858 resultados para IT Security, Internet, Personal Firewall, Security Mechanism, Security System, Security Threat, Security Usability, Security Vulnerability


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A selenium-containing catalytic antibody (Se-4A4), prepared by converting reactive serine residues of a monoclonal antibody (4A4) raised against a GSH derivative into selenocysteines, acts as a mimic of cytosolic glutathione peroxidase (cGPX). To clarify the mechanism of action of this catalytic antibody, detailed studies on kinetic behaviour and biological activity were carried out. A rate of acceleration (k(cat)/K-m/k(uncat)) 10(7)-fold that of the uncatalytic reaction is observed. Under similar conditions, the turnover number (k(cat)) of Se-4A4 is 42% of that of the natural rabbit liver cGPX. The Se-4A4 reaction involves a Ping Pong mechanism, which is the same as that of the natural cGPX. The selenocysteine residue is located in the binding site of the antibody and is shown to be crucial for this activity. Of the thiol compounds tested, only GSH is able to serve as substrate for Se-4A4. It was demonstrated, using the free-radical-damage system (hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase) of cardiac mitochondria, that Se-4A4 can protect mitochondria from free-radical damage at least 10(4)-fold more effectively than the natural cGPX.


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The dissertation focuses on the petrology, geochemistry of the volcanic rocks in east Tibet and southeast Yunnan. It lucubrates the Magmatic process, forming mechanism and the possible tectonic settings of the volcanic rocks. The volcanic rocks of Nangqen basin in east Tibet, Qinghai province are mainly Cenozoic intermediate-acid shoshonites. The rocks are LREE enriched and the LREE/HREE = 334; (La/Yb)_N = 18.17-53.59, and REE 2221260g/g. There are no Eu anomaly, and Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti are markedly depleted. The isotopic composition is ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.704970.70614, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.62218.974, ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 38.43138.996, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.51115.613, respectively. K-Ar age of the whole rocks and the single mineral are between 32.0-36.5Ma. Based on the trace elements and isotopic elements, we get the conclusion that the partial melting is one of the dominated forming mechanisms for the volcanic rocks in Naneqen basin. The magma did not experience the crustal contamination en route to the surface; however, the complex mixture took place in the upper mantle before the melt was formed. There are at least two kinds of mixed sources that can be identified. The basalt in southeast Yunnan province is studied. They are distributed in Maguan, Tongguan, and Pingbian County, which is located on the both sides of the Red River belt, and the ultrabasic xenolith are cursory introduced. The volcanic rocks belongs to the alkali series, which can be subdivided into trachybasalt and basanite(Ol normal molecule >5). The volcanic rocks are characteristics by high Ti and low Mg#. According to the magma calculation model, the original rocks of the basalt in southeast Yunnan province are Spinel Lherzolite in Tongguan, Garnet Lherzolite in Pingbian and Maguan, while Togguan undergoes 2-5 percent and percent of partial melting, whereas volcanism in Maguan and Pingbian was so complex to calculate. The fractional crystallization took place during the magma evoltion in southeast Yunnan. The basalt is enriched in LREE with LREE/HREE=9.23-20.19. All of the trace elements display weak Nb, Ta peak, and the depletion of Zr, Hf and Ti in Maguan and pingbian represent the presence of Garnet in the source. The composition of the isotope ratio are ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr = 0.70333-0.70427, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd = 0.512769-0.512940, ~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb = 18.104-18.424, ~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb = 15.483 -15.527; ~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb = 37.938-38.560, respectively, which shows the characteristics of the HIMU type OIB. The volcanic rocks of the southwest Yunnan are derived from the enriched, OIB type mantle sources by synthesizing all the data from trace and isotope elements. It is similar to that of the volcanic rocks in Hawaii, a typical kind of the mixtures of the recycled oceanic crust plume and depleted asthenosphere. To sum up, the volcanic rocks in southeast Yunnan are formed by the intraplate hotpot volcanism.


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The biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a new type of natural gas genetic theory, and also an clean, effective and high quality energy with shallow burial depth, wide distribution and few investment. Meanwhile, this puts biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in important position to the energy resource and it is a challenging front study project. This paper introduces the concept, the present situation of study and developmental trend about biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in detail. Then by using heat simulating of source rocks and catalysis mechanism analysis in the laboratory and studying structural evolution, sedimentation, diagenesis and the conditions of accumulation formation and so on, this paper also discusses catalytic mechanism and evolutionary model of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas formation, and establishes the methods of appraisal parameter and resources prediction about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. At last, it shows that geochemical characteristics and differentiated mark of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas, and perfect natural gas genetic theory, and points out the conditions of accumulation formation, distribution characteristics and potential distribution region on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas m China. The paper mainly focuses on the formation mechanism and the resources potential about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Based on filed work, it is attached importance to a combination of macroscopic and microcosmic analysis, and the firsthand data are obtained to build up framework and model of the study by applying geologic theory. Based on sedimentary structure, it is expounded that structural actions have an effect on filling space and developmental cource of sediments and evolution of source rocks. Carried out sedimentary environment, sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary system and diagenesis and so on, it is concluded that diagenesis influences developmental evolution of source rocks, and basic geologic conditions of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Applying experiment simulating and catalytic simulating as well as chemical analysis, catalytic mechanism of clay minerals is discussed. Combined diagenecic dynamics with isotope fractionation dynamics, it is established that basis and method of resource appraisal about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. All these results effectively assess and predict oil&gas resources about the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas-bearing typical basin in China. I read more than 170 volumes on the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas and complete the dissertation' summary with some 2.4 ten thousand words, draw up study contents in some detail and set up feasible experimental method and technologic course. 160 pieces of samples are obtained in oilfield such as Liaohe, Shengli, Dagang and Subei and so on, some 86 natural gas samples and more than 30 crude oil samples. Core profiles about 12 wells were observed and some 300 geologic photos were taken. Six papers were published in the center academic journal at home and abroad. Collected samples were analysised more than 1000 times, at last I complete this dissertation with more than 8 ten thousand words, and with 40 figures and 4 plates. According to these studies, it is concluded the following results and understandings. 1. The study indicates structural evolution and action of sedimentary basin influence and control the formation and accumulation the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas. Then, the structural action can not only control accommodation space of sediments and the origin, migration and accumulation of hydrocarbon matters, but also can supply the origin of energy for hygrocarbon matters foramtion. 2. Sedimentary environments of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas are lake, river and swamp delta- alluvial fan sedimentary systems, having a warm, hot and humid climate. Fluctuation of lake level is from low to high., frequency, and piling rate of sedimentary center is high, which reflect a stable depression and rapidly filling sedimentary course, then resulting in source rocks with organic matter. 3. The paper perfects the natural gas genetic theory which is compound and continuous. It expounds the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is a special gas formation stage in continuous evolutionary sequence of organic matter, whose exogenic force is temperture and catalysis of clay minerals, at the same time, having decarbxylation, deamination and so on. 4. The methodology is established which is a combination of SEM, TEM and Engery spectrum analysis to identify microstructure of crystal morphology about clay minerals. Using differential thermal-chromatographic analysis, it can understand that hydrocarbon formation potential of different typies kerogens and catalytic method of all kinds of mineral matrix, and improve the surface acidity technology of clay minerals measured by the pyridine analytic method. 5. The experiments confirm catalysis of clay minerals to organic matter hygrocarbon formation. At low temperature (<300 ), there is mainly catalysis of montmorillonite, which can improve 2-3 times about produced gas of organic matters and the pyrolyzed temperature decreased 50 ; while at the high temperature, there is mainly catalysis of illite which can improve more than 2 times about produced gas of organic matters. 6. It is established the function relationship between organic matter (reactant) concentration and temperature, pressure, time, water and so on, that is C=f (D, t). Using Rali isotope fractionation effect to get methane isotope fractionation formula. According to the relationship between isotope fractionation of diagenesis and depth, and combined with sedimentary rate of the region, it is estimated that relict gas of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas in the representative basin. 7. It is revealed that hydrocarbon formation mechanism of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly from montmorillonite to mixed minerals during diagenesis. In interlayer, a lot of Al~(3+) substitute for Si~(4+), resulting in a imbalance between surface charge and interlayer charge of clay minerals and the occurrence of the Lewis and Bronsted acid sites, which promote to form the carbon cation. The cation can form alkene or small carbon cation. 8. It is addressed the comprehensive identification mark of the biothermo - catalytic transitional zone gas. In the temproal-spatial' distribution, its source rocks is mainly Palaeogene, secondly Cretaceous and Jurassic of Mesozoic, Triassic, having mudy rocks and coal-rich, their organic carbon being 0.2% and 0.4% respectively. The vitrinite reflection factor in source rocks Ro is 0.3-0.65%, a few up to 0.2%. The burial depth is 1000-3000m, being characterized by emerge of itself, reservoir of itself, shallow burial depth. In the transitional zone, from shallow to deep, contents of montmorillonites are progressively reduced while contents of illites increasing. Under SEM, it is observed that montmorillonites change into illite.s, firstly being mixed illite/ montmorillonite with burr-like, then itlite with silk-like. Carbon isotope of methane in the biothermocatatytic transitional zone gas , namely ~(13)C_1-45- -60 . 9. From the evolutionary sequence of time, distribution of the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas is mainly oil&gas bearing basin in the Mesozoic-Neozoic Era. From the distribution region, it is mainly eastern stuctural active region and three large depressions in Bohaiwang basin. But most of them are located in evolutionary stage of the transitional zone, having the better relationship between produced, reservoir and seal layers, which is favorable about forming the biothermocatalytic transitional zone gas reservoir, and finding large gas (oil) field.


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Belief revision is a well-research topic within AI. We argue that the new model of distributed belief revision as discussed here is suitable for general modelling of judicial decision making, along with extant approach as known from jury research. The new approach to belief revision is of general interest, whenever attitudes to information are to be simulated within a multi-agent environment with agents holding local beliefs yet by interaction with, and influencing, other agents who are deliberating collectively. In the approach proposed, it's the entire group of agents, not an external supervisor, who integrate the different opinions. This is achieved through an election mechanism, The principle of "priority to the incoming information" as known from AI models of belief revision are problematic, when applied to factfinding by a jury. The present approach incorporates a computable model for local belief revision, such that a principle of recoverability is adopted. By this principle, any previously held belief must belong to the current cognitive state if consistent with it. For the purposes of jury simulation such a model calls for refinement. Yet we claim, it constitutes a valid basis for an open system where other AI functionalities (or outer stiumuli) could attempt to handle other aspects of the deliberation which are more specifi to legal narrative, to argumentation in court, and then to the debate among the jurors.


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The ageing behaviour of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) has been studied following gamma irradiation (25 or 40 kGy) in air. Accelerated ageing procedures used elevated temperature (70C) and/or pressurised oxygen (5 bar). Shelf-aged UHMWPE was also studied. The variation in surface density and mechanical properties were determined following the various sterilisation and ageing treatments. Microabrasive wear testing was also performed. Wear rates were found to correlate well with stress at break for sterilised and aged UHMWPE but not with elongation to failure. It is proposed that the wear mechanism is fracture dominated and occurs following some disentanglement of the polymer chains. Wear also depends upon embrittlement of the surface layer due to its processing and ageing. Elongation to failure in a tensile test is not a good measure of this embrittlement whereas the microabrasion test provides more surface sensitive information concerning this property.


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This publication takes the form of a written version of my inaugural lecture, which was presented at Queens University Belfast on 10 March 2010. It is more personal and considerably more self-indulgent than would normally be acceptable in an article, with more of my own experiences and also my own references than would usually be considered proper. However, the bestowal of such a title as Professor of Island Geography is something of a marker of the maturity not just of myself but maybe also for island studies. After a section describing my path into island geography, the lecture deals with the negativities of islands and the seeming futility of studying them only then to identify a new or at least enhanced regard for islands as places with which to interact and to examine. Reference is made to islands throughout the world, but with some focus on the small islands off Ireland. The development of island studies as a discipline is then briefly described before the lecture concludes with reference to its title quotation on St Helena by considering that places islandness and how this affected/affects it in both the 17th and 21st centuries.


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Objective: The primary objective of this study was to examine how the comprehensive nature of the Stress Process Model could elucidate on the stressors associated with caring for a palliative cancer patient. Method: A qualitative research strategy involving home-based face-to-face interviews with 12 bereaved family caregivers was used to examine the caregiving experience. Results: The primary stressors associated with caring for the palliative cancer care patients stemmed from care recipient symptoms and personal care needs. The absence of adequate support from the formal health care delivery system was a consistent message from all participants. There was evidence of financial stress primarily associated with the purchase of private home care to supplement formal care. In contrast, the resources that family caregivers relied on to moderate the stressful effects of caregiving included extended family, friends, and neighbors. While the stress of direct caregiving was high, the study revealed that formal care was also a significant source of stress for family caregivers. Conclusion: It was concluded that an appropriately financed, integrated system of care that followed a person-centered philosophy of care would best meet the needs of the patient and his or her family. The Author(s) 2010.


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Rationale, aims and objectives: This study aims to examine the public's knowledge and perceptions of connected health (CH).<br/><br/>Methods: A structured questionnaire was administered by face-to-face interview to an opportunistic sample of 1003 members of the public in 11 shopping centres across Northern Ireland (NI). Topics included public knowledge of CH, opinions about who should provide CH and views about the use of computers in health care. Multivariable analyses were conducted to assess respondents' willingness to use CH in the future.<br/><br/>Results: Sixty-seven percent of respondents were female, 31% were less than 30 years old and 22% were over 60 years. Most respondents had never heard of CH (92%). Following a standard definition, the majority felt CH was a good idea (90%) and that general practitioners were in the best position to provide CH; however, respondents were equivocal about reductions in health care professionals' workload and had some concerns about the ease of device use. Factors positively influencing willingness to use CH in the future included knowledge of someone who has a chronic disease, residence in NI since birth and less concern about the use of information technology (IT) in health care. Those over 60 years old or who felt threatened by the use of IT to store personal health information were less willing to use CH in the future.<br/><br/>Conclusion: Increased public awareness and education about CH is required to alleviate concerns and increase the acceptability of this type of care.


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<p>Levoglucosan is one important primary product during cellulose pyrolysis either as an intermediate or as a product. Three available mechanisms for levoglucosan formation have been studied theoretically in this paper, which are free-radical mechanism; glucose intermediate mechanism; and levoglucosan chain-end mechanism. All the elementary reactions included in the pathway of every mechanism were investigated; thermal properties including activation energy, Gibbs free energy, and enthalpy for every pathway were also calculated. It was concluded that free-radical mechanism has the highest energy barrier during the three levoglucosan formation mechanisms, glucose intermediate mechanism has lower energy barrier than free-radical mechanism, and levoglucosan chain-end mechanism is the most reasonable pathway because of the lowest energy barrier. By comparing with the activation energy obtained from the experimental results, it was also concluded that levoglucosan chain-end mechanism fits better with the experimental data for the formation of levoglucosan. 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</p>


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<p>The activation of oxygen molecules is an important issue in the gold-catalyzed partial oxidation of alcohols in aqueous solution. The complexity of the solution arising from a large number of solvent molecules makes it difficult to study the reaction in the system. In this work, O-2 activation on an Au catalyst is investigated using an effective approach to estimate the reaction barriers in the presence of solvent. Our calculations show that O-2 can be activated, undergoing OOH* in the presence of water molecules. The OOH* can readily be formed on Au(211) via four possible pathways with almost equivalent free energy barriers at the aqueous-solid interface: the direct or indirect activation of O-2 by surface hydrogen or the hydrolysis of O-2 following a Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism or an Eley-Rideal mechanism. Among them, the Eley-Rideal mechanism may be slightly more favorable due to the restriction of the low coverage of surface H on Au(211) in the other mechanisms. The results shed light on the importance of water molecules on the activation of oxygen in gold-catalyzed systems. Solvent is found to facilitate the oxygen activation process mainly by offering extra electrons and stabilizing the transition states. A correlation between the energy barrier and the negative charge of the reaction center is found. The activation barrier is substantially reduced by the aqueous environment, in which the first solvation shell plays the most important role in the barrier reduction. Our approach may be useful for estimating the reaction barriers in aqueous systems.</p>


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Background: LL-37, composed of 37 amino acid residues, is an innate host defence peptide of the cathelicidin family. It is expressed by neutrophils, monocytes and epithelial cells and exhibits both anti-bacterial and immunomodulatory properties. LL-37 is however prone to proteolytic degradation by proteinases, thus potentially limiting its inherent host defence properties in the inflammatory milieu. Objectives: The present study was designed to determine whether LL-37 was degraded by components of gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) from healthy subjects or those with periodontitis. In addition, we aimed to deduce whether degradation of the peptide was accelerated in GCF samples which were determined to be positive for the periodontopathic bacterium Porphyromonas gingivalis. Methods: GCF and bacterial plaque samples, pre- and post non-surgical periodontal treatment, were collected from 4 individual sites in patients presenting with advanced periodontitis. In healthy subjects, GCF samples only were collected. Plaque samples were analysed by QPCR for the presence or absence of P. gingivalis. Pooled GCF samples from healthy sites; periodontitis sites which were P. gingivalis negative (Pg-); or periodontitis sites which were P. gingivalis positive (Pg+), were incubated with synthetic LL-37 for 0 180 min. The degradation products were then analysed by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Results: LL-37 was not degraded when incubated with GCF from healthy subjects. In contrast, LL-37 was degraded after 30 min when incubated with Pg- GCF. However degradation of LL-37 was apparent after only 2 min incubation with Pg+ GCF and the parent molecule was almost completely degraded after 30 min. Conclusions: The rapid degradation of LL-37, particularly in Pg+ sites, highlights the limited role which this host defence peptide may play in the presence of biologically active proteinases. It also underscores a potent virulence mechanism of P. gingivalis used to circumvent innate host responses.


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Este estudo pe em evidncia o valor formativo da reflexo pela escrita, estruturada em portfolios reflexivos, desenvolvidos durante a disciplina de Superviso I, nas quatro turmas/cursos de formao complementar em Superviso Pedaggica e Formao de Formadores, para o Exerccio de Outras Funes, decorrida entre 1999-2004, na Escola Superior de Educao de Viseu, do Instituto Superior Politcnico de Viseu. Trata-se de uma investigao de ndole qualitativa desenvolvida segundo a metodologia de estudo de caso, na vertente de estudo de casos mltiplos, dada a singularidade de que cada portfolio se reveste. A investigao foi perspectivada aps a concluso do referido curso com base na existncia, ao tempo, de pouca investigao realizada no mbito da utilizao de portfolios na Formao Complementar de professores. As questes investigativas foram, por esse motivo, desenhadas a posteriori, o que podemos considerar uma limitao do estudo, ainda que os resultados obtidos confirmem as perspectivas desenvolvimentistas desta estratgia de formao, evidenciadas em investigaes realizadas noutros contextos nacionais e internacionais. A adopo do portfolio reflexivo (S-Chaves, 2000) numa dupla dimenso formativa e avaliativa resultou de uma concepo de formao conducente ao desenvolvimento de professores reflexivos, capazes de exercer funes supervisivas aliceradas na reflexo, no dilogo, na partilha e na interveno. Pretendemos com a aplicao de portfolios reflexivos verificar at que ponto a construo de este tipo de narrativa autobiogrfica podia contribuir para o desenvolvimento da profissionalidade docente de professores inseridos na carreira h j alguns/muitos anos, proporcionando-lhes a(s) ferramenta(s) reflexiva(s) necessria(s) a uma interveno e/ou alterao de prticas mais adequadas s novas funes supervisivas que a legislao recente previa que viessem a exercer. Pudemos confirmar que a redaco do portfolio constituiu uma mais valia para os seus autores no que respeita ao seu desenvolvimento da sua profissionalidade, tendo-se verificado um crescimento evidente nas dimenses de conhecimento profissional, com especial incidncia: no autoconhecimento; no conhecimento sobre estratgias reflexivas e supervisivas para o exerccio de novas funes; no conhecimento de teorias prticas subjacentes s suas experincias supervisivas (passadas, presentes e futuras); no conhecimento sobre desenvolvimento curricular e sua flexibilizao; no conhecimento sobre estratgias de avaliao alternativa e compreensiva; no conhecimento do Outro, no qual se incluem os alunos, os colegas de profisso e os restantes elementos da comunidade educativa; e no conhecimento sobre os contextos. Verificmos igualmente que a compreenso das competncias supervisivas dos formandos tambm evoluiu. As reflexes vertidas neste estudo evidenciam que os formandos consciencializaram a necessidade de possurem uma competncia de interveno fundamentada na reflexo, exercida sob uma perspectiva dialgica e humanista de superviso e de adaptabilidade aos contextos profissionais. Acresce que alguns destes formandos manifestaram vontade e maior coragem para assumir essa interveno, considerada imprescindvel para que a escola evolua e se inove, como resposta imprevisibilidade e complexidade dos nossos tempos. Tornou-se igualmente evidente que os formandos desenvolveram as competncias de integrao da prtica na teoria ou vice-versa e de autenticao das suas prprias teorias. Os professores so unnimes ao afirmar que a estratgia de portfolio contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da sua competncia reflexiva e/ou de anlise crtica, a qual, por sua vez, conduziu auto-consciencializao da sua matriz identitria e coragem para serem mais autnticos e interventivos/pr-activos. Terem sido capazes de ultrapassar as dificuldades e os receios colocados por uma estratgia que desconheciam, conferiu-lhes maior auto-estima e autonomia. Este aspecto est bem patente nas meta-anlises realizadas por cada autor do portfolio, nas quais, aceitam a estratgia inicialmente combatida, reconhecendo-lhe valor formativo e a capacidade de revelao de conhecimento sobre si prprios. Pese embora o curto espao de tempo em que a experincia de construo dos portfolios decorreu, tanto os formandos como ns consideramos que esta narrativa profissional autobiogrfica uma estratgia promotora de uma auto-superviso contnua, que fornece e regista pistas de autodireccionamento profissional, sempre passveis de avaliao e de redireccionamento. Com base nestas constataes consideramos que o portfolio reflexivo pode tornar-se no instrumento mais completo e diacrnico de auto-avaliao de professores, prevista no ECD, na medida em que permite retratar o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal do seu autor e possibilita que este se reveja e redimensione a sua profissionalidade, sempre que acrescenta reflexes novas ou complementa anteriores, como resultado dos conselhos e/ou das discusses com o(s) Outro(s) e o prprio.


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Die Forschung am Herbarbeleg ist in der Botanik und der Taxonomie einem Wandel ausgesetzt. Zunehmend werden in Herbarien digitale Kopien verwendet, die neue Auswertungs- und Analysemethoden ermglichen. Die Entwicklung technischer und wirtschaftlicher Verfahren zur Herbarbeleg-Digitalisierung ist Gegenstand des Forschungsschwerpunkts Herbar Digital der Hochschule Hannover. Das Ziel von Herbar Digital ist es, das System der Virtualisierung von Herbarbelegen und deren Verwaltung so zu automatisieren, dass die Kosten von 20 US-$ auf 2 US-$ reduziert werden. Betrachtet man die Herbarbeleg-Digitalisierung als ein zu planendes 5-Jahres-Investitionsprojekt, dann sind unterschiedliche Szenarien und deren wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen denkbar. In dem vorliegenden Arbeitspapier werden drei Szenarien entwickelt und soweit operationalisiert, dass sowohl Aussagen einer technischen Investitionsplanung als auch einer wirtschaftlichen Investitionsplanung ber den Planungshorizont von 5 Jahren abgeleitet werden. In technischer Hinsicht werden die Produktion, Logistik (inkl. IT) sowie das Personal geplant. Die wirtschaftlichen Aussagen beziehen sich auf Standort- und Betriebsmittelkosten, IT- und Logistikkosten, Personalkosten sowie sonstige Kosten. Um den Projekterfolg sicherzustellen, sind beide Planungsbereiche in einem Konzept fr das Investitionscontrolling integriert. Als Ergebnis von Szenario 1 ergeben sich bei einer Produktionsmenge von 1 Mio. digitalen Belegen Ausgaben in Hhe von 2,05 pro Digitalisat. Das Szenario 1 ist als generelles Forschungsergebnis von Herbar Digital zu verstehen und liefert entsprechend eine Referenzlsung fr alle Objekte im Kontext einer musealen Herbarbeleg-Digitalisierung. Bei einer Produktion von 5 Mio. Digitalisaten in Szenario 2 wird von einer Kooperation der Herbarien in Berlin und einem auslndischen Partner mit halben Lohnniveau ausgegangen. Es reduzieren sich die zahlungswirksamen Kosten auf 1,21 pro Digitalisat. Das Ergebnis aus Szenario 2 bleibt auch in Szenario 3 konstant, worin unter Einbezug eines weiteren inlndischen Kooperationspartners 10 Mio. digitale Herbarbelege hergestellt werden. Vermutlich ergeben sich unter den technischen Bedingungen keine weiteren Kostendegressionseffekte.