203 resultados para Foreigners


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Introducción: En este estudio se investigan los efectos de la crisis económica en los flujos migratorios internacionales. Específicamente, se realiza un análisis comparado sobre los comportamientos en la movilidad residencial de los principales grupos de residentes a partir de las Estadísticas de Variaciones Residenciales (EVR) de 2005 a 2010 en Alicante. Método: Se analizan los microdatos de las EVR para comparar las entradas y salidas de inmigrantes procedentes de los países que aglutinan a las personas que se trasladan orientadas por motivos más cercanos a la esfera del ocio que a la del trabajo, con el grupo de nacionalidades que concentra a la mayoría de los inmigrantes laborales que llegaron atraídos por las ofertas de empleo generadas con la expansión del sector inmobiliario. Resultados: Entre los años 2007 y 2009 se redujeron mucho las variaciones residenciales de entrada en la provincia Alicante desde el extranjero, mientras que se incrementaron las variaciones relacionadas con las salidas. Aunque existen diferencias en el balance de entradas y salidas según la zona de la provincia, la nacionalidad y la edad de los migrantes, la crisis parece asociarse con una tendencia a la reducción del número de residentes extranjeros en general. Discusión o Conclusión: Se concluye que la crisis no sólo ha generado un éxodo de los ciudadanos con menos recursos económicos, también ha provocado la salida masiva de aquellos otros inmigrantes cuya presencia en España se asocia con el consumo.


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El aumento de la movilidad intraeuropea, potenciado por las sucesivas ampliaciones de la UE, ha puesto en valor la importancia de la participación política de los residentes extranjeros, especialmente en términos de su elegibilidad en las elecciones municipales españolas. En el contexto del proyecto de investigación titulado “La participación política como candidatos de los residentes europeos en España” (Ref. CSO2012-32930), este texto metodológico muestra cómo se ha utilizado un muestreo de tipo onomástico para identificar a los extranjeros que forman parte de las listas de los partidos que se han presentado en las elecciones locales españolas desde el año 2007 al 2015. El trabajo recoge las fases de implementación técnica asociadas al diseño, con la finalidad de determinar la población muestreada.


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This paper aims to study and highlight the profile of the high speed rail (HSR) passenger in the case of the well-known sun and beach destination of Alicante, located in the Southeast of Spain. This region, which is directly connected with Madrid, differs from others because of its warm and sunny weather. The province is a tourist destination for both Spanish citizens and foreigners. However, the studies on the dynamics of the corridor towards Madrid and Alicante regarding HSR are quite recent and it is not possible to draw final conclusions about its impact on tourist mobility.


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Three-page handwritten letter from Harvard undergraduate George Richards Minot to his friend and Harvard graduate Daniel Kilham, dated December 1, 1777. The letter describes the discipline inflicted upon Minot and seven of his classmates by the Harvard government following a “Thanksgiving frolic,” and the retributions carried out by the students against a Tutor who recommended harsh measures for the accused students. The Early Faculty minutes for 1777 (UAIII 5.5, Volume 4, pages 75-76) describes the students’ crime as “making riotous & tumultuous noises in the Hall…committed in Presence of a number foreigners, & and on a day appointed by Authority for public Thanksgiving.”


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In surveying the heated debate in the eurozone about austerity and the cost of high public debt, this CEPS Commentary suggests that the influential paper by Carmen Reinhard and Kenneth Rogoff misses the key point that public debt owed to foreigners is different from debt owed to residents.


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How much does European citizenship cost in the EU? This was the question that has raised so much controversy over the Maltese citizenship-for-sale programme. The outright selling of Maltese nationality to rich foreigners led to unprecedented responses by the European Parliament and European Commission. This paper examines the affair and its relevance for current and future configurations of citizenship of the EU. It studies the extent to which member states are still free to lay down the grounds for the acquisition and loss of nationality without any EU supervision and accountability. It provides a comparative overview of member state schemes and the exact price for buying citizenship and a residency permit in the EU. It is argued that the EU’s intervention on the Maltese citizenship-for-sale affair constitutes a legal precedent for assessing the lawfulness of passport-for-sale or golden migration programmes in other EU member states. The affair has also revealed the increasing relevance of a set of European and international legal principles limiting member states’ discretion over citizenship matters and providing a supranational constellation of accountability venues scrutinising the impact of their decisions over citizenship of the Union. The Maltese citizenship-for-sale affair has placed at the forefront the EU general principle of sincere cooperation in nationality matters. Member states’ actions in the citizenship domain cannot negatively affect in substance the concept and freedoms of European citizenship. That notwithstanding, the European institutions’ insistence on the need for Maltese nationality law to require a ‘genuine link’ in the form of an effective residence criteria for any rich applicants to benefit from the fast-track naturalisation poses a fundamental dilemma from the angle of Union citizenship: what is this genuine link really about? And what is precisely ‘habitual’, ‘effective’ or ‘functional’ residence? It is argued that by supporting the ‘real connections’ as the most relevant standard, the European institutions may be paradoxically fuelling nationalistic misuses by member states of the ‘genuine link’ as a way to justify restrictive integration policies on the acquisition of nationality.


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Gennany has recently witnessed a vast increase in anti-foreign violence. Assembling data from a wide variety of recent research, the paper addresses two basic questions: to what extent is the outburst of xenophobic attacks a German peculiarity? and what are the explanations for the mcreasing violence? An analysis of criminal statistics of various European countries and of comparative opinion polls in the European Community shows that Germany has indeed witnessed a growth of anti-foreign sentiment, and a level of violence that is conspicuous from a com­ parative perspective. Four possible determinants of this peculiarity of recent German history are discussed: (1) the growing ethnic and cultural heterogeneity due to the vast increase in immigration from non-European countries; (2) the increasing costs of foreigners' claims on the German welfare state; (3) the economic context of immigration; and (4) the transformation of national identity in the context of German unification. It is shown that neither the rate of immigration nor the position of foreigners in the German welfare state yields satisfactory explanations for the recent upsurge in violence, which only occurred after unification. The key for an explanation lies in a particu­lar macro-constellation that is characterized by the concurrence of a massive wave of immigration with an economic crisis, and with the ethnicization of German national identity in the context of unification. Anti-foreign sentiments do not automatically follow increases in immigration, but grow in a specific political climate to which the political elites actively contribute.


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La investigación se efectuó con información de la pesquería del calamar gigante proveniente de la flota industrial-artesanal, cruceros de investigación nacional e internacional, así como de organismos públicos y privados tanto nacionales como del extranjero. El objetivo fue estudiar las principales características biológico-pesqueras del calamar gigante, asimismo se analizaron los parámetros sociales, económicos e institucionales de la pesquería del recurso, con la finalidad de evaluar la sostenibilidad de su pesquería, proponiendo los indicadores más convenientes para describir la situación y las tendencias de las distintas dimensiones del desarrollo sostenible, en tal sentido se concluyó que la pesquería del calamar gigante sí cumple los parámetros internacionales de sostenibilidad, faltando sólo una mayor participación (ganancias económicas) por parte de los pescadores artesanales.


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"Counterinsurgency (COIN) requires an integrated military, political, and economic program best developed by teams that field both civilians and soldiers. These units should operate with some independence but under a coherent command. In Vietnam, after several false starts, the United States developed an effective unified organization, Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS), to guide the counterinsurgency. CORDS had three components absent from our efforts in Afghanistan today: sufficient personnel (particularly civilian), numerous teams, and a single chain of command that united the separate COIN programs of the disparate American departments at the district, provincial, regional, and national levels. This paper focuses on the third issue and describes the benefits that unity of command at every level would bring to the American war in Afghanistan. The work begins with a brief introduction to counterinsurgency theory, using a population-centric model, and examines how this warfare challenges the United States. It traces the evolution of the Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) and the country team, describing problems at both levels. Similar efforts in Vietnam are compared, where persistent executive attention finally integrated the government's counterinsurgency campaign under the unified command of the CORDS program. The next section attributes the American tendency towards a segregated response to cultural differences between the primary departments, executive neglect, and societal concepts of war. The paper argues that, in its approach to COIN, the United States has forsaken the military concept of unity of command in favor of 'unity of effort' expressed in multiagency literature. The final sections describe how unified authority would improve our efforts in Afghanistan and propose a model for the future."--P. iii.


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"Import duties" (p. 198-397) in English and Spanish.


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Selected from the series Prose masterpieces form modern essayists of 1885 edition.


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.


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Cover title: Murray's hand book of travel-talk.


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Includes index.


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La campaña de Buenos Aires había recibido desde fines del siglo XVIII importantes corrientes migratorias interprovinciales que fueron progresivamente desplazadas por las provenientes de Europa. Si bien existen trabajos ;basados en los resultados generales, se ha abordado muy poco el ;estudio de la población a partir de las cédulas censales en sí mismas. Nos proponemos aquí observar la estructura de la población de la campaña bonaerense durante estos primeros tiempos de la inmigración masiva, aplicando una perspectiva comparada entre tres pueblos: San Antonio de Areco en la zona norte, Mercedes en el centro y San Vicente en el sur. Se prestará particular atención a la composición de la población, su origen, las actividades productivas y el proceso de urbanización. Se analizan igualmente las pautas de destino y localización geográfica de los extranjeros en los pueblos rurales, las ocupaciones preferidas y la eventual diversificación de actividades en función de las nacionalidades