954 resultados para Fatigue life
Fatigue life in metals is predicted utilizing regression analysis of large sets of experimental data, thus representing the material’s macroscopic response. Furthermore, a high variability in the short crack growth (SCG) rate has been observed in polycrystalline materials, in which the evolution and distributionof local plasticity is strongly influenced by the microstructure features. The present work serves to (a) identify the relationship between the crack driving force based on the local microstructure in the proximity of the crack-tip and (b) defines the correlation between scatter observed in the SCG rates to variability in the microstructure. A crystal plasticity model based on the fast Fourier transform formulation of the elasto-viscoplastic problem (CP-EVP-FFT) is used, since the ability to account for the both elastic and plastic regime is critical in fatigue. Fatigue is governed by slip irreversibility, resulting in crack growth, which starts to occur during local elasto-plastic transition. To investigate the effects of microstructure variability on the SCG rate, sets of different microstructure realizations are constructed, in which cracks of different length are introduced to mimic quasi-static SCG in engineering alloys. From these results, the behavior of the characteristic variables of different length scale are analyzed: (i) Von Mises stress fields (ii) resolved shear stress/strain in the pertinent slip systems, and (iii) slip accumulation/irreversibilities. Through fatigue indicator parameters (FIP), scatter within the SCG rates is related to variability in the microstructural features; the results demonstrate that this relationship between microstructure variability and uncertainty in fatigue behavior is critical for accurate fatigue life prediction.
I test di qualifica a vibrazioni vengono usati in fase di progettazione di un componente per verificarne la resistenza meccanica alle sollecitazioni dinamiche (di natura vibratoria) applicate durante la sua vita utile. La durata delle vibrazioni applicate al componente durante la sua vita utile (migliaia di ore) deve essere ridotta al fine di realizzare test fattibili in laboratorio, condotti in genere utilizzando uno shaker elettrodinamico. L’idea è quella di aumentare l’intensità delle vibrazioni riducendone la durata. Esistono diverse procedure di Test Tailoring che tramite un metodo di sintesi definiscono un profilo vibratorio da applicare in laboratorio a partire dalle reali vibrazioni applicate al componente: una delle metodologie più comuni si basa sull’equivalenza del danno a fatica prodotto dalle reali vibrazioni e dalle vibrazioni sintetizzate. Questo approccio è piuttosto diffuso tuttavia all’autore non risulta presente nessun riferimento in letteratura che ne certifichi la validità tramite evidenza sperimentalmente. L’obiettivo dell’attività di ricerca è stato di verificare la validità del metodo tramite una campagna sperimentale condotta su opportuni provini. Il metodo viene inizialmente usato per sintetizzare un profilo vibratorio (random stazionario) avente la stessa durata di un profilo vibratorio non stazionario acquisito in condizioni reali. Il danno a fatica prodotto dalla vibrazione sintetizzata è stato confrontato con quello della vibrazione reale in termini di tempo di rottura dei provini. I risultati mostrano che il danno prodotto dalla vibrazione sintetizzata è sovrastimato, quindi l’equivalenza non è rispettata. Sono stati individuati alcuni punti critici e sono state proposte alcune modifiche al metodo per rendere la teoria più robusta. Il metodo è stato verificato con altri test e i risultati confermano la validità del metodo a condizione che i punti critici individuati siano correttamente analizzati.
This thesis aims to give a general view of pavement types all over the world, by showing the different characteristics of each one and its different life steps starting from construction, passing by maintenance and arriving until recycling phase. The flexible pavement took the main part of this work because it has been used in the last part of this thesis to design a project of a rural road. This project is located in the province of Bologna-Italy (‘Comune di Argelato’, 26 km in the north of Bologna), and has 5677, 81 m of length. A pavement design was made using the program BISAR 3.0 and a fatigue life study was made, also, in order to estimate the number of loads (in terms of heavy vehicles axle) to cause road’s failure . An alignment design was made for this project and a safety study was established in order to check if the available sight distance at curves respects the safety norms or not, by comparing it to the stopping sight distance. Different technical sheets are demonstrated and several cases are discussed in order to clarify the main design principles and underline the main hazardous cases to be avoided especially at intersection. This latter, its type’s choice depends on several factors in order to make the suitable design according to the environmental data. At this part of the road, the safety is a primordial point due to the high accident rate in this zone. For this reason, different safety aspects are discussed especially at roundabouts, signalized intersections, and also some other common intersection types. The design and the safety norms are taken with reference to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials), ACT (Transportation Association of Canada), and also according to Italian norms (Decreto Ministeriale delle Starde).
When a concrete slab experiences differential volume change due to temperature, moisture, and shrinkage gradients, it deforms. The stresses induced by these differential volume changes can reduce the pavement’s fatigue life. Differential volume change is quantified by the equivalent temperature difference required to deform a comparable flat slab to the same shape as the actual slab. This thesis presents models to predict the equivalent temperature difference due to moisture warping and differential drying shrinkage. Moisture warping occurs because a portion of drying shrinkage is reversible, while differential drying shrinkage is due to the irreversible portion of drying shrinkage. The amount of reversible shrinkage was investigated for concretes made with different types of aggregate, including lightweight and recycled. Another source of differential volume change is built-in curl, which is caused by temperature gradients at the time of paving. This thesis also presents a comparison of methods used to quantify built-in curl.
Traditionally, asphalt mixtures were produced at high temperatures (between 150°C to 180°C) and therefore often referred to as Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Recently, a new technology named Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) was developed in Europe that allows HMA to be produced at a lower temperature. Over years of research efforts, a few WMA technologies were introduced including the foaming method using Aspha-min® and Advera® WMA; organic additives such as Sasobit® and Asphaltan B®; and chemical packages such as Evotherm® and Cecabase RT®. Benefits were found when lower temperatures were used to produce asphalt mixtures, especially when it comes to environmental and energy savings. Even though WMA has shown promising results in energy savings and emission reduction, however, only limited studies and laboratory tests have been conducted to date. The objectives of this project are to 1) develop a mix design framework for WMA by evaluating its mechanical properties; 2) evaluate performance of WMA containing high percentages of recycled asphalt material; and 3) evaluate the moisture sensitivity in WMA. The test results show that most of the WMA has higher fatigue life and TSR which indicated WMA has better fatigue cracking and moisture damage resistant; however, the rutting potential of most of the WMA tested were higher than the control HMA. A recommended WMA mix design framework was developed as well. The WMA design framework was presented in this study to provide contractors, and government agencies successfully design WMA. Mixtures containing high RAP and RAS were studied as well and the overall results show that WMA technology allows the mixture containing high RAP content and RAS to be produced at lower temperature (up to 35°C lower) without significantly affect the performance of asphalt mixture in terms of rutting, fatigue and moisture susceptibility. Lastly, the study also found that by introducing the hydrated lime in the WMA, all mixtures modified by the hydrated lime passed the minimum requirement of 0.80. This indicated that, the moisture susceptibility of the WMA can be improved by adding the hydrated lime.
The complexity and challenge created by asphalt material motivates researchers and engineers to investigate the behavior of this material to develop a better understanding, and improve the performance of asphalt pavement. Over decades, a wide range of modification at macro, meso, micro and nano scales have been conducted to improve the performance of asphalt pavement. This study was initiated to utilize the newly developed asphalt modifier pellets. These pellets consisted of different combinations of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and titanate coupling agent (CA) to improve the asphalt binder as well as pavement performance across a wide range of temperature and loading pace. These materials were used due to their unique characteristics and promising findings from various industries, especially as modifiers in pavement material. The challenge is to make sure the CaCO3 disperses very well in the mixture. The rheological properties of neat asphalt binder PG58-28 and modified asphalt binder (PG58-28/LLDPE, PG58-28/CaCO3, PG58-28/CaCO3/LLDPE, and PG58-28/CaCO3/LLDPE/CA), were determined using rotational viscometer (RV) test, dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) test and bending beam rheometer test. In the DSR test, the specimens were evaluated using frequency sweep and multiple shear creep recovery (MSCR). The asphalt mixtures (aggregate/PG58-28, aggregate/ PG58-28/LLDPE, aggregate/PG58-28/CaCO3, aggregate/PG58-28/LLDPE/CaCO3 and aggregate/PG58-28/LLDPE/CaCO3/CA) were evaluated using the four point beam fatigue test, the dynamic modulus (E*) test, and tensile strength test (to determines tensile strength ratio, TSR). The RV test results show that all modified asphalt binders have a higher viscosity compared to the neat asphalt binder (PG58-28). Based on the Jnr results (using MSCR test), all the modified asphalt binders have a better resistance to rutting compared to the neat asphalt binder. A higher modifier contents have resulted in a better recovery percentage of asphalt binder (higher resistance to rutting), except the specimens prepared using PECC’s modified asphalt binder (PG58-28/CaCO3/LLDPE). The BBR test results show that all the modified asphalt binders have shown comparable performance in term of resistance to low temperature cracking, except the specimen prepared using the LLDPE modifier. Overall, 5 wt% LLDPE modified asphalt binder was found to be the best asphalt binder in terms of resistance to rutting. Meanwhile, 3 wt% PECC-1CA’s modified asphalt binder can be considered as the best (in terms of resistance to thermal cracking) with the lowest mean critical cracking temperature. The appearance of CaCO3 was found useful merely in improving the resistance to fatigue cracking of asphalt mixture. However, application of LLDPE has undermined the fatigue life of asphalt mixtures. Adding LLDPE and coupling agent throughout this study does not sufficiently help in terms of elastic behavior which essential to enhance the resistance to fatigue cracking. In contrast, application of LLDPE has increased the indirect tensile strength values and TSR of asphalt mixtures, indicates a better resistance to moisture damage. The usage of the coupling agent does not change the behavior of the asphalt mixture, which could be due to imbalance effects resulted by combination of LLDPE and CaCO3 in asphalt binder. Further investigations without incorporating CaCO3 should be conducted further. To investigate the feasibility of using LLDPE and coupling agent as modifiers in asphalt pavements, more research should be conducted on different percentages of LLDPE (less than 3 wt%), and at the higher and w wider range of coupling agent content, from 3 wt% to 7 wt% based on the polymer mass.
The article describes the results of fatigue tests with sideflexing polymer chains conducted on a dynamic testing machine and in testing conveyors. A new approach is suggested, that allows a calculatory estimation of the fatigue life of these chains. Finally, a calculation-software is presented, that has been developed based on the test results and the new equations.
Residual stresses developed during wire drawing influence the mechanical behavior and durability of steel wires used for prestressed concrete structures, particularly the shape of the stress–strain curve, stress relaxation losses, fatigue life, and environmental cracking susceptibility. The availability of general purpose finite element analysis tools and powerful diffraction techniques (X-rays and neutrons) has made it possible to predict and measure accurately residual stress fields in cold-drawn steel wires. Work carried out in this field in the past decade, shows the prospects and limitations of residual stress measurement, how the stress relaxation losses and environmentally-assisted cracking are correlated with the profile of residual stresses and how the performance of steel wires can be improved by modifying such a stress profile
Laser shock processing (LSP) is being increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials surface properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their corrosion and fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses field into metallic alloy pieces allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, follow-on experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated surface properties modification successfully reached in typical materials (especially Al and Ti alloys) under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented along with a practical correlated analysis on the protective character of the residual stress profiles obtained under different irradiation strategies and the evaluation of the corresponding induced properties as material specific volume reduction at the surface, microhardness and wear resistance. Additional remarks on the improved character of the LSP technique over the traditional “shot peening” technique in what concerns depth of induced compressive residual stresses fields are also made through the paper.
Outline: • Introduction • Process Experimental Setup • Experimental Procedure • Experimental Results for Al2024-T351 and Ti6Al4V - Residual stresses - Tensile Strength - Fatigue Life • Discussion and Outlook - Prospects for technological applications of LSP
Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view) are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized. I.
Laser shock processing (LSP) is increasingly applied as an effective technology for the improvement of metallic materials mechanical properties in different types of components as a means of enhancement of their fatigue life behavior. As reported in previous contributions by the authors, a main effect resulting from the application of the LSP technique consists on the generation of relatively deep compression residual stresses fields into metallic components allowing an improved mechanical behaviour, explicitly the life improvement of the treated specimens against wear, crack growth and stress corrosion cracking. Additional results accomplished by the authors in the line of practical development of the LSP technique at an experimental level (aiming its integral assessment from an interrelated theoretical and experimental point of view)are presented in this paper. Concretely, experimental results on the residual stress profiles and associated mechanical properties modification successfully reached in typical materials under different LSP irradiation conditions are presented. In this case, the specific behavior of a widely used material in high reliability components (especially in nuclear and biomedical applications) as AISI 316L is analyzed, the effect of possible “in-service” thermal conditions on the relaxation of the LSP effects being specifically characterized.
Laser Shock Processing (LSP) has been demonstrated as an emerging technique for the induction of RS’s fields in subsurface layers of relatively thick specimens. However, the LSP treatment of relatively thin specimens brings, as an additional consequence, the possible bending in a process of laser shock forming. This effect poses a new class of problems regarding the attainment of specified RS’s depth profiles in the mentioned type of sheets, and, what can be more critical, an overall deformation of the treated component. The analysis of the problem of LSP treatment for induction of tentatively through-thickness RS’s fields for fatigue life enhancement in relatively thin sheets in a way compatible with reduced overall workpiece deformation due to spring-back self-equilibration is envisaged in this paper. The coupled theoretical-experimental predictive approach developed by the authors has been applied to the specification of LSP treatments for achievement of RS's fields tentatively able to retard crack propagation on normalized specimens. A convergence between numerical code results and experimental results coming from direct RS's measurement is presented as a first step for the treatment of the normalized specimens under optimized conditions and verification of the crack retardation properties virtually induced.
El desarrollo de nuevas estructuras aeroespaciales optimizadas, utilizan materiales compuestos, para los componentes críticos y subsistemas, principalmente polímeros reforzados con fibra de carbono (CFRP). Un conocimiento profundo del estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP avanzado, es esencial para predecir la vida residual y optimizar los intervalos de inspección estructural, reparaciones y/o sustitución de componentes. Las técnicas actuales se basan principalmente en la medición de cargas estructurales a lo largo de la vida útil de la estructura mediante galgas extensométricas eléctricas. Con esos datos, se estima la vida a fatiga utilizando modelos de acumulación de daño. En la presente tesis, se evalúa la metodología convencional para la estimación de la vida a fatiga de un CFRP aeronáutico. Esta metodología está basada en la regla de acumulación de daño lineal de Palmgren-Miner, y es aplicada para determinar la vida a fatiga de estructuras sometidas a cargas de amplitud variable. Se ha realizado una campaña de ensayos con cargas de amplitud constante para caracterizar un CFRP aeronáutico a fatiga, obteniendo las curvas clásicas S-N, en diferentes relaciones de esfuerzo. Se determinaron los diagramas de vida constante, (CLD), también conocidos como diagramas de Goodman, utilizando redes neuronales artificiales debido a la ausencia de modelos coherentes para materiales compuestos. Se ha caracterizado la degradación de la rigidez debido al daño por fatiga. Se ha ensayado un segundo grupo de probetas con secuencias estandarizadas de cargas de amplitud variable, para obtener la vida a fatiga y la degradación de rigidez en condiciones realistas. Las cargas aplicadas son representativas de misiones de aviones de combate (Falstaff), y de aviones de transporte (Twist). La vida a fatiga de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, se comparó con el índice de daño teórico calculado en base a la regla de acumulación de daño lineal convencional. Los resultados obtenidos muestran predicciones no conservativas. Esta tesis también presenta el estudio y desarrollo, de una nueva técnica de no contacto para evaluar el estado de daño por fatiga de estructuras de CFRP por medio de cambios de los parámetros de rugosidad. La rugosidad superficial se puede medir fácilmente en campo con métodos sin contacto, mediante técnicas ópticas tales como speckle y perfilómetros ópticos. En el presente estudio, se han medido parámetros de rugosidad superficial, y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie, a lo largo de la vida de las probetas cicladas con cargas de amplitud constante y variable, Se ha obtenido una buena tendencia de ajuste al correlacionar la magnitud de la rugosidad y el factor de irregularidad de la superficie con la degradación de la rigidez de las probetas fatigadas. Estos resultados sugieren que los cambios en la rugosidad superficial medida en zonas estratégicas de componentes y estructuras hechas de CFRP, podrían ser indicativas del nivel de daño interno debido a cargas de fatiga. Los resultados también sugieren que el método es independiente del tipo de carga de fatiga que ha causado el daño. Esto último hace que esta técnica de medición sea aplicable como inspección para una amplia gama de estructuras de materiales compuestos, desde tanques presurizados con cargas de amplitud constante, estructuras aeronáuticas como alas y colas de aeronaves cicladas con cargas de amplitud variable, hasta aplicaciones industriales como automoción, entre otros. ABSTRACT New optimized aerospace structures use composite materials, mainly carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite (CFRP), for critical components and subsystems. A strong knowledge of the fatigue state of highly advanced (CFRP) structures is essential to predict the residual life and optimize intervals of structural inspection, repairs, and/or replacements. Current techniques are based mostly on measurement of structural loads throughout the service life by electric strain gauge sensors. These sensors are affected by extreme environmental conditions and by fatigue loads in such a way that the sensors and their systems require exhaustive maintenance throughout system life. In the present thesis, the conventional methodology based on linear damage accumulation rules, applied to determine the fatigue life of structures subjected to variable amplitude loads was evaluated for an aeronautical CFRP. A test program with constant amplitude loads has been performed to obtain the classical S-N curves at different stress ratios. Constant life diagrams, CLDs, where determined by means of Artificial Neural Networks due to the absence of consistent models for composites. The stiffness degradation due to fatigue damage has been characterized for coupons under cyclic tensile loads. A second group of coupons have been tested until failure with a standardized sequence of variable amplitude loads, representative of missions for combat aircraft (Falstaff), and representative of commercial flights (Twist), to obtain the fatigue life and the stiffness degradation under realistic conditions. The fatigue life of the coupons cycled with variable amplitude loads were compared to the theoretical damage index calculated based on the conventional linear damage accumulation rule. The obtained results show non-conservative predictions. This thesis also presents the evaluation of a new non-contact technique to evaluate the fatigue damage state of CFRP structures by means of measuring roughness parameters to evaluate changes in the surface topography. Surface roughness can be measured easily on field with non-contact methods by optical techniques such as speckle and optical perfilometers. In the present study, surface roughness parameters, and the surface irregularity factor, have been measured along the life of the coupons cycled with constant and variable amplitude loads of different magnitude. A good agreement has been obtained when correlating the magnitude of the roughness and the surface irregularity factor with the stiffness degradation. These results suggest that the changes on the surface roughness measured in strategic zones of components and structures made of CFRP, could be indicative of the level of internal damage due to fatigue loads. The results also suggest that the method is independent of the type of fatigue load that have caused the damage. It makes this measurement technique applicable for a wide range of inspections of composite materials structures, from pressurized tanks with constant amplitude loads, to variable amplitude loaded aeronautical structures like wings and empennages, up to automotive and other industrial applications.
La presente Tesi ha per oggetto lo sviluppo e la validazione di nuovi criteri per la verifica a fatica multiassiale di componenti strutturali metallici . In particolare, i nuovi criteri formulati risultano applicabili a componenti metallici, soggetti ad un’ampia gamma di configurazioni di carico: carichi multiassiali variabili nel tempo, in modo ciclico e random, per alto e basso/medio numero di cicli di carico. Tali criteri costituiscono un utile strumento nell’ambito della valutazione della resistenza/vita a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici, essendo di semplice implementazione, e richiedendo tempi di calcolo piuttosto modesti. Nel primo Capitolo vengono presentate le problematiche relative alla fatica multiassiale, introducendo alcuni aspetti teorici utili a descrivere il meccanismo di danneggiamento a fatica (propagazione della fessura e frattura finale) di componenti strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi variabili nel tempo. Vengono poi presentati i diversi approcci disponibili in letteratura per la verifica a fatica multiassiale di tali componenti, con particolare attenzione all'approccio del piano critico. Infine, vengono definite le grandezze ingegneristiche correlate al piano critico, utilizzate nella progettazione a fatica in presenza di carichi multiassiali ciclici per alto e basso/medio numero di cicli di carico. Il secondo Capitolo è dedicato allo sviluppo di un nuovo criterio per la valutazione della resistenza a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali ciclici e alto numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico ed è formulato in termini di tensioni. Lo sviluppo del criterio viene affrontato intervenendo in modo significativo su una precedente formulazione proposta da Carpinteri e collaboratori nel 2011. In particolare, il primo intervento riguarda la determinazione della giacitura del piano critico: nuove espressioni dell'angolo che lega la giacitura del piano critico a quella del piano di frattura vengono implementate nell'algoritmo del criterio. Il secondo intervento è relativo alla definizione dell'ampiezza della tensione tangenziale e un nuovo metodo, noto come Prismatic Hull (PH) method (di Araújo e collaboratori), viene implementato nell'algoritmo. L'affidabilità del criterio viene poi verificata impiegando numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura. Nel terzo Capitolo viene proposto un criterio di nuova formulazione per la valutazione della vita a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali ciclici e basso/medio numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico, ed è formulato in termini di deformazioni. In particolare, la formulazione proposta trae spunto, come impostazione generale, dal criterio di fatica multiassiale in regime di alto numero di cicli discusso nel secondo Capitolo. Poiché in presenza di deformazioni plastiche significative (come quelle caratterizzanti la fatica per basso/medio numero di cicli di carico) è necessario conoscere il valore del coefficiente efficace di Poisson del materiale, vengono impiegate tre differenti strategie. In particolare, tale coefficiente viene calcolato sia per via analitica, che per via numerica, che impiegando un valore costante frequentemente adottato in letteratura. Successivamente, per validarne l'affidabilità vengono impiegati numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura; i risultati numerici sono ottenuti al variare del valore del coefficiente efficace di Poisson. Inoltre, al fine di considerare i significativi gradienti tensionali che si verificano in presenza di discontinuità geometriche, come gli intagli, il criterio viene anche esteso al caso dei componenti strutturali intagliati. Il criterio, riformulato implementando il concetto del volume di controllo proposto da Lazzarin e collaboratori, viene utilizzato per stimare la vita a fatica di provini con un severo intaglio a V, realizzati in lega di titanio grado 5. Il quarto Capitolo è rivolto allo sviluppo di un nuovo criterio per la valutazione del danno a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali random e alto numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico ed è formulato nel dominio della frequenza. Lo sviluppo del criterio viene affrontato intervenendo in modo significativo su una precedente formulazione proposta da Carpinteri e collaboratori nel 2014. In particolare, l’intervento riguarda la determinazione della giacitura del piano critico, e nuove espressioni dell'angolo che lega la giacitura del piano critico con quella del piano di frattura vengono implementate nell'algoritmo del criterio. Infine, l’affidabilità del criterio viene verificata impiegando numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura.