915 resultados para Global energy transition


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Actualmente existe un gran interés orientado hacia el mercado del gas natural. Son muchas las razones por las que este combustible se posiciona como uno de los más importantes dentro del panorama energético mundial. Además de que salvaría el hueco dejado por el carbón y el petróleo, supone una alternativa mucho más limpia que se podría desarrollar aún más tanto a nivel doméstico, industrial como en el mundo de los transportes. La industria del gas natural está cambiando rápidamente fundamentalmente por la aparición del gas no convencional y sus técnicas de extracción. Por lo que se está produciendo un cambio en la economía de la producción de gas así como en la dinámica y los movimientos del GNL a lo largo de todo el planeta. El propósito de este estudio es enfocar el estado del sector y mercado del gas natural en todo el mundo y de esta forma subrayar las principales regiones que marcan la tendencia general de los precios de todo el planeta. Además, este trabajo reflejará los pronósticos esperados para los próximos años así como un resumen de las tendencias que se han seguido hasta el momento. Particularmente, se centrará la atención en el movimiento hacia los sistemas basados en forma de hub que comenzaron en EE.UU. y que llegaron a Reino Unido y al continente Europeo a principios del S.XX. Esta tendencia es la que se pretende implantar en España con el fin de conseguir una mayor competitividad, flexibilidad y liquidez en los precios y en el sistema gasista. De esta forma, poco a poco se irá construyendo la estructura hacia un Mercado Único Europeo que es el objetivo final que plantean los organismos de los estados miembros. Sin embargo, para la puesta en marcha de este nuevo modelo es necesario realizar una serie de cambios en el sistema como la modificación de la Ley de Hidrocarburos, la designación de un Operador de Mercado, elaboración de una serie de reglas para regular el mercado así como fomentar la liquidez del mercado. Cuando tenga lugar el cambio regulatorio, la liquidez del sistema español incrementará y se dará la oportunidad de crear nuevas formas para balancear las carteras de gas y establecer nuevas estrategias para gestionar el riesgo. No obstante, antes de que se hagan efectivos los cambios en la legislación, se implantaría uno de los modelos planteados en el “Gas Target Model”, el denominado “Modelo de Asignación de Capacidad Implícita”. La introducción de este modelo sería un primer paso para la integración de un mercado de gas sin la necesidad de afrontar un cambio legislativo, lo que serviría de VIII impulso para alcanzar el “Modelo de Área de Mercado” que sería el mejor para el sistema gasista español y se conectaría ampliamente con el resto de mercados europeos. Las conclusiones del estudio en relación a la formación del nuevo modelo en forma de hub plantean la necesidad de aprovechar al máximo la nueva situación y conseguir implantar el hub lo antes posible para poder dotar al sistema de mayor competencia y liquidez. Además, el sistema español debe aprovechar su gran capacidad y moderna infraestructura para convertir al país en la entrada de gas del suroeste de Europa ampliando así la seguridad de suministro de los países miembros. Otra conclusión que se puede extraer del informe es la necesidad de ampliar el índice de penetración del gas en España e incentivar el consumo frente a otros combustibles fósiles como el carbón y el petróleo. Esto situaría al gas natural como la principal energía de respaldo con respecto a las renovables y permitiría disminuir los precios del kilovatio hora del gas natural. El estudio y análisis de la dinámica que se viene dando en la industria del gas en el mundo es fundamental para poder anticiparse y planear las mejores estrategias frente a los cambios que poco a poco irán modificando el sector y el mercado gasista. ABSTRACT There is a great deal of focus on the natural gas market at the moment. Whether you view natural gas as bridging the gap between coal/oil and an altogether cleaner solution yet to be determined, or as a destination fuel which will be used not only for heating and gas fired generation but also as transportation fuel, there is no doubt that natural gas will have an increasingly important role to play in the global energy landscape. The natural gas industry is changing rapidly, as shale gas exploration changes the economics of gas production and LNG connects regions across the globe. The purpose of this study is to outline the present state of the global gas industry highlighting the differing models around the world. This study will pay particular attention to the move towards hub based pricing that has taken hold first in the US and over the past decade across the UK and Continental Europe. In the coming years the Spanish model will move towards hub based pricing. As gas market regulatory change takes hold, liquidity in the Spanish gas market will increase, bringing with it new ways to balance gas portfolios and placing an increasing focus on managing price risk. This study will in turn establish the links between the changes that have taken place in other markets as a way to better understanding how the Spanish market will evolve in the coming years.


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A complete characterisation of PV modules for building integration is needed in order to know their influence on the building’s global energy balance. Specifically, certain characteristic parameters should be obtained for each different PV module suitable for building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), some by direct or indirect measurements at the laboratory, and others by monitoring the element performance mounted in real operating conditions. In the case of transparent building envelopes it is particularly important to perform an optical and thermal characterization of the PV modules that would be integrated in them. This paper addresses the optical characterization of some commercial thin-film PV modules having different degrees of transparency, suitable for building integration in façades. The approach is based on the measurement of the spectral UV/Vis/NIR reflectance and transmittance of the different considered samples, both at normal incidence and as a function of the angle of incidence. With the obtained results, the total and zoned UV, visible and NIR transmission and reflection values are calculated, enabling the correct characterization of the PV modules integrated in façades and the subsequent evaluation of their impact over the electrical, thermal and lighting performance in a building.


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Los Centros de Datos se encuentran actualmente en cualquier sector de la economía mundial. Están compuestos por miles de servidores, dando servicio a los usuarios de forma global, las 24 horas del día y los 365 días del año. Durante los últimos años, las aplicaciones del ámbito de la e-Ciencia, como la e-Salud o las Ciudades Inteligentes han experimentado un desarrollo muy significativo. La necesidad de manejar de forma eficiente las necesidades de cómputo de aplicaciones de nueva generación, junto con la creciente demanda de recursos en aplicaciones tradicionales, han facilitado el rápido crecimiento y la proliferación de los Centros de Datos. El principal inconveniente de este aumento de capacidad ha sido el rápido y dramático incremento del consumo energético de estas infraestructuras. En 2010, la factura eléctrica de los Centros de Datos representaba el 1.3% del consumo eléctrico mundial. Sólo en el año 2012, el consumo de potencia de los Centros de Datos creció un 63%, alcanzando los 38GW. En 2013 se estimó un crecimiento de otro 17%, hasta llegar a los 43GW. Además, los Centros de Datos son responsables de más del 2% del total de emisiones de dióxido de carbono a la atmósfera. Esta tesis doctoral se enfrenta al problema energético proponiendo técnicas proactivas y reactivas conscientes de la temperatura y de la energía, que contribuyen a tener Centros de Datos más eficientes. Este trabajo desarrolla modelos de energía y utiliza el conocimiento sobre la demanda energética de la carga de trabajo a ejecutar y de los recursos de computación y refrigeración del Centro de Datos para optimizar el consumo. Además, los Centros de Datos son considerados como un elemento crucial dentro del marco de la aplicación ejecutada, optimizando no sólo el consumo del Centro de Datos sino el consumo energético global de la aplicación. Los principales componentes del consumo en los Centros de Datos son la potencia de computación utilizada por los equipos de IT, y la refrigeración necesaria para mantener los servidores dentro de un rango de temperatura de trabajo que asegure su correcto funcionamiento. Debido a la relación cúbica entre la velocidad de los ventiladores y el consumo de los mismos, las soluciones basadas en el sobre-aprovisionamiento de aire frío al servidor generalmente tienen como resultado ineficiencias energéticas. Por otro lado, temperaturas más elevadas en el procesador llevan a un consumo de fugas mayor, debido a la relación exponencial del consumo de fugas con la temperatura. Además, las características de la carga de trabajo y las políticas de asignación de recursos tienen un impacto importante en los balances entre corriente de fugas y consumo de refrigeración. La primera gran contribución de este trabajo es el desarrollo de modelos de potencia y temperatura que permiten describes estos balances entre corriente de fugas y refrigeración; así como la propuesta de estrategias para minimizar el consumo del servidor por medio de la asignación conjunta de refrigeración y carga desde una perspectiva multivariable. Cuando escalamos a nivel del Centro de Datos, observamos un comportamiento similar en términos del balance entre corrientes de fugas y refrigeración. Conforme aumenta la temperatura de la sala, mejora la eficiencia de la refrigeración. Sin embargo, este incremente de la temperatura de sala provoca un aumento en la temperatura de la CPU y, por tanto, también del consumo de fugas. Además, la dinámica de la sala tiene un comportamiento muy desigual, no equilibrado, debido a la asignación de carga y a la heterogeneidad en el equipamiento de IT. La segunda contribución de esta tesis es la propuesta de técnicas de asigación conscientes de la temperatura y heterogeneidad que permiten optimizar conjuntamente la asignación de tareas y refrigeración a los servidores. Estas estrategias necesitan estar respaldadas por modelos flexibles, que puedan trabajar en tiempo real, para describir el sistema desde un nivel de abstracción alto. Dentro del ámbito de las aplicaciones de nueva generación, las decisiones tomadas en el nivel de aplicación pueden tener un impacto dramático en el consumo energético de niveles de abstracción menores, como por ejemplo, en el Centro de Datos. Es importante considerar las relaciones entre todos los agentes computacionales implicados en el problema, de forma que puedan cooperar para conseguir el objetivo común de reducir el coste energético global del sistema. La tercera contribución de esta tesis es el desarrollo de optimizaciones energéticas para la aplicación global por medio de la evaluación de los costes de ejecutar parte del procesado necesario en otros niveles de abstracción, que van desde los nodos hasta el Centro de Datos, por medio de técnicas de balanceo de carga. Como resumen, el trabajo presentado en esta tesis lleva a cabo contribuciones en el modelado y optimización consciente del consumo por fugas y la refrigeración de servidores; el modelado de los Centros de Datos y el desarrollo de políticas de asignación conscientes de la heterogeneidad; y desarrolla mecanismos para la optimización energética de aplicaciones de nueva generación desde varios niveles de abstracción. ABSTRACT Data centers are easily found in every sector of the worldwide economy. They consist of tens of thousands of servers, serving millions of users globally and 24-7. In the last years, e-Science applications such e-Health or Smart Cities have experienced a significant development. The need to deal efficiently with the computational needs of next-generation applications together with the increasing demand for higher resources in traditional applications has facilitated the rapid proliferation and growing of data centers. A drawback to this capacity growth has been the rapid increase of the energy consumption of these facilities. In 2010, data center electricity represented 1.3% of all the electricity use in the world. In year 2012 alone, global data center power demand grew 63% to 38GW. A further rise of 17% to 43GW was estimated in 2013. Moreover, data centers are responsible for more than 2% of total carbon dioxide emissions. This PhD Thesis addresses the energy challenge by proposing proactive and reactive thermal and energy-aware optimization techniques that contribute to place data centers on a more scalable curve. This work develops energy models and uses the knowledge about the energy demand of the workload to be executed and the computational and cooling resources available at data center to optimize energy consumption. Moreover, data centers are considered as a crucial element within their application framework, optimizing not only the energy consumption of the facility, but the global energy consumption of the application. The main contributors to the energy consumption in a data center are the computing power drawn by IT equipment and the cooling power needed to keep the servers within a certain temperature range that ensures safe operation. Because of the cubic relation of fan power with fan speed, solutions based on over-provisioning cold air into the server usually lead to inefficiencies. On the other hand, higher chip temperatures lead to higher leakage power because of the exponential dependence of leakage on temperature. Moreover, workload characteristics as well as allocation policies also have an important impact on the leakage-cooling tradeoffs. The first key contribution of this work is the development of power and temperature models that accurately describe the leakage-cooling tradeoffs at the server level, and the proposal of strategies to minimize server energy via joint cooling and workload management from a multivariate perspective. When scaling to the data center level, a similar behavior in terms of leakage-temperature tradeoffs can be observed. As room temperature raises, the efficiency of data room cooling units improves. However, as we increase room temperature, CPU temperature raises and so does leakage power. Moreover, the thermal dynamics of a data room exhibit unbalanced patterns due to both the workload allocation and the heterogeneity of computing equipment. The second main contribution is the proposal of thermal- and heterogeneity-aware workload management techniques that jointly optimize the allocation of computation and cooling to servers. These strategies need to be backed up by flexible room level models, able to work on runtime, that describe the system from a high level perspective. Within the framework of next-generation applications, decisions taken at this scope can have a dramatical impact on the energy consumption of lower abstraction levels, i.e. the data center facility. It is important to consider the relationships between all the computational agents involved in the problem, so that they can cooperate to achieve the common goal of reducing energy in the overall system. The third main contribution is the energy optimization of the overall application by evaluating the energy costs of performing part of the processing in any of the different abstraction layers, from the node to the data center, via workload management and off-loading techniques. In summary, the work presented in this PhD Thesis, makes contributions on leakage and cooling aware server modeling and optimization, data center thermal modeling and heterogeneityaware data center resource allocation, and develops mechanisms for the energy optimization for next-generation applications from a multi-layer perspective.


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Hoy en día, el proceso de un proyecto sostenible persigue realizar edificios de elevadas prestaciones que son, energéticamente eficientes, saludables y económicamente viables utilizando sabiamente recursos renovables para minimizar el impacto sobre el medio ambiente reduciendo, en lo posible, la demanda de energía, lo que se ha convertido, en la última década, en una prioridad. La Directiva 2002/91/CE "Eficiencia Energética de los Edificios" (y actualizaciones posteriores) ha establecido el marco regulatorio general para el cálculo de los requerimientos energéticos mínimos. Desde esa fecha, el objetivo de cumplir con las nuevas directivas y protocolos ha conducido las políticas energéticas de los distintos países en la misma dirección, centrándose en la necesidad de aumentar la eficiencia energética en los edificios, la adopción de medidas para reducir el consumo, y el fomento de la generación de energía a través de fuentes renovables. Los edificios de energía nula o casi nula (ZEB, Zero Energy Buildings ó NZEB, Net Zero Energy Buildings) deberán convertirse en un estándar de la construcción en Europa y con el fin de equilibrar el consumo de energía, además de reducirlo al mínimo, los edificios necesariamente deberán ser autoproductores de energía. Por esta razón, la envolvente del edifico y en particular las fachadas son importantes para el logro de estos objetivos y la tecnología fotovoltaica puede tener un papel preponderante en este reto. Para promover el uso de la tecnología fotovoltaica, diferentes programas de investigación internacionales fomentan y apoyan soluciones para favorecer la integración completa de éstos sistemas como elementos arquitectónicos y constructivos, los sistemas BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic), sobre todo considerando el próximo futuro hacia edificios NZEB. Se ha constatado en este estudio que todavía hay una falta de información útil disponible sobre los sistemas BIPV, a pesar de que el mercado ofrece una interesante gama de soluciones, en algunos aspectos comparables a los sistemas tradicionales de construcción. Pero por el momento, la falta estandarización y de una regulación armonizada, además de la falta de información en las hojas de datos técnicos (todavía no comparables con las mismas que están disponibles para los materiales de construcción), hacen difícil evaluar adecuadamente la conveniencia y factibilidad de utilizar los componentes BIPV como parte integrante de la envolvente del edificio. Organizaciones internacionales están trabajando para establecer las normas adecuadas y procedimientos de prueba y ensayo para comprobar la seguridad, viabilidad y fiabilidad estos sistemas. Sin embargo, hoy en día, no hay reglas específicas para la evaluación y caracterización completa de un componente fotovoltaico de integración arquitectónica de acuerdo con el Reglamento Europeo de Productos de la Construcción, CPR 305/2011. Los productos BIPV, como elementos de construcción, deben cumplir con diferentes aspectos prácticos como resistencia mecánica y la estabilidad; integridad estructural; seguridad de utilización; protección contra el clima (lluvia, nieve, viento, granizo), el fuego y el ruido, aspectos que se han convertido en requisitos esenciales, en la perspectiva de obtener productos ambientalmente sostenibles, saludables, eficientes energéticamente y económicamente asequibles. Por lo tanto, el módulo / sistema BIPV se convierte en una parte multifuncional del edificio no sólo para ser física y técnicamente "integrado", además de ser una oportunidad innovadora del diseño. Las normas IEC, de uso común en Europa para certificar módulos fotovoltaicos -IEC 61215 e IEC 61646 cualificación de diseño y homologación del tipo para módulos fotovoltaicos de uso terrestre, respectivamente para módulos fotovoltaicos de silicio cristalino y de lámina delgada- atestan únicamente la potencia del módulo fotovoltaico y dan fe de su fiabilidad por un período de tiempo definido, certificando una disminución de potencia dentro de unos límites. Existe también un estándar, en parte en desarrollo, el IEC 61853 (“Ensayos de rendimiento de módulos fotovoltaicos y evaluación energética") cuyo objetivo es la búsqueda de procedimientos y metodologías de prueba apropiados para calcular el rendimiento energético de los módulos fotovoltaicos en diferentes condiciones climáticas. Sin embargo, no existen ensayos normalizados en las condiciones específicas de la instalación (p. ej. sistemas BIPV de fachada). Eso significa que es imposible conocer las efectivas prestaciones de estos sistemas y las condiciones ambientales que se generan en el interior del edificio. La potencia nominal de pico Wp, de un módulo fotovoltaico identifica la máxima potencia eléctrica que éste puede generar bajo condiciones estándares de medida (STC: irradición 1000 W/m2, 25 °C de temperatura del módulo y distribución espectral, AM 1,5) caracterizando eléctricamente el módulo PV en condiciones específicas con el fin de poder comparar los diferentes módulos y tecnologías. El vatio pico (Wp por su abreviatura en inglés) es la medida de la potencia nominal del módulo PV y no es suficiente para evaluar el comportamiento y producción del panel en términos de vatios hora en las diferentes condiciones de operación, y tampoco permite predecir con convicción la eficiencia y el comportamiento energético de un determinado módulo en condiciones ambientales y de instalación reales. Un adecuado elemento de integración arquitectónica de fachada, por ejemplo, debería tener en cuenta propiedades térmicas y de aislamiento, factores como la transparencia para permitir ganancias solares o un buen control solar si es necesario, aspectos vinculados y dependientes en gran medida de las condiciones climáticas y del nivel de confort requerido en el edificio, lo que implica una necesidad de adaptación a cada contexto específico para obtener el mejor resultado. Sin embargo, la influencia en condiciones reales de operación de las diferentes soluciones fotovoltaicas de integración, en el consumo de energía del edificio no es fácil de evaluar. Los aspectos térmicos del interior del ambiente o de iluminación, al utilizar módulos BIPV semitransparentes por ejemplo, son aún desconocidos. Como se dijo antes, la utilización de componentes de integración arquitectónica fotovoltaicos y el uso de energía renovable ya es un hecho para producir energía limpia, pero también sería importante conocer su posible contribución para mejorar el confort y la salud de los ocupantes del edificio. Aspectos como el confort, la protección o transmisión de luz natural, el aislamiento térmico, el consumo energético o la generación de energía son aspectos que suelen considerarse independientemente, mientras que todos juntos contribuyen, sin embargo, al balance energético global del edificio. Además, la necesidad de dar prioridad a una orientación determinada del edificio, para alcanzar el mayor beneficio de la producción de energía eléctrica o térmica, en el caso de sistemas activos y pasivos, respectivamente, podría hacer estos últimos incompatibles, pero no necesariamente. Se necesita un enfoque holístico que permita arquitectos e ingenieros implementar sistemas tecnológicos que trabajen en sinergia. Se ha planteado por ello un nuevo concepto: "C-BIPV, elemento fotovoltaico consciente integrado", esto significa necesariamente conocer los efectos positivos o negativos (en términos de confort y de energía) en condiciones reales de funcionamiento e instalación. Propósito de la tesis, método y resultados Los sistemas fotovoltaicos integrados en fachada son a menudo soluciones de vidrio fácilmente integrables, ya que por lo general están hechos a medida. Estos componentes BIPV semitransparentes, integrados en el cerramiento proporcionan iluminación natural y también sombra, lo que evita el sobrecalentamiento en los momentos de excesivo calor, aunque como componente estático, asimismo evitan las posibles contribuciones pasivas de ganancias solares en los meses fríos. Además, la temperatura del módulo varía considerablemente en ciertas circunstancias influenciada por la tecnología fotovoltaica instalada, la radiación solar, el sistema de montaje, la tipología de instalación, falta de ventilación, etc. Este factor, puede suponer un aumento adicional de la carga térmica en el edificio, altamente variable y difícil de cuantificar. Se necesitan, en relación con esto, más conocimientos sobre el confort ambiental interior en los edificios que utilizan tecnologías fotovoltaicas integradas, para abrir de ese modo, una nueva perspectiva de la investigación. Con este fin, se ha diseñado, proyectado y construido una instalación de pruebas al aire libre, el BIPV Env-lab "BIPV Test Laboratory", para la caracterización integral de los diferentes módulos semitransparentes BIPV. Se han definido también el método y el protocolo de ensayos de caracterización en el contexto de un edificio y en condiciones climáticas y de funcionamiento reales. Esto ha sido posible una vez evaluado el estado de la técnica y la investigación, los aspectos que influyen en la integración arquitectónica y los diferentes tipos de integración, después de haber examinado los métodos de ensayo para los componentes de construcción y fotovoltaicos, en condiciones de operación utilizadas hasta ahora. El laboratorio de pruebas experimentales, que consiste en dos habitaciones idénticas a escala real, 1:1, ha sido equipado con sensores y todos los sistemas de monitorización gracias a los cuales es posible obtener datos fiables para evaluar las prestaciones térmicas, de iluminación y el rendimiento eléctrico de los módulos fotovoltaicos. Este laboratorio permite el estudio de tres diferentes aspectos que influencian el confort y consumo de energía del edificio: el confort térmico, lumínico, y el rendimiento energético global (demanda/producción de energía) de los módulos BIPV. Conociendo el balance de energía para cada tecnología solar fotovoltaica experimentada, es posible determinar cuál funciona mejor en cada caso específico. Se ha propuesto una metodología teórica para la evaluación de estos parámetros, definidos en esta tesis como índices o indicadores que consideran cuestiones relacionados con el bienestar, la energía y el rendimiento energético global de los componentes BIPV. Esta metodología considera y tiene en cuenta las normas reglamentarias y estándares existentes para cada aspecto, relacionándolos entre sí. Diferentes módulos BIPV de doble vidrio aislante, semitransparentes, representativos de diferentes tecnologías fotovoltaicas (tecnología de silicio monocristalino, m-Si; de capa fina en silicio amorfo unión simple, a-Si y de capa fina en diseleniuro de cobre e indio, CIS) fueron seleccionados para llevar a cabo una serie de pruebas experimentales al objeto de demostrar la validez del método de caracterización propuesto. Como resultado final, se ha desarrollado y generado el Diagrama Caracterización Integral DCI, un sistema gráfico y visual para representar los resultados y gestionar la información, una herramienta operativa útil para la toma de decisiones con respecto a las instalaciones fotovoltaicas. Este diagrama muestra todos los conceptos y parámetros estudiados en relación con los demás y ofrece visualmente toda la información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre la eficiencia energética de los componentes BIPV, por caracterizarlos de manera integral. ABSTRACT A sustainable design process today is intended to produce high-performance buildings that are energy-efficient, healthy and economically feasible, by wisely using renewable resources to minimize the impact on the environment and to reduce, as much as possible, the energy demand. In the last decade, the reduction of energy needs in buildings has become a top priority. The Directive 2002/91/EC “Energy Performance of Buildings” (and its subsequent updates) established a general regulatory framework’s methodology for calculation of minimum energy requirements. Since then, the aim of fulfilling new directives and protocols has led the energy policies in several countries in a similar direction that is, focusing on the need of increasing energy efficiency in buildings, taking measures to reduce energy consumption, and fostering the use of renewable sources. Zero Energy Buildings or Net Zero Energy Buildings will become a standard in the European building industry and in order to balance energy consumption, buildings, in addition to reduce the end-use consumption should necessarily become selfenergy producers. For this reason, the façade system plays an important role for achieving these energy and environmental goals and Photovoltaic can play a leading role in this challenge. To promote the use of photovoltaic technology in buildings, international research programs encourage and support solutions, which favors the complete integration of photovoltaic devices as an architectural element, the so-called BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic), furthermore facing to next future towards net-zero energy buildings. Therefore, the BIPV module/system becomes a multifunctional building layer, not only physically and functionally “integrated” in the building, but also used as an innovative chance for the building envelope design. It has been found in this study that there is still a lack of useful information about BIPV for architects and designers even though the market is providing more and more interesting solutions, sometimes comparable to the existing traditional building systems. However at the moment, the lack of an harmonized regulation and standardization besides to the non-accuracy in the technical BIPV datasheets (not yet comparable with the same ones available for building materials), makes difficult for a designer to properly evaluate the fesibility of this BIPV components when used as a technological system of the building skin. International organizations are working to establish the most suitable standards and test procedures to check the safety, feasibility and reliability of BIPV systems. Anyway, nowadays, there are no specific rules for a complete characterization and evaluation of a BIPV component according to the European Construction Product Regulation, CPR 305/2011. BIPV products, as building components, must comply with different practical aspects such as mechanical resistance and stability; structural integrity; safety in use; protection against weather (rain, snow, wind, hail); fire and noise: aspects that have become essential requirements in the perspective of more and more environmentally sustainable, healthy, energy efficient and economically affordable products. IEC standards, commonly used in Europe to certify PV modules (IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 respectively crystalline and thin-film ‘Terrestrial PV Modules-Design Qualification and Type Approval’), attest the feasibility and reliability of PV modules for a defined period of time with a limited power decrease. There is also a standard (IEC 61853, ‘Performance Testing and Energy Rating of Terrestrial PV Modules’) still under preparation, whose aim is finding appropriate test procedures and methodologies to calculate the energy yield of PV modules under different climate conditions. Furthermore, the lack of tests in specific conditions of installation (e.g. façade BIPV devices) means that it is difficult knowing the exact effective performance of these systems and the environmental conditions in which the building will operate. The nominal PV power at Standard Test Conditions, STC (1.000 W/m2, 25 °C temperature and AM 1.5) is usually measured in indoor laboratories, and it characterizes the PV module at specific conditions in order to be able to compare different modules and technologies on a first step. The “Watt-peak” is not enough to evaluate the panel performance in terms of Watt-hours of various modules under different operating conditions, and it gives no assurance of being able to predict the energy performance of a certain module at given environmental conditions. A proper BIPV element for façade should take into account thermal and insulation properties, factors as transparency to allow solar gains if possible or a good solar control if necessary, aspects that are linked and high dependent on climate conditions and on the level of comfort to be reached. However, the influence of different façade integrated photovoltaic solutions on the building energy consumption is not easy to assess under real operating conditions. Thermal aspects, indoor temperatures or luminance level that can be expected using building integrated PV (BIPV) modules are not well known. As said before, integrated photovoltaic BIPV components and the use of renewable energy is already a standard for green energy production, but would also be important to know the possible contribution to improve the comfort and health of building occupants. Comfort, light transmission or protection, thermal insulation or thermal/electricity power production are aspects that are usually considered alone, while all together contribute to the building global energy balance. Besides, the need to prioritize a particular building envelope orientation to harvest the most benefit from the electrical or thermal energy production, in the case of active and passive systems respectively might be not compatible, but also not necessary. A holistic approach is needed to enable architects and engineers implementing technological systems working in synergy. A new concept have been suggested: “C-BIPV, conscious integrated BIPV”. BIPV systems have to be “consciously integrated” which means that it is essential to know the positive and negative effects in terms of comfort and energy under real operating conditions. Purpose of the work, method and results The façade-integrated photovoltaic systems are often glass solutions easily integrable, as they usually are custommade. These BIPV semi-transparent components integrated as a window element provides natural lighting and shade that prevents overheating at times of excessive heat, but as static component, likewise avoid the possible solar gains contributions in the cold months. In addition, the temperature of the module varies considerably in certain circumstances influenced by the PV technology installed, solar radiation, mounting system, lack of ventilation, etc. This factor may result in additional heat input in the building highly variable and difficult to quantify. In addition, further insights into the indoor environmental comfort in buildings using integrated photovoltaic technologies are needed to open up thereby, a new research perspective. This research aims to study their behaviour through a series of experiments in order to define the real influence on comfort aspects and on global energy building consumption, as well as, electrical and thermal characteristics of these devices. The final objective was to analyze a whole set of issues that influence the global energy consumption/production in a building using BIPV modules by quantifying the global energy balance and the BIPV system real performances. Other qualitative issues to be studied were comfort aspect (thermal and lighting aspects) and the electrical behaviour of different BIPV technologies for vertical integration, aspects that influence both energy consumption and electricity production. Thus, it will be possible to obtain a comprehensive global characterization of BIPV systems. A specific design of an outdoor test facility, the BIPV Env-lab “BIPV Test Laboratory”, for the integral characterization of different BIPV semi-transparent modules was developed and built. The method and test protocol for the BIPV characterization was also defined in a real building context and weather conditions. This has been possible once assessed the state of the art and research, the aspects that influence the architectural integration and the different possibilities and types of integration for PV and after having examined the test methods for building and photovoltaic components, under operation conditions heretofore used. The test laboratory that consists in two equivalent test rooms (1:1) has a monitoring system in which reliable data of thermal, daylighting and electrical performances can be obtained for the evaluation of PV modules. The experimental set-up facility (testing room) allows studying three different aspects that affect building energy consumption and comfort issues: the thermal indoor comfort, the lighting comfort and the energy performance of BIPV modules tested under real environmental conditions. Knowing the energy balance for each experimented solar technology, it is possible to determine which one performs best. A theoretical methodology has been proposed for evaluating these parameters, as defined in this thesis as indices or indicators, which regard comfort issues, energy and the overall performance of BIPV components. This methodology considers the existing regulatory standards for each aspect, relating them to one another. A set of insulated glass BIPV modules see-through and light-through, representative of different PV technologies (mono-crystalline silicon technology, mc-Si, amorphous silicon thin film single junction, a-Si and copper indium selenide thin film technology CIS) were selected for a series of experimental tests in order to demonstrate the validity of the proposed characterization method. As result, it has been developed and generated the ICD Integral Characterization Diagram, a graphic and visual system to represent the results and manage information, a useful operational tool for decision-making regarding to photovoltaic installations. This diagram shows all concepts and parameters studied in relation to each other and visually provides access to all the results obtained during the experimental phase to make available all the qualitative and quantitative information on the energy performance of the BIPV components by characterizing them in a comprehensive way.


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Oxidation of molecular hydrogen catalyzed by [NiFe] hydrogenases is a widespread mechanism of energy generation among prokaryotes. Biosynthesis of the H2-oxidizing enzymes is a complex process subject to positive control by H2 and negative control by organic energy sources. In this report we describe a novel signal transduction system regulating hydrogenase gene (hox) expression in the proteobacterium Alcaligenes eutrophus. This multicomponent system consists of the proteins HoxB, HoxC, HoxJ*, and HoxA. HoxB and HoxC share characteristic features of dimeric [NiFe] hydrogenases and form the putative H2 receptor that interacts directly or indirectly with the histidine protein kinase HoxJ*. A single amino acid substitution (HoxJ*G422S) in a conserved C-terminal glycine-rich motif of HoxJ* resulted in a loss of H2-dependent signal transduction and a concomitant block in autophosphorylating activity, suggesting that autokinase activity is essential for the response to H2. Whereas deletions in hoxB or hoxC abolished hydrogenase synthesis almost completely, the autokinase-deficient strain maintained high-level hox gene expression, indicating that the active sensor kinase exerts a negative effect on hox gene expression in the absence of H2. Substitutions of the conserved phosphoryl acceptor residue Asp55 in the response regulator HoxA (HoxAD55E and HoxAD55N) disrupted the H2 signal-transduction chain. Unlike other NtrC-like regulators, the altered HoxA proteins still allowed high-level transcriptional activation. The data presented here suggest a model in which the nonphosphorylated form of HoxA stimulates transcription in concert with a yet unknown global energy-responsive factor.


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O aumento na demanda mundial por energia, a perspectiva de encolhimento dos recursos energéticos e a preocupação global com a questão ambiental, despertaram o interesse por fontes alternativas de energia. A biomassa lignocelulósica é abundante e de baixo custo, com potencial para complementar a produção em larga escala de combustíveis. A degradação das moléculas constituintes da parede celular à açúcares fermentescíveis e então à etanol, ocorre através da hidrólise enzimática da biomassa. Contudo, a utilização de enzimas para esse fim encontra-se em estágio exploratório e representa um gargalo na implementação de tecnologias de etanol 2G em escala industrial, desencadeando a busca de celulases bioquimicamente mais ativas, estáveis e economicamente viáveis. O presente trabalho visou a caracterização da endoglucanase I do fungo Trichoderma harzianum, e para isso foi realizada expressão, ensaios bioquímicos e biofísicos do domínio catalítico (ThCel7B-CCD) e da proteína inteira (ThCel7B-full). A enzima exibiu um perfil acidofílico, com atividade ótima em pH 3,0 a 55°C. A proteína também se mostrou capaz de hidrolisar uma variedade de substratos, sendo a maior atividade hidrolítica em β-glucano (75 U mg-1). Ao analisar a estabilidade térmica medida a 55°C em pH 5, a atividade residual manteve-se intacta por mais de 2 meses. Outra característica relevante foi o elevado grau de sinergismo entre ThCel7B e ThCel7A. Análises de microscopia eletrônica de flocos de aveia submetidas à hidrólise com ThCel7B evidenciaram os efeitos de degradação do substrato em relação às amostras controle. O conjunto desses resultados, além de importante para a compreensão do mecanismo molecular de ThCel7B e de outras endoglucanases da família GH7, também revelou uma enzima de interesse biotecnológicos uma vez que o comportamento ácido e sua estabilidade térmica são características relevantes para aplicações industriais sob condições extremamente ácidas.


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As the difficulties Gazprom has faced in recent years on the European market have multiplied1, so more and more symptoms have appeared which may suggest that the company’s dominant position is deteriorating. The decision made by the Russian government in June 2011 to double the tax Gazprom has to pay on the extraction of gas, which was later approved by parliament, was the first time in many years when the company’s fiscal privileges were withdrawn. The process of Gazprom’s assets being taken over by private companies and business partners from within Vladimir Putin’s closest circle is underway. More and more frequently attempts are being made to challenge the company’s monopoly in areas of key importance for the functioning of the entire gas sector, such as Gazprom’s exclusive right to dispose of the Russian gas transportation system and its exports monopoly. Competition from independent gas producers on the domestic market is growing, and Gazprom is gradually being pushed out of some of that market’s most profitable segments (industrial clients). The emerging tendencies in the Russian gas sector derive from a number of factors – from the situation on the European gas market, through difficulties hampering the development of the sector in Russia itself, to the private interests of the current ruling class and its business partners. The plans for a structural reform of the monopoly (including isolating gas transportation system from Gazprom), presented since 2000 by the Ministry for Economic Development and since 2003 by the Russian Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), suggest a direction for the changes necessary to stimulate the sector’s development and improve the efficiency of Gazprom itself. However, the monopolist’s current business model gives the government full control over this strategic enterprise, which is a core of Putin’s concept for developing Russia as a global energy power. Despite Putin’s recent statement that he “does not rule out privatising Gazprom in the future” (made at a meeting with political scientists in Moscow on 6 February this year), any structural reform of Gazprom (and consequently, a weakening of the state’s control over it) seems unlikely in the foreseeable future. Still, the developments on the domestic market – growing pressure from other gas companies (oil corporations and independent producers) and changes on the European market2 – may result in the weakening of Gazprom’s monopoly privileges and a gradual deterioration of its special status within Russia.


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In the aftermath of the 2011 Arab uprisings in the southern and eastern Mediterranean, the region has reached a turning point in its history, presenting as many opportunities as challenges. The European Union itself is facing challenging conditions following the financial and economic crises that have hit its periphery. This MEDPRO Policy Paper examines and assesses various possible scenarios that could play out in EU-Mediterranean relations over the next two decades and offers recommendations towards long-term sustainable socio-economic development in the region.


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The five permanent members of the UN Security Council (the USA, the United Kingdom, China, France and Russia) plus Germany and the European Union signed a deal with Iran on 14 July in Vienna (a Plan of Action with five appendices, henceforth referred to as the Vienna Agreement). Under this agreement, Iran undertook to restrict its nuclear programme and to bring it under international scrutiny for 15 years in exchange for a gradual lifting of international sanctions (both those imposed between 2006 and 2010 by the UN Security Council and the unilateral US and EU sanctions). Even though Russia has officially reacted positively to this deal, the consequences it will have are rather ambiguous from Moscow’s point of view. Iran looks set to become stronger and will possibly normalise its relations with the West, and especially the United States. This, in political terms, is a disadvantage for Russia. The Kremlin’s ability to use its policy towards Iran as a bargaining chip in contacts with Washington will be reduced significantly. In turn, the benefits will include improving the perception of Russia in the West and the opening up of new opportunities for the geopolitical game in the region, both with Iran and its opponents in the Arab world. Similarly, in economic terms, the possible lifting of sanctions will offer Russia new opportunities to achieve immediate benefits owing to co-operation in the nuclear and military-technical areas. In the short term, the lifting of sanctions will not pose any threat to Russia’s position on the global energy markets. However, in the long term, the end of Iran’s international isolation may bring negative consequences for Russia, such as the dominant position of Western and/or Chinese companies in the Iranian upstream sector, rising exports of Iranian oil and gas to EU and Asian markets (which are essential for Russia) and the downward pressure on oil and gas prices.


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The outlook for natural gas demand is often considered bright, especially for gas used to generate electricity. This is because gas is the cleanest of all fossil fuels. The carbon intensity of modern gas-fired power stations is less than 50% that of modern coal plants. Moreover, gas-fired units are well-suited to follow rapid swings in supply and demand due to their flexibility. In the future, these balancing tasks will become more and more important given the intermittent character of the supply of wind and solar power. Gas seems to hold out the promise of being a key pillar of the energy transition and the perfect partner of renewables. Given the EU’s long-term climate policy goals, however, there is strong evidence that demand for gas for purposes of power generation peaked as early as 2010.


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Selection of a power market structure from the available alternatives is an important activity within an overall power sector reform programme. The evaluation criteria for selection are both subjective as well as objective in nature and the selection of alternatives is characterised by their conflicting nature. This study demonstrates a methodology for power market structure selection using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a multiple attribute decision-making technique, to model the selection methodology with the active participation of relevant stakeholders in a workshop environment. The methodology is applied to a hypothetical case of a State Electricity Board reform in India.


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In the framework of the global energy balance, the radiative energy exchanges between Sun, Earth and space are now accurately quantified from new satellite missions. Much less is known about the magnitude of the energy flows within the climate system and at the Earth surface, which cannot be directly measured by satellites. In addition to satellite observations, here we make extensive use of the growing number of surface observations to constrain the global energy balance not only from space, but also from the surface. We combine these observations with the latest modeling efforts performed for the 5th IPCC assessment report to infer best estimates for the global mean surface radiative components. Our analyses favor global mean downward surface solar and thermal radiation values near 185 and 342 Wm**-2, respectively, which are most compatible with surface observations. Combined with an estimated surface absorbed solar radiation and thermal emission of 161 Wm**-2 and 397 Wm**-2, respectively, this leaves 106 Wm**-2 of surface net radiation available for distribution amongst the non-radiative surface energy balance components. The climate models overestimate the downward solar and underestimate the downward thermal radiation, thereby simulating nevertheless an adequate global mean surface net radiation by error compensation. This also suggests that, globally, the simulated surface sensible and latent heat fluxes, around 20 and 85 Wm**-2 on average, state realistic values. The findings of this study are compiled into a new global energy balance diagram, which may be able to reconcile currently disputed inconsistencies between energy and water cycle estimates.


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The global energy crisis triggered the possibility of unconventional hydrocarbons exploration and production, culminating in the US energy revolution as well as making other countries interested in the development of these natural resources. The justification for this research comes from Brazil's interest in the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques in unconventional resources since the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) organized the 12th acquisition process and published the Resolution no. 21 of April 10, 2014. The conflict between economic viability and the social and environmental damage from exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons in Brazil resulted in the search for a legal solution that would consider the economic, social and environmental interests. The main purpose here is to analyze the regulation of unconventional oil exploration and production in Brazil in order to show lack of regulatory instruments so far. The specific objectives are to investigate how the lack of effective regulation may ultimately prevent the development itself, analyze the importance of systematization of a new regulatory tool for ensuring legal security and energy, identify the key negative environmental and social impacts, and suggest possibilities approaches within the new regulatory framework. The research methodology stands out the hypothetico-deductive model as approach, and the comparative model as procedural method. Moreover, the research techniques used here are performance of a theoretical and descriptive questioning over literature search, analysis of Brazilian standardization and case laws, and a brief comparative study, in order to provide suggested approaches for a new regulatory framework.


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The global energy crisis triggered the possibility of unconventional hydrocarbons exploration and production, culminating in the US energy revolution as well as making other countries interested in the development of these natural resources. The justification for this research comes from Brazil's interest in the use of hydraulic fracturing techniques in unconventional resources since the Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) organized the 12th acquisition process and published the Resolution no. 21 of April 10, 2014. The conflict between economic viability and the social and environmental damage from exploration and production of unconventional hydrocarbons in Brazil resulted in the search for a legal solution that would consider the economic, social and environmental interests. The main purpose here is to analyze the regulation of unconventional oil exploration and production in Brazil in order to show lack of regulatory instruments so far. The specific objectives are to investigate how the lack of effective regulation may ultimately prevent the development itself, analyze the importance of systematization of a new regulatory tool for ensuring legal security and energy, identify the key negative environmental and social impacts, and suggest possibilities approaches within the new regulatory framework. The research methodology stands out the hypothetico-deductive model as approach, and the comparative model as procedural method. Moreover, the research techniques used here are performance of a theoretical and descriptive questioning over literature search, analysis of Brazilian standardization and case laws, and a brief comparative study, in order to provide suggested approaches for a new regulatory framework.