989 resultados para Flat plate


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Localization of chess-board vertices is a common task in computer vision, underpinning many applications, but relatively little work focusses on designing a specific feature detector that is fast, accurate and robust. In this paper the `Chess-board Extraction by Subtraction and Summation' (ChESS) feature detector, designed to exclusively respond to chess-board vertices, is presented. The method proposed is robust against noise, poor lighting and poor contrast, requires no prior knowledge of the extent of the chess-board pattern, is computationally very efficient, and provides a strength measure of detected features. Such a detector has significant application both in the key field of camera calibration, as well as in Structured Light 3D reconstruction. Evidence is presented showing its robustness, accuracy, and efficiency in comparison to other commonly used detectors both under simulation and in experimental 3D reconstruction of flat plate and cylindrical objects


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Leading edge vortices are considered to be important in generating the high lift coefficients observed in insect flight and may therefore be relevant to micro-air vehicles. A potential flow model of an impulsively started flat plate, featuring a leading edge vortex (LEV) and a trailing edge vortex (TEV) is fitted to experimental data in order to provide insight into the mechanisms that influence the convection of the LEV and to study how the LEV contributes to lift. The potential flow model fits the experimental data best with no bound circulation, which is in accordance with Kelvin's circulation theorem. The lift-to-drag ratio is well approximated by the function 'cot α' for α > 15°, which supports the tentative conclusion that shortly after an impulsive start, at post-stall angles of attack, lift is caused non-circulatory forces and by the action of the LEV as opposed to bound circulation. Copyright © 2012 by C. W. Pitt Ford.


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Flapping wings often feature a leading-edge vortex (LEV) that is thought to enhance the lift generated by the wing. Here the lift on a wing featuring a leading-edge vortex is considered by performing experiments on a translating flat-plate aerofoil that is accelerated from rest in a water towing tank at a fixed angle of attack of 15°. The unsteady flow is investigated with dye flow visualization, particle image velocimetry (PIV) and force measurements. Leading-and trailing-edge vortex circulation and position are calculated directly from the velocity vectors obtained using PIV. In order to determine the most appropriate value of bound circulation, a two-dimensional potential flow model is employed and flow fields are calculated for a range of values of bound circulation. In this way, the value of bound circulation is selected to give the best fit between the experimental velocity field and the potential flow field. Early in the trajectory, the value of bound circulation calculated using this potential flow method is in accordance with Kelvin's circulation theorem, but differs from the values predicted by Wagner's growth of bound circulation and the Kutta condition. Later the Kutta condition is established but the bound circulation remains small; most of the circulation is contained instead in the LEVs. The growth of wake circulation can be approximated by Wagner's circulation curve. Superimposing the non-circulatory lift, approximated from the potential flow model, and Wagner's lift curve gives a first-order approximation of the measured lift. Lift is generated by inertial effects and the slow buildup of circulation, which is contained in shed vortices rather than bound circulation. © 2013 Cambridge University Press.


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The self-excited global instability mechanisms existing in flat-plate laminar separation bubbles are studied here, in order to shed light on the causes of unsteadiness and three- dimensionality of unforced, nominally two-dimensional separated flows. The presence of two known linear global mechanisms, namely an oscillator behavior driven by local regions of absolute inflectional instability and a centrifugal instability giving rise to a steady three- dimensionalization of the bubble, is studied in a series of model separation bubbles. Present results indicate that absolute instability, and consequently a global oscillator behavior, does not exist for two-dimensional bubbles with a peak reversed-flow velocity below 12% of the free-stream velocity. However, the three-dimensional instability becomes active for recirculation levels as low as urev ≈ 7%. These findings suggest a route to the three-dimensionality and unsteadiness observed in experiments and simulations substantially different from that usually found in the literature, in which two-dimensional vortex shedding is followed by three-dimensionalization.


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A numerical study is presented showing the structural response and sound radiation from a range of thin shell structures excited by a point force: a baffled flat plate, a sphere, a family of spheroids and a family of closed circular cylinders. All the structures have the same material properties, thickness and total surface area so the asymptotic modal density is the same. Dramatic differences are shown in the total radiated sound power for the different shells. It was already known that the flat plate and the sphere behave very differently. These results show that the cylinders and, particularly, the spheroids show patterns that are not intermediate between the two but instead display new features: in certain frequency ranges the radiated sound power can be at least an order of magnitude greater than either the plate or the sphere. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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The transition of a separated shear layer over a flat plate, in the presence of periodic wakes and elevated free-stream turbulence (FST), is numerically investigated using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The upper wall of the test section is inviscid and specifically contoured to impose a streamwise pressure distribution over the flat plate to simulate the suction surface of a low-pressure turbine (LPT) blade. Two different distributions representative of a 'high-lift' and an 'ultra high-lift' turbine blade are examined. Results obtained from the current LES compare favourably with the extensive experimental data previously obtained for these configurations. The LES results are then used to further investigate the flow physics involved in the transition process.In line with experimental experience, the benefit of wakes and FST obtained by suppressing the separation bubble, is more pronounced in 'ultra high-lift' design when compared to the 'high-lift' design. Stronger 'Klebanoff streaks' are formed in the presence of wakes when compared to the streaks due to FST alone. These streaks promoted much early transition. The weak Klebanoff streaks due to FST continued to trigger transition in between the wake passing cycles.The experimental inference regarding the origin of Klebanoff streaks at the leading edge has been confirmed by the current simulations. While the wake convects at local free-stream velocity, its impression in the boundary layer in the form of streaks convects much slowly. The 'part-span' Kelvin-Helmholtz structures, which were observed in the experiments when the wake passes over the separation bubble, are also captured. The non-phase averaged space-time plots manifest that reattachment is a localized process across the span unlike the impression of global reattachment portrayed by phase averaging. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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An easy-to-interpret kinematic quantity measuring the average corotation of material line segments near a point is introduced and applied to vortex identification. At a given point, the vector of average corotation of line segments is defined as the average of the instantaneous local rigid-body rotation over "all planar cross sections" passing through the examined point. The vortex-identification method based on average corotation is a one-parameter, region-type local method sensitive to the axial stretching rate as well as to the inner configuration of the velocity gradient tensor. The method is derived from a well-defined interpretation of the local flow kinematics to determine the "plane of swirling" and is also applicable to compressible and variable-density flows. Practical application to direct numerical simulation datasets includes a hairpin vortex of boundary-layer transition, the reconnection process of two Burgers vortices, a flow around an inclined flat plate, and a flow around a revolving insect wing. The results agree well with some popular local methods and perform better in regions of strong shearing. Copyright © 2013 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Turbine design engineers have to ensure that film cooling can provide sufficient protection to turbine blades from the hot mainstream gas, while keeping the losses low. Film cooling hole design parameters include inclination angle (a), compound angle (b), hole inlet geometry, and hole exit geometry. The influence of these parameters on aerodynamic loss and net heat flux reduction is investigated, with loss being the primary focus. Low-speed flat plate experiments have been conducted at momentum flux ratios of IR=0.16, 0.64, and 1.44. The film cooling aerodynamic mixing loss, generated by the mixing of mainstream and coolant, can be quantified using a three-dimensional analytical model that has been previously reported by the authors. The model suggests that for the same flow conditions, the aerodynamic mixing loss is the same for holes with different a and b but with the same angle between the mainstream and coolant flow directions (angle k). This relationship is assessed through experiments by testing two sets of cylindrical holes with different a and b: one set with k=35 deg, and another set with k=60 deg. The data confirm the stated relationship between α, β, k and the aerodynamic mixing loss. The results show that the designer should minimize k to obtain the lowest loss, but maximize b to achieve the best heat transfer performance. A suggestion on improving the loss model is also given. Five different hole geometries (α=35.0 deg, β=0 deg) were also tested: cylindrical hole, trenched hole, fan-shaped hole, D-Fan, and SD-Fan. The D-Fan and the SD-Fan have similar hole exits to the fan-shaped hole but their hole inlets are laterally expanded. The external mixing loss and the loss generated inside the hole are compared. It was found that the D-Fan and the SD-Fan have the lowest loss. This is attributed to their laterally expanded hole inlets, which lead to significant reduction in the loss generated inside the holes. As a result, the loss of these geometries is≈50% of the loss of the fan-shaped hole at IR=0.64 and 1.44. © 2013 by ASME.


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Localization of chess-board vertices is a common task in computer vision, underpinning many applications, but relatively little work focusses on designing a specific feature detector that is fast, accurate and robust. In this paper the 'Chess-board Extraction by Subtraction and Summation' (ChESS) feature detector, designed to exclusively respond to chess-board vertices, is presented. The method proposed is robust against noise, poor lighting and poor contrast, requires no prior knowledge of the extent of the chess-board pattern, is computationally very efficient, and provides a strength measure of detected features. Such a detector has significant application both in the key field of camera calibration, as well as in structured light 3D reconstruction. Evidence is presented showing its superior robustness, accuracy, and efficiency in comparison to other commonly used detectors, including Harris & Stephens and SUSAN, both under simulation and in experimental 3D reconstruction of flat plate and cylindrical objects. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. The turbulent boundary layer on a rotating disk is studied with the aim of giving a statistical description of the azimuthal velocity field and to compare it with the streamwise velocity of a turbulent two-dimensional flat-plate boundary layer. Determining the friction velocity accurately is particularly challenging and here this is done through direct measurement of the velocity distribution close to the rotating disk in the very thin viscous sublayer using hot-wire anemometry. Compared with other flow cases, the rotating-disk flow has the advantage that the highest relative velocity with respect to a stationary hot wire is at the wall itself, thereby limiting the effect of heat conduction to the wall from the hot-wire probe. Experimental results of mean, rms, skewness and flatness as well as spectral information are provided. Comparison with the two-dimensional boundary layer shows that turbulence statistics are similar in the inner region, although the rms-level is lower and the maximum spectral content is found at smaller wavelengths for the rotating case. These features both indicate that the outer flow structures are less influential in the inner region for the rotating case.


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A third-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory and non-free-parameter difference scheme magnetohydrodynamic solver has been established to investigate the mechanisms of magnetohydrodynamics controlling separation induced by an oblique shock wave impinging on a flat plate. The effects of magnetohydrodynamic interaction-zone location on the separation point, reattachment point, separation-bubble size, and boundary-layer velocity profiles are analyzed. The results show that there exists a best location for the magnetohydrodynamic zone to be applied, where the separation point is delayed the farthest, and the separation bubble is decreased up to about 50% in size compared to the case without magnetohydrodynamic control, which demonstrated the promising of magnetohydrodynamics suppressing the separation induced by shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions.


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Gemstone Team LEAF (Light Energy Acquisition of the Future)


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In fluid mechanics, it is well accepted that the Euler equation is one of the reduced forms of the Navier-Stokes equation by truncating the viscous effect. There are other truncation techniques currently being used in order to truncate the Navier-Stokes equation to a reduced form. This paper describes one such technique, suitable for adaptive domain decomposition methods for the solution of viscous flow problems. The physical domain of a viscous flow problem is partitioned into viscous and inviscid subdomains without overlapping regions, and the technique is embedded into a finite volume method. Some numerical results are provided for a flat plate and the NACA0012 aerofoil. Issues related to distributed computing are discussed.


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An aerodynamic sound source extraction from a general flow field is applied to a number of model problems and to a problem of engineering interest. The extraction technique is based on a variable decomposition, which results to an acoustic correction method, of each of the flow variables into a dominant flow component and a perturbation component. The dominant flow component is obtained with a general-purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code which uses a cell-centred finite volume method to solve the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. The perturbations are calculated from a set of acoustic perturbation equations with source terms extracted from unsteady CFD solutions at each time step via the use of a staggered dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP) finite-difference scheme. Numerical experiments include (1) propagation of a 1-D acoustic pulse without mean flow, (2) propagation of a 2-D acoustic pulse with/without mean flow, (3) reflection of an acoustic pulse from a flat plate with mean flow, and (4) flow-induced noise generated by the an unsteady laminar flow past a 2-D cavity. The computational results demonstrate the accuracy for model problems and illustrate the feasibility for more complex aeroacoustic problems of the source extraction technique.


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The performance of a louver-cooling scheme on a flat plate was analyzed using a detached-eddy-simulation turbulence model. It was assumed that the louver-cooling scheme was tested in a wind tunnel with the mainstream flow velocity of 20 m/s, equivalent to a Reynolds number of 16,200, based on the jet diameter. Turbulence closure was achieved by a realizable k-e-based detached-eddy-simulation turbulence model. Solutions of two blowing ratios of 0.5 and 1 were successfully obtained by running parallel on 16 nodes on a computer cluster. The flowfields were found to be highly unsteady and oscillatory in nature, with the maximum fluctuation of the adiabatic effectiveness as high as 15% of the time-averaged value. It is shown that the fluctuations in the adiabatic effectiveness are mainly caused by the spanwise fluctuation of the coolant jet and the unsteady vortical structures created by the interaction of the jet and the mainstream.