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人LMBR1(Limb region 1 homolog (mouse)) 基因位于染色体7q36区域,全长约210.2 kb,含17个外显子,编码一个由490个氨基酸构成的跨膜蛋白。研究表明,LMBR1 基因的表达活性与脊椎动物四肢的手指或脚趾数目变化有关;另外,发生在其重要元件——intron 5 内的许多变异与多种表型的轴前多指症((PPD, Preaxial polydactyly)存在相关性,这主要是因为LMBR1 intron 5 内含有一个与骨骼系统发育有关的基因(SHH(Sonic hedgehog)基因)的远程顺式调控元件。本研究旨在探究LMBR1基因 intron 5 内的遗传多样性,进而评估HapMap计划的样本选择策略,并检测该区域是否受自然选择的作用。 国际人类基因组单体型图计划(HapMap Project,The International Haplotype Map Project) 于2002年10月正式启动,该计划旨在构建人类基因组中常见变异的遗传图式。自其数据发布以来,广泛应用于生物医学、群体遗传学等领域,在复杂疾病的遗传机理研究、自然选择的检测等方面做出了前所未有的贡献;但是HapMap计划中样本的代表性有待评估。 本研究中,我们综合考虑地理来源信息及线粒体单倍型类群 (Haplogroup)信息选择了41个东亚人作为样本(以保证样本的代表性),测定位于LMBR1 基因intron 5 内的目的片段中存在的单核苷酸多态性(SNP, Singe nucleotide polymorphism)位点,通过所得数据与HapMap数据的比较,发现二者之间差异显著且HapMap数据不能覆盖所有我们得到的常见变异,因而我们认为:HapMap计划中国部分的样本选择策略有待进一步完善。 关于自然选择的研究不仅可以使我们了解生物的进化机制,同时还对复杂疾病的遗传机理研究具有重要的提示作用,因而,对于自然选择的检测,一直以来都是生物学研究的重点。平衡选择是一种维持遗传多态性的自然选择方式,现已发现很多与特定疾病或性状相关的基因或调控序列受平衡选择的作用,如 G6PD 基因、PTC 基因、FMO3 基因、FSHB 基因及 CCR5 基因5’端顺式调控区等我们对41个东亚样本中LMBR1 intron 5 内一段长为9256 bp (Chr7: 156280954-156271699 (Build36))的序列进行以 Tajima’s D 检验为主的群体遗传学分析,发现该区域在进化历程中受到平衡选择的作用。LMBR1 intron 5 内的多态位点与多种表型的多指症存在相关性,受其调控的 SHH 基因在骨骼系统发育中具有重要作用,人类骨骼系统的适应性进化等三方面的因素为该区域受平衡选择的作用提供了进一步的佐证。 总之,本研究对HapMap计划的样本选择策略和数据应用提供了一定的参考;同时还发现一个与骨骼系统发育有关的基因调控元件受平衡选择的作用。


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土壤重金属污染是影响农业可持续发展和生态环境的重要问题,而通过生物标记物方式对污染土壤进行早期诊断已成为环境科学领域的研究热点。本文以M&S营养液为培养介质,以拟南芥为供试材料,以错配修复基因MutS 2 homolog (atMSH2),atMSH3,atMSH7,细胞增殖核抗原1 和2 (atPCNA1和atPCNA2)为检测目的基因,分别采用半定量反转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)技术、克隆及测序技术研究了Cd在不同胁迫水平(0,0.125,0.25,1.0,3.0 mg•L-1 )上对上述错配修复相关基因表达和atMSH2基因突变的影响,并与拟南芥幼苗形态、生理指标的毒性效应进行比较分析,筛选出对Cd污染胁迫敏感的生物标记物。主要结果如下: 1. 不同浓度(0,0.125,0.25,1.0,3.0 mg•L-1 )Cd处理7天后,拟南芥幼苗叶片数、地上部鲜重变化与对照相比差异均不显著;而根长随Cd胁迫强度的增加明显降低; 2. 不同浓度(0,0.125,0.25,1.0,3.0 mg•L-1 )Cd处理7天后,叶绿素含量变化与对照相比差异均不显著; 地上部可溶性蛋白含量随Cd浓度的增加变化明显,0.125 mg•L-1 Cd处理下,地上部可溶性蛋白含量显著增加,而在0.25,1.0和3.0 mg•L-1 Cd时降低,但仍高于对照; 3. 地上部atMSH2,atPCNA1,atPCNA2基因表达量的变化与Cd胁迫浓度呈明显的倒U字型关系,分别在0.125mg•L-1,0.25mg•L-1和0.125mg•L-1 Cd时达到最大值。地上部可溶性蛋白含量变化趋势与atMSH2,atPCNA1,atPCNA2基因表达量的变化相似,均可作为对Cd污染胁迫敏感的潜在生物标记物。 4. 对不同浓度(0,0.125,0.25,1.0,3.0 mg•L-1 )Cd处理7天后,拟南芥atMSH2基因PCR后的扩增产物进行回收、纯化、克隆和测序。测序结果表明,0.25 mg•L-1 Cd处理拟南芥atMSH2基因在第8个和第9个外显子之间的内含子有一个碱基转换;在1.0 mg•L-1 Cd处理下,拟南芥在第10个外显子有一个碱基转换。


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We thank John Stubblefield for editing, Junling Li for the assistance in the Western blot analysis. This research was supported by a training grant from National Institutes of Health (#T32 AR07592) and a research grant MB-8713-08 from United States - Israel Binational Agriculture Research and Development Fund.


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A cDNA for a novel T-box containing gene was isolated from the amphioxus Branchiostoma belcheri. A molecular phylogenetic tree constructed from the deduced amino acid sequence of the isolated cDNA indicates that this gene belongs to the T-Brain subfamily. In situ hybridization reveals that the expression is first detected in the invaginating archenteron at the early gastrula stage and this expression is down-regulated at the neurula stage. In early larvae, the expression appears again and transcripts are detected exclusively in the pre-oral pit (wheel organ-Hatschek's pit of the adult). In contrast to the vertebrate counterparts, no transcripts are detected in the brain vesicle or nerve cord throughout the development. These results are interpreted to mean that a role of T-Brain products in vertebrate forebrain development was acquired after the amphioxus was split from the lineage leading to the vertebrates. On the other hand, comparison of the tissue-specific expression domain of T-Brain genes and other genes between amphioxus and vertebrates revealed that the pre-oral pit of amphioxus has several molecular features which are comparable to those of the vertebrate olfactory and hypophyseal placode. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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MSTN, also known as growth and differentiation factor 8 (GDF8), and GDF11 are members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) subfamily. They have been thought to be derived from one ancestral gene. In the present study, we report the isolation and characterization of an invertebrate GDF8/11 homolog from the amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense). The amphioxus GDF8/11 gene consists of five exons flanked by four introns, which have two more exons and introns than that of other species. In intron III, a possible transposable element was identified. This suggested that this intron might be derived from transposon. The amphioxus GDF8/11 cDNA encodes a polypeptide of 419 amino acid residues. Phologenetic analysis shows that the GDF8/11 is at the base of vertebrate MSTNs and GDF11s. This result might prove that the GDF8/11 derived from one ancestral gene and the amphioxus GDF8/11 may be the common ancestral gene, and also the gene duplication event generating MSTN and GDF11 occurred before the divergence of vertebrates and after or at the divergence of amphioxus from vertebrates. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction results showed that the GDF8/11 gene was expressed in new fertilized cell, early gastrulation, and knife-shaped embryo, which was different from that in mammals. It suggested that the GDF8/11 gene might possess additional functions other than regulating muscle growth in amphioxus.


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Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are an evolutionarily ancient family of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), playing a crucial role in innate immune responses. Here we present a Toll homolog from Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis, designated FcToll. The full-length cDNA of FcToll is 4115 bp including a poly A-tail of 16 bp, encoding a putative protein of 931 amino acids. The predicted protein consists of an extracellular domain with a potential signal peptide, 16 leucine-rich repeats (LRR), two LRR-C-terminal (LRR-CT) motifs, and two LRR-N-terminal (LRR-NT) motifs, followed by a transmembrane segment of 23 amino acids, and a cytoplasmic Toll/Interteukin-IR (TIR) domain of 139 residues. Genomic structure of FcToll gene contains five exons and four introns. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that it belongs to insect-type invertebrate Toll family. Transcripts of FcToll gene were constitutively expressed in various tissues, with predominant level in lymphoid organ. Real-time PCR assays demonstrated that expression patterns of FcToll were distinctly modulated after bacterial or viral stimulation, with significant enhancement after 5 h post-Vibrio anguillorum challenge but markedly reduced levels immediately after white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) exposure. These results suggest that FcToll might be involved in innate host defense, especially against the pathogen V. anguillarum. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel invertebrate TNF ligand was identified and characterized in Ciona savignyi. The CsTL cDNA consisted of 995 nucleotides and encoded 281 amino acids. A conserved TNF family signature and several motifs of TNF ligand superfamily were identified in deduced amino acid sequence of CsTL. Phylogenetic analysis grouped CsTL, CiTNF (predicted TNF ligand superfamily homolog in Ciona intestinalis) and urchin TL1A with their own cluster apart from mammalian TNF alpha, LTA, TNFSF15 and fish TNFa proteins. Expression studies demonstrated that CsTL mRNA is present in all tested tissues from unchallenged ascidians and its expression was significantly upregulated in hemocytes following LIPS injection. The recombinant CsTL protein expressed using a baculovirus expression system showed potential cytotoxic activity in L929 cells. Present results indicated that TNF ligand superfamity molecules are present in marine invertebrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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对虾病害在世界范围内的广泛传播,给水产养殖和沿海农村经济造成了重大损失。深入开展对虾免疫机制研究并在此基础上寻找对虾疾病防治的有效方法已成为当务之急。研究表明,当对虾等甲壳动物受到外界病原刺激时,其体内的吞噬细胞在吞噬活动中会激活磷酸己糖支路的代谢,引起呼吸爆发,产生多种活性氧分子。另外,受到病原侵染的对虾还会产生其他多种免疫反应,这些免疫反应将消耗大量的能量(ATP),产能的呼吸链会加速运转,由此也会引发大量活性氧的产生。这些活性氧分子可以杀灭入侵的病原微生物,但同时由于活性氧分子反应的非特异性,它们也会对宿主的细胞、组织和器官造成严重伤害,进而导致对虾生理机能的损伤和免疫系统的破坏。所以,消除对虾体内因过度免疫反应产生的过量氧自由基将能够增强其抵御病原侵染的能力,提高免疫力。本论文从中国明对虾体内克隆了线粒体型超氧化物歧化酶(mMnSOD)、胞质型超氧化物歧化酶(cMnSOD)、过氧化氢酶(Catalase)和过氧化物还原酶(Peroxiredoxin)等四种与免疫系统相关的抗氧化酶基因,分析了它们的分子结构特征,组织分布及应答不同病原刺激的表达变化模式,并对其中的mMnSOD基因和Peroxiredoxin基因进行了体外重组表达、分离纯化和酶活性分析。 采用RACE技术从中国明对虾血细胞中克隆了两个超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)基因,通过序列比对分析发现,其中一个为mMnSOD基因,另一个为cMnSOD基因。mMnSOD基因的cDNA全长为1185个碱基,其中开放阅读框为660个碱基,编码220个氨基酸,其中推测的信号肽为20个氨基酸。多序列比对结果显示中国明对虾mMnSOD基因的推导氨基酸序列与罗氏沼虾、蓝蟹的推导氨基酸序列同源性分别为88%和82%。Northern blot结果表明,该基因在对虾的肝胰脏、血细胞、淋巴器官、肠、卵巢、肌肉和鳃等组织中均有表达。半定量RT-PCR结果显示,对虾感染病毒3 h时,该基因在血细胞和肝胰脏中的转录水平显著升高。此外,通过构建原核表达载体,本研究对该基因进行了体外重组表达,并对纯化的重组蛋白进行了质谱鉴定和酶活分析。cMnSOD基因的cDNA全长为1284个碱基,其中开放阅读框为861个碱基,编码287个氨基酸。多序列比对结果显示中国明对虾cMnSOD基因的推导氨基酸序列与斑节对虾和凡纳滨对虾的同源性高达98%和94%。组织半定量结果显示,cMnSOD基因在对虾被检测的各个组织中均有表达。 另外,半定量RT-PCR结果表明,对虾感染病毒23h时,该基因在肝胰脏中的转录上升到正常水平的3.5倍;而感染后59 h时,该基因在血细胞中的转录上升到正常水平的2.5倍。 利用根据其他生物过氧化氢酶保守氨基酸序列设计的简并引物,结合RACE技术,从中国明对虾肝胰脏中克隆到了过氧化氢酶基因的部分片段,片段长1725个碱基。多序列比对结果发现目前所得中国明对虾Catalase基因部分片段的推导氨基酸序列与罗氏沼虾和皱纹盘鲍Catalase氨基酸序列的同源性分别达到95%和73%。通过实时荧光定量PCR技术对中国明对虾Catalase基因在各个组织中的分布情况及病毒感染后该基因在血细胞和肝胰脏中的转录变化进行了研究。结果发现,该基因在肝胰脏、鳃、肠和血细胞中表达水平较高,在卵巢、淋巴器官和肌肉中的表达水平相对较弱;感染病毒23 h和37 h时,对虾血细胞和肝胰脏中该基因mRNA的表达量分别出现显著性上升。 依据中国明对虾头胸部cDNA文库提供的部分片段信息,结合SMART-RACE技术,从中国明对虾肝胰脏中克隆到了过氧化物还原酶基因(Peroxiredoxin), 该基因的cDNA全长为942个碱基,其中开放阅读框为594个碱基,编码198个氨基酸。中国明对虾Peroxiredoxin基因的推断氨基酸序列与伊蚊、文昌鱼和果蝇等Peroxiredoxin基因的推断氨基酸序列同源性分别为77%、76%和73%。其蛋白理论分子量为22041.17 Da,pI为5.17。Northern blot结果表明,Peroxiredoxin基因在对虾的肝胰脏、血细胞、淋巴器官、肠、卵巢、肌肉和鳃等组织中均有表达。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,弧菌感染后,该基因在对虾血细胞和肝胰脏中的转录水平都有明显变化并且表达模式不同。另外,对该基因进行了体外重组表达,并对纯化的重组蛋白进行了质谱鉴定和酶活性分析。酶活性分析表明,复性后的重组蛋白能在DTT存在的条件下还原H2O2。


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Sk?t, L., Humphreys, J., Humphreys, M. O., Thorogood, D., Gallagher, J. A., Sanderson, R., Armstead, I. P., Thomas, I. D. (2007). Association of candidate genes with flowering time and water-soluble carbohydrate content in Lolium perenne (L.). Genetics, 177 (1), 535-547. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Armstead, I. P., Donnison, I. S., Aubry, S., Harper, J. A., H?rtensteiner, S., James, C. L., Mani, J., Moffet, M., Ougham, H. J., Roberts, L. A., Thomas, A. M., Weeden, N., Thomas, S., King, I. P. (2007). Cross-species identification of Mendel's/locus. Science, 315 (5808), 73. Sponsorship: BBSRC RAE2008


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Wg/Wnt signals specify cell fates in both invertebrate and vertebrate embryos and maintain stem-cell populations in many adult tissues. Deregulation of the Wnt pathway can transform cells to a proliferative fate, leading to cancer. We have discovered that two Drosophila proteins that are crucial for cytokinesis have a second, largely independent, role in restricting activity of the Wnt pathway. The fly homolog of RacGAP1, Tumbleweed (Tum)/RacGAP50C, and its binding partner, the kinesin-like protein Pavarotti (Pav), negatively regulate Wnt activity in fly embryos and in cultured mammalian cells. Unlike many known regulators of the Wnt pathway, these molecules do not affect stabilization of Arm/beta-catenin (betacat), the principal effector molecule in Wnt signal transduction. Rather, they appear to act downstream of betacat stabilization to control target-gene transcription. Both Tum and Pav accumulate in the nuclei of interphase cells, a location that is spatially distinct from their cleavage-furrow localization during cytokinesis. We show that this nuclear localization is essential for their role in Wnt regulation. Thus, we have identified two modulators of the Wnt pathway that have shared functions in cell division, which hints at a possible link between cytokinesis and Wnt activity during tumorigenesis.


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BACKGROUND: We previously identified a panel of genes associated with outcome of ovarian cancer. The purpose of the current study was to assess whether variants in these genes correlated with ovarian cancer risk. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Women with and without invasive ovarian cancer (749 cases, 1,041 controls) were genotyped at 136 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within 13 candidate genes. Risk was estimated for each SNP and for overall variation within each gene. At the gene-level, variation within MSL1 (male-specific lethal-1 homolog) was associated with risk of serous cancer (p = 0.03); haplotypes within PRPF31 (PRP31 pre-mRNA processing factor 31 homolog) were associated with risk of invasive disease (p = 0.03). MSL1 rs7211770 was associated with decreased risk of serous disease (OR 0.81, 95% CI 0.66-0.98; p = 0.03). SNPs in MFSD7, BTN3A3, ZNF200, PTPRS, and CCND1A were inversely associated with risk (p<0.05), and there was increased risk at HEXIM1 rs1053578 (p = 0.04, OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.02-1.91). CONCLUSIONS: Tumor studies can reveal novel genes worthy of follow-up for cancer susceptibility. Here, we found that inherited markers in the gene encoding MSL1, part of a complex that modifies the histone H4, may decrease risk of invasive serous ovarian cancer.


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MAPKKK dual leucine zipper-bearing kinases (DLKs) are regulators of synaptic development and axon regeneration. The mechanisms underlying their activation are not fully understood. Here, we show that C. elegans DLK-1 is activated by a Ca(2+)-dependent switch from inactive heteromeric to active homomeric protein complexes. We identify a DLK-1 isoform, DLK-1S, that shares identical kinase and leucine zipper domains with the previously described long isoform DLK-1L but acts to inhibit DLK-1 function by binding to DLK-1L. The switch between homo- or heteromeric DLK-1 complexes is influenced by Ca(2+) concentration. A conserved hexapeptide in the DLK-1L C terminus is essential for DLK-1 activity and is required for Ca(2+) regulation. The mammalian DLK-1 homolog MAP3K13 contains an identical C-terminal hexapeptide and can functionally complement dlk-1 mutants, suggesting that the DLK activation mechanism is conserved. The DLK activation mechanism is ideally suited for rapid and spatially controlled signal transduction in response to axonal injury and synaptic activity.


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Whooping cough still represents a major health problem, despite the use of effective vaccines for several decades. Being classically a typical childhood disease, whooping cough in young adults is now more common than it used to be, suggesting that protection after vaccination wanes during adolescence. As an alternative to the current vaccines, we wish to develop live attenuated vaccines to be delivered by the nasal route, such as to mimic the natural route of infection and to induce long lasting immunity. Bordetella pertussis, the etiological agent of whooping cough, produces a number of virulence factors, including toxins. Its recently determined genome sequence makes it now possible to apply functional genomics, such as transcriptomics and systematic knock-out mutagenesis. The expression of most known B. pertussis virulence genes is controlled by the two-component system BvgA/S. DNA microarray analyses have led to the identification of novel genes in the BvgA/S regulon, some of which are activated by BvgA/S and others are repressed by BvgA/S. In addition, some genes appear to be differentially modulated by nicotinic acid and MgSO4, both known to modulate the expression of BvgA/S-regulated genes. Among others, the functional genomics approach has uncovered two strongly BvgA/S-activated genes, named hotA and hotB (for 'homolog of toxin'), the products of which show high sequence similarities to pertussis toxin subunits. The identification of the full array of virulence factors, as well as an integrated understanding of the bacterial physiology should allow us to design attenuated B. pertussis strains useful for intranasal vaccination. A first generation of attenuated strains has already shown full protection in mice after a single intranasal administration. Such strains may also serve as vaccine carriers for heterologous antigens, in order to vaccinate against several different pathogens simultaneously.


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The origin of neurons was a key event in evolution, allowing metazoans to evolve rapid behavioral responses to environmental cues. Reconstructing the origin of synaptic proteins promises to reveal their ancestral functions and might shed light on the evolution of the first neuron-like cells in metazoans. By analyzing the genomes of diverse metazoans and their closest relatives, the evolutionary history of diverse presynaptic and postsynaptic proteins has been reconstructed. These analyses revealed that choanoflagellates, the closest relatives of metazoans, possess diverse synaptic protein homologs. Recent studies have now begun to investigate their ancestral functions. A primordial neurosecretory apparatus in choanoflagellates was identified and it was found that the mechanism, by which presynaptic proteins required for secretion of neurotransmitters interact, is conserved in choanoflagellates and metazoans. Moreover, studies on the postsynaptic protein homolog Homer revealed unexpected localization patterns in choanoflagellates and new binding partners, both which are conserved in metazoans. These findings demonstrate that the study of choanoflagellates can uncover ancient and previously undescribed functions of synaptic proteins.