636 resultados para Hilbert, Espais de


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In this paper, we focus on a Riemann–Hilbert boundary value problem (BVP) with a constant coefficients for the poly-Hardy space on the real unit ball in higher dimensions. We first discuss the boundary behaviour of functions in the poly-Hardy class. Then we construct the Schwarz kernel and the higher order Schwarz operator to study Riemann–Hilbert BVPs over the unit ball for the poly- Hardy class. Finally, we obtain explicit integral expressions for their solutions. As a special case, monogenic signals as elements in the Hardy space over the unit sphere will be reconstructed in the case of boundary data given in terms of functions having values in a Clifford subalgebra. Such monogenic signals represent the generalization of analytic signals as elements of the Hardy space over the unit circle of the complex plane.


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A simple but efficient voice activity detector based on the Hilbert transform and a dynamic threshold is presented to be used on the pre-processing of audio signals -- The algorithm to define the dynamic threshold is a modification of a convex combination found in literature -- This scheme allows the detection of prosodic and silence segments on a speech in presence of non-ideal conditions like a spectral overlapped noise -- The present work shows preliminary results over a database built with some political speech -- The tests were performed adding artificial noise to natural noises over the audio signals, and some algorithms are compared -- Results will be extrapolated to the field of adaptive filtering on monophonic signals and the analysis of speech pathologies on futures works


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Se desarrolla un estudio de todas las herramientas necesarias para llegar al teorema de los ceros de Hilbert el cual luego se demuestra en sus formas débil y fuerte. Se introducen los conceptos básicos relacionados con los anillos noetherianos y las variedades algebraicas afines que son fundamentales para el estudio del teorema de los ceros de Hilbert. Es por ello que estudiamos detenidamente el concepto de ideal primo e ideal primario, como también las distintas operaciones entre ideales, en particular la descomposición primaria de ideales. En seguida se desarrollan las demostraciones de algunos de los teoremas importantes de los anillos noetherianos, haciendo uso de la descomposición primaria de un ideal y un resultado fundamental: el teorema de la base de Hilbert. Además se desarrollan las definiciones, proposiciones, teoremas de una variedad algebraica afín y el ideal asociado a una variedad, así como también el ideal de una variedad y lo más interesante es la descomposición de ideales en variedades algebraicas afines, como la condición de cadena descendente de variedades. También se hace la aplicación de los resultados obtenidos en los capítulos anteriores, para demostrar el teorema de los ceros de Hilbert en su forma dedil así como en la forma fuerte. Finalmente adoptamos una Topología que es muy débil pero sorprendentemente útil ocupando los resultados anteriores, probando propiedades que cumple esta topología como la cerradura topológica y compacidad.


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A Hilbert space operator is called universal (in the sense of Rota) if every operator on the Hilbert space is similar to a multiple of the restriction of the universal operator to one of its invariant subspaces. We exhibit an analytic Toeplitz operator whose adjoint is universal in the sense of Rota and commutes with a quasi-nilpotent injective compact operator with dense range. In particular, this new universal operator invites an approach to the Invariant Subspace Problem that uses properties of operators that commute with the universal operator.


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This thesis is concerned with change point analysis for time series, i.e. with detection of structural breaks in time-ordered, random data. This long-standing research field regained popularity over the last few years and is still undergoing, as statistical analysis in general, a transformation to high-dimensional problems. We focus on the fundamental »change in the mean« problem and provide extensions of the classical non-parametric Darling-Erdős-type cumulative sum (CUSUM) testing and estimation theory within highdimensional Hilbert space settings. In the first part we contribute to (long run) principal component based testing methods for Hilbert space valued time series under a rather broad (abrupt, epidemic, gradual, multiple) change setting and under dependence. For the dependence structure we consider either traditional m-dependence assumptions or more recently developed m-approximability conditions which cover, e.g., MA, AR and ARCH models. We derive Gumbel and Brownian bridge type approximations of the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis of no change and consistency conditions under the alternative. A new formulation of the test statistic using projections on subspaces allows us to simplify the standard proof techniques and to weaken common assumptions on the covariance structure. Furthermore, we propose to adjust the principal components by an implicit estimation of a (possible) change direction. This approach adds flexibility to projection based methods, weakens typical technical conditions and provides better consistency properties under the alternative. In the second part we contribute to estimation methods for common changes in the means of panels of Hilbert space valued time series. We analyze weighted CUSUM estimates within a recently proposed »high-dimensional low sample size (HDLSS)« framework, where the sample size is fixed but the number of panels increases. We derive sharp conditions on »pointwise asymptotic accuracy« or »uniform asymptotic accuracy« of those estimates in terms of the weighting function. Particularly, we prove that a covariance-based correction of Darling-Erdős-type CUSUM estimates is required to guarantee uniform asymptotic accuracy under moderate dependence conditions within panels and that these conditions are fulfilled, e.g., by any MA(1) time series. As a counterexample we show that for AR(1) time series, close to the non-stationary case, the dependence is too strong and uniform asymptotic accuracy cannot be ensured. Finally, we conduct simulations to demonstrate that our results are practically applicable and that our methodological suggestions are advantageous.


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Using Macaulay's correspondence we study the family of Artinian Gorenstein local algebras with fixed symmetric Hilbert function decomposition. As an application we give a new lower bound for the dimension of cactus varieties of the third Veronese embedding. We discuss the case of cubic surfaces, where interesting phenomena occur.


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Fleck and Johnson (Int. J. Mech. Sci. 29 (1987) 507) and Fleck et al. (Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. 206 (1992) 119) have developed foil rolling models which allow for large deformations in the roll profile, including the possibility that the rolls flatten completely. However, these models require computationally expensive iterative solution techniques. A new approach to the approximate solution of the Fleck et al. (1992) Influence Function Model has been developed using both analytic and approximation techniques. The numerical difficulties arising from solving an integral equation in the flattened region have been reduced by applying an Inverse Hilbert Transform to get an analytic expression for the pressure. The method described in this paper is applicable to cases where there is or there is not a flat region.


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As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at all times. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such as Busway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity. Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure owners difficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and foresee probable failures of designated bridge(s), so as to monitor the structural health of the bridges. The SHM systems proposed recently are incorporated with Vibration-Based Damage Detection (VBDD) techniques, Statistical Methods and Signal processing techniques and have been regarded as efficient and economical ways to solve the problem. The recent development in damage detection and condition assessment techniques based on VBDD and statistical methods are reviewed. The VBDD methods based on changes in natural frequencies, curvature/strain modes, modal strain energy (MSE) dynamic flexibility, artificial neural networks (ANN) before and after damage and other signal processing methods like Wavelet techniques and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) / Hilbert spectrum methods are discussed here.


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Structural health is a vital aspect of infrastructure sustainability. As a part of a vital infrastructure and transportation network, bridge structures must function safely at all times. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such as Busway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity. Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs are a difficult burden for infrastructure owners. The structural health monitoring (SHM) systems proposed recently are incorporated with vibration-based damage detection techniques, statistical methods and signal processing techniques and have been regarded as efficient and economical ways to assess bridge condition and foresee probable costly failures. In this chapter, the recent developments in damage detection and condition assessment techniques based on vibration-based damage detection and statistical methods are reviewed. The vibration-based damage detection methods based on changes in natural frequencies, curvature or strain modes, modal strain energy, dynamic flexibility, artificial neural networks, before and after damage, and other signal processing methods such as Wavelet techniques, empirical mode decomposition and Hilbert spectrum methods are discussed in this chapter.


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This thesis deals with the problem of the instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation of sinusoidal signals. This topic plays significant role in signal processing and communications. Depending on the type of the signal, two major approaches are considered. For IF estimation of single-tone or digitally-modulated sinusoidal signals (like frequency shift keying signals) the approach of digital phase-locked loops (DPLLs) is considered, and this is Part-I of this thesis. For FM signals the approach of time-frequency analysis is considered, and this is Part-II of the thesis. In part-I we have utilized sinusoidal DPLLs with non-uniform sampling scheme as this type is widely used in communication systems. The digital tanlock loop (DTL) has introduced significant advantages over other existing DPLLs. In the last 10 years many efforts have been made to improve DTL performance. However, this loop and all of its modifications utilizes Hilbert transformer (HT) to produce a signal-independent 90-degree phase-shifted version of the input signal. Hilbert transformer can be realized approximately using a finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter. This realization introduces further complexity in the loop in addition to approximations and frequency limitations on the input signal. We have tried to avoid practical difficulties associated with the conventional tanlock scheme while keeping its advantages. A time-delay is utilized in the tanlock scheme of DTL to produce a signal-dependent phase shift. This gave rise to the time-delay digital tanlock loop (TDTL). Fixed point theorems are used to analyze the behavior of the new loop. As such TDTL combines the two major approaches in DPLLs: the non-linear approach of sinusoidal DPLL based on fixed point analysis, and the linear tanlock approach based on the arctan phase detection. TDTL preserves the main advantages of the DTL despite its reduced structure. An application of TDTL in FSK demodulation is also considered. This idea of replacing HT by a time-delay may be of interest in other signal processing systems. Hence we have analyzed and compared the behaviors of the HT and the time-delay in the presence of additive Gaussian noise. Based on the above analysis, the behavior of the first and second-order TDTLs has been analyzed in additive Gaussian noise. Since DPLLs need time for locking, they are normally not efficient in tracking the continuously changing frequencies of non-stationary signals, i.e. signals with time-varying spectra. Nonstationary signals are of importance in synthetic and real life applications. An example is the frequency-modulated (FM) signals widely used in communication systems. Part-II of this thesis is dedicated for the IF estimation of non-stationary signals. For such signals the classical spectral techniques break down, due to the time-varying nature of their spectra, and more advanced techniques should be utilized. For the purpose of instantaneous frequency estimation of non-stationary signals there are two major approaches: parametric and non-parametric. We chose the non-parametric approach which is based on time-frequency analysis. This approach is computationally less expensive and more effective in dealing with multicomponent signals, which are the main aim of this part of the thesis. A time-frequency distribution (TFD) of a signal is a two-dimensional transformation of the signal to the time-frequency domain. Multicomponent signals can be identified by multiple energy peaks in the time-frequency domain. Many real life and synthetic signals are of multicomponent nature and there is little in the literature concerning IF estimation of such signals. This is why we have concentrated on multicomponent signals in Part-H. An adaptive algorithm for IF estimation using the quadratic time-frequency distributions has been analyzed. A class of time-frequency distributions that are more suitable for this purpose has been proposed. The kernels of this class are time-only or one-dimensional, rather than the time-lag (two-dimensional) kernels. Hence this class has been named as the T -class. If the parameters of these TFDs are properly chosen, they are more efficient than the existing fixed-kernel TFDs in terms of resolution (energy concentration around the IF) and artifacts reduction. The T-distributions has been used in the IF adaptive algorithm and proved to be efficient in tracking rapidly changing frequencies. They also enables direct amplitude estimation for the components of a multicomponent


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In computational linguistics, information retrieval and applied cognition, words and concepts are often represented as vectors in high dimensional spaces computed from a corpus of text. These high dimensional spaces are often referred to as Semantic Spaces. We describe a novel and efficient approach to computing these semantic spaces via the use of complex valued vector representations. We report on the practical implementation of the proposed method and some associated experiments. We also briefly discuss how the proposed system relates to previous theoretical work in Information Retrieval and Quantum Mechanics and how the notions of probability, logic and geometry are integrated within a single Hilbert space representation. In this sense the proposed system has more general application and gives rise to a variety of opportunities for future research.


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Signal Processing (SP) is a subject of central importance in engineering and the applied sciences. Signals are information-bearing functions, and SP deals with the analysis and processing of signals (by dedicated systems) to extract or modify information. Signal processing is necessary because signals normally contain information that is not readily usable or understandable, or which might be disturbed by unwanted sources such as noise. Although many signals are non-electrical, it is common to convert them into electrical signals for processing. Most natural signals (such as acoustic and biomedical signals) are continuous functions of time, with these signals being referred to as analog signals. Prior to the onset of digital computers, Analog Signal Processing (ASP) and analog systems were the only tool to deal with analog signals. Although ASP and analog systems are still widely used, Digital Signal Processing (DSP) and digital systems are attracting more attention, due in large part to the significant advantages of digital systems over the analog counterparts. These advantages include superiority in performance,s peed, reliability, efficiency of storage, size and cost. In addition, DSP can solve problems that cannot be solved using ASP, like the spectral analysis of multicomonent signals, adaptive filtering, and operations at very low frequencies. Following the recent developments in engineering which occurred in the 1980's and 1990's, DSP became one of the world's fastest growing industries. Since that time DSP has not only impacted on traditional areas of electrical engineering, but has had far reaching effects on other domains that deal with information such as economics, meteorology, seismology, bioengineering, oceanology, communications, astronomy, radar engineering, control engineering and various other applications. This book is based on the Lecture Notes of Associate Professor Zahir M. Hussain at RMIT University (Melbourne, 2001-2009), the research of Dr. Amin Z. Sadik (at QUT & RMIT, 2005-2008), and the Note of Professor Peter O'Shea at Queensland University of Technology. Part I of the book addresses the representation of analog and digital signals and systems in the time domain and in the frequency domain. The core topics covered are convolution, transforms (Fourier, Laplace, Z. Discrete-time Fourier, and Discrete Fourier), filters, and random signal analysis. There is also a treatment of some important applications of DSP, including signal detection in noise, radar range estimation, banking and financial applications, and audio effects production. Design and implementation of digital systems (such as integrators, differentiators, resonators and oscillators are also considered, along with the design of conventional digital filters. Part I is suitable for an elementary course in DSP. Part II (which is suitable for an advanced signal processing course), considers selected signal processing systems and techniques. Core topics covered are the Hilbert transformer, binary signal transmission, phase-locked loops, sigma-delta modulation, noise shaping, quantization, adaptive filters, and non-stationary signal analysis. Part III presents some selected advanced DSP topics. We hope that this book will contribute to the advancement of engineering education and that it will serve as a general reference book on digital signal processing.


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In semisupervised learning (SSL), a predictive model is learn from a collection of labeled data and a typically much larger collection of unlabeled data. These paper presented a framework called multi-view point cloud regularization (MVPCR), which unifies and generalizes several semisupervised kernel methods that are based on data-dependent regularization in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs). Special cases of MVPCR include coregularized least squares (CoRLS), manifold regularization (MR), and graph-based SSL. An accompanying theorem shows how to reduce any MVPCR problem to standard supervised learning with a new multi-view kernel.


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In the multi-view approach to semisupervised learning, we choose one predictor from each of multiple hypothesis classes, and we co-regularize our choices by penalizing disagreement among the predictors on the unlabeled data. We examine the co-regularization method used in the co-regularized least squares (CoRLS) algorithm, in which the views are reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS's), and the disagreement penalty is the average squared difference in predictions. The final predictor is the pointwise average of the predictors from each view. We call the set of predictors that can result from this procedure the co-regularized hypothesis class. Our main result is a tight bound on the Rademacher complexity of the co-regularized hypothesis class in terms of the kernel matrices of each RKHS. We find that the co-regularization reduces the Rademacher complexity by an amount that depends on the distance between the two views, as measured by a data dependent metric. We then use standard techniques to bound the gap between training error and test error for the CoRLS algorithm. Experimentally, we find that the amount of reduction in complexity introduced by co regularization correlates with the amount of improvement that co-regularization gives in the CoRLS algorithm.