936 resultados para Fernando López Mora
En la finca San Nicolás ubicada en el municipio de San Fernando, departamento de Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua, se realizó el estudio con la plantas de la especie de pino (Pinus oocarpa) con el objetivo de analizar el efecto de la fertilización en el vivero sobre la calidad de la planta de estas plantas y su desarrollo inicial en plantación. Este estudio se desarrolló en dos etapas, la primera en vivero donde se evaluaron tres niveles de fertilización: F0 (sin fertilización), F1 (100 gr. de 18-46-0 en 5 lt de agua (20 cc por planta), a un mes después de la germinación) y F2 (Una segunda fertilización dos meses después de la primera con la misma dosis); las variables evaluadas en esta etapa fueron altur a, diámetro y peso de la planta con las cuales se determinaron los índices de calidad de plantas y la segunda etapa, en plantación donde se evaluó su desempeño en los primeros cuatro meses en plantación tomando en cuenta su sobrevivencia, incremento en altura y diámetro y la condición fitosanitaria. Las plantas con mayor fertilización presentaron mayor altura, diámetro y biomasa aérea y radical en vivero que las plantas con una y sin fertilización. La fertilización en vivero influyó en la calidad de las plantas resultando las plantas con doble fertilización con un índice de calidad de Dickson de 1.66, siendo estas las de mejor calidad; el índice de lignificación influyó en la sobre vivencia de las plantas en plantación donde la mejor lignificadas fueron las plantas sin fertilización que presentaron un valor de 31.08%, las cuales en plantación fueron las plantas con mayor porcentaje de sobrevivencia durante el periodo de evaluación con 97.90%, así mismo estas plantas fueron las que mejor estado fitosanitario presentaron. Las plantas que presentaron un incremento más ace lerado tanto en diámetro como en altura en la etapa inicial de plantación fueron las plantas que en vivero obtuvieron la menor calidad con valores de incremento periódico mensual en altura y diámetro de 6.81 y 0.94 respectivamente. La fertilización produce plantas más grandes, con mayores contenidos de nutrientes y una mayor capacidad de producción de nuevas raíces, sin embargo su capacidad de resistir estrés a la hora de ser trasladadas a la plantación, disminuye, afectando el comportamiento de esta.
Explicita algumas características da política externa praticada pelo Brasil no que diz respeito à celebração de acordos de cooperação e onde as gestões dos presidentes Fernando Henrique e Lula se aproximam ou se distanciam. Os resultados encontrados mostram o universalismo das parcerias firmadas e o predomínio de acordos de cooperação técnica com os países em desenvolvimento.
Apoia o movimento que reivindica representação política para o Distrito Federal. Ressalta a importâcia e necessidade de realização de eleições, dando voz ao povo do Distrito Federal na escolha de seus governates por meio do voto.
Examina as discussões sobre os diversos meios de acompanhamento e estudo do relacionamento entre o Poder Executivo e o Legislativo, o papel e a importância da peça orçamentária, também chamada de Lei de Meios, na condução das ações governamentais. Identifica os resultados da execução orçamentária de 1999 a 2002 e de 2003 a 2006, descreve o processo de emendas parlamentares na proposta orçamentária e reconhece o percentual de execução das emendas por partido político, ponderando os valores efetivamente liquidados. Busca entender o reflexo do relacionamento entre o Poder Executivo e o Legislativo, mormente quanto ao percentual de atendimento do total das emendas aprovadas e à efetiva participação dos partidos políticos na execução final, sob a ótica de estes serem ou não da base de sustentação do Governo Federal.
[ES]Aproximación a la consideración social de los ancianos a finales de la Edad Media y cómo ellos vivían su situación a través del ejemplo del cronista Fernando del Pulgar (Castilla siglo XV).
11 p.
Spanish: En esta serie se mencionan a todos aquellos que, a través de sus pequeños o grandes aportes, contribuyeron a la consolidación de la disciplina en nuestro país. El plan general de esta contribución consiste en la elaboración de fichas individuales que contengan una lista de trabajos de los diferentes autores, acompañadas por bibliografía de referencia y, cuando ello fuera posible, por imágenes personales y material adicional. Se tratará de guardar un orden cronológico, pero esto no es excluyente, ya que priorizaremos las sucesivas ediciones al material disponible. Este es otro camino para rescatar y revalorizar a quienes en diversos contextos históricos sentaron las bases de lo que hoy es la ictiología nacional. Considero que este es el comienzo de una obra de mayor magnitud en la que se logre describir una parte importante de la historia de las ciencias naturales de la República Argentina. English: This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina. Hugo L. López (Texto en espanol. PDF tiene viente tres paginas.)
El Programa para el estudio y uso sustentable de la Biota Austral (Probiota), como un modesto homenaje, rescata a cuarenta y cinco años de su publicación la iconografía ictiológica de la obra Recursos Acuáticos Vivos incluída en la Serie Evaluación de los Recursos Naturales de la Argentina y editada por el Consejo Federal de Inversiones (CFI) en 1963. Para la ejecución de esta obra el CFI contrató a los doctores Tomás L. Marini y Rogelio B. López ; las ilustraciones de peces que se incluyen fueron preparadas por la Profesora Claudina Abella de López. Este es otro paso dirigido a la consolidación de nuestra disciplina, ya que manteniendo siempre el recuerdo vivo del pasado lograremos afianzar el presente, lo que nos permitirá planificar con fundamentos nuestro futuro. (PDF tiene 17 paginas.)
5 p.
he 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between glycine-derived azlactones with maleimides is efficiently catalyzed by the dimeric chiral complex [(S-a)-Binap.AuTFA](2). The alanine-derived oxazolone only reacts with tert-butyl acrylate giving anomalous regiochemistry, which is explained and supported by Natural Resonance Theory and Nucleus Independent Chemical Shifts calculations. The origin of the high enantiodiscrimination observed with maleimides and tert-butyl acrylate is analyzed using DFT computed at M06/Lanl2dz//ONIOM(b3lyp/Lanl2dz:UFF) level. Several applications of these cycloadducts in the synthesis of new proline derivatives with a 2,5-trans-arrangement and in the preparation of complex fused polycyclic molecules are described.
The synthesis of a GSK 2(nd) generation inhibitor of the hepatitis C virus, by enantioselective 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition between a leucine derived iminoester and tert-butyl acrylate, was studied. The comparison between silver(I) and gold(I) catalysts in this reaction was established by working with chiral phosphoramidites or with chiral BINAP. The best reaction conditions were used for the total synthesis of the hepatitis C virus inhibitor by a four step procedure affording this product in 99% ee and in 63% overall yield. The origin of the enantioselectivity of the chiral gold(I) catalyst was justified according to DFT calculations, the stabilizing coulombic interaction between the nitrogen atom of the thiazole moiety and one of the gold atoms being crucial.
Sintetiza os procedimentos levados a efeito no âmbito da Câmara dos Deputados e do Senado Federal, quando do processo de Impeachment contra o Presidente Fernando Collor de Mello, em 1992.
895 p. : il., col.
The initial objective of Part I was to determine the nature of upper mantle discontinuities, the average velocities through the mantle, and differences between mantle structure under continents and oceans by the use of P'dP', the seismic core phase P'P' (PKPPKP) that reflects at depth d in the mantle. In order to accomplish this, it was found necessary to also investigate core phases themselves and their inferences on core structure. P'dP' at both single stations and at the LASA array in Montana indicates that the following zones are candidates for discontinuities with varying degrees of confidence: 800-950 km, weak; 630-670 km, strongest; 500-600 km, strong but interpretation in doubt; 350-415 km, fair; 280-300 km, strong, varying in depth; 100-200 km, strong, varying in depth, may be the bottom of the low-velocity zone. It is estimated that a single station cannot easily discriminate between asymmetric P'P' and P'dP' for lead times of about 30 sec from the main P'P' phase, but the LASA array reduces this uncertainty range to less than 10 sec. The problems of scatter of P'P' main-phase times, mainly due to asymmetric P'P', incorrect identification of the branch, and lack of the proper velocity structure at the velocity point, are avoided and the analysis shows that one-way travel of P waves through oceanic mantle is delayed by 0.65 to 0.95 sec relative to United States mid-continental mantle.
A new P-wave velocity core model is constructed from observed times, dt/dΔ's, and relative amplitudes of P'; the observed times of SKS, SKKS, and PKiKP; and a new mantle-velocity determination by Jordan and Anderson. The new core model is smooth except for a discontinuity at the inner-core boundary determined to be at a radius of 1215 km. Short-period amplitude data do not require the inner core Q to be significantly lower than that of the outer core. Several lines of evidence show that most, if not all, of the arrivals preceding the DF branch of P' at distances shorter than 143° are due to scattering as proposed by Haddon and not due to spherically symmetric discontinuities just above the inner core as previously believed. Calculation of the travel-time distribution of scattered phases and comparison with published data show that the strongest scattering takes place at or near the core-mantle boundary close to the seismic station.
In Part II, the largest events in the San Fernando earthquake series, initiated by the main shock at 14 00 41.8 GMT on February 9, 1971, were chosen for analysis from the first three months of activity, 87 events in all. The initial rupture location coincides with the lower, northernmost edge of the main north-dipping thrust fault and the aftershock distribution. The best focal mechanism fit to the main shock P-wave first motions constrains the fault plane parameters to: strike, N 67° (± 6°) W; dip, 52° (± 3°) NE; rake, 72° (67°-95°) left lateral. Focal mechanisms of the aftershocks clearly outline a downstep of the western edge of the main thrust fault surface along a northeast-trending flexure. Faulting on this downstep is left-lateral strike-slip and dominates the strain release of the aftershock series, which indicates that the downstep limited the main event rupture on the west. The main thrust fault surface dips at about 35° to the northeast at shallow depths and probably steepens to 50° below a depth of 8 km. This steep dip at depth is a characteristic of other thrust faults in the Transverse Ranges and indicates the presence at depth of laterally-varying vertical forces that are probably due to buckling or overriding that causes some upward redirection of a dominant north-south horizontal compression. Two sets of events exhibit normal dip-slip motion with shallow hypocenters and correlate with areas of ground subsidence deduced from gravity data. Several lines of evidence indicate that a horizontal compressional stress in a north or north-northwest direction was added to the stresses in the aftershock area 12 days after the main shock. After this change, events were contained in bursts along the downstep and sequencing within the bursts provides evidence for an earthquake-triggering phenomenon that propagates with speeds of 5 to 15 km/day. Seismicity before the San Fernando series and the mapped structure of the area suggest that the downstep of the main fault surface is not a localized discontinuity but is part of a zone of weakness extending from Point Dume, near Malibu, to Palmdale on the San Andreas fault. This zone is interpreted as a decoupling boundary between crustal blocks that permits them to deform separately in the prevalent crustal-shortening mode of the Transverse Ranges region.