990 resultados para Hardware IP Security
Information security is concerned with the protection of information, which can be stored, processed or transmitted within critical information systems of the organizations, against loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability. Protection measures to prevent these problems result through the implementation of controls at several dimensions: technical, administrative or physical. A vital objective for military organizations is to ensure superiority in contexts of information warfare and competitive intelligence. Therefore, the problem of information security in military organizations has been a topic of intensive work at both national and transnational levels, and extensive conceptual and standardization work is being produced. A current effort is therefore to develop automated decision support systems to assist military decision makers, at different levels in the command chain, to provide suitable control measures that can effectively deal with potential attacks and, at the same time, prevent, detect and contain vulnerabilities targeted at their information systems. The concept and processes of the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) methodology outstandingly resembles classical military processes and doctrine, in particular the analysis of “lessons learned” and definition of “modes of action”. Therefore, the present paper addresses the modeling and design of a CBR system with two key objectives: to support an effective response in context of information security for military organizations; to allow for scenario planning and analysis for training and auditing processes.
Estudou-se o crescimento e a seleção de equações para quatro espécies florestais nativas visando identificar espécies promissoras para o plantio em programas de reflorestamentos e em sistemas agroflorestais no Estado de Roraima. O crescimento da andiroba (Carapa guianensis Aubl.), da castanha-do-brasil (Bertholletia excelsa Bonpl.), do ipê-roxo (Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb.) e do jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril L.), aos sete anos de idade, mostrou-se promissor atingindo incrementos médios anuais em volume comercial de 6.3; 14.6; 6.0 e 2.3 m³.ha-1.ano-1, respectivamente. Em relação ao crescimento em diâmetro, todas as espécies apresentaram incrementos médios anuais em diâmetro maiores do que 1 cm, sendo superiores aos observados para árvores crescendo em florestas naturais. A análise estatística, indicou a equação hipsométrica de Prodan como a de melhor ajuste para estimar a altura em função do diâmetro para as quatro espécies analisadas. No entanto, a análise gráfica indicou que a forma da curva altura/diâmetro variou com a espécie sendo necessário o ajuste em separado. O ajuste de equações de volume comercial com casca e fator de forma comercial mostraram ser necessário o ajuste de diferentes equações em função da espécie. A análise gráfica das curvas de volume comercial e fator de forma indicaram que as espécies diferiram em ambos os parâmetros, indicando que a utilização de um fator de forma médio para todas as espécies deve ser evitado, como forma de aumentar a precisão nas estimativas volumétricas.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (Área de Conhecimento: Educação ambiental e para a Sustentabilidade)
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e de Computadores
Os limites entre os domínios do software e do hardware são cada vez mais ténues, pelo que técnicas inicialmente experimentadas no software têm vindo a ser gradualmente aplicadas no hardware. Este artigo pretende descrever o estado actual da utilização da tecnologia de programação orientada por objectos no projecto de hardware digital. São analisadas as vantagens e implicações quando se introduzem conceitos ligados à tecnologia orientada por objectos em projectos de hardware e é apresentado um exemplo utilizando uma das extensões orientadas por objectos da linguagem VHDL.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Estratégia
El problema que abordaremos es la transformación y la toma de decisiones en los procesos de formación y capacitación de las instituciones de seguridad, específicamente, los motivos y fundamentos de los cambios en los planes de estudios, en relación a los contenidos curriculares de los institutos de formación de los profesionales en seguridad. Esto sobre la hipótesis de que las organizaciones educativas policiales y penitenciarias han llevado a cabo transformaciones en su organización y gestión curricular para adecuarse a las nuevas demandas sociales y políticas. El objetivo del presente proyecto es analizar críticamente los contenidos curriculares de los institutos de formación y capacitación de la Policía y Servicio Penitenciario de la Provincia de Córdoba. Abordaremos el análisis de los planes de dichas instituciones en los últimos 10 años, sus modificaciones y criterios utilizados para responder a los nuevos escenarios sociales. Se hará una exploración de la información y la documentación existente en los ámbitos oficiales. Asimismo, la investigación contará con la realización de entrevistas y encuestas a directivos, docentes, alumnos y demás actores claves, con la finalidad de recabar la opinión de los mismos respecto de las transformaciones en la educación policial y penitenciaria. A partir del proyecto de investigación se pretende construir conocimiento acerca de las políticas educativas en el área de seguridad especialmente sobre la formación y capacitación de recursos profesionales específicos, dentro del ámbito local. De tal modo, se pretende aportar elementos teóricos de análisis al modo en que se han instituido la oferta educativa y las transformaciones en los planes de estudios en las instituciones de formación profesional de la seguridad y cómo éstos han sido implementados a la luz de los nuevos escenarios políticos y sociales. Esto nos permitirá aportar al incipiente campo de los estudios sobre la seguridad, específicamente sobre la formación de los profesionales en seguridad, poniendo a diposición de los responsables gubernamentales e institucionales un estudio que explora y sistematiza las transformaciones y fundamentos de la politica de educación en el campo de la seguridad provincial. Este desarrollo investigativo nos permitirá inagurar la actividad de producción de conocimiento dentro del ámbito académico de la Licenciatura en Seguridad de la Universidad Nacional de Villa María a través del presente proyecto que describirá el proceso de formación y capacitación policial y penitenciaria y los cambios que con el transcurso del tiempo se han verificado.
Although the ASP model has been around for over a decade, it has not achieved the expected high level of market uptake. This research project examines the past and present state of ASP adoption and identifies security as a primary factor influencing the uptake of the model. The early chapters of this document examine the ASP model and ASP security in particular. Specifically, the literature and technology review chapter analyses ASP literature, security technologies and best practices with respect to system security in general. Based on this investigation, a prototype to illustrate the range and types of technologies that encompass a security framework was developed and is described in detail. The latter chapters of this document evaluate the practical implementation of system security in an ASP environment. Finally, this document outlines the research outputs, including the conclusions drawn and recommendations with respect to system security in an ASP environment. The primary research output is the recommendation that by following best practices with respect to security, an ASP application can provide the same level of security one would expect from any other n-tier client-server application. In addition, a security evaluation matrix, which could be used to evaluate not only the security of ASP applications but the security of any n-tier application, was developed by the author. This thesis shows that perceptions with regard to fears of inadequate security of ASP solutions and solution data are misguided. Finally, based on the research conducted, the author recommends that ASP solutions should be developed and deployed on tried, tested and trusted infrastructure. Existing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) should be used where possible and security best practices should be adhered to where feasible.
საქართველოს ეროვნული უსაფრთხოების კონცეფციის განახლებული ვერსიის გამოჩენა შესაძლებლობას იძლევა საიმისოდ, რომ გადავხედოთ საქართველოს ოფიციალურ შეხედულებას უსაფრთხოების შესახებ და შევაფასოთ ქვეყნის დამოკიდებულება საშინაო თუ საგარეო უსაფრთხოების გარემოსადმი;სტატია, პირველ რიგში, განიხილავს საქართველოს ეროვნული უსაფრთხოების დაგეგმვის გარემოებებს. შემდეგ ჩამოთვლილია კონცეფიციის პოზიტიური ასპექტები. ანალიზის ძირითადი ნაწილი მოიცავს ხუთ პრობლემატურ საკითხს. პირველი არის შიდა არასტაბილურობის შესაძლებლობა, რომლის შესახებ კონცეფციაში არაფერია ნათქვამი. მეორე საკითხი ეხება გლობალიზაციისა და ურთიერთდამოკიდებულების უსაფრთხოების ასპექტებს. მესამე საკითხი მოიცავს სამხრეთ კავკასიის რეგიონში არსებულ საფრთხეებს, კერძოდ კი, მთიანი ყარაბახის კონფლიქტს და არასტაბილურ მდგომარეობას ჩრდილოეთ კავკასიაში. მეოთხე საკითხი არის რუსეთისგან მომავალი საფრთხე. ბოლოს, განხილულია საქართველოს დასავლური ორიენტაცია.
Hardware-Software Co-Design, Simulated Annealing, Real-Time Image Processing, Automated Hardware-Software Partitioning
Gegenstand der hier vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Auswirkung der MAC-Zugriffsverfahren CSMA/CA auf das Transportschicht-Protokoll in WLAN-Netzen. Zum Erreichen des Ziels dieser Arbeit wurde es zuerst nachgewiesen, dass CSMA/CA zum TCP-Retransmission führen könnte. Dann die kumulative Verteilung der OWDs auf jedem Szena-rio analysiert. Am Ende wurde die kumulative Verteilung der Abstände zwischen den Spitzenwerten der OWD nach der Datenverarbeitung auf jedem Szenario analysiert.
Multi-core processors is a design philosophy that has become mainstream in scientific and engineering applications. Increasing performance and gate capacity of recent FPGA devices has permitted complex logic systems to be implemented on a single programmable device. By using VHDL here we present an implementation of one multi-core processor by using the PLASMA IP core based on the (most) MIPS I ISA and give an overview of the processor architecture and share theexecution results.
Telecommunications and network technology is now the driving force that ensures continued progress of world civilization. Design of new and expansion of existing network infrastructures requires improving the quality of service(QoS). Modeling probabilistic and time characteristics of telecommunication systems is an integral part of modern algorithms of administration of quality of service. At present, for the assessment of quality parameters except simulation models analytical models in the form of systems and queuing networks are widely used. Because of the limited mathematical tools of models of these classes the corresponding parameter estimation of parameters of quality of service are inadequate by definition. Especially concerning the models of telecommunication systems with packet transmission of multimedia real-time traffic.
In this paper we investigate various algorithms for performing Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)/Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation (IFFT), and proper techniques for maximizing the FFT/IFFT execution speed, such as pipelining or parallel processing, and use of memory structures with pre-computed values (look up tables -LUT) or other dedicated hardware components (usually multipliers). Furthermore, we discuss the optimal hardware architectures that best apply to various FFT/IFFT algorithms, along with their abilities to exploit parallel processing with minimal data dependences of the FFT/IFFT calculations. An interesting approach that is also considered in this paper is the application of the integrated processing-in-memory Intelligent RAM (IRAM) chip to high speed FFT/IFFT computing. The results of the assessment study emphasize that the execution speed of the FFT/IFFT algorithms is tightly connected to the capabilities of the FFT/IFFT hardware to support the provided parallelism of the given algorithm. Therefore, we suggest that the basic Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)/Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) can also provide high performances, by utilizing a specialized FFT/IFFT hardware architecture that can exploit the provided parallelism of the DFT/IDF operations. The proposed improvements include simplified multiplications over symbols given in polar coordinate system, using sinе and cosine look up tables, and an approach for performing parallel addition of N input symbols.
In this paper we investigate various algorithms for performing Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT)/Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation (IFFT), and proper techniquesfor maximizing the FFT/IFFT execution speed, such as pipelining or parallel processing, and use of memory structures with pre-computed values (look up tables -LUT) or other dedicated hardware components (usually multipliers). Furthermore, we discuss the optimal hardware architectures that best apply to various FFT/IFFT algorithms, along with their abilities to exploit parallel processing with minimal data dependences of the FFT/IFFT calculations. An interesting approach that is also considered in this paper is the application of the integrated processing-in-memory Intelligent RAM (IRAM) chip to high speed FFT/IFFT computing. The results of the assessment study emphasize that the execution speed of the FFT/IFFT algorithms is tightly connected to the capabilities of the FFT/IFFT hardware to support the provided parallelism of the given algorithm. Therefore, we suggest that the basic Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)/Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) can also provide high performances, by utilizing a specialized FFT/IFFT hardware architecture that can exploit the provided parallelism of the DFT/IDF operations. The proposed improvements include simplified multiplications over symbols given in polar coordinate system, using sinе and cosine look up tables,and an approach for performing parallel addition of N input symbols.