979 resultados para Guarnieri, Camargo, 1907-1993, Sonatinas n.3 e n.6 para piano


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The relationship between the queens' lipid content and nest growth (population size, biomass and nest architecture) was studied from founding up to 1 year. Nests aged 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12 months were dug in the field, and their dimensions were measured. The ant nest population and fungus garden was also collected. The sample was taken to the laboratory where we counted the worker population and weighed the biomass (fungus plus offspring) and queens. Queens were separated for the determination of lipids. The lipid content in the bodies of queens decreased in the first months, then stabilized (at 4-6 months) before increasing in months 9 and 12. Nest biomass (symbiotic fungus and offspring) and worker population increased over time. The structural growth of the nests was observed by excavating around them. Initially nests (3 months old) had one chamber at an average depth of 15 cm. By 1 year, the nests had three or four deep chambers, and were about 3-4 m deep. Our study contributes to knowledge of the dynamics of the energy-reserve expenditure by queens during colony founding and colony development for up to 1 year. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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No Brasil, estima-se que os rotavírus causem 3.352.053 episódios de diarreia, 655.853 ambulatoriais, 92.453 hospitalizações e 850 mortes envolvendo crianças menores de 5 anos de idade. Os rotavírus pertencem à família Reoviridae, gênero Rotavirus. A partícula viral é constituída por três camadas proteicas concêntricas e pelo genoma viral reunindo 11 segmentos de RNA com dupla fita. Reconhecem-se 23 genótipos G e 31 genótipos P. Dentre os genótipos G detectados até o momento, o G2 atua como um dos mais importantes, estando geralmente associado ao genótipo P[4]. Nos últimos três anos se tem observado em larga escala global a reemergência do genótipo G2, sendo um dos mais detectados nos anos que sucederam a implantação da vacina contra rotavírus, particularmente no Brasil. Este estudo teve como objetivo a caracterização molecular de amostras do tipo G2 obtidas de crianças participantes de estudos em gastroenterites virais na região amazônica, Brasil, no período de 1992 a 2008. Foram selecionadas 53 amostras positivas para rotavírus genótipo G2 que foram sequenciadas para VP7 e 38 para VP4. Inicialmente, as amostras foram genotipadas por RT-PCR e seus produtos purificados, quantificados e sequenciados. As amostras também foram testadas quanto ao perfil de migração dos segmentos de RNA. As sequências obtidas dos genes VP4 e VP7 foram alinhadas e editadas no programa Bioedit (v.6.05) e comparadas a outras sequências de RV registradas no banco de genes utilizando o programa BLAST. A árvore filogenética foi feita utilizando o programa Mega 2.1. Do total de 53 amostras sequenciadas para o gene VP7, a análise filogenética revelou a existência de duas linhagens (II e III) e três sublinhagens (IIa, IIc, IId) que circularam em períodos diferentes na população. Amostras das sub-linhagem IIa e IIc apresentaram mutação na posição no aminoácido da posição 96 (Asp/ Asn) . Essa modificação pode resultar em uma alteração conformacional dos epítopos reconhecidos por anticorpos neutralizantes. As linhagens de G2 que circularam em Belém foram idênticas àquelas de outros Estados da região amazônica envolvidos no estudo. O gene VP[4] foi sequenciado na região da VP8*, sendo 36 pertencentes do genótipo P[4] e 3 ao P[6]. No genótipo P[4] foi identificada a circulação de duas linhagens, P[4]-4 ocorrendo nos anos de 1998-2000, e P[4]-5 que circulou nos períodos de 1993-1994 e 2006-2008. Nossos resultados reforçam dados de ocorrência continental que evidenciam a reemergência do genótipo G2 com a variante gênica IIc, a qual se estabeleceu na população em associação com o genótipo P[4]-5. A grande homologia entre as cepas de G2 que circularam entre os diferentes estados envolvidos no estudo sugere que as mutações registradas ultrapassaram barreiras geográficas e temporais.


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This work shows the luminescence properties of a rare-earth organic complex, the Tb(ACAC)(3)phen. The results show the (5)D(4)->(7)F(3,4,5,6) transitions with no influence of the ligand. The photoluminescence excitation spectrum is tentatively interpreted by the ligands absorption. An organic light emitting diode (CLED) was made by thermal evaporation using TPD (N,N`-bis(3-methylphenyl)N,N`-diphenylbenzidine) and Alq3 (aluminum-tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)) as hole and electron transport layers, respectively. The emission reproduces the photoluminescence spectrum of the terbium complex at room temperature, with Commission Internationale de l`Eclairage - CIE (x,y) color coordinates of (0.28,0.55). No presence of any bands from the ligands was observed. The potential use of this compound in efficient devices is discussed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This work describes the synthesis of a series of sialylmimetic neoglycoconjugates represented by 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole-sialic acid derivatives containing galactose modified at either C-1 or C-6 positions, glucose or gulose at C-3 position, and by the amino acid derivative 1,2,3-triazole fused threonine-3-O-galactose as potential TcTS inhibitors and anti-trypanosomal agents. This series was obtained by Cu(I)-catalysed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction ('click chemistry') between the azido-functionalized sugars 1-N(3)-Gal (commercial), 6-N(3)-Gal, 3-N(3)-Glc and 3-N(3)-Gul with the corresponding alkyne-based 2-propynyl-sialic acid, as well as by click chemistry reaction between the amino acid N(3)-ThrOBn with 3-O-propynyl-GalOMe. The 1,2,3-triazole linked sialic acid-6-O-galactose and the sialic acid-galactopyranoside showed high Trypanosoma cruzi trans-sialidase (TcTS) inhibitory activity at 1.0 mM (approx. 90%), whilst only the former displayed relevant trypanocidal activity (IC(50) 260 mu M). These results highlight the 1,2,3-triazole linked sialic acid-6-O-galactose as a prototype for further design of new neoglycoconjugates against Chagas' disease. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Serotonin reuptake inhibitors and cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) are considered first-line treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, little is known about their modulatory effects on regional brain morphology in OCD patients. We sought to document structural brain abnormalities in treatment-naive OCD patients and to determine the effects of pharmacological and cognitive-behavioral treatments on regional brain volumes. Treatment-naive patients with OCD (n = 38) underwent structural magnetic resonance imaging scan before and after a 12-week randomized clinical trial with either fluoxetine or group CBT. Matched-healthy controls (n = 36) were also scanned at baseline. Voxel-based morphometry was used to compare regional gray matter (GM) volumes of regions of interest (ROIs) placed in the orbitofrontal, anterior cingulate and temporolimbic cortices, striatum, and thalamus. Treatment-naive OCD patients presented smaller GM volume in the left putamen, bilateral medial orbitofrontal, and left anterior cingulate cortices than did controls (p<0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons). After treatment with either fluoxetine or CBT (n = 26), GM volume abnormalities in the left putamen were no longer detectable relative to controls. ROI-based within-group comparisons revealed that GM volume in the left putamen significantly increased (p<0.012) in fluoxetine-treated patients (n = 13), whereas no significant GM volume changes were observed in CBT-treated patients (n = 13). This study supports the involvement of orbitofronto/cingulo-striatal loops in the pathophysiology of OCD and suggests that fluoxetine and CBT may have distinct neurobiological mechanisms of action. Neuropsychopharmacology (2012) 37, 734-745; doi: 10.1038/npp.2011.250; published online 26 October 2011


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To assess the performance of a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for estimating omega-3, omega-6 and trans fatty acid intake during pregnancy. Moreover, we determined whether the fatty acid composition of mature breast milk represents a valuable biomarker for fatty acid intake during pregnancy. SUBJECTS/METHODS: A prospective study in 41 pregnant women, aged 18-35 years, was conducted. Food intake during pregnancy was evaluated by three 24-h recalls (24 hR), and 2 FFQ. The fatty acid composition of mature breast milk was determined by gas chromatography. The method of triads and joint classification between quartiles of intake were applied. RESULTS: The FFQ was accurate for estimating docosahexanoic (DHA), linoleic and total omega-6 fatty acids according to validity coefficients. Higher agreements (>70%) into the same or adjacent quartiles between the dietary methods were found for alpha-linolenic, total omega-3, linoleic and trans fatty acid intake. High validity coefficients for eicosapentanoic (EPA) and DHA acids of human milk were found (0.61 and 0.73, respectively), and the method was adequate for categorizing the intake of alpha-linolenic, total omega-3 and trans fatty acids compared with FFQ estimates, and for arachidonic acid and trans fatty acids compared with food recall estimates, during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: The FFQ was an accurate tool for categorizing alpha-linolenic, total omega-3 and trans fatty acid intake. According to the validity coefficients observed, the FFQ accurately estimated DHA, linoleic and total omega-6 fatty acids and the composition of mature breast milk was shown to be a suitable biomarker for EPA and DHA fatty acid intake during pregnancy.


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Investigations on formation and specification of neural precursor cells in the central nervous system of the Drosophila melanogaster embryoSpecification of a unique cell fate during development of a multicellular organism often is a function of its position. The Drosophila central nervous system (CNS) provides an ideal system to dissect signalling events during development that lead to cell specific patterns. Different cell types in the CNS are formed from a relatively few precursor cells, the neuroblasts (NBs), which delaminate from the neurogenic region of the ectoderm. The delamination occurs in five waves, S1-S5, finally leading to a subepidermal layer consisting of about 30 NBs, each with a unique identity, arranged in a stereotyped spatial pattern in each hemisegment. This information depends on several factors such as the concentrations of various morphogens, cell-cell interactions and long range signals present at the position and time of its birth. The early NBs, delaminating during S1 and S2, form an orthogonal array of four rows (2/3,4,5,6/7) and three columns (medial, intermediate, and lateral) . However, the three column and four row-arrangement pattern is only transitory during early stages of neurogenesis which is obscured by late emerging (S3-S5) neuroblasts (Doe and Goodman, 1985; Goodman and Doe, 1993). Therefore the aim of my study has been to identify novel genes which play a role in the formation or specification of late delaminating NBs.In this study the gene anterior open or yan was picked up in a genetic screen to identity novel and yet unidentified genes in the process of late neuroblast formation and specification. I have shown that the gene yan is responsible for maintaining the cells of the neuroectoderm in an undifferentiated state by interfering with the Notch signalling mechanism. Secondly, I have studied the function and interactions of segment polarity genes within a certain neuroectodermal region, namely the engrailed (en) expressing domain, with regard to the fate specification of a set of late neuroblasts, namely NB 6-4 and NB 7-3. I have dissected the regulatory interaction of the segment polarity genes wingless (wg), hedgehog (hh) and engrailed (en) as they maintain each other’s expression to show that En is a prerequisite for neurogenesis and show that the interplay of the segmentation genes naked (nkd) and gooseberry (gsb), both of which are targets of wingless (wg) activity, leads to differential commitment of NB 7-3 and NB 6-4 cell fate. I have shown that in the absence of either nkd or gsb one NB fate is replaced by the other. However, the temporal sequence of delamination is maintained, suggesting that formation and specification of these two NBs are under independent control.


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Untersuchungen zur stereokontrollierten Synthese von 3-Mercaptolysinderivaten: 3-Mercaptolysin und Peptide mit einer 3-Mercaptolysin-Einheit sind als Liganden für Nukleardiagnostika in der Kontrastmittelforschung von großem Interesse. Für das Screening Gewebe-selektiver Diagnostika sollten Mercaptolysinderivate, die sich für den Einbau in Peptide eignen, stereokontrolliert aufgebaut werden. Als Grundlage wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine sehr effiziente Synthese von Methoxymethyl-(4-oxo-butyl)-carbaminsäure-tert-butylester aus Pent-4-en-1-ol entwickelt. Nach Olefinierung des Aldehyds konnten Auxiliar-substituierte 6-Amino-hexensäure-derivate in guten Ausbeuten erhalten werden. Diese bildeten die Startmaterialien für auxiliargesteuerte Aziridinierungen mit anschließender Ringöffnung durch Schwefel-Nukleophile. Zudem wurden Azidierungen an Auxiliar-bewehrten Substraten, Michael-Additionen von Schwefel-Nukleophilen an Dehydroaminosäuren und viele weitere Reaktionen untersucht. Es galt dabei auf patentrechtlich geschützte Reaktionen zu verzichten, weil die Produkte ggf. in großem Maßstab kommerziell genutzt werden sollen. Dabei konnten alle vier stereoisomeren 2-Acetylamino-6-(tert-butoxycarbonyl-methoxymethyl-amino)-3-(4-methoxy-benzylsulfanyl)-hexansäurementhylester in guter Ausbeute synthetisiert werden. Nach Herstellung größerer Mengen der entsprechenden am Schwefelatom ungeschützten N-Fmoc-Aminosäurederivate sollen alle vier Stereoisomere in Peptide eingebaut und auf ihre Eignung als Liganden in Nukleardiagnostika untersucht werden. Untersuchungen zur Synthese neuartiger Ansa-Steroide: Über die Synthese von Ansa-Seco-Steroiden mittels eine Kaskade von intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktion und anschließender Retro-Diels-Alder-Reaktion an 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden wurde erstmals 1986 von E. Winterfeldt et al. berichtet. Die damit eröffnete Möglichkeit eines völlig neuen Zugangs zu pharmakologisch interessanten Makrolid-Substraten konnte aber bislang nicht effektiv genutzt werden, weil insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Diels-Alder-Reaktion erhebliche präparative Probleme auftraten: Brauchbare Reaktivität nur bei sehr wenigen Dienophilen, Regioselektivitätsprobleme, etc. Hier galt es zu untersuchen, inwiefern sich diese Probleme durch die intramolekulare Reaktionsführung der Cycloaddition unterdrücken lassen können. Für die intramolekulare Diels-Alder-Reaktion zwischen der 5,7-Dien-Einheit des Steroids und einer an das Substrat gebundenen Dienophil-Einheit ist die Möglichkeit einer günstigen Anordnung der beiden Reaktanden-Gruppen entscheidend. Dafür wurden umfangreiche Untersuchungen zur alpha-konfigurierten Anbindung eines Dienophils in die 3-Position an 3-Hydroxy-5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroiden durchgeführt: Mitsunobu-Reaktionen, Oxidations-Reduktions-Sequenzen, Oxidations-Ketalisierungs-Sequenzen, etc. Hierbei wurden zahlreiche neue Steroide synthetisiert. Es gelang jedoch nicht, 5,6,7,8-Tetradehydrosteroide mit axial in Position 3 eingebundenen Dienophilen in präparativ nutzbaren Mengen zu synthetisieren. Bei der Untersuchung intermolekularer Diels-Alder-Reaktionen zwischen Ergosterol und Brommaleinsäureanhydrid wurde vorzugsweise die Bildung der Addukte des 7,8,14,15-Tetradehydroisomers des Ergosterols beobachtet.


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Fas-activated serine/threonine phosphoprotein (FAST) is the founding member of the FAST kinase domain-containing protein (FASTKD) family that includes FASTKD1-5. FAST is a sensor of mitochondrial stress that modulates protein translation to promote the survival of cells exposed to adverse conditions. Mutations in FASTKD2 have been linked to a mitochondrial encephalomyopathy that is associated with reduced cytochrome c oxidase activity, an essential component of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. We have confirmed the mitochondrial localization of FASTKD2 and shown that all FASTKD family members are found in mitochondria. Although human and mouse FASTKD1-5 genes are expressed ubiquitously, some of them are most abundantly expressed in mitochondria-enriched tissues. We have found that RNA interference-mediated knockdown of FASTKD3 severely blunts basal and stress-induced mitochondrial oxygen consumption without disrupting the assembly of respiratory chain complexes. Tandem affinity purification reveals that FASTKD3 interacts with components of mitochondrial respiratory and translation machineries. Our results introduce FASTKD3 as an essential component of mitochondrial respiration that may modulate energy balance in cells exposed to adverse conditions by functionally coupling mitochondrial protein synthesis to respiration.


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Purpose: The objective of this review was to systematically screen the literature for data related to the survival and complication rates observed with dental or implant double crown abutments and removable prostheses under functional loading for at least 3 years. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of the dental literature from January 1966 to December 2009 was performed in electronic databases (PubMed and Embase) as well as by an extensive hand search to investigate the clinical outcomes of double crown reconstructions. Results: From the total of 2412 titles retrieved from the search, 65 were selected for full-text review. Subsequently, 17 papers were included for data extraction. An estimation of the cumulative survival and complication rates was not feasible due to the lack of detailed information. Tooth survival rates for telescopic abutment teeth ranged from 82.5% to 96.5% after an observation period of 3.4 to 6 years, and for tooth-supported double crown retained dentures from 66.7% to 98.6% after an observation period of 6 to 10 years. The survival rates of implants were between 97.9% and 100% and for telescopic-retained removable dental prostheses with two mandibular implants, 100% after 3.0 and 10.4 years. The major biological complications affecting the tooth abutments were gingival inflammation, periodontal disease, and caries. The most frequent technical complications were loss of cementation and loss of facings. Conclusions: The main findings of this review are: (I) double crown tooth abutments and dentures demonstrated a wide range of survival rates. (II) Implant-supported mandibular overdentures demonstrated a favorable long-term prognosis. (III) A greater need for prosthetic maintenance is required for both tooth-supported and implant-supported reconstructions. (IV) Future areas of research would involve designing appropriate longitudinal studies for comparisons of survival and complication rates of different reconstruction designs.


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Considerable unexplained intersubject variability in the debrisoquine metabolic ratio (urinary debrisoquine/4-hydroxydebrisoquine) exists within individual CYP2D6 genotypes. We speculated that debrisoquine was converted to as yet undisclosed metabolites. Thirteen healthy young volunteers, nine CYP2D6*1 homozygotes [extensive metabolizers (EMs)] and four CYP2D6*4 homozygotes [poor metabolizers (PMs)] took 12.8 mg of debrisoquine hemisulfate by mouth and collected 0- to 8- and 8- to 24-h urines, which were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) before and after treatment with beta-glucuronidase. Authentic 3,4-dehydrodebrisoquine was synthesized and characterized by GCMS, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and (1)H NMR. 3,4-Dehydrodebrisoquine is a novel metabolite of debrisoquine excreted variably in 0- to 24-h urine, both in EMs (3.1-27.6% of dose) and PMs (0-2.1% of dose). This metabolite is produced from 4-hydroxydebrisoquine in vitro by human and rat liver microsomes. A previously unstudied CYP2D6*1 homozygote was administered 10.2 mg of 4-hydroxydebrisoquine orally and also excreted 3,4-dehydrodebrisoquine. EMs excreted 6-hydroxydebrisoquine (0-4.8%) and 8-hydroxydebrisoquine (0-1.3%), but these phenolic metabolites were not detected in PM urine. Debrisoquine and 4-hydroxydebrisoquine glucuronides were excreted in a highly genotype-dependent manner. A microsomal activity that probably does not involve cytochrome P450 participates in the further metabolism of 4-hydroxydebrisoquine, which we speculate may also lead to the formation of 1- and 3-hydroxydebrisoquine and their ring-opened products. In conclusion, this study suggests that the traditional metabolic ratio is not a true measure of the debrisoquine 4-hydroxylation capacity of an individual and thus may, in part, explain the wide intragenotype variation in metabolic ratio.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate intensive care resources, support, and personnel available in Mongolia's 3 largest cities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study was performed as a questionnaire-based survey evaluating intensive care units (ICUs) in Mongolia's 3 main cities. RESULTS: Twenty-one of 31 ICUs participated in the survey. The median number of beds per ICU was 7 (interquartile ranges, 6-10) with 0.7 (0.6-0.9) physicians and 1.5 (0.6-1.8) nurses per bed. A 24-hour physician service was available in 61.9% of the participating ICUs. A median number of 359 patients (250-500) with an average age of 39 (30-49) years were treated annually. Oxygen was available in all ICUs, but only for 60% (17-75) of beds. Pressurized air was available in 33% of the ICUs for 24% (0-15) of beds. Of the ICUs, 52.4% had a lung ventilator serving 20% (0-23) of beds. The most common admission diagnoses were sepsis, stroke, cardiac disease, postoperative or postpartum hemorrhage, and intoxication. Availability of medical equipment, disposables, and drugs was inadequate in all ICUs. CONCLUSIONS: Intensive care medicine in Mongolia's 3 largest cities is an under-resourced and underdeveloped medical specialty. The main problems encountered are insufficient training of staff as well as lack of medical equipment, disposables, and drugs.


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Studies toward the construction of functionalised piperidone derivatives from derivatives of Baylis-Hillman adducts are described. Interestingly the 6-oxo-4-aryl-piperidine-3-carboxylates generated during the study serve as precursor for the facile synthesis of 4-oxo-6-aryl-3-aza-bicyclo[3.1.0]hexane-1-carboxylates


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INTRODUCTION The omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are the immediate precursors to a number of important mediators of immunity, inflammation and bone function, with products of omega-6 generally thought to promote inflammation and favour bone resorption. Western diets generally provide a 10 to 20-fold deficit in omega-3 PUFAs compared with omega-6, and this is thought to have contributed to the marked rise in incidence of disorders of modern human societies, such as heart disease, colitis and perhaps osteoporosis. Many of our food production animals, fed on grains rich in omega-6, are also exposed to a dietary deficit in omega-3, with perhaps similar health consequences. Bone fragility due to osteoporotic changes in laying hens is a major economic and welfare problem, with our recent estimates of breakage rates indicating up to 95% of free range hens suffer breaks during lay. METHODS Free range hens housed in full scale commercial systems were provided diets supplemented with omega-3 alpha linolenic acid, and the skeletal benefits were investigated by comparison to standard diets rich in omega-6. RESULTS There was a significant 40-60% reduction in keel bone breakage rate, and a corresponding reduction in breakage severity in the omega-3 supplemented hens. There was significantly greater bone density and bone mineral content, alongside increases in total bone and trabecular volumes. The mechanical properties of the omega-3 supplemented hens were improved, with strength, energy to break and stiffness demonstrating significant increases. Alkaline phosphatase (an osteoblast marker) and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (an osteoclast marker) both showed significant increases with the omega-3 diets, indicating enhanced bone turnover. This was corroborated by the significantly lower levels of the mature collagen crosslinks, hydroxylysyl pyridinoline, lysyl pyridinoline and histidinohydroxy-lysinonorleucine, with a corresponding significant shift in the mature:immature crosslink ratio. CONCLUSIONS The improved skeletal health in laying hens corresponds to as many as 68million fewer hens suffering keel fractures in the EU each year. The biomechanical and biochemical evidence suggests that increased bone turnover has enhanced the bone mechanical properties, and that this may suggest potential benefits for human osteoporosis.