174 resultados para Gagarin, Juri
The exchange traffic was a practice that suited the modus vivendi of caravanners and traders in the Islamic world. The inclusion of the Iberian.Peninsula into the most important commercial routes of Muslims – such as the silk route through the North Africa – provides a very solid reason to deepen in the study of the sources that have been preserved about the role that certain credit instruments, which represented an alternative to the coin, might have played in trade centres.
Las Germanías, en tanto que rebelión en el seno de la sociedad valenciana, fue un movimiento que contó, mayoritariamente, con el apoyo de las gentes del Reino, por más que hubo intentos de sumar refuerzos externos. En aquel momento el pueblo lo constituían también los mudéjares súbditos y fieles al rey, los mudéjares vasallos de los señores y la población musulmana de las morerías de las principales ciudades valencianas. Gentes que no se vieron representados en el movimiento agermanado y que se alinearon con el bloque opositor. Una filiación propiciada por la consideración de comunidad de creyentes, en este caso en una misma fe, la islámica.
Samples of zooplankton were collected in the Barents Sea during cruise 11 of R/V Akademik Sergey Vavilov in September-October 1997. Three different sampling methods were used: 30 l bottle, Judey net, and BR net. More than 40 species of zooplankton were revealed. The greatest species diversity occurred in zones of junction of waters of different origin. Within the 100 m upper water layer zooplankton biomass was rather high: aver. 32 g/m**2. The highest biomass was observed in the northeastern part of the region under study and over the shelf of the Russkaya Gavan' Bay. The lowest biomass occurred in the southern part and in the region of the Gusinaya Banka. The average autumn value of zooplankton biomass in the 100 m upper layer (321 mg/m**3) slightly exceeded the multiannual average for the summer period (200 mg/m**3)
El Congreso literario latino-americano y el americanismo.--Las universidades argentinas.--Escuelas y teorías literarias.--El movimiento intelectual argentino; revistas y periódicos (p. [119]-141)--Los juegos florales en Buenos Aires.--Carlos Monsalve. Juvenilia.--En viaje. Miguel Cané.--Martín García Mérou. Estudios literarios.--Adolfo Mitre. Poesías. --León Zaldívar. Carlos María Ocantos.--Federico Gamboa. Apariencias.--La ópera italiana en Buenos Aires.--El salón del Ateneo.--La ciencia jurídica argentina y el doctor Manuel Obarrio.--Un publicista argentino en Europa. Don Carlos Calvo.--Las cenizas del general San Martín.--Enseñanza secundaria.
"Estudio publicado en la Revista de la Sociedad Jurídico-Literaria."
The author's commentary on two books published by E. Cabezas relating to the Artigue-Patiño litigation.
Suspended 1933-45.
Mode of access: Internet.
Edited by Juan M. Garro.
At head of title: Universidad nacional de La Plata. Facultad de ciencias jurídicas y sociales. Sección de filosofía y letras.
La crisis de autoridad en la escuela media se presenta hoy como un problema crítico y creciente; los jóvenes representan para la institución tradicional el desafío de la incertidumbre y en escuelas de sectores desfavorecidos la imprevisibilidad es aún mayor, dado que las culturas juveniles de las barriadas populares están atravesadas por problemas vinculados con las drogas, el mundo de la economía informal e ilegal y fenómenos de violencia y tribalidad expresadas en luchas de bandos por el dominio de territorios (Duschatsky, 1999; Tessio Conca, 2007). Estas problemáticas plantean un estado de perplejidad en docentes y responsables de las escuelas, al verse desbordados ante condiciones que exceden ampliamente lo estrictamente pedagógico y que ponen en jaque cotidianamente sus formas tradicionales de sostener la autoridad. En esta ponencia presentaremos avances de una investigación en curso en la ciudad de Córdoba en la que se indaga acerca de las representaciones y experiencias sobre la autoridad escolar de grupos juveniles en situación de vulnerabilidad social. Expondremos aquí las consideraciones teóricas que sirven de marco al trabajo, así como algunos resultados preliminares de discusiones focales con grupos de estudiantes que concurren a escuelas secundarias de barrios populares de Córdoba Capital
The indigenous political scene in Brazil is undergoing transformations that need to be better analyzed by scholars in the field of the Social Sciences. The deficit in the policy of indigenous land demarcation emerges as the largest obstacle in the conquest of collective rights. Therefore, a study to analyze renewed strategies in the struggle for social rights, and their implications in local everyday life relations, is urgent. In this context, the aim of this research is to understand the current social dynamics of identity among the Tremembé people of Almofala, in the state of Ceará, Brazil, with a fieldwork conducted in the flour mill of the Casa de Farinha Comunitária project, in the Lameirão community. Specific aims are: a) to analyze the processes involved in the project in order to comprehend their meanings and appropriations as well as their everyday life and political uses; b) understand the strategies to fight for social benefits; c) analyze the local ethnic classifications grounding the construction of the Tremembé identity in Almofala. Methods deployed are ethnography of communities, used to apprehend the social production of networks of relationships, and a social cartography of practices. The realization of rights demanded by the indigenous populations in Brazil is intertwined with a process of social and legal legitimation their identity and cultural heritage. Such legitimation works as a safeguard mechanism of rights secured by the Constitution. Therefore, to own a “cultural heritage” is perceived as a “passport” to benefit from emerging rights. Amid this context, changes in the traditional processing of the cassava root, a productive practice shared locally by diverse social groups, is reified as cultural heritage by the Tremembé people of Almofala and their network of collaborators in the pursuit of accessing distinctive public policies. Furthermore, the research came across specific social arrangements of local subjects which unfolded internal struggles, enabling to understand the dynamics of the Tremembé of Almofala identity process.
A new approach for the estimation of soil organic carbon (SOC) pools north of the tree line has been developed based on synthetic aperture radar (SAR; ENVISAT Advanced SAR Global Monitoring mode) data. SOC values are directly determined from backscatter values instead of upscaling using land cover or soil classes. The multi-mode capability of SAR allows application across scales. It can be shown that measurements in C band under frozen conditions represent vegetation and surface structure properties which relate to soil properties, specifically SOC. It is estimated that at least 29 Pg C is stored in the upper 30 cm of soils north of the tree line. This is approximately 25 % less than stocks derived from the soil-map-based Northern Circumpolar Soil Carbon Database (NCSCD). The total stored carbon is underestimated since the established empirical relationship is not valid for peatlands or strongly cryoturbated soils. The approach does, however, provide the first spatially consistent account of soil organic carbon across the Arctic. Furthermore, it could be shown that values obtained from 1 km resolution SAR correspond to accounts based on a high spatial resolution (2 m) land cover map over a study area of about 7 × 7 km in NE Siberia. The approach can be also potentially transferred to medium-resolution C-band SAR data such as ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath with ~120 m resolution but it is in general limited to regions without woody vegetation. Global Monitoring-mode-derived SOC increases with unfrozen period length. This indicates the importance of this parameter for modelling of the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon storage.
This article analyzes the meaning of “gender” as a category of analysis in public policy. The concept has been transferred from the feminist theories and this has meant that the United Nations and European Union have incorporated the inequality as a structural inequality and an issue justice. So, the feminist demands enter the political agenda as an integral project which is characterized by the adoption of the gender perspective and its application from a transversal methodology (“gender mainstreaming”). In this sense, the "gender ideology" is a new paradigm against the “patriarchal ideology”. Now, political actions should be articulated in a double movement of correction and promotion to achieve real equality in societies more democratic and ultimately more just.