829 resultados para Inclusive education -- Brunei
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Supervisão e Orientação da Prática Profissional), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Área de especialização em Educação Intercultural), Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto de Educação, 2015
Who gets to play? Investigating equity in musical instrument instruction in Scottish primary schools
There is a widely held view that learning to play a musical instrument is a valuable experience for all children in terms of their personal growth and development. Although there is no statutory obligation for instrumental music provision in Scottish primary schools, there are well-established Instrumental Music Services in Local Education Authorities that have been developed to provide this facility for pupils. This article presents the findings of a study that was aimed at investigating the extent to which the opportunity to undertake instrumental instruction in Scottish primary schools is equitable. The study employed a mixed-methods approach. Data were gathered from 21 Scottish primary schools, a total pupil population of 5122 pupils of whom 323 pupils were receiving instrumental instruction. The analysis involved an investigation of the academic profile of this group, the representation of children with additional support needs (ASN) and the nature of their ASN. A qualitative analysis of policy and guideline documents and interviews with Heads of Instrumental Services, headteachers and instrumental instructors served to explain and illuminate the quantitative data. The findings showed that particular groups of children with ASN were significantly under-represented and offer explanations of the processes by which this occurs.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação, especialidade Educação Especial, ramo Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência
I - Inserido no Concelho de Odivelas, cuja realidade e contexto sócio cultural realçam a problemática da diversidade cultural, colocando ao professor dúvidas e dificuldades emrelação às suas práticas educativas, o Conservatório de Música D. Dinis é a escola na qual leciono desde 1993. É também local de reflexão permanente quanto aos critérios e condições que devem nortear a prática pedagógica contemporânea na área da música, cujo objetivo assenta na formação integral do aluno através da utilização de estratégias de ensino que o responsabilizem na própria aprendizagem. Considerando estes desafios, o seguinte trabalho será realizado no contexto da minha classe de violino e incidirá sobre três alunos em particular, que frequentam os seguintes graus, a saber: 1 - Iniciação (1º ciclo do ensino básico); 2 - 2º grau (2º ciclo do ensino básico); 3 - 5º grau (3º ciclo do ensino básico). Apesar de acreditar nas suas capacidades de aprendizagem e ter um cuidado especial sobre as minhas ações e os efeitos destas na aprendizagem académica e social dos meus alunos, os resultados finais são reveladores da importância da motivação, do apoio parental e da responsabilidade dos alunos na obtenção do seu próprio sucesso escolar.
O Relatório descreve a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada do Mestrado em Ensino da História e da Geografia no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário. Este Relatório está organizado em quatro partes. Na primeira parte, é feita uma breve contextualização da temática, assim como a sua justificação em termos sociais e educativos. Segue-se a fundamentação teórica baseada na pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema em estudo. Na segunda parte, são descritas algumas experiências de ensino-aprendizagem desenvolvidas durante a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES) bem como uma reflexão sobre as opções metodológicas. A terceira parte, contempla a apresentação e análise dos dados recolhidos. Por último, apresentam-se as conclusões inferidas a partir da análise dos dados, evidenciando o alcance e as consequências dos resultados. As principais conclusões deste trabalho, obtidas através da aplicação e análise dos dados recolhidos de um questionário, evidenciam que as atitudes dos professores não são significativamente diferentes e não são influenciadas pela variável departamento curricular. Apesar de não poder extrapolar resultados para a comunidade escolar, devido ao tamanho reduzido da amostra em relação à realidade do sistema educativo, este trabalho poderá contribuir para suscitar a discussão da temática pelos professores que aceitaram responder ao questionário proposto e para uma consciencialização, cada vez mais profunda, da necessidade de mudar atitudes e práticas, de modo a tornar as escolas do ensino regular um lugar realmente inclusivo.
- The present study was an investigation into the effect ofschool integration on the friendships ofyouth with developmental disabilities and their peers without disabilities. The youths, their parents, and their teachers provided insights into the youths' friendships. A qualitative paradigm was used in this research. The researcher guided the collection and analysis ofthe data with the phenomenologicallifeworld existentials of body, space, time, and human relation (Van Manen, 1990). Individual interviews were conducted with each youth, and group interviews were conducted with each triad (a youth, their parent(s), and their teacher) to discuss the youth's friendships and the supports necessary to facilitate the friendships. Through phenomenological analysis of the data, four thematic statements emerged: friendships are far from perfect, to have a friend you have to be a friend, parents as choreographers offriendship, and teachers as reluctant partners in friendship facilitation. Based on the results ofthis study, it was concluded that the development of friendships between youth with developmental disabilities and their peers without disabilities was happening in integrated school settings. However, it was also evident that the support ofteachers and parents alike were required to facilitate the development and maintenance ofsuch friendships. Recommendations for practice are discussed, including the need for active participation by the youth's parents in the facilitation offriendships, and the use ofa "circle offriends" to facilitate friendship development. Also discussed are the recommendations for further research, including the need for the youth's friends to be interviewed regarding their friendships with the youth with disabilities, and the need for researcher observation ofth~ friendships in action. Further research could also explore the role ofthe mother versus the father in facilitating friendships, and the role of recreation and leisure opportunities in the ,development offriendships.
Transitioning from elementary to secondary school is a major event in adolescents' lives and can be associated with academic, social, and emotional challenges (Shaffer, 2005; Sirsch, 2003). Considerably less research has focused on the transitional experiences of students with intellectual disabilities (lD) as they enter secondary school and the role of educational inclusion in this process (Noland, Cason, & Lincoln, 2007). Conceivably, students with ID who leave inclusive elementary schools, where they have been educated alongside their peers without ID, and who enter segregated secondary educational placements may experience unique social and emotional challenges (Farmer, Pearl, & Van Acker, 1996; Fryxell & Kennedy, 1995; Shaffer, 2005). This study examined the transitional experiences of 6 students with ID and the role of educational inclusion, with a focus on elementary to secondary school transitions from inclusive to segregated settings and vice versa. This study included the collection of multiple sources of data. Semi-structured interviews with 6 caregivers and students with ID were conducted. Students' Individual Education Transitional Plans were discussed in caregivers' interviews to determine how they shaped students' educational inclusion experiences (Ontario Ministry of Education & Training, 1999/2000/2004). Parts ofthe following questionnaires were "qualitized" (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 1998) and administered orally: "Youth Self-Report" (YSR; Achenbach, 2001 c) and "Child Behaviour Checklist Caregivers Form" (CBLC/6-18; Achenbach, 200la). The findings of this study contribute to the literature on educational inclusion by highlighting the positive/negative social and emotional impact of congruent and incongruent transitional experiences of students with ID and the role of educational inclusion.
Inclusion promotes equality, provides opportunities, breaks down barriers, and ensures accessibility for all members of a community. Consequently, elementary-school administrators should become inclusion leaders who introduce and maintain inclusive learning environments. This qualitative study profiled and discussed practices and beliefs of 4 elementary school principals in southern Ontario who are recognized leaders of inclusion for students with exceptionalities. The researcher used multiple instruments for triangulation, thematic qualitative data analysis (constant comparative method) of interview responses and reflective field notes, and data from the Principal and Inclusion Survey to interpret qualitative findings. Findings revealed distinct leadership profiles reflective of empathy and compassion among participants who all regard accommodation of students with exceptionalities as a moral obligation and view inclusion as a socially just pedagogical framework. The researcher recommends that senior school board administrators screen and secure principals who value inclusion to create and maintain school cultures that ensure students’ access to inclusive education.
L’école ne semble plus en mesure de répondre par elle-même aux besoins multidimensionnels des élèves en difficulté qui sont maintenant intégrés dans la classe ordinaire. (Cooper, 1999; Deslandes & Bertrand, 2001; Dryfoos, 1994; Greenberg, 2004; Ministère de l'Éducation du Loisir et du Sport, 2005; Paavola, 1995; Riddle & Tett, 2001; The Learning Partnership, 2004). Les équipes de soutien à l’enseignant semblent un moyen efficace d’appuyer l’enseignant et l’élève, mais cette approche est très peu utilisée dans les milieux éducatifs au Canada. Certains élèves présentant des problèmes complexes ne reçoivent pas l’appui nécessaire faute d’un manque de spécialiste à l’intérieur du cadre scolaire. Dans cette perspective, les services intégrés pourraient être une voie propice pour le travail de partenariat mais plusieurs obstacles semblent empêcher la collaboration et la coopération entre les intervenants scolaires et les partenaires de la communauté. La présente recherche a identifié un modèle qui permet d’appuyer l’enseignant dans sa pratique afin d’aider l’élève en difficulté et de le maintenir dans la classe ordinaire. Le modèle d’équipe de soutien à l’enseignant mis en œuvre dans les écoles d’un conseil francophone scolaire de l’Ontario est un modèle dérivé de Chalfant, Pysh et Moultrie (1979). Vers les années 1970, ces équipes ont été formées en vue d’offrir un appui à l’enseignant de classe ordinaire pour éviter les placements d'élèves en éducation spéciale l’intention est encore la même en 2010. Par ce modèle, nous favorisons l’entrée des services intégrés à l’intérieur du cadre scolaire et les partenaires travaillent en équipe afin de favoriser le succès scolaire des élèves. Un coordonnateur du milieu scolaire est le lien qui assure la coordination et les suivis des différentes recommandations proposées par l’équipe. Le travail de collaboration et de coopération est essentiel pour assurer le succès scolaire de l’élève. Les résultats de cette mise en œuvre nous ont permis de constater que le modèle est efficace dans l’atteinte de ses buts. D’une façon générale, les intervenants scolaires affirment se sentir effectivement appuyés par les équipes de soutien tant dans la formation, les échanges et les discussions que dans les ressources matérielles. Ce qui ressort le plus souvent de leurs propos est qu’ils apprécient la réelle collaboration et la concertation qui existent entre tous les intervenants qui assurent les suivis. Quatre-vingt-treize pour cent des répondants qui ont participé aux équipes de soutien affirment qu’il y a eu des changements positifs chez les élèves. Différents défis ont aussi été relevés. Mentionnons entre autre, la lourdeur du rôle du coordonnateur, la grandeur du territoire du Conseil (perte de temps sur la route), des cas de conflits existants entre les parents et l’école. Indépendamment de ces défis, l’application du modèle d’équipe de soutien à l’enseignant répond à l’objectif d’inclusion scolaire des élèves en difficulté tout en permettant aux enseignants de ne pas se sentir seuls ni d’être effectivement seuls à assumer ce mandat.
Problemàtica de les persones amb discapacitat, fent incís en la reivindicació de la seva dignitat com a persones i de la superació de les barreres físiques, socials i mentals
Durant el curs 2006-07 es va desenvolupar una prova pilot del projecte Rossinyol comptant amb la participació de quatre estudiants de magisteri de la UdG i cinc alumnes de primària o ESO de la ciutat d'Olot amb el suport de la Facultat d'Educació i Psicologia i el Consell Social de la UdG, de l'Ajuntament d'Olot i d'Òmnium Cultural de la Garrotxa i Creu Roja
This study is a section of the GP-FOREESP - Formation of Human Resources and Learning in Special Education Group’s agenda. This Group is engaged in the development of researches with the intent to contribute on the process to universalize the access to school as well as on the improvement of education system that is currently available to the target population of Special Education. Nowadays, the inclusion process subject has been prioritized by that research group, as they consider that, along with other reasons, the efforts to establish an inclusive education system would be the unique alternative to solve the problem regarding the access to school, which is currently limited, and also to improve the quality on special education, since the level presented in the country is low. Guided by such premise, the present work is a supplementary project developed within the group extent to generate knowledge on school inclusion matter
Este documento de investigación se produce con el propósito de compartir con la comunidad académica la lógica de construcción y hallazgos preliminares de un estudio realizado en la Universidad del Rosario, a propósito de la pregunta por la participación de estudiantes con discapacidad en la educación superior. El documento entonces resume en parte la forma como fue estructurada la investigación e incluye al final un aparte que se corresponde con una de las estrategias de difusión de la investigación tanto en entornos nacionales como internacionales.