897 resultados para Hydrophilic antioxidants
AIMS Children conceived by assisted reproductive technology (ART) display vascular dysfunction. Its underlying mechanism, potential reversibility and long-term consequences for cardiovascular risk are unknown. In mice, ART induces arterial hypertension and shortens the life span. These problems are related to decreased vascular endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression and nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. The aim of this study was to determine whether ART-induced vascular dysfunction in humans is related to a similar mechanism and potentially reversible. To this end we tested whether antioxidants improve endothelial function by scavenging free radicals and increasing NO bioavailability. METHODS AND RESULTS In this prospective double-blind placebo controlled study in 21 ART and 21 control children we assessed the effects of a four-week oral supplementation with antioxidant vitamins C (1 g) and E (400 IU) or placebo (allocation ratio 2:1) on flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) of the brachial artery and pulmonary artery pressure (echocardiography) during high-altitude exposure (3454 m), a manoeuver known to facilitate the detection of pulmonary vascular dysfunction and to decrease NO bioavailability by stimulating oxidative stress. Antioxidant supplementation significantly increased plasma NO measured by ozone-based chemiluminescence (from 21.7 ± 7.9 to 26.9 ± 7.6 µM, p = 0.04) and FMD (from 7.0 ± 2.1 to 8.7 ± 2.0%, p = 0.004) and attenuated altitude-induced pulmonary hypertension (from 33 ± 8 to 28 ± 6 mm Hg, p = 0.028) in ART children, whereas it had no detectable effect in control children. CONCLUSIONS Antioxidant administration to ART children improved NO bioavailability and vascular responsiveness in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. Collectively, these findings indicate that in young individuals ART-induced vascular dysfunction is subject to redox regulation and reversible.
Cysteine and methionine are the two sulfur-containing residues normally found in proteins. Cysteine residues function in the catalytic cycle of many enzymes, and they can form disulfide bonds that contribute to protein structure. In contrast, the specific functions of methionine residues are not known. We propose that methionine residues constitute an important antioxidant defense mechanism. A variety of oxidants react readily with methionine to form methionine sulfoxide, and surface exposed methionine residues create an extremely high concentration of reactant, available as an efficient oxidant scavenger. Reduction back to methionine by methionine sulfoxide reductases would allow the antioxidant system to function catalytically. The effect of hydrogen peroxide exposure upon glutamine synthetase from Escherichia coli was studied as an in vitro model system. Eight of the 16 methionine residues could be oxidized with little effect on catalytic activity of the enzyme. The oxidizable methionine residues were found to be relatively surface exposed, whereas the intact residues were generally buried within the core of the protein. Furthermore, the susceptible residues were physically arranged in an array that guarded the entrance to the active site.
Heat-acclimation or salicylic acid (SA) treatments were previously shown to induce thermotolerance in mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings from 1.5 to 4 h after treatment. In the present study we investigated changes in endogenous SA and antioxidants in relation to induced thermotolerance. Thirty minutes into a 1-h heat-acclimation treatment glucosylated SA had increased 5.5-fold and then declined during the next 6 h. Increases in free SA were smaller (2-fold) but significant. Changes in antioxidants showed the following similarities after either heat-acclimation or SA treatment. The reduced-to-oxidized ascorbate ratio was 5-fold lower than the controls 1 h after treatment but recovered by 2 h. The glutathione pool became slightly more oxidized from 2 h after treatment. Glutathione reductase activity was more than 50% higher during the first 2 h. Activities of dehydroascorbate reductase and monodehydroascorbate reductase decreased by at least 25% during the first 2 h but were 20% to 60% higher than the control levels after 3 to 6 h. One hour after heat acclimation ascorbate peroxidase activity was increased by 30%. Young leaves appeared to be better protected by antioxidant enzymes following heat acclimation than the cotyledons or stem. Changes in endogenous SA and antioxidants may be involved in heat acclimation.
Induction of phase 2 detoxification enzymes by phenolic antioxidants can account for prevention of tumor initiation but cannot explain why these compounds inhibit tumor promotion. Phase 2 genes are induced through an antioxidant response element (ARE). Although the ARE resembles an AP-1 binding site, we show that the major ARE binding and activating protein is not AP-1. Interestingly, AP-1 DNA binding activity was induced by the phenolic antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone (BHQ), but the induction of AP-1 transcriptional activity by the tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA) was inhibited by this compound. BHQ induced expression of c-jun, junB, fra-1, and fra-2, which encode AP-1 components, but was a poor inducer of c-fos and had no effect on fosB. Like c-Fos and FosB, the Fra proteins heterodimerize with Jun proteins to form stable AP-1 complexes. However, Fra-containing AP-1 complexes have low transactivation potential. Furthermore, Fra-1 repressed AP-1 activity induced by either TPA or expression of c-Jun and c-Fos. We therefore conclude that inhibitory AP-1 complexes composed of Jun-Fra heterodimers, induced by BHQ, antagonize the transcriptional effects of the tumor promoter TPA, which are mediated by Jun-Fos heterodimers. Since AP-1 is an important mediator of tumor promoter action, these findings may explain the anti-tumor-promoting activity of phenolic antioxidants.
We have measured experimental adsorption isotherms of water in zeolite LTA4A, and studied the regeneration process by performing subsequent adsorption cycles after degassing at different temperatures. We observed incomplete desorption at low temperatures, and cation rearrangement at successive adsorption cycles. We also developed a new molecular simulation force field able to reproduce experimental adsorption isotherms in the range of temperatures between 273 K and 374 K. Small deviations observed at high pressures are attributed to the change in the water dipole moment at high loadings. The force field correctly describes the preferential adsorption sites of water at different pressures. We tested the influence of the zeolite structure, framework flexibility, and cation mobility when considering adsorption and diffusion of water. Finally, we performed checks on force field transferability between different hydrophilic zeolite types, concluding that classical, non-polarizable water force fields are not transferable.
Lidocaine bears in its structure both an aromatic ring and a terminal amine, which can be protonated at physiological pH, linked by an amide group. Since lidocaine causes multiple inhibitory actions on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs), this work was aimed to determine the inhibitory effects of diethylamine (DEA), a small molecule resembling the hydrophilic moiety of lidocaine, on Torpedo marmorata nAChRs microtransplanted to Xenopus oocytes. Similarly to lidocaine, DEA reversibly blocked acetylcholine-elicited currents (IACh) in a dose-dependent manner (IC50 close to 70 μM), but unlike lidocaine, DEA did not affect IACh desensitization. IACh inhibition by DEA was more pronounced at negative potentials, suggesting an open-channel blockade of nAChRs, although roughly 30% inhibition persisted at positive potentials, indicating additional binding sites outside the pore. DEA block of nAChRs in the resting state (closed channel) was confirmed by the enhanced IACh inhibition when pre-applying DEA before its co-application with ACh, as compared with solely DEA and ACh co-application. Virtual docking assays provide a plausible explanation to the experimental observations in terms of the involvement of different sets of drug binding sites. So, at the nAChR transmembrane (TM) domain, DEA and lidocaine shared binding sites within the channel pore, giving support to their open-channel blockade; besides, lidocaine, but not DEA, interacted with residues at cavities among the M1, M2, M3, and M4 segments of each subunit and also at intersubunit crevices. At the extracellular (EC) domain, DEA and lidocaine binding sites were broadly distributed, which aids to explain the closed channel blockade observed. Interestingly, some DEA clusters were located at the α-γ interphase of the EC domain, in a cavity near the orthosteric binding site pocket; by contrast, lidocaine contacted with all α-subunit loops conforming the ACh binding site, both in α-γ and α-δ and interphases, likely because of its larger size. Together, these results indicate that DEA mimics some, but not all, inhibitory actions of lidocaine on nAChRs and that even this small polar molecule acts by different mechanisms on this receptor. The presented results contribute to a better understanding of the structural determinants of nAChR modulation.
Performance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic silica membrane reactors for the water gas shift reaction
In this study, a novel molecular sieve silica (MSS) membrane packed bed reactor (PBR) using a Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalyst was applied to the low-temperature water gas shift reaction (WGS). Best permeation results were H-2 permeances of 1.5 x 10(-6) mol(.)s(-1) m(-2) Pa-1, H-2/CO2 selectivities of 8 and H-2/N-2 selectivities of 18. It was shown that an operation with a sweep gas flow of 80 cm 3 min(-1), a feed flow rate of 50 cm(3) min(-1) and a H2O/CO molar ratio of one at 280 degreesC reached a 99% CO conversion. This is well above the thermodynamic equilibrium and achievable PBR conversion. Hydrophilic membranes underwent pore widening during the reaction while hydrophobic membranes indicated no such behaviour and also showed increased H-2 permeation with temperature, a characteristic of activated transport. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Three water-soluble carboxy nitroxide antioxidants, 5-carboxy-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2-yloxyl, 4-carboxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-yloxyl, and 3-carboxy-2,2,5,5-tetramethylpyrrolidin-1-yloxyl, show significant impact on the postirradiation survival rates of ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) cells compared to normal cells, an assay which represents a model for understanding the impact of ROS damage on the A-T phenotype. The effects of these antioxidants are much more significant than those of vitamin E or Trolox (a water-soluble vitamin E analog), studied using the same cell survival model. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hydrophilic layered silicate/polyurethane nanocomposites were prepared via twin screw extrusion and solvent casting. Good dispersion and delamination was achieved-regardless of processing route, illustrating that the need for optimised processing conditions diminishes when there is a strong driving for de for intercalation between the polymer and organosilicate. Evidence for altered polyurethane microphase morphology in the nanocomposites was provided by DMTA and DSC. WAXD results suggested that the appearance of an additional high temperature melting endotherm in some melt-compounded nanocomposites was not due to the formation of a second crystal polymorph, but rather due to more well-ordered hard microdomains. Solvent casting was found to be the preferred processing route due to the avoidance of polyurethane and surfactant degradation associated with melt processing. While tensile strength and elongation were not improved on organosilicate addition, large increases in stiffness were observed. At a 7 wt% organosilicate loading, a 3.2-fold increase in Young's modulus was achieved by solvent casting. The nanocomposites also displayed higher hysteresis and permanent set. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hydrophobins are small (similar to 100 aa) proteins that have an important role in the growth and development of mycelial fungi. They are surface active and, after secretion by the fungi, self-assemble into amphipathic membranes at hydrophobic/hydrophilic interfaces, reversing the hydrophobicity of the surface. In this study, molecular dynamics simulation techniques have been used to model the process by which a specific class I hydrophobin, SC3, binds to a range of hydrophobic/ hydrophilic interfaces. The structure of SC3 used in this investigation was modeled based on the crystal structure of the class II hydrophobin HFBII using the assumption that the disulfide pairings of the eight conserved cysteine residues are maintained. The proposed model for SC3 in aqueous solution is compact and globular containing primarily P-strand and coil structures. The behavior of this model of SC3 was investigated at an air/water, an oil/water, and a hydrophobic solid/water interface. It was found that SC3 preferentially binds to the interfaces via the loop region between the third and fourth cysteine residues and that binding is associated with an increase in a-helix formation in qualitative agreement with experiment. Based on a combination of the available experiment data and the current simulation studies, we propose a possible model for SC3 self-assembly on a hydrophobic solid/water interface.