981 resultados para Force-Extension Relationship


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This paper empirically investigates the firm-level relationship between the local input share and the number of used FTAs by employing the data on FTA utilization in Japanese affiliates in ASEAN. As a result, we do not find a robust linear relationship. However, affiliates using a large number of FTAs (seven or eight) have an extremely higher share of local inputs. This result might be interpreted as the first evidence of the “spaghetti bowl phenomenon”.


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This paper presents an analytical model for simulating the bond between steel and concrete, in precast prestressed concrete elements, during the prestressing force release. The model establishes a relationship between bond stress, steel and concrete stress and slip in such concrete structures. This relationship allows us to evaluate the bond stress in the transmission zone, where bond stress is not constant, along the whole prestressing force release process. The model is validated with the results of a series of tests and is extended to evaluate the transmission length. This capability has been checked by comparing the transmission length predicted by the model and one measured experimentally in a series of tests.


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This paper presents an analytical model for simulating the bond between steel and concrete, in precast prestressed concrete elements, during the prestressing force release. The model establishes a relationship between bond stress, steel and concrete stress and slip in such concrete structures. This relationship allows us to evaluate the bond stress in the transmission zone, where bond stress is not constant, along the whole prestressing force release process. The model is validated with the results of a series of tests, considering different steel indentation depths and concrete covers and is extended to evaluate the transmission length. This capability has been checked by comparing the transmission length predicted by the model and one measured experimentally in two series of tests.


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This paper presents two test procedures for evaluating the bond stress–slip and the slip–radial dilation relationships when the prestressing force is transmitted by releasing the steel (wire or strand) in precast prestressed elements. The bond stress–slip relationship is obtained with short length specimens, to guarantee uniform bond stress, for three depths of the wire indentation (shallow, medium and deep). An analytical model for bond stress–slip relationship is proposed and compared with the experimental results. The model is also compared with the experimental results of other researchers. Since numerical models for studying bond-splitting problems in prestressed concrete require experimental data about dilatancy angle (radial dilation), a test procedure is proposed to evaluate these parameters. The obtained values of the radial dilation are compared with the prior estimated by numerical modelling and good agreement is reached


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In higher eukaryotic cells, the spindle forms along with chromosome condensation in mitotic prophase. In metaphase, chromosomes are aligned on the spindle with sister kinetochores facing toward the opposite poles. In anaphase A, sister chromatids separate from each other without spindle extension, whereas spindle elongation takes place during anaphase B. We have critically examined whether such mitotic stages also occur in a lower eukaryote, Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Using the green fluorescent protein tagging technique, early mitotic to late anaphase events were observed in living fission yeast cells. S. pombe has three phases in spindle dynamics, spindle formation (phase 1), constant spindle length (phase 2), and spindle extension (phase 3). Sister centromere separation (anaphase A) rapidly occurred at the end of phase 2. The centromere showed dynamic movements throughout phase 2 as it moved back and forth and was transiently split in two before its separation, suggesting that the centromere was positioned in a bioriented manner toward the poles at metaphase. Microtubule-associating Dis1 was required for the occurrence of constant spindle length and centromere movement in phase 2. Normal transition from phase 2 to 3 needed DNA topoisomerase II and Cut1 but not Cut14. The duration of each phase was highly dependent on temperature.


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The atomic force microscope (AFM) was used to continuously follow height changes of individual protein molecules exposed to physiological stimuli. A AFM tip was coated with ROMK1 (a cloned renal epithelial potassium channel known to be highly pH sensitive) and lowered onto atomically flat mica surface until the protein was sandwiched between AFM tip and mica. Because the AFM tip was an integral part of a highly flexible cantilever, any structural alterations of the sandwiched molecule were transmitted to the cantilever. This resulted in a distortion of the cantilever that was monitored by means of a laser beam. With this system it was possible to resolve vertical height changes in the ROMK1 protein of ≥0.2 nm (approximately 5% of the molecule’s height) with a time resolution of ≥1 msec. When bathed in electrolyte solution that contained the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A and 0.1 mM ATP (conditions that activate the native ion channel), we found stochastically occurring height fluctuations in the ROMK1 molecule. These changes in height were pH-dependent, being greatest at pH 7.6, and lowering the pH (either by titration or by the application of CO2) reduced their magnitude. The data show that overall changes in shape of proteins occur stochastically and increase in size and frequency when the proteins are active. This AFM “molecular-sandwich” technique, called MOST, measures structural activity of proteins in real time and could prove useful for studies on the relationship between structure and function of proteins at the molecular level.


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The database reported here is derived using the Combinatorial Extension (CE) algorithm which compares pairs of protein polypeptide chains and provides a list of structurally similar proteins along with their structure alignments. Using CE, structure–structure alignments can provide insights into biological function. When a protein of known function is shown to be structurally similar to a protein of unknown function, a relationship might be inferred; a relationship not necessarily detectable from sequence comparison alone. Establishing structure–structure relationships in this way is of great importance as we enter an era of structural genomics where there is a likelihood of an increasing number of structures with unknown functions being determined. Thus the CE database is an example of a useful tool in the annotation of protein structures of unknown function. Comparisons can be performed on the complete PDB or on a structurally representative subset of proteins. The source protein(s) can be from the PDB (updated monthly) or uploaded by the user. CE provides sequence alignments resulting from structural alignments and Cartesian coordinates for the aligned structures, which may be analyzed using the supplied Compare3D Java applet, or downloaded for further local analysis. Searches can be run from the CE web site, http://cl.sdsc.edu/ce.html, or the database and software downloaded from the site for local use.


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Type IV pili are thin filaments that extend from the poles of a diverse group of bacteria, enabling them to move at speeds of a few tenths of a micrometer per second. They are required for twitching motility, e.g., in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and for social gliding motility in Myxococcus xanthus. Here we report direct observation of extension and retraction of type IV pili in P. aeruginosa. Cells without flagellar filaments were labeled with an amino-specific Cy3 fluorescent dye and were visualized on a quartz slide by total internal reflection microscopy. When pili were attached to a cell and their distal ends were free, they extended or retracted at rates of about 0.5 μm s−1 (29°C). They also flexed by Brownian motion, exhibiting a persistence length of about 5 μm. Frequently, the distal tip of a filament adsorbed to the substratum and the filament was pulled taut. From the absence of lateral deflections of such filaments, we estimate tensions of at least 10 pN. Occasionally, cell bodies came free and were pulled forward by pilus retraction. Thus, type IV pili are linear actuators that extend, attach at their distal tips, exert substantial force, and retract.


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Under conditions (0.2% CO2; 1% O2) that allow high rates of photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence was measured simultaneously with carbon assimilation at various light intensities in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaves. Using a stoichiometry of 3 ATP/CO2 and the known relationship between ATP synthesis rate and driving force (Delta pH), we calculated the light-dependent pH gradient (Delta pH) across the thylakoid membrane in intact leaves. These Delta pH values were correlated with the photochemical (qP) and nonphotochemical (qN) quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence and with the quantum yield of photosystem II (phiPSII). At Delta pH > 2.1 all three parameters (qP, qN, and phiPSII) changed very steeply with increasing DeltapH (decreasing pH in the thylakoid). The observed pH dependences followed hexacooperative titration curves with slightly different pKa values. The significance of the steep pH dependences with slightly different pKa values is discussed in relation to the regulation of photosynthetic electron transport in intact leaves.


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This paper investigates the relationship between female labour force participation rates and economic growth in southern Mediterranean countries. A two-step methodology involving econometric estimations and the use of a general equilibrium model was used for this purpose. The econometric estimations suggest that there is a U-shaped relationship between economic growth and female labour force participation rates and they indicate the presence of region-specific barriers impeding women's entry into the labour force in southern Mediterranean countries. The econometric results were fed into a general equilibrium model, the GEM-E3-MEDPRO, which was used to simulate two alternative assumptions on developments in female labour participation rates in the region up to 2030. The first of these simulated changes in female labour force participation rates arising from income level trends projected for the period 2015–2030 in southern Mediterranean countries. The second assumed the lowering of region-specific barriers which deter female labour force participation. The results of these simulations suggest that lower female labour force participation rates may lead to marginally lower economic growth in the region, while the removal of region-specific barriers to female labour force participation may encourage economic growth. This has important policy implications, suggesting that policies intended to remove such barriers could help to promote the growth of the region's economies.


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While policy-makers are creating conditions to strengthen recovery, the debate on the role that retail finance should play in this respect focuses on corporate loans rather than on household credit. The improvement of financing conditions for firms in order to support further investment spending is certainly essential to ensuring sustainable growth. However, a significant part of EU growth will depend on the behaviour of households and on their ability to secure funding for their consumption and investment. It is therefore essential to place further emphasis on the different options available to stimulate household credit, in particular consumer loans. Nevertheless, in order to avoid past mistakes, regulators should continue to develop a framework where consumer loans (and by extension household credit) contributes to the economy in a balanced way. To achieve this, five main issues need to be addressed further.


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Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Materials, Testing and Research, Harrisburg


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"Contract no. AF 49(638)-700."