759 resultados para Hoffman, Helga: Perhoset
v.65:no.6(1975) [Incomplete]
Foi avaliada a eficácia do moxalactam no tratamento de meningites em crianças, causadas por H. influenzae (27 casos) e N.meningitidis (6 casos). Dos 33 doentes tratados na dose de 100mg/Kg de peso (dose de ataque) e 50mg de 12/12 horas por via venosa, 32 curaram-se. A tolerância ao produto foi muito boa, havendo alterações transitórias de transaminases e fosfatase alcalina; em um caso, houve hematoma posapendectomia, provavelmente relacionado ao uso deste antibiotico. Os níveis séricos e liquóricos do produto foram elevados; as concentrações no liquor excederam de muito a concentração bactericida mínima dos germes infectantes. O moxalactam se mostrou seguro e eficaz como terapia primária da meningite causada por H. influenzae e N.meningitidis em crianças.
Type I hyperprolinemia (HPI) is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with cognitive and psychiatric troubles, caused by alterations of the Proline Dehydrogenase gene (PRODH) at 22q11. HPI results from PRODH deletion and/or missense mutations reducing proline oxidase (POX) activity. The goals of this study were first to measure in controls the frequency of PRODH variations described in HPI patients, second to assess the functional effect of PRODH mutations on POX activity, and finally to establish genotype/enzymatic activity correlations in a new series of HPI patients. Eight of 14 variants occurred at polymorphic frequency in 114 controls. POX activity was determined for six novel mutations and two haplotypes. The c.1331G>A, p.G444D allele has a drastic effect, whereas the c.23C>T, p.P8L allele and the c.[56C>A; 172G>A], p.[Q19P; A58T] haplotype result in a moderate decrease in activity. Among the 19 HPI patients, 10 had a predicted residual activity <50%. Eight out of nine subjects with a predicted residual activity > or = 50% bore at least one c.824C>A, p.T275N allele, which has no detrimental effect on activity but whose frequency in controls is only 3%. Our results suggest that PRODH mutations lead to a decreased POX activity or affect other biological parameters causing hyperprolinemia.
Background: The transcription factor IRF4 is involved in several T-cell-dependent chronic inflammatory diseases. To elucidate the mechanisms for pathological cytokine production in colitis, we addressed the role of the IRF transcription factors in human inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and experimental colitis.Methods: IRF levels and cytokine production in IBD patients were studied as well as the effects of IRF4 deficiency in experimental colitis.Results: In contrast to IRF1, IRF5, and IRF8, IRF4 expression in IBD was augmented in the presence of active inflammation. Furthermore, IRF4 levels significantly correlated with IL-6 and IL-17 mRNA expression and to a lesser extent with IL-22 mRNA expression in IBD. To further explore the role of IRF4 under in vivo conditions, we studied IRF4-deficient and wildtype mice in experimental colitis. In contrast to DSS colitis, IRF4 deficiency was protective in T-cell-dependent transfer colitis associated with reduced ROR alpha/gamma t levels and impaired IL-6, IL-17a, and IL-22 production, suggesting that IRF4 acts as a master regulator of mucosal Th17 cell differentiation. Subsequent mechanistic studies using database analysis, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and electrophoretic mobility shift assays identified a novel IRF4 binding site in the IL-17 gene promoter. Overexpression of IRF4 using retroviral infection induced IL-17 production and IL-17 together with IL-6 induced ROR gamma t expression.Conclusions: IRF4 can directly bind to the IL-17 promotor and induces mucosal ROR gamma t levels and IL-17 gene expression thereby controlling Th17-dependent colitis. Targeting of this molecular mechanism may lead to novel therapeutic approaches in human IBD.
Oligodendroglia support axon survival and function through mechanisms independent of myelination, and their dysfunction leads to axon degeneration in several diseases. The cause of this degeneration has not been determined, but lack of energy metabolites such as glucose or lactate has been proposed. Lactate is transported exclusively by monocarboxylate transporters, and changes to these transporters alter lactate production and use. Here we show that the most abundant lactate transporter in the central nervous system, monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1, also known as SLC16A1), is highly enriched within oligodendroglia and that disruption of this transporter produces axon damage and neuron loss in animal and cell culture models. In addition, this same transporter is reduced in patients with, and in mouse models of, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, suggesting a role for oligodendroglial MCT1 in pathogenesis. The role of oligodendroglia in axon function and neuron survival has been elusive; this study defines a new fundamental mechanism by which oligodendroglia support neurons and axons.
Since the late 1970s pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine (PS; FansidarTM Hoffman-LaRoche, Basel) has been used as first line therapy for uncomplicated malaria in the Amazon basin. Unfortunately, resistance has developed over the last ten years in many regions of the Amazon and PS is no longer recommended for use in Brazil. In vitro resistance to pyrimethamine and cycloguanil (the active metabolite of proguanil) is caused by specific point mutations in Plasmodium falciparum dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), and in vitro resistance to sulfadoxine has been associated with mutations in dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS). In association with a proguanil-sulfamethoxazole clinical trial in Brazil, we performed a nested mutation-specific polymerase chain reaction to measure the prevalence of DHFR mutations at codons 50, 51, 59, 108 and 164 and DHPS mutations at codons 436, 437, 540, 581 and 613 at three sites in the Brazilian Amazon. Samples from two isolated towns showed a high degree of homogeneity, with the DHFR Arg-50/Ile-51/Asn-108 and DHPS Gly-437/Glu-540/Gly-581 mutant genotype accounting for all infections in Peixoto de Azevedo (n = 15) and 60% of infections in Apiacás (n = 10), State of Mato Grosso. The remaining infections in Apiacás differed from this predominant genotype only by the addition of the Bolivia repeat at codon 30 and the Leu-164 mutation in DHFR. By contrast, 17 samples from Porto Velho, capital city of the State of Rondônia, with much in- and out-migration, showed a wide variety of DHFR and DHPS genotypes.
BACKGROUND: Polymorphism of the Duffy Antigen Receptor for Chemokines (DARC) is associated with susceptibility to and the severity of Plasmodium vivax malaria in humans. P. vivax uses DARC to invade erythrocytes. Individuals lacking DARC are 'resistant' to P. vivax erythrocytic infection. However, susceptibility to P. vivax in DARC+ individuals is reported to vary between specific DARC genotypes. We hypothesized that the natural acquisition of antibodies to P. vivax blood stages may vary with the host genotype and the level of DARC expression. Furthermore, high parasitemia has been reported to effect the acquisition of immunity against pre-erythrocytic parasites. We investigated the correlation between host DARC genotypes and the frequency and magnitude of antibodies against P. vivax erythrocytic stage antigens. METHODOLOGY/FINDINGS: We assessed the frequencies and magnitudes of antibody responses against P. vivax and P. falciparum sporozoite and erythrocytic antigens in Colombian donors from malaria-endemic regions. The frequency and level of naturally-acquired antibodies against the P. vivax erythrocytic antigens merozoite surface protein 1 (PvMSP1) and Duffy binding protein (PvDBP) varied with the host DARC genotypes. Donors with one negative allele (FY*B/FY*Bnull and FY*A/FY*Bnull) were more likely to have anti-PvMSP1 and anti-PvDBP antibodies than those with two positive alleles (FY*B/FY*B and FY*A/FY*B). The lower IgG3 and IgG1 components of the total IgG response may account for the decreased responses to P. vivax erythrocytic antigens with FY*A/FY*B and FY*B/FY*B genotypes. No such association was detected with P. falciparum erythrocytic antigens, which does not use DARC for erythrocyte invasion. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Individuals with higher DARC expression, which is associated with higher susceptibility to P. vivax infection, exhibited low frequencies and magnitudes of P. vivax blood-stage specific antibody responses. This may indicate that one of the primary mechanisms by which P. vivax evades host immunity is through DARC indirectly down-regulating humoral responses against erythrocytic invasion and development.
En los últimos años ha tenido lugar un debate teórico de gran interés sobre la naturaleza organizacional del terrorismo yihadista y su evolución a lo largo de la última década. El centro de dicha discusión ha sido ocupado por dos profesores estadounidenses: Marc Sageman (2004; 2008) y Bruce Hoffman (2008). Mientras que el primero argumenta que la respuesta contraterrorista posterior al 11 de septiembre de 2001 ha originado que el control efectivo de las acciones terroristas se haya desplazado a un nivel de base, dando lugar a una yihad sin líderes donde los grupos terroristas juegan un papel secundario, el segundo sostiene que las organizaciones formales, y mas concretamente Al Qaeda Central, continua ejerciendo un grado sustancial de control estratégico y operativo. Los partidarios de una y otra visión han analizado los complots terroristas ejecutad os o desarticulados en los últimos tiempos, llegando a conclusiones diferentes sobre la naturaleza de los procesos de formación de las células terroristas, su vinculación con organizaciones, y cual es el principal perfil de la amenaza terrorista en Occidente: si el proveniente de células independientes y terroristas por imitación (bunchof guysy wannabessegún la terminología usada por Sageman), o el procedente de la acción de organizaciones formales de alcance global. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar una contribución a este debate académico aportando información procedente del ámbito de las actividades terroristas en Internet. Estos datos aportan nuevos elementos de análisis para el debate sobre la naturaleza organizacional de la amenaza yihadista.
En aquest estudi s’analitza com es treballa la dimensió afectiva en l’ensenyament de segones llengües en una aula de primària a través dels cinc aspectes que hi intervenen: l’ambient d’aprenentatge, l’organització de la classe, la dinàmica de la classe, el rol del professor i la interacció a l’aula.
Neste trabalho, por meio de uma metodologia analítica, procurou-se encontrar uma solução na recuperação de um edifício que se encontra em mau estado de conservação, localizado no centro histórico da capital de Cabo Verde, Praia, mais precisamente no Platô, zona mais antiga da cidade. Realizou-se uma análise histórica da cidade e do edifício a fim de o enquadrar no espaço e no tempo, bem como na malha urbana aonde se insere. Foram identificadas as patologias do edifício e apresentadas as soluções a fim de o recuperar, mantendo a traça original e utilizando o menos possível materiais novos. Surgiu então a proposta de recuperação cuja preocupação foi de utilizar alguns materiais existentes, dando os devidos tratamentos. A função ao qual destina o edifício também mantém-se a da original: no rés do chão são espaços comerciais e no 1º andar uma pensão de carácter temporária. As contribuições deste trabalho visam servir de exemplo no que diz respeito a recuperação de edifícios antigos em centros históricos, a fim de se preservar o edificado construído, mantendo a imagem da cidade uniformizada e de preservar a herança cultural deixada pelos colonizadores portugueses.
Objective To identify the perception of the students about the use of art as a pedagogical strategy in learning the patterns of knowing in nursing; to identify the dimensions of each pattern valued in the analysis of pieces of art. Method Descriptive mixed study. Data collection used a questionnaire applied to 31 nursing students. Results In the analysis of the students’ discourse, it was explicit that empirical knowledge includes scientific knowledge, tradition and nature of care. The aesthetic knowledge implies expressiveness, subjectivity and sensitivity. Self-knowledge, experience, reflective attitude and relationships with others are the subcategories of personal knowledge and the moral and ethics support ethical knowledge. Conclusion It is possible to learn patterns of knowledge through art, especially the aesthetic, ethical and personal. It is necessary to investigate further pedagogical strategies that contribute to the learning patterns of nursing knowledge.
Historical references to the emergence of the current concept of ADHD typically cite descriptions from medical textbooks by Weikard (1775) and Crichton (An inquiry into the nature and origin of mental derangement: Comprehending a concise system of the physiology and pathology of the human mind and a history of the passion and their affects. Cardell Jr and Davies, Londres, 1798) on attention disorders, poems of Hoffman on hyperactive and impulsive behaviors (Der Struwwelpeter. Frankfurt am Main, Literarische Anstalt, 1843), as well as the work of Still (Lancet 1:1008-1012, 1077-1082, 1163-1168, 1902a, Lancet 159(4102):1008-1013, 1902b, Lancet 159(4103):1077-1082, 1902c, Lancet 159(4104):1163-1168, 1902d) on impulsive behaviors and defective moral regulation of behavior. The notion of "instability" developed by French physicians between 1887 and 1910 is rarely mentioned and often ignored. Writings from this period show that in France, the emergence of the concept of ADHD according to modern terminology comes from the notion of "mental instability" introduced in the 1890s under the leadership of Désiré-Magloire Bourneville at the Hospital Bicêtre in Paris, based on his observations of children and adolescents who had been labeled "abnormal" and placed in medical and educational institutions. In the early twentieth century, elaborating on the observations of Bourneville, Jean Phillipe and Georges Paul-Boncour showed the presence of a subgroup of "unstable" children who suffered from a disease entity in its own right within the population of "abnormal" schoolchildren (the terminology of the time). This new pathological entity included symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention, corresponding to today's classic triad of ADHD symptoms. While noting the lack of behavioral inhibition, clinical descriptions of Bourneville, Philip and Paul-Boncour also considered the notion of "moral disorder" which at that time played an important role in psychopathology. This resulted in some degree of confusion between impulsive symptoms and major behavioral disturbances often associated with ADHD.