the parasite Octosporea muscadomesticae and to the fungus Beauveria bassiana. We expect both down-regulated and up-regulated genes to serve as a source for the discovery of new effector molecules, in particular those that are active against parasites and fungi.
Caveolae sind vesikuläre Invaginationen der eukaryontischen Zellmembran, die bei einer Vielzahl zellbiologischer Prozesse eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Die strukturellen und funktionellen Hauptbestandteile der Caveolae sind die Caveolin-Proteine, welche von drei homologen Genen (Caveolin-1,-2,-3) kodiert werden. Die Caveoline stellen die Struktur-Organisatoren der Caveolae dar, und regulieren direkt die Aktivität von zahlreichen Caveolae-assoziierten Rezeptorproteinen und Signalmolekülen. Oftmals werden die pleiotropen Effekte der Caveoline über eine Veränderung der Caveolin-Genexpressionsstärke moduliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden drei unterschiedliche biologische Steuerfaktoren identifiziert, unter deren Kontrolle die Caveolin-Genexpression in neuralen Zellsystemen steht. Bei diesen Faktoren handelt es sich um das Steroidhormon Oestrogen und seine Rezeptoren, den Wachstumsfaktor TGFa und den sekundären Botenstoff zyklisches AMP (cAMP). Oestrogen wirkt über die Aktivierung von Oestrogen-Rezeptoren (ERs) im zentralen Nervensystem in der Regel als neurotropher Faktor. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmalig gezeigt werden, daß in humanen Neuroblastom-Zellen (SK-N-MC) die stabile, rekombinante Expression des ERa-Subtyps zu einer drastischen Reduktion der Caveolin-1/-2-Transkription führt, und daß in der Folge die zelluläre Caveolin-Biosynthese eingestellt wird. Eine Analyse des Caveolin-1-Gens ergab, daß einhergehend mit der Inaktivierung der Caveolin-1-Transkription eine Vielzahl der im Promoter enthaltenen CpG-Dinukleotide methyliert vorliegen. Durch pharmakologische Inhibition der nukleären DNA-Methyltransferasen sowie der Histon-Deacetylasen konnte die Caveolin-1-Transkription teilweise wiederhergestellt werden. Diese Befunde lassen auf die Existenz eines DNA-Methylierungs-abhängigen Stilllegungsmechanismus der Caveolin-Genexpression durch ERa schließen. Dagegen führte die Überexpression des ERb-Subtyps in SK-N-MC-Zellen zu keiner Veränderung der Caveolin-1/-2-Expression. Interessanterweise wurde die supprimierende Wirkung des ERa durch die gleichzeitige Überexpression des ERb vollständig aufgehoben. Der mitogene Wachstumsfaktor TGFa wurde als zweites extrazelluläres Signalmolekül identifiziert, welches eine Reduktion der Caveolin-1/-2-Genexpression bewirkt. In primären kortikalen Astrozyten konnte gezeigt werden, daß TGFa seine supprimierende Wirkung auf die Caveolin-1-Expression partiell über die Aktivierung des PI3-Kinase-abhängigen Signalweges vermittelt. Zudem wurde die supprimierende Wirkung von TGFa durch einen Inhibitior der Histon-Deacetylasen relativiert. Daher scheinen sowohl für den ERa als auch für TGFa epigenetische Prozesse bei der Suppression der Caveolin-1-Genexpression eine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen. Intrazellulär wirkte neben der PI3-Kinase auch der Botenstoff cAMP in kortikalen Astrozyten als Suppressor der Caveolin-Genexpression. Es wäre denkbar, daß die Caveolin-Suppression funktioneller Bestandteil des seit langem etablierten Effekts der cAMP-induzierten Astrozyten-Differenzierung ist. Desweiteren wiesen der cAMP- und TGFa-abhängige Signalweg ein überlappendes, Gehirnregion-spezifisches Regulationsprofil der Caveolin-Expression in Astrozyten auf: während in Kortex und Striatum eine Regulation durch cAMP und TGFa erfolgte, blieb diese in Klein- und Zwischenhirn aus. Somit bewirken drei zentrale regulatorische Faktoren der Proliferation und Differenzierung neuraler Zellen eine Reduktion in der Konzentration der pleiotrop funktionellen Caveoline. Zukünftige Studien müssen zeigen, inwieweit die reduzierte Caveolin-Expression für die morphologischen und biochemischen Primärwirkungen dieser Faktoren während der Entwicklung und im Zuge der Tumorgenese mitverantwortlich ist. Außerdem könnten über die Beobachtungen der zellbiologischen Auswirkungen reduzierter Caveolin-Spiegel neue Erkenntnisse über die Funktion dieser Proteine gewonnen werden.
Für eine Reihe einzelner genetischer Faktoren und Promotorelemente wurde in der Vergangenheit eine Regulation der Genexpression in der Leber (und auch in anderen Geweben) gezeigt. Mit der Verfügbarkeit des gesamten humanen Genoms sowie dessen Expressionsdaten in großen Microarray- und SAGE-Datenbanken bietet sich die Möglichkeit, solche Regulationsmechanismen in großem, genomweitem Maßstab zu untersuchen. Dabei geht diese Arbeit der Frage nach, ob es übergeordnete, eine Expression speziell in der Leber fördernde oder hemmende Faktoren gibt oder ob jedes Gen von einer unabhängigen Kombination von Faktoren reguliert wird, in dessen Summe die Expression des individuellen Gens in der Leber am stärksten ist. Sollten sich übergeordnete, eine Expression in der Leber stimulierende Faktoren finden, wären diese interessant für die Entwicklung neuer Behandlungskonzepte bei Lebererkrankungen. Zur Untersuchung dieser Fragestellung wurden aus einem Affymetrix Microarray Datenset für 12 Gewebe die Expressiondaten von insgesamt jeweils 15.472 Genen extrahiert. In einem zweiten Schritt wurden zusätzlich die Promotorsequenzen der einzelnen zugehörigen Gene, definiert als eine 1000 bp Region upstream des Transkriptionsstarts, in dieselbe Datenbank abgelegt. Die Promotorsequenzen wurden über den PromotorScan-Algorithmus analysiert. Auf diese Weise wurden Transkriptionsfaktorbindungsstellen auf 7042 der Promotoren identifiziert. Es fand sich eine Gesamtzahl von 241.984 Transkriptionsfaktorbindungsstellen. Anhand der Microarray-Expressionsdaten wurde die Gesamtgruppe der verfügbaren Gene und Promotoren in zwei Gruppen unterteilt, nämlich in die Gruppe der Gene, deren Expression in der Leber deutlich am höchsten gefunden wurde und in die Gruppe der Gene, die in anderen Geweben am höchsten exprimiert waren. Jeder potentiell bindende Transkriptionsfaktor wurde auf unterschiedliches Vorkommen in diesen beiden Gruppen hin untersucht. Dies geschah unter der Vorstellung, dass übergeordnete Faktoren, die eine Expression in der Leber stimulieren in der Gruppe der Gene, die in der Leber am höchsten exprimiert sind, verhältnismäßig wesentlich häufiger zu finden sein könnten. Eine solches häufigeres Vorkommen ließ sich jedoch für keinen einzigen Faktor nachweisen. Transkriptionsfaktorbindungsstellen sind typischerweise zwischen 5 und 15 bp lang. Um auszuschließen, dass mit dem verwendeten PromotorScan-Algorithmus Transkriptionsfaktorbindungsstellen, die bisher nicht bekannt sind, nicht übersehen wurden, wurden die Häufigkeit sämtlicher möglicher 8 bp (48) und 10 bp (410) Nukleotid-Kombinationen in diesen Promotoren untersucht. Biologisch relevante Unterschiede fanden sich zwischen den beiden Gruppen nicht. In gleicher Weise wurde auch die Bedeutung von TATA-Boxen untersucht. TATA-Boxen kommt bei der Transkriptionsinitiierung eine wichtige Rolle zu, indem über sie die Bindung des initialen Transkriptionskomplexes vermittelt wird. Insgesamt 1033 TATA-Boxen wurden ebenfalls mittels PromotorScan vorausgesagt. Dabei waren 57 auf Promotoren von Genen, die in der Leber überexprimiert waren und 976 auf Promotoren von Genen, die in anderen Geweben überexprimiert waren. Der Vergleich dieser beiden Gruppen ließ keine signifikant unterschiedliche Häufigkeit an TATA-Boxen erkennen. Im weiteren wurde die Bedeutung von CpG-Islands für eine potentiell differentielle Regulation untersucht. Insgesamt wurden 8742 CpG-Islands in einem Bereich von bis zu 5 kb upstream des Transkriptionsstarts identifiziert, 364 davon auf Promotoren von Genen, die am höchsten in der Leber exprimiert waren, 8378 auf Promotoren von Genen, die in anderen Geweben am höchsten exprimiert waren. Signifikante Unterschiede in der Verteilung von CpG-Islands auf Promotoren dieser beiden Gengruppen ließen sich nicht nachweisen. Schließlich wurden die RNA- und Proteinsequenzen des Transkriptoms und Proteoms hinsichtlich ihrer Zusammensetzung aus einzelnen Nukleotiden bzw. Aminosäuren analysiert. Auch hierbei fanden sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Verteilung zwischen beiden Gengruppen. Die Zusammenschau der Ergebnisse zeigt, dass die Regulation der einzelnen Gene im Lebergewebe im wesentlichen individuell erfolgt. Im Rahmen der vorgelegten bioinformatischen Analysen fanden sich keine übergeordneten genetischen „Leberfaktoren“, die speziell eine Expression von Genen in der Leber stimulieren. Neue therapeutische Ansätze, die auf eine Regulation der Genexpression in der Leber zielen, werden somit auch weiterhin auf die Beeinflussung individueller Gene fokussiert bleiben.
Geprägte Gene besitzen die Besonderheit, dass sie jeweils nur von einem Allel exprimiert werden und in der Regel in Imprinting Clustern (ICs) im Genom vorliegen. Bei der Regulation in solchen ICs spielen differentiell methylierte Imprinting Kontrollregionen (ICRs) und dort stattfindende Proteinbindungen eine wichtige Rolle. Die essentielle Bedeutung der CTCF-Bindung an die ICR1 in 11p15.5 für die Expressionsregulation der geprägten Gene H19 und IGF2 ist bereits bekannt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit sollte die Bindung von Kaiso an die unmethylierte ICR1 bei humanen Zellen mit maternaler uniparentaler Disomie von 11p15 (upd(11p15)mat) nachgewiesen und die genaue Bindungsverteilung von Kaiso und CTCF in den B-Repeats der Kontrollregion bestimmt werden. Cis-regulatorische und chromosomenübergreifende transkriptionelle Effekte der ICR1-Proteinbindungen sollten dann durch qPCR-Analysen geprägter Gene bei Zellen mit maternaler und paternaler upd(11p15) und nach siRNA-basierter Herunterregulation der beiden Proteine in Zellen mit upd(11p15)mat analysiert werden. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass Kaiso an die unmethylierte ICR1 bindet. Dabei kann zumindest von einer Bindestellennutzung in der distalen ICR1-Hälfte ausgegangen werden. Für CTCF hingegen wurde eine Nutzung aller analysierten Repeats in beiden ICR1-Hälften gefunden. In der maternalen bzw. paternalen upd(11p15) entspricht die Expression der 11p15.5-Gene IGF2, H19, CDKN1C und KCNQ1OT1 dem jeweiligen Disomie-Status. Von den nicht auf Chromosom 11 gelegenen geprägten Genen zeigen MEST und PLAGL1 bei Zellen mit upd(11p15)pat sowie PEG3 und GRB10 bei der upd(11p15)mat eine stärkere Expression. Ein CTCF-knockdown in Zellen mit upd(11p15)mat führt zur IGF2-Expressionssteigerung. Dies tritt in noch stärkerem Maße beim knockdown von Kaiso auf, wobei hier zusätzlich eine gesteigerte Expression von H19 vorliegt. Des Weiteren findet man beim CTCF-knockdown einen MEST-Expressionsanstieg und beim Kaiso-knockdown gesteigerte Expressionen der Gene PEG3, GRB10 und PLAGL1. Damit lassen sich sowohl eigenständige cis-regulatorische Effekte der ICR1-Bindung beider Proteine auf geprägte Gene des IC1 als auch chromosomenübergreifende Effekte erkennen. Vor allem die starken H19-Expressionsanstiege beim Kaiso-knockdown treten korrelierend mit Veränderungen von geprägten Genen anderer Chromosomen auf. Damit unterstützen die Daten die Theorie, dass die Expressionsregulation geprägter Gene koordiniert in einer Art Netzwerk stattfinden könnte und dabei bestimmte Faktoren wie H19 und PLAGL1 eine übergeordnete Regulatorfunktion besitzen, wie es in Vergangenheit in der Maus beschrieben wurde. Die Expressionsanalysen von PLAGL1 und MEST deuten darüber hinaus durch ihre tendenziell übereinstimmenden Werte bei der paternalen upd mit hypermethylierter ICR1 und den knockdowns auf die Existenz von Chromatin-Interaktionen zwischen der ICR1 und Abschnitten auf den Chromosomen 6 und 7 hin, ggf. mit einem entsprechenden lokalen Effekt der Proteine in diesen Loci. Proteinbindungen an die maternale ICR1 scheinen damit sowohl cis-regulatorisch die Transkription der geprägten Gene IGF2 und H19 zu beeinflussen als auch durch die H19-Expression ein funktionelles Netzwerk geprägter Gene als trans-Faktor zu regulieren und für Interaktionen zwischen verschiedenen Chromosomen mit transkriptionsregulierender Wirkung verantwortlich zu sein.
Glucocorticoids (GC) have important anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic activities. Initially thought to be exclusively produced by the adrenal glands, there is now increasing evidence for extra-adrenal sources of GCs. We have previously shown that the intestinal epithelium produces immunoregulatory GCs and that intestinal steroidogenesis is regulated by the nuclear receptor liver receptor homolog-1 (LRH-1). As LRH-1 has been implicated in the development of colon cancer, we here investigated whether LRH-1 regulates GC synthesis in colorectal tumors and whether tumor-produced GCs suppress T-cell activation. Colorectal cancer cell lines and primary tumors were found to express steroidogenic enzymes and regulatory factors required for the de novo synthesis of cortisol. Both cell lines and primary tumors constitutively produced readily detectable levels of cortisol, as measured by radioimmunoassay, thin-layer chromatography and bioassay. Whereas overexpression of LRH-1 significantly increased the expression of steroidogenic enzymes and the synthesis of cortisol, downregulation or inhibition of LRH-1 effectively suppressed these processes, indicating an important role of LRH-1 in colorectal tumor GC synthesis. An immunoregulatory role of tumor-derived GCs could be further confirmed by demonstrating a suppression of T-cell activation. This study describes for the first time cortisol synthesis in a non-endocrine tumor in humans, and suggests that the synthesis of bioactive GCs in colon cancer cells may account as a novel mechanism of tumor immune escape.
The muscle has a wide range of possibilities to adapt its phenotype. Repetitive submaximal concentric exercise (i.e., shortening contractions) mainly leads to adaptations of muscle oxidative metabolism and endurance while eccentric exercise (i.e., lengthening contractions) results in muscle growth and gain of muscle strength. Modified gene expression is believed to mediate these exercise-specific muscle adjustments. In the present study, early alterations of the gene expression signature were monitored by a muscle-specific microarray. Transcript profiling was performed on muscle biopsies of vastus lateralis obtained from six male subjects before and in a 24-h time course after a single bout of mild eccentric ergometer exercise. The eccentric exercise consisted of 15 min of eccentric cycling at 50% of the individual maximal concentric power output leading to muscle soreness (5.9 on a 0-10 visual analogue scale) and limited muscle damage (1.7-fold elevated creatine kinase activity). Muscle impairment was highlighted by a transient reduction in jumping height after the eccentric exercise. On the gene expression level, we observed a general early downregulation of detected transcripts, followed by a slow recovery close to the control values within the first 24 h post exercise. Only very few regulatory factors were increased. This expression signature is different from the signature of a previously published metabolic response after an intensive endurance-type concentric exercise as well as after maximal eccentric exercise. This is the first description of the time course of changes in gene expression as a consequence of a mild eccentric stimulus.
FGFRL1 is a recently discovered member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family that is lacking the intracellular tyrosine kinase domain. To elucidate the function of the novel receptor, we created mice with a targeted disruption of the Fgfrl1 gene. These mice develop normally until term, but die within a few minutes after birth due to respiratory failure. The respiratory problems are explained by a significant reduction in the size of the diaphragm muscle, which is not sufficient to inflate the lungs after birth. The remaining portion of the diaphragm muscle appears to be well developed and innervated. It consists of differentiated myofibers with nuclei at the periphery. Fast and slow muscle fibers occur in normal proportions. The myogenic regulatory factors MyoD, Myf5, myogenin and Mrf4 and the myocyte enhancer factors Mef2A, Mef2B, Mef2C and Mef2D are expressed at normal levels. Experiments with a cell culture model involving C2C12 myoblasts show that Fgfrl1 is expressed during the late stages of myotube formation. Other skeletal muscles do not appear to be affected in the Fgfrl1 deficient mice. Thus, Fgfrl1 plays a critical role in the development of the diaphragm.
BACKGROUND Intrahepatocellular (IHCL) and intramyocellular (IMCL) lipids are ectopic lipid stores. Aerobic exercise results in IMCL utilization in subjects over a broad range of exercise capacity. IMCL and IHCL have been related to impaired insulin action at the skeletal muscle and hepatic level, respectively. The acute effect of aerobic exercise on IHCL is unknown. Possible regulatory factors include exercise capacity, insulin sensitivity and fat availability subcutaneous and visceral fat mass). AIM To concomitantly investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on IHCL and IMCL in healthy subjects, using Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy. METHODS Normal weight, healthy subjects were included. Visit 1 consisted of a determination of VO2max on a treadmill. Visit 2 comprised the assessment of hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity by a two-step hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp. At Visit 3, subcutaneous and visceral fat mass were assessed by whole body MRI, IHCL and IMCL before and after a 2-hours aerobic exercise (50% of VO(2max)) using ¹H-MR-spectroscopy. RESULTS Eighteen volunteers (12M, 6F) were enrolled in the study (age, 37.6±3.2 years, mean±SEM; VO(2max), 53.4±2.9 mL/kg/min). Two hours aerobic exercise resulted in a significant decrease in IMCL (-22.6±3.3, % from baseline) and increase in IHCL (+34.9±7.6, % from baseline). There was no significant correlation between the exercise-induced changes in IMCL and IHCL and exercise capacity, subcutaneous and visceral fat mass and hepatic or peripheral insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS IMCL and IHCL are flexible ectopic lipid stores that are acutely influenced by physical exercise, albeit in different directions. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrial.gov NCT00491582.
The function of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs) during adult life is not well understood. The requirement of one of these MRFs, myogenin (Myog), during embryonic muscle development suggests an equally important role in adult muscle. In this study, we have determined the function of myogenin during adult life using a conditional allele of Myog. In contrast to embryonic development, myogenin is not required for adult viability, and Myog-deleted mice exhibited no remarkable phenotypic changes during sedentary life. Remarkably, sedentary Myog-deleted mice demonstrated enhanced exercise endurance during involuntary treadmill running. Altered blood glucose and lactate levels in sedentary Myog-deleted mice after exhaustion suggest an enhanced glycolytic metabolism and an ability to excessively deplete muscle and liver glycogen stores. Traditional changes associated with enhanced exercise endurance, such as fiber type switching, and increased oxidative potential, were not detected in sedentary Myog-deleted mice. After long-term voluntary exercise, trained Myog-deleted mice demonstrated an enhanced adaptive response to exercise. Trained Myog-deleted mice exhibited superior exercise endurance associated with an increased proportion of slow-twitch fibers and increased oxidative capacity. In a parallel experiment, dystrophin-deficient young adult mice showed attenuated muscle fatigue following the deletion of Myog. These results demonstrate a novel and unexpected role for myogenin in modulating skeletal muscle metabolism.
Eukaryotic genomes exist within a dynamic structure named chromatin in which DNA is wrapped around an octamer of histones forming the nucleosome. Histones are modified by a range of posttranslational modifications including methylation, phosphorylation, and ubiquitination, which are integral to a range of DNA-templated processes including transcriptional regulation. A hallmark for transcriptional activity is methylation of histone H3 on lysine (K) 4 within active gene promoters. In S. cerevisiae, H3K4 methylation is mediated by Set1 within the COMPASS complex. Methylation requires prior ubiquitination of histone H2BK123 by the E2-E3 ligases Rad6 and Bre1, as well as the Paf1 transcriptional elongation complex. This regulatory pathway exemplifies cross-talk in trans between posttranslational modifications on distinct histone molecules. Set1 has an additional substrate in the kinetochore protein Dam1, which is methylated on K233. This methylation antagonizes phosphorylation of adjacent serines by the Ipl1 Aurora kinase. The discovery of a second Set1 substrate raised the question of how Set1 function is regulated at the kinetochore. I hypothesized that transcriptional regulatory factors essential for H3K4 methylation at gene promoters might also regulate Set1-mediated methylation of Dam1K233. Here I show that the regulatory factors essential for COMPASS activity at gene promoters is also indispensable for the methylation of Dam1K233. Deletion of members of the COMPASS complex leads to loss of Dam1K233 methylation. In addition, deletion of Rad6, Bre1, or members of the Paf1 complex abolishes Dam1 methylation. The role of Rad6 and Bre1 in Dam1 methylation is dependent on H2BK123 ubiquitination, as mutation of K123 within H2B results in complete loss of Dam1 methylation. Importantly, methylation of Dam1K233 is independent of transcription and occurs at the kinetochore. My results demonstrate that Set1-mediated methylation is regulated by a general pathway regardless of substrate that is composed of transcriptional regulatory factors functioning independently of transcription at the kinetochore. My data provide the first example of cross-talk in trans between modifications on a histone and a non-histone protein. Additionally, my results indicate that several factors previously thought to be required for Set1 function at gene promoters are more generally required for the catalytic activity of the COMPASS complex regardless of substrate or cellular process.
I have cloned cDNAs corresponding to two distinct genes, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25, which encode skeletal muscle-specific, transcriptional regulatory proteins. These proteins are members of the helix-loop-helix family of DNA binding factors, and are most homologous to MyoD1. These two genes have disparate temporal expression patterns during early embryogenesis; although, both transcripts are present exclusively in skeletal muscle of the adult. Xlmf1 is first detected 7 hours after fertilization, shortly after the midblastula transition. Xlmf25 is detected in maternal stores of mRNA, during early cleavage stages of the embryo and throughout later development. Both Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 transcripts are detected prior to the expression of other, previously characterized, muscle-specific genes. The ability of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 to convert mouse 10T1/2 fibroblasts to a myogenic phenotype demonstrates their activity as myogenic regulatory factors. Additionally, Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 can directly transactivate a reporter gene linked to the muscle-specific, muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer. The functional properties of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 proteins were further explored by investigating their interactions with the binding site in the MCK enhancer. Analysis of dissociation rates revealed that Xlmf25-E12 dimers had a two-fold lower avidity for this site than did Xlmf1-E12 dimers. Clones containing genomic sequence of Xlmf1 and Xlmf25 have been isolated. Reporter gene constructs containing a lac-z gene driven by Xlmf1 regulatory sequences were analyzed by embryo injections and transfections into cultured muscle cells. Elements within $-$200 bp of the transcription start site can promote high levels of muscle specific expression. Embryo injections show that 3500 bp of upstream sequence is sufficient to drive somite specific expression. EMSAs and DNAse I footprint analysis has shown the discrete interaction of factors with several cis-elements within 200 bp of the transcription start site. Mutation of several of these elements shows a positive requirement for two CCAAT boxes and two E boxes. It is evident from the work performed with this promoter that Xlmf1 is tightly regulated during muscle cell differentiation. This is not surprising given the fact that its gene product is crucial to the determination of cell fate choices. ^
Insulin and glucagon are glucoregulatory hormones that contribute to glucose homeostasis. Plasma insulin is elevated during normoglycemia or hyperglycemia and acts as a suppressor of glucagon secretion. We have investigated if and how insulin and glucose contribute to the regulation of glucagon secretion through long term (48 h) elevated insulin concentrations during simultaneous hypoglycemia or euglycemia in mid-lactating dairy cows. Nineteen Holstein dairy cows were randomly assigned to 3 treatment groups: an intravenous insulin infusion (HypoG, n = 5) to decrease plasma glucose concentrations (2.5 mmol/L), a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp to study effects of insulin at simultaneously normal glucose concentrations (EuG, n = 6) and a 0.9% saline infusion (NaCl, n = 8). Plasma glucose was measured at 5-min intervals, and insulin and glucose infusion rates were adjusted accordingly. Area under the curve of hourly glucose, insulin, and glucagon concentrations on day 2 of infusion was evaluated by analysis of variance with treatments as fixed effect. Insulin infusion caused an increase of plasma insulin area under the curve (AUC)/h in HypoG (41.9 ± 8.1 mU/L) and EuG (57.8 ± 7.8 mU/L) compared with NaCl (13.9 ± 1.1 mU/L; P < 0.01). Induced hyperinsulinemia caused a decline of plasma glucose AUC/h to 2.3 ± 0.1 mmol/L in HypoG (P < 0.01), whereas plasma glucose AUC/h remained unchanged in EuG (3.8 ± 0.2 mmol/L) and NaCl (4.1 ± 0.1 mmol/L). Plasma glucagon AUC/h was lower in EuG (84.0 ± 6.3 pg/mL; P < 0.05) and elevated in HypoG (129.0 ± 7.0 pg/mL; P < 0.01) as compared with NaCl (106.1 ± 5.4 pg/mL). The results show that intravenous insulin infusion induces elevated glucagon concentrations during hypoglycemia, although the same insulin infusion reduces glucagon concentrations at simultaneously normal glucose concentrations. Thus, insulin does not generally have an inhibitory effect on glucagon concentrations. If simultaneously glucose is low and insulin is high, glucagon is upregulated to increase glucose availability. Therefore, insulin and glucose are conjoint regulatory factors of glucagon concentrations in dairy cows, and the plasma glucose status is the key factor to decide if its concentrations are increased or decreased. This regulatory effect can be important for the maintenance of glucose homeostasis if insulin secretion is upregulated by other factors than high glucose such as high plasma lipid and protein concentrations at simultaneously low glucose.
Pestivirus N(pro) is the first protein translated in the viral polypeptide, and cleaves itself off co-translationally generating the N-terminus of the core protein. Once released, N(pro) blocks the host׳s interferon response by inducing degradation of interferon regulatory factor-3. N(pro׳)s intracellular autocatalytic activity and lack of trans-activity have hampered in vitro cleavage studies to establish its substrate specificity and the roles of individual residues. We constructed N(pro)-GFP fusion proteins that carry the authentic cleavage site and determined the autoproteolytic activities of N(pro) proteins containing substitutions at the predicted catalytic sites Glu22 and Cys69, at Arg100 that forms a salt bridge with Glu22, and at the cleavage site Cys168. Contrary to previous reports, we show that N(pro׳)s catalytic activity does not involve Glu22, which may instead be involved in protein stability. Furthermore, N(pro) does not have specificity for Cys168 at the cleavage site even though this residue is conserved throughout the pestivirus genus.
Dermal exposure to jet fuel suppresses the immune response. Immune regulatory cytokines, and biological modifiers, including platelet activating factor, prostaglandin E2, and interleukin-10 have all been implicated in the pathway leading to immunosuppression. It is estimated that approximately 260 different hydrocarbons are found in JP-8 (jet propulsion-8) jet fuel, and the identity of the immunotoxic compound is not known. The recent availability of synthetic jet fuel (S-8), which is devoid of aromatic hydrocarbons, made it feasible to design experiments to test the hypothesis that the aromatic hydrocarbons are responsible for jet fuel induced immune suppression. Applying S-8 to the skin of mice does not up-regulate the expression of epidermal cyclooxygenase-2 nor does it induce immune suppression. Adding back a cocktail of 7 of the most prevalent aromatic hydrocarbons found in jet fuel to S-8 up-regulated cyclooxygenase-2 expression and induced immune suppression. Cyclooxygenase-2 induction can be initiated by reactive oxygen species (ROS). JP-8 treated keratinocytes increased ROS production, S-8 did not. Antioxidant pre-treatment blocked jet fuel induced immune suppression and cyclooxygenase-2 up-regulation. Accumulation of reactive oxygen species induces oxidant stress and affects activity of ROS sensitive transcription factors. JP-8 induced activation of NFκB while S-8 did not. Pre-treatment with antioxidants blocked activation of NFκB and parthenolide, an NFκB inhibitor, blocked jet fuel induced immune suppression and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in skin of treated mice. p65 siRNA transfected keratinocytes demonstrated NFκB is critically involved in jet fuel induced COX-2 expression. These findings clearly implicate the aromatic hydrocarbons found in jet fuel as the agents responsible for inducing immune suppression, in part by the production of reaction oxygen species, NFκB dependent up-regulation of cyclooxygenase-2, and the production of immune regulatory factors and cytokines. ^
The genomic DNA of eukaryotic cells is well organized into chromatin structures. However, these repressed structures present barriers that block the access of regulatory factors to the genome during various nuclear events. To overcome the obstacle, two major cellular processes, post-modification of histone tails and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, are involved in reconfiguring chromatin structure and creating accessible DNA. Despite the current research progress, much remains to be explored concerning the relationship between chromatin remodeling and DNA repair. Recently, one member of the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, INO80, has been found to play a crucial role in DNA damage repair. However, the functions of this complex in higher eukaryotes have yet to be determined. The goal of my study is to generate a human somatic INO80 conditional knockout model and investigate the functions of Ino80 in damage repair.^ By homologous targeting of the INO80 locus in human HCT116 colon epithelial cells, I established a human somatic INO80 conditional knockout model. I have demonstrated that the conditional INO80 cells exhibited a sufficiently viable period when the INO80 protein is removed. Moreover, I found that loss of INO80 resulted in deficient UV lesion repair in response to UV while the protein levels of the NER factors such as XPC, XPA, XPD were not affected. And in vitro repair synthesis assay showed that the NER incision and repair synthesis activities were intact in the absence of INO80. Examination on the damage recognition factor XPC showed its recruitment to damage sites was impaired in the INO80 mutant cells. Loss of INO80 also led to reduced enrichment of XPA at the site of UV lesions. Despite the reduced recruitment of XPC and XPA observed in INO80 mutants, no direct interaction was detected. Meanwhile, direct interaction between INO80 and DDB1, the initial UV lesion detector, was detected by coimmunoprecipitation. UV-induced chromosome relaxation was reduced in cells devoid of INO80. These results demonstrate the INO80 complex may participates in the NER by interacting with DDB1 and having a critical role of in creating DNA accessibility for the nucleotide excision pathway. ^