904 resultados para Feedback control loop
This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given frequency range using multiobjective topology optimization. Active damping is introduced through co-located negative velocity feedback control. The multiobjective topology optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch Method. An application to a simply supported sandwich plate is presented with results for the maximization of the first six modal loss factors. The influence of the finite element mesh is analyzed and the results are, to some extent, compared with those obtained using alternative single objective optimization. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Este trabalho de pesquisa e desenvolvimento tem como fundamento principal o Conceito de Controlo por Lógica Difusa. Utilizando as ferramentas do software Matlab, foi possível desenvolver um controlador com base na inferência difusa que permitisse controlar qualquer tipo de sistema físico real, independentemente das suas características. O Controlo Lógico Difuso, do inglês “Fuzzy Control”, é um tipo de controlo muito particular, pois permite o uso simultâneo de dados numéricos com variáveis linguísticas que tem por base o conhecimento heurístico dos sistemas a controlar. Desta forma, consegue-se quantificar, por exemplo, se um copo está “meio cheio” ou “meio vazio”, se uma pessoa é “alta” ou “baixa”, se está “frio” ou “muito frio”. O controlo PID é, sem dúvida alguma, o controlador mais amplamente utilizado no controlo de sistemas. Devido à sua simplicidade de construção, aos reduzidos custos de aplicação e manutenção e aos resultados que se obtêm, este controlador torna-se a primeira opção quando se pretende implementar uma malha de controlo num determinado sistema. Caracterizado por três parâmetros de ajuste, a saber componente proporcional, integral e derivativa, as três em conjunto permitem uma sintonia eficaz de qualquer tipo de sistema. De forma a automatizar o processo de sintonia de controladores e, aproveitando o que melhor oferece o Controlo Difuso e o Controlo PID, agrupou-se os dois controladores, onde em conjunto, como poderemos constatar mais adiante, foram obtidos resultados que vão de encontro com os objectivos traçados. Com o auxílio do simulink do Matlab, foi desenvolvido o diagrama de blocos do sistema de controlo, onde o controlador difuso tem a tarefa de supervisionar a resposta do controlador PID, corrigindo-a ao longo do tempo de simulação. O controlador desenvolvido é denominado por Controlador FuzzyPID. Durante o desenvolvimento prático do trabalho, foi simulada a resposta de diversos sistemas à entrada em degrau unitário. Os sistemas estudados são na sua maioria sistemas físicos reais, que representam sistemas mecânicos, térmicos, pneumáticos, eléctricos, etc., e que podem ser facilmente descritos por funções de transferência de primeira, segunda e de ordem superior, com e sem atraso.
A QoS adaptation to dynamically changing system conditions that takes into consideration the user’s constraints on the stability of service provisioning is presented. The goal is to allow the system to make QoS adaptation decisions in response to fluctuations in task traffic flow, under the control of the user. We pay special attention to the case where monitoring the stability period and resource load variation of Service Level Agreements for different types of services is used to dynamically adapt future stability periods, according to a feedback control scheme. System’s adaptation behaviour can be configured according to a desired confidence level on future resource usage. The viability of the proposed approach is validated by preliminary experiments.
This paper addresses the problem of optimal positioning of surface bonded piezoelectric patches in sandwich plates with viscoelastic core and laminated face layers. The objective is to maximize a set of modal loss factors for a given frequency range using multiobjective topology optimization. Active damping is introduced through co-located negative velocity feedback control. The multiobjective topology optimization problem is solved using the Direct MultiSearch Method. An application to a simply supported sandwich plate is presented with results for the maximization of the first six modal loss factors. The influence of the finite element mesh is analyzed and the results are, to some extent, compared with those obtained using alternative single objective optimization.
One of the most popular approaches to path planning and control is the potential field method. This method is particularly attractive because it is suitable for on-line feedback control. In this approach the gradient of a potential field is used to generate the robot's trajectory. Thus, the path is generated by the transient solutions of a dynamical system. On the other hand, in the nonlinear attractor dynamic approach the path is generated by a sequence of attractor solutions. This way the transient solutions of the potential field method are replaced by a sequence of attractor solutions (i.e., asymptotically stable states) of a dynamical system. We discuss at a theoretical level some of the main differences of these two approaches.
El control automàtic exerceix un paper important en molts processos de la industria. Cada un dels sistemes de control requereix d’un controlador, la majoria dels quals són del tipus PI. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es investigar tècniques que permetin superar les limitacions que tenen els controladors PI lineals. En la resposta d’un sistema de control es poden distingir dues tasques diferents: El seguiment a un canvi d’entrada o consigna correspon a la tasca de servo, mentre que el rebuig a pertorbacions correspon a la tasca de regulatori. Al típic esquema de control realimentat, aquestes dues tasques estan enfrontades, és a dir, una millora a la tasca de servo implica un empitjorament a la tasca de regulatori i a l’inversa. Això suposa un problema al rendiment del sistema, així com la necessitat d’establir un cert compromís entre les dues tasques. El que es pretén en aquest projecte es implementar senzilles regles de control no lineal amb la finalitat de millorar el rendiment del sistema i evitar la necessitat d’establir un compromís entre les dues tasques. Així, es pretén superar les limitacions que aquest té, obtenint controladors PI alternatius fàcilment sintetitzables.
The H∞ synchronization problem of the master and slave structure of a second-order neutral master-slave systems with time-varying delays is presented in this paper. Delay-dependent sufficient conditions for the design of a delayed output-feedback control are given by Lyapunov-Krasovskii method in terms of a linear matrix inequality (LMI). A controller, which guarantees H∞ synchronization of the master and slave structure using some free weighting matrices, is then developed. A numerical example has been given to show the effectiveness of the method
We report the design and validation of simple magnetic tweezers for oscillating ferromagnetic beads in the piconewton and nanometer scales. The system is based on a single pair of coaxial coils operating in two sequential modes: permanent magnetization of the beads through a large and brief pulse of magnetic field and generation of magnetic gradients to produce uniaxial oscillatory forces. By using this two step method, the magnetic moment of the beads remains constant during measurements. Therefore, the applied force can be computed and varies linearly with the driving signal. No feedback control is required to produce well defined force oscillations over a wide bandwidth. The design of the coils was optimized to obtain high magnetic fields (280 mT) and gradients (2 T/m) with high homogeneity (5% variation) within the sample. The magnetic tweezers were implemented in an inverted optical microscope with a videomicroscopy-based multiparticle tracking system. The apparatus was validated with 4.5 ¿m magnetite beads obtaining forces up to ~2 pN and subnanometer resolution. The applicability of the device includes microrheology of biopolymer and cell cytoplasm, molecular mechanics, and mechanotransduction in living cells.
Several studies have demonstrated that mice are polymorphic for the number of renin genes, with some inbred strains harboring one gene (Ren-1(c)) and other strains containing two genes (Ren-1(d) and Ren-2). In this study, the effects of 1% salt and deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)/salt were investigated in one- and two-renin gene mice, for elucidation of the role of renin in the modulation of BP, cardiac, and renal responses to salt and DOCA. The results demonstrated that, under baseline conditions, mice with two renin genes exhibited 10-fold higher plasma renin activity, 100-fold higher plasma renin concentrations, elevated BP (which was angiotensin II-dependent), and an increased cardiac weight index, compared with one-renin gene mice (all P < 0.01). The presence of two renin genes markedly increased the BP, cardiac, and renal responses to salt. The number of renin genes also modulated the responses to DOCA/salt. In one-renin gene mice, DOCA/salt induced significant renal and cardiac hypertrophy (P < 0.01) even in the absence of any increase in BP. Treatment with losartan, an angiotensin II AT(1) receptor antagonist, decreased BP in two-renin gene mice but not in one-renin gene mice. However, losartan prevented the development of cardiac hypertrophy in both groups of mice. In conclusion, these data demonstrate that renin genes are important determinants of BP and of the responses to salt and DOCA in mice. The results confirm that the Ren-2 gene, which controls renin production mainly in the submaxillary gland, is physiologically active in mice and is not subject to the usual negative feedback control. Finally, these data provide further evidence that mineralocorticoids promote cardiac hypertrophy even in the absence of BP changes. This hypertrophic process is mediated in part by the activation of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors.
ABSTRACTSchizophrenia is a major psychiatric disorder occurring with a prevalence of 1% in the worldwide population. It develops progressively with psychosis onset in late adolescence or earlyadulthood. The disorder can take many different facets and has a highly diffuse anddistributed neuropathology including deficits in major neurotransmitter systems,myelination, stress regulation, and metabolism. The delayed onset and the heterogeneouspathology suggest that schizophrenia is a developmental disease that arises from interplayof genetic and environmental factors during sensitive periods. Redox dysregulation due to animbalance between pro-oxidants and antioxidant defence mechanisms is among the riskfactors for schizophrenia. Glutathione (GSH) is the major cellular redox regulator andantioxidant. Levels of GSH are decreased in cerebrospinal fluid, prefrontal cortex and postmortemstriatum of schizophrenia patients. Moreover, polymorphisms of the key GSHsynthesizingenzyme, glutamate-cysteine ligase, modifier (GCLM) subunit, are associatedwith the disease, suggesting that GSH deficit is of genetic origin. Here we used miceknockout (KO) for the GCLM gene, which display chronic GSH deficit (~70 to 80% decrease)to investigate the direct link between redox dysregulation and schizophrenia. Accordingly,we evaluated whether GCLM KO compared to normal wildtype mice display behavioralchanges that relate to schizophrenia symptoms and whether their brains showmorphological, functional or metabolic alterations that resemble those in patients.Moreover, we exposed pubertal GCLM mice to repeated mild stress and measured theirhormonal and behavioral stress reactivity. Our data show that chronic GSH deficit isassociated with altered emotion- and stress-related behaviors, deficient prepulse inhibition,pronounced amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion but normal spatial learning andworking memory. These changes represent important schizophrenia endophenotypes.Moreover, this particular pattern of change indicates impairment of the ventralhippocampus (VH) and related circuitry as opposed to the dorsal hippocampus (DH), which isimplicated in spatial information processing. This is consistent with a selective deficit ofparvalbumin positive interneurons and gamma oscillation in the VH but not DH. Increasedlevels of circulating stress hormones in KO mice following pubertal stress corroborate VHdysfunction as it is involved in negative feedback control of the stress response. VHstructural and functional deficits are frequently found in the schizophrenic brain. Metabolicevaluation of the developing GCLM KO anterior cortex using in vivo magnetic resonancespectroscopy revealed elevated glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), Gln/Glu and N-acetylaspartate(NAA) during the pre-pubertal period. Similar changes are reported in earlyschizophrenia. Overall, we observe phenotypic anomalies in GSH deficient GCLM KO micethat correspond to major schizophrenia endophenotypes. This supports an important rolefor redox dysregulation in schizophrenia and validates the GCLM KO mouse as model for thedisease. Moreover, our results indicate that puberty may be a sensitive period for redoxsensitivechanges highliting the importance of early intervention. Gln, Gln/Glu, Glu and NAAmay qualify as early metabolic biomarkers to identify young at-risk individuals. Since chronictreatment with NAC normalized most metabolic changes in GCLM KO mice, NAC may be oneadjunct treatment of choice for early intervention in patients.RESUMELa schizophrénie est une maladie psychiatrique majeure avec une prévalence de 1% dans lapopulation. Son développement est progressif, les premières psychoses apparaissant àl'adolescence ou au début de l'âge adulte. La maladie a plusieurs présentations et uneneuropathologie étendue, qui inclut des déficits neurochimiques, métaboliques, de lamyélination et de la régulation du stress. L'émergence tardive et l'hétérogénéité de lapathologie suggèrent que la schizophrénie est une maladie développementale, favorisée pardes facteurs génétiques et environnementaux durant des périodes sensibles. La dérégulationrédox, due à un déséquilibre entre facteurs pro-oxidantes et défenses anti-oxidantes,constitue un facteur de risque. Le glutathion (GSH) est le principal régulateur rédox et antioxidantdes cellules, ses taux sont diminués dans le liquide céphalorachidien, le cortexpréfrontal et le striatum de patients. De plus, des variations du gène codant la sous-unitémodulatrice (GCLM) de la glutamate-cystéine ligase, enzyme de synthèse du GSH, sontassociés la maladie, suggérant que le déficit observé chez les patients est d'originegénétique. Nous avons donc utilisé des souris ayant une délétion du gène GCLM (KO), quiont un déficit chronique en GSH (70-80%), afin d'étudier le lien entre une dérégulation rédoxet la schizophrénie. Nous avons évalué si ces souris présentent des altérationscomportementales analogues aux symptômes de la maladie, et des modificationsstructurelles, fonctionnelles et métaboliques au niveau du cerveau, ressemblant à celles despatients. De plus, nous avons soumis les souris à des stresses modérés durant la puberté,puis mesuré les réponses hormonales et comportementales. Les animaux présentent undéficit pré-attentionnel du traitement des informations moto-sensorielles, un déficit pourcertains apprentissages, une réponse accrue à l'amphétamine, mais leurs mémoires spatialeet de travail sont préservées. Ces atteintes comportementales sont analogues à certainsendophénotypes de la schizophrénie. De plus, ces changements comportementaux sontlargement expliqués par une perturbation morphologique et fonctionnelle de l'hippocampeventral (HV). Ainsi, nous avons observé un déficit sélectif des interneurones immunoréactifsà la parvalbumine et une désynchronisation neuronale dans l'HV. L'hippocampe dorsal,impliqué dans l'orientation spatiale, demeure en revanche intact. L'augmentationd'hormones de stress dans le sang des souris KO suite à un stress prépubertal soutien aussil'hypothèse d'une dysfonction de l'HV, connu pour moduler ce type de réponse. Des déficitsstructurels et fonctionnels dans l'hippocampe antérieur (ventral) ont d'ailleurs été rapportéschez des patients schizophrènes. Par de résonance magnétique, nous avons également suivile profil métabolique du le cortex antérieur au cours du développement postnatal des sourisKO. Ces mesures ont révélé des taux élevés de glutamine (Gln), glutamate (Glu), du ratioGln/Glu, et de N-acétyl-aspartate (NAA) durant la période prépubertale. Des altérationssimilaires sont décrites chez les patients durant la phase précoce. Nous avons donc révélédes anomalies phénotypiques chez les souris GCLM KO qui reflètent certainsendophénotypes de la schizophrénie. Nos résultats appuient donc le rôle d'une dérégulationrédox dans l'émergence de la maladie et le potentiel des souris KO comme modèle. De plus,cette étude met en évidence la puberté comme période particulièrement sensible à unedérégulation rédox, renforçant l'importance d'une intervention thérapeutique précoce. Dansce cadre, Gln, Gln/Glu, Glu and NAA seraient des biomarqueurs clés pour identifier de jeunesindividus à risque. De part son efficacité dans notre modèle, NAC pourrait être unesubstance de choix dans le traitement précoce des patients.
Työssä tarkastellaan yleisiä menetelmiä säätöpiirien suorituskyvyn analysointiin ja sovelletaan niitä jatkuvatoimisen sellukeittimen säätöihin. Esitellyt menetelmät tarjoavat keinoja myös huonon säätötuloksen syyn selvittämiseen ja vinkkejä paremman suorituskyvyn saavuttamiseksi. Analyysissä edettiin top-down periaatteen mukaisesti lähtien liikkeelle keittimen tärkeimmästä säädöstä eli kappaluvun säädöstä. Sitten etsittiin tähän vaikuttavia tekijöitä mitatuista suureista. Seuraavaksi arvioitiin tärkeimmäksi katsotun tekijän (hakepinnankorkeus) säädön suorituskyky, jossa havaittiin parannettavaa. Lopuksi hakepinnankorkeuden säädön viritystämuutettiin ja tehtiin identifiointikoe säätörakenteen uudelleen järjestelyä varten.
The active magnetic bearings present a new technology which has many advantages compared to traditional bearing designs. Active magnetic bearings, however, require retainer bearings order to prevent damages in the event of a component, power or a control loop failure. In the dropdown situation, when the rotor drops from the magnetic bearings to the retainer bearings, the design parameters of the retainer bearings have a significant influence on the behaviour of the rotor. In this study, the dynamics of an active magnetic bearings supported electric motor during rotor drop on retainer bearings is studied using a multibody simulation approach. Various design parameters of retainer bearings are studied using a simulation model while results are compared with those found in literature. The retainer bearings are modelled using a detailed ball bearing model, which accounts damping and stiffness properties, oil film and friction between races and rolling elements. The model of the ball bearings includes inertia description of rollingelements. The model of the magnetic bearing system contains unbalances of the rotor and stiffness and damping properties of support. In this study, a computationally efficient contact model between the rotor and the retainer bearings is proposed. In addition, this work introduces information for the design of physicalprototype and its retainer bearings.
Tutkimuksen kohteena olleen UPM-Kymmene Oyj Kajaanin tehtaan PK3:n laatusäätöjärjestelmä ja mittapalkki uusittiin, jolloin haluttiin selvittää uusinnan vaikutuksia laatusäätöjen suorituskykyyn ja paperin laatuun. Työn kirjallisessa osassa perehdyttiin paperinvalmistusprosessin osiin kyseisen sanomalehtipaperikoneen tapauksessa sekä keskeisimpiin paperin laatuominaisuuksiin liittyviin mittaus- ja säätölaitteisiin sekä niiden toimintaan. Seurattaviksi paperin laatusuureiksi valittiin neliömassa, kuivamassa, kosteus ja paksuus, jotka ovat sanomalehtipaperin tärkeimpiä online-mitattavia ominaisuuksia. Paperin laatusuureiden seurantaan käytetään erilaisia tunnuslukuja ja työkaluja, joita on esitelty tässä työssä. Laatusuureiden konesuuntaisen ja poikkisuuntaisen seurannan tunnusluvuksi valittiin yleisesti käytössä oleva 2σ-keskiarvohajonta. Säätöjen suorituskykyä seurattiin suorituskykykolmion ohjausmatkaindeksien (CTI) ja erosuureen integraalien (IAE) avulla. Kokeellisessa osassa kerättiin mittaustietoja sekä vanhan että uuden laatusäätöjärjestelmän aikana. Seurattavat ajotilanteet paperikoneella jaettiin stabiiliin ajoon ja muutostilanteisiin, jotka käsittävät katkot ja lajinvaihtotilanteet. Stabiilin ajon aikana selvitettiin laatusuureiden hajontojen ja säätöjen suorituskykyindeksien normaaleissa tasoissa tapahtuneet muutokset. Muutostilanteiden osalta haluttiin selvittää, nopeuttaako järjestelmäuusinta katkoista toipumista ja lajinvaihtoaikaa. Stabiilin ajon seurannasta saatujen tulosten perusteella neliömassan ja kuivamassan konesuuntaiset hajonnat kasvoivat järjestelmäuusinnan myötä, mutta kosteuden konesuuntaiset hajonnat pienenivät. Laatusuureiden poikkisuuntaisista hajonnoista neliömassan sekä kuivamassan hajonnat kasvoivat ja kosteuden sekä paksuuden hajonnat pienenivät joidenkin lajien osalta. Poikkisuuntaisten laatusuureiden, etenkin paksuuden, toipuminen katkon jälkeen nopeutui. Myös lajinvaihtoon kuluva aika lyheni poikkisuuntaisilla laatusuureilla. Muutostilanteiden konesuuntaisten hajontojen asettumisajat eivät juuri parantuneet.
Työn kehityksen kohteena toimii CIRB 500i –robottisolu, jonka sisällä työskentelee korkeaan tuotantokapasiteettiin kehitetty näköjärjestelmällä ohjattu sähköservomanipulaattori. Kokonaisuutena ajatellen työ tekee servotekniikan osalta poikkileikkauksen CIRB 500i –robottisolun matkasta prototyypistä tuotteeksi erilaisine kehitysvaiheineen. Työn alkutaipaleella perehdytään pitkälle pelkkään teoriaan nojautuen mitä on servotekniikka, miten se toimii ja kuinka se viritetään. Tämän jälkeen edellä opitut teoriat konkretisoidaan CIRB 500i –robottisoluun ja siinä käytettävään servotekniikkaan. Robottisolun komponenttien ja laitteistojen tullessa tutuiksi mietitään ja kehitetään kuinka robottisolusta saataisiin entistä kehittyneempi ja käytännöllisempi teknillisestä näkökulmasta katsoen kuitenkaan valmistamisen kustannustehokkuutta unohtamatta. Loppupuolella analysoidaan miten edellä tehdyt kehitystoimenpiteet ovat vaikuttaneet robottisolun toimintaan ja valmistamiseen. Lopuksi sovelletaan teoriaosuuden virityskeinoja servojen virittämiseen käytännössä ja analysoidaan saavutettuja kehittämistyön tuloksia. Lisäksi tehdään katsaus CIRB 500i –robottisolun tulevaisuuden näkymiin.