934 resultados para Human Genome Project.


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Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) are the result of ancient germ cell infections of human germ cells by exogenous retroviruses. HERVs belong to the long terminal repeat (LTR) group of retrotransposons that comprise ~8% of the human genome. The majority of the HERVs documented have been truncated and/or incurred lethal mutations and no longer encode functional genes; however a very small number of HERVs seem to maintain functional in making new copies by retrotranspositon as suggested by the identification of a handful of polymorphic HERV insertions in human populations. The objectives of this study were to identify novel insertion of HERVs via analysis of personal genomic data and survey the polymorphism levels of new and known HERV insertions in the human genome. Specifically, this study involves the experimental validation of polymorphic HERV insertion candidates predicted by personal genome-based computation prediction and survey the polymorphism level within the human population based on a set of 30 diverse human DNA samples. Based on computational analysis of a limited number of personal genome sequences, PCR genotyping aided in the identification of 15 dimorphic, 2 trimorphic and 5 fixed full-length HERV-K insertions not previously investigated. These results suggest that the proliferation rate of HERVKs, perhaps also other ERVs, in the human genome may be much higher than we previously appreciated and the recently inserted HERVs exhibit a high level of instability. Throughout this study we have observed the frequent presence of additional forms of genotypes for these HERV insertions, and we propose for the first time the establishment of new genotype reporting nomenclature to reflect all possible combinations of the pre-integration site, solo-LTR and full-length HERV alleles.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en droit"


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This article examines the current legal regime applicable to animal-human combinations under the Assisted Human Reproduction Act (Canada). The Act prohibits as criminal offences the use of non-human reproductive material in humans, the use in humans of human reproductive material previously transplanted into a non-human life form, the creation of chimeras made from human embryos, and the creation for reproductive purposes of human/non-human hybrids. Additional animal-human combinations, such as transgenic life forms, may be regulated pursuant to section 11 of the Act in the future. The underlying concerns of the Act in establishing this regime appear to be the protection of human health and safety, human dignity and individuality, and the human genome. The Act seems calibrated to prohibit the creation of animal-human combinations that are currently unsafe and scientifically and ethically problematic, while leaving open the possibility of regulating other such combinations with more immediate scientific potential, although these also raise ethical questions. Currently, certain differences subsist in Canada between what is permissible for researchers and institutions funded by federal agencies and those in privately funded research. The development of the regulatory framework under the Act will reveal how freedom of research will be balanced against the need for scientifically valid and ethically justifiable research, and whether these differences will continue to apply.


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Depuis déjà plusieurs décennies, nous sommes en mesure d'identifier les mutations responsable de diverses maladies mendéliennes. La découverte des gènes responsables de ces maladies permet non seulement un meilleur diagnostic clinique pour ces familles, mais aussi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes physiopathologiques de ces maladies ainsi que mieux définir la fonction normale des gènes causales. Ultimement, ces découvertes mènent à l'identification de cibles thérapeutiques pour le traitement de ces maladies. Les progrès technologiques sont depuis toujours un facteur très important dans la découverte de ces gènes mutés. De l'approche traditionnelle de clonage positionnel en passant par la première séquence du génome humain et maintenant les technologies de séquençage à grande échelle, de plus en plus de maladies ont maintenant une entité génétique. Dans le cadre de ce projet de doctorat, nous avons utilisé tant les approches traditionnelles (leucodystrophies) que les nouvelles technologies de séquençage (polyneuropathie douloureuse) qui ont mené à l'identification du gène causal pour plusieurs de nos familles. L'efficacité de ces deux approches n'est plus à démontrer, chacune d'entre elles possèdent des avantages et des inconvénients. Dans le cadre de ces projets, nous avons utilisé la population canadienne-française connue pour ces effets fondateurs et la présence, encore aujourd'hui, de grandes familles. Les différents projets ont permis d'établir certains avantages et inconvénients quant à l'utilisation de ces techniques et de la population canadienne-française. Dans le cadre d'un phénotype assez homogène et bien défini comme celui du projet leucodystrophie, l'approche traditionnel par gène candidat nous a permis d'identifier le gène causal, POLR3B, sans trop de difficulté. Par contre, pour les autres projets où nous sommes en présence d'une hétérogénéité clinique et génétique une approche non-biaisée utilisant le séquençage exomique a obtenu un plus grand succès. La présence de grandes familles est un grand avantage dans les deux approches. Dans le projet polyneuropathie douloureuse, une grande famille originaire du Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean nous a permis d'identifier le gène NAGLU comme responsable suite à l'exclusion des autres variants candidats par analyse de ségrégation. Comme NAGLU était déjà associé à un phénotype qui diffère sur plusieurs points à celui de notre famille, une approche traditionnelle n'aurait pas été en mesure d'identifier NAGLU comme le gène causal. Dans l'analyse de nos données de séquençage exomique, nous avons observé que plusieurs variants rares, absents des bases de données, étaient partagés entre les différents individus Canadiens français. Ceci est probablement dû à la démographie génétique particulière observée chez les Canadiens français. En conclusion, les technologies de séquençage à grande échelle sont avantageuses dans l'étude de maladies hétérogènes au niveau clinique et génétique. Ces technologies sont en voie de modifier l'approche d'identification de gènes en permettant une analyse de génétique inversée, c'est-à-dire de la génétique vers la clinique.


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The human gut microbiota comprises a diverse microbial consortium closely co-evolved with the human genome and diet. The importance of the gut microbiota in regulating human health and disease has however been largely overlooked due to the inaccessibility of the intestinal habitat, the complexity of the gut microbiota itself and the fact that many of its members resist cultivation and are in fact new to science. However, with the emergence of 16S rRNA molecular tools and "post-genomics" high resolution technologies for examining microorganisms as they occur in nature without the need for prior laboratory culture, this limited view of the gut microbiota is rapidly changing. This review will discuss the application of molecular microbiological tools to study the human gut microbiota in a culture independent manner. Genomics or metagenomics approaches have a tremendous capability to generate compositional data and to measure the metabolic potential encoded by the combined genomes of the gut microbiota. Another post-genomics approach, metabonomics, has the capacity to measure the metabolic kinetic or flux of metabolites through an ecosystem at a particular point in time or over a time course. Metabonomics thus derives data on the function of the gut microbiota in situ and how it responds to different environmental stimuli e. g. substrates like prebiotics, antibiotics and other drugs and in response to disease. Recently these two culture independent, high resolution approaches have been combined into a single "transgenomic" approach which allows correlation of changes in metabolite profiles within human biofluids with microbiota compositional metagenomic data. Such approaches are providing novel insight into the composition, function and evolution of our gut microbiota.


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Microsatellite lengths change over evolutionary time through a process of replication slippage. A recently proposed model of this process holds that the expansionary tendencies of slippage mutation are balanced by point mutations breaking longer microsatellites into smaller units and that this process gives rise to the observed frequency distributions of uninterrupted microsatellite lengths. We refer to this as the slippage/point-mutation theory. Here we derive the theory's predictions for interrupted microsatellites comprising regions of perfect repeats, labeled segments, separated by dinucleotide interruptions containing point mutations. These predictions are tested by reference to the frequency distributions of segments of AC microsatellite in the human genome, and several predictions are shown not to be supported by the data, as follows. The estimated slippage rates are relatively low for the first four repeats, and then rise initially linearly with length, in accordance with previous work. However, contrary to expectation and the experimental evidence, the inferred slippage rates decline in segments above 10 repeats. Point mutation rates are also found to be higher within microsatellites than elsewhere. The theory provides an excellent fit to the frequency distribution of peripheral segment lengths but fails to explain why internal segments are shorter. Furthermore, there are fewer microsatellites with many segments than predicted. The frequencies of interrupted microsatellites decline geometrically with microsatellite size measured in number of segments, so that for each additional segment, the number of microsatellites is 33.6% less. Overall we conclude that the detailed structure of interrupted microsatellites cannot be reconciled with the existing slippage/point-mutation theory of microsatellite evolution, and we suggest that microsatellites are stabilized by processes acting on interior rather than on peripheral segments.


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The human gut microbiota comprises a diverse microbial consortium closely co-evolved with the human genome and diet. The importance of the gut microbiota in regulating human health and disease has however been largely overlooked due to the inaccessibility of the intestinal habitat, the complexity of the gut microbiota itself and the fact that many of its members resist cultivation and are in fact new to science. However, with the emergence of 16S rRNA molecular tools and "post-genomics" high resolution technologies for examining microorganisms as they occur in nature without the need for prior laboratory culture, this limited view of the gut microbiota is rapidly changing. This review will discuss the application of molecular microbiological tools to study the human gut microbiota in a culture independent manner. Genomics or metagenomics approaches have a tremendous capability to generate compositional data and to measure the metabolic potential encoded by the combined genomes of the gut microbiota. Another post-genomics approach, metabonomics, has the capacity to measure the metabolic kinetic or flux of metabolites through an ecosystem at a particular point in time or over a time course. Metabonomics thus derives data on the function of the gut microbiota in situ and how it responds to different environmental stimuli e.g. substrates like prebiotics, antibiotics and other drugs and in response to disease. Recently these two culture independent, high resolution approaches have been combined into a single "transgenomic" approach which allows correlation of changes in metabolite profiles within human biofluids with microbiota compositional metagenomic data. Such approaches are providing novel insight into the composition, function and evolution of our gut microbiota.


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Although regulation of CXCR3 and CCR4 is related to Th1 and Th2 differentiation, respectively, many CXCR3(+) and CCR4(+) cells do not express IFN-gamma and/or IL-4, suggesting that the chemokine receptor genes might be inducible by mechanisms that are lineage-independent. We investigated the regulation of CXCR3 versus IFNG, and CCR4 versus IL4 in human CD4(+) T cells by analyzing modifications of histone H3. In naive cord-blood cells, under nonpolarizing conditions not inducing IL4, CCR4 was induced to high levels without many of the activation-associated changes in promoter histone H3 found for both IL4 and CCR4 in Th2 cells. Importantly, CCR4 expression was stable in Th2 cells, but fell in nonpolarized cells after the cells were rested; this decline could be reversed by increasing histone acetylation using sodium butyrate. Patterns of histone H3 modifications in CXCR3(+) CCR4(-) and CXCR3(-) CCR4(+) CD4(+) T-cell subsets from adult blood matched those in cells cultured under polarizing conditions in vitro. Our data show that high-level lineage-independent induction of CCR4 can occur following T-cell activation without accessibility-associated changes in histone H3, but that without such changes expression is transient rather than persistent.


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Background: Human infection by the pork tapeworm Taenia solium affects more than 50 million people worldwide, particularly in underdeveloped and developing countries. Cysticercosis which arises from larval encystation can be life threatening and difficult to treat. Here, we investigate for the first time the transcriptome of the clinically relevant cysticerci larval form. Results: Using Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) produced by the ORESTES method, a total of 1,520 high quality ESTs were generated from 20 ORESTES cDNA mini-libraries and its analysis revealed fragments of genes with promising applications including 51 ESTs matching antigens previously described in other species, as well as 113 sequences representing proteins with potential extracellular localization, with obvious applications for immune-diagnosis or vaccine development. Conclusion: The set of sequences described here will contribute to deciphering the expression profile of this important parasite and will be informative for the genome assembly and annotation, as well as for studies of intra- and inter-specific sequence variability. Genes of interest for developing new diagnostic and therapeutic tools are described and discussed.


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It has been postulated that noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are involved in the posttranscriptional control of gene expression, and may have contributed to the emergence of the complex attributes observed in mammalians. We show here that the complement of ncRNAs expressed from intronic regions of the human and mouse genomes comprises at least 78,147 and 39,660 transcriptional units, respectively. To identify conserved intronic sequences expressed in both humans and mice, we used custom-designed human cDNA microarrays to separately interrogate RNA from mouse and human liver, kidney, and prostate tissues. An overlapping tissue expression signature was detected for both species, comprising 198 transcripts; among these, 22 RNAs map to intronic regions with evidence of evolutionary conservation in humans and mice. Transcription of selected human-mouse intronic ncRNAs was confirmed using strand-specific RT-PCR. Altogether, these results support an evolutionarily conserved role of intronic ncRNAs in human and mouse, which are likely to be involved in the fine tuning of gene expression regulation in different mammalian tissues. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Transcribed sequences in the human genome can be identified with confidence only by alignment with sequences derived from cDNAs synthesized from naturally occurring mRNAs. We constructed a set of 250,000 cDNAs that represent partial expressed gene sequences and that are biased toward the central coding regions of the resulting transcripts. They are termed ORF expressed sequence tags (ORESTES). The 250,000 ORESTEs were assembled into 81,429 contigs. of these, 1,181 (1.45%) were found to match sequences in chromosome 22 with at least one ORESTES contig for 162 (65.6%) of the 247 known genes, for 67 (44.6%) of the 150 related genes, and for 45 of the 148 (30.4%) EST-predicted genes on this chromosome. Using a set of stringent criteria to validate our sequences, we identified a further 219 previously unannotated transcribed sequences on chromosome 22. of these, 171 were in fact also defined by EST or full length cDNA sequences available in GenBank but not utilized in the initial annotation of the first human chromosome sequence. Thus despite representing less than 15% of all expressed human sequences in the public databases at the time of the present analysis, ORESTEs sequences defined 48 transcribed sequences on chromosome 22 not defined by other sequences. All of the transcribed sequences defined by ORESTEs coincided with DNA regions predicted as encoding exons by GENSCAN.


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The correct identification of all human genes, and their derived transcripts, has not yet been achieved, and it remains one of the major aims of the worldwide genomics community. Computational programs suggest the existence of 30,000 to 40,000 human genes. However, definitive gene identification can only be achieved by experimental approaches. We used two distinct methodologies, one based on the alignment of mouse orthologous sequences to the human genome, and another based on the construction of a high-quality human testis cDNA library, in an attempt to identify new human transcripts within the human genome sequence. We generated 47 complete human transcript sequences, comprising 27 unannotated and 20 annotated sequences. Eight of these transcripts are variants of previously known genes. These transcripts were characterized according to size, number of exons, and chromosomal localization, and a search for protein domains was undertaken based on their putative open reading frames. In silico expression analysis suggests that some of these transcripts are expressed at low levels and in a restricted set of tissues.


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The term human factor is used by professionals of various fields meant for understanding the behavior of human beings at work. The human being, while developing a cooperative activity with a computer system, is subject to cause an undesirable situation in his/her task. This paper starts from the principle that human errors may be considered as a cause or factor contributing to a series of accidents and incidents in many diversified fields in which human beings interact with automated systems. We propose a simulator of performance in error with potentiality to assist the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) project manager in the construction of the critical systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The publication of the human genome sequence in 2001 was a major step forward in knowledge necessary to understand the variations between individuals. For farmed species, genomic sequence information will facilitate the selection of animals optimised to live, and be productive, in particular environments. The availability of cattle genome sequence has allowed the breeding industry to take the first steps towards predicting phenotypes from genotypes by estimating a genomic breeding value (gEBV) for bulls using genome-wide DNA markers. The sequencing of the buffalo genome and creation of a panel of DNA markers has created the opportunity to apply molecular selection approaches for this species.The genomes of several buffalo of different breeds were sequenced and aligned with the bovine genome, which facilitated the identification of millions of sequence variants in the buffalo genomes. Based on frequencies of variants within and among buffalo breeds, and their distribution across the genome compared with the bovine genome, 90,000 putative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were selected to create an Axiom (R) Buffalo Genotyping Array 90K. This SNP Chip was tested in buffalo populations from Italy and Brazil and found to have at least 75% high quality and polymorphic markers in these populations. The 90K SNP chip was then used to investigate the structure of buffalo populations, and to localise the variations having a major effect on milk production.