181 resultados para FIA-CVAAS
Acalypha californica Benth., is a plant in the northwestern region from Mexico, commonly known as "cancer herb" and used in traditional medicine for treating cancer. In the present study we have investigated the antiproliferative activity of methanolic extract of A. californica and its fractions in cancer cell lines and phytochemical analysis and mechanism of apoptosis of the fractions with antiproliferative activity. The antiproliferative activity of methanol extract and its fractions of solvents were evaluated by MTT assay against the M12.A(k).C3.F6, RAW 264.7, HeLa and L929 cell lines. Active fractions were fractionated by molecular exclusion chromatography, HPLC and MPLC. The identification of compounds was performed by NMR and FIA-ESI-IT-MS/MS analysis. Apoptotic mechanism was analyzed by flow cytometry, determining the reduction in the mitochondrial membrane potential (JC-1) and the activity of caspases 3,8 and 9. Cell viability assays showed that the hexane fraction of the methanol extract of the plant has significant effects against cancer lines RAW 264.7 (IC50 = 52.08 +/- 1.06 mu g/mL) and HeLa (IC50 = 46.77 +/- 1.09 mu g/mL), the residual fraction showed a selective effect on cell lines M12.A(k).C3.F6 (IC50 = 59.90 +/- 1.05 mu g/mL), RAW 264.7 (IC50 = 58.93 +/- 1.26 mu g/mL) and HeLa (IC50 = 50.11 +/- 1.135 mu g/mL) compared to the control cell line L929 (IC50 = 100.00 +/- 1.09 mu g/mL). The chemical characterization of the active fractions allowed the identification of p-sitosterol and stigmasterol in hexane fraction and some phenolic acids, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids in the residual fraction. The methanol extract and hexane fraction reduces mitochondrial membrane potential significantly and activates caspases 3, 8 and 9. Because of the antiproliferative activity observed, our results provide a rational basis for the use of extracts of A. californica in treating various types of cancer in traditional medicine from Mexico. The extracts induce apoptosis via activation of caspases. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Amperometry coupled to flow injection analysis (FIA) and to batch injection analysis (BIA) was used for the rapid and precise quantification of ciclopirox olamine in pharmaceutical products. The favourable hydrodynamic conditions provided by both techniques allowed a very high throughput (more than 300 injections per hour) with good linear range (2.0200 mu mol L-1) and low limits of detection (below 1.0 mu mol?L-1). The results obtained were compared with titration recommended by the American Pharmacopoeia and also using capillary electrophoresis. Good agreement between all results were achieved, demonstrating the good performance of amperometry combined with FIA and BIA.
The main goal of this work was to develop a simple analytical method for quantification of glycerol based on the electrocatalytic oxidation of glycerol on the copper surface adapted in a flow injection system. Under optimal experimental conditions, the peak current response increases linearly with glycerol concentration over the range 60-3200 mg kg(-1) (equivalent to 3-160 mg L(-1) in solution). The repeatability of the electrode response in the flow injection analysis (FIA) configuration was evaluated as 5% (n = 10), and the detection limit of the method was estimated to be 5 mg kg(-1) in biodiesel (equivalent to 250 mu g L(-1) in solution) (S/N = 3). The sample throughput under optimised conditions was estimated to be 90 h(-1). Different types of biodiesel samples (B100), as in the types of vegetable oils or animal fats used to produce the fuels, were analysed (seven samples). The only sample pre-treatment used was an extraction of glycerol from the biodiesel sample containing a ratio of 5 mL of water to 250 mg of biodiesel. The proposed method improves the analytical parameters obtained by other electroanalytical methods for quantification of glycerol in biodiesel samples, and its accuracy was evaluated using a spike-and-recovery assay, where all the biodiesel samples used obtained admissible values according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Crown Copyright (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mercury (Hg) pollution is a global environmental problem. Numerous Hg-contaminated sites exist in the world and new techniques for remediation are urgently needed. Phytoremediation, use of plants to remove pollutants from the environment or to render them harmless, is considered as an environment-friendly method to remediate contaminated soil in-situ and has been applied for some other heavy metals. Whether this approach is suitable for remediation of Hg-contaminated soil is, however, an open question. The aim of this thesis was to study the fate of Hg in terrestrial plants (particularly the high biomass producing willow, Salix spp.) and thus to clarify the potential use of plants to remediate Hg-contaminated soils. Plants used for phytoremediation of Hg must tolerate Hg. A large variation (up to 30-fold difference) was detected among the six investigated clones of willow in their sensitivity to Hg as reflected in their empirical toxicity threshold (TT95b), the maximum unit toxicity (UTmax) and EC50 levels. This gives us a possibility to select Hg-tolerant willow clones to successfully grow in Hgcontaminated soils for phytoremediation. Release of Hg into air by plants is a concern when using phytoremediation in practice. No evidence was found in this study that Hg was released to the air via shoots of willow, garden pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Faenomen), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Dragon), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv Monohill), oil-seed rape (Brassica napus L. cv Paroll) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Thus, we conclude that the Hg burden to the atmosphere via phytoremediation is not increased. Phytoremediation processes are based on the ability of plant roots to accumulate Hg and to translocate it to the shoots. Willow roots were shown to be able to efficiently accumulate Hg in hydroponics, however, no variation in the ability to accumulate was found among the eight willow clones using CVAAS to analyze Hg content in plants. The majority of the Hg accumulated remained in the roots and only 0.5-0.6% of the Hg accumulation was translocated to the shoots. Similar results were found for the five common cultivated plant species mentioned above. Moreover, the accumulation of Hg in willow was higher when being cultivated in methyl-Hg solution than in inorganic Hg solution, whereas the translocation of Hg to the shoots did not differ. The low bioavailability of Hg in contaminated soil is a restricting factor for the phytoextraction of Hg. A selected tolerant willow clone was used to study whether iodide addition could increase the plant-accumulation of Hg from contaminated soil. Both pot tests and field trials were carried out. Potassium iodide (KI) addition was found to mobilize Hg in contaminated soil and thus increase the bioavailability of Hg in soils. Addition of KI (0.2–1 mM) increased the Hg concentrations up to about 5, 3 and 8 times in the leaves, branches and roots, respectively. However, too high concentrations of KI were toxic to plants. As the majority of the Hg accumulated in the roots, it might be unrealistic to use willow for phytoextraction of Hg in practice, even though iodide could enhance the phytoextraction efficiency. In order to study the effect of willow on various soil fractions of Hg-contaminated soil, a 5-step sequential soil extraction method was used. Both the largest Hg-contaminated fractions, i.e. the Hg bound to residual organic matter (53%) and sulphides (43%), and the residual fraction (2.5%), were found to remain stable during cultivations of willow. The exchangeable Hg (0.1%) and the Hg bound to humic and fulvic acids (1.1%) decreased in the rhizospheric soil, whereas the plant accumulation of Hg increased with the cultivation time. The sum of the decrease of the two Hg fractions in soils was approximately equal to the amount of the Hg accumulated in plants. Consequently, plants may be suitable for phytostabilization of aged Hg-contaminated soil, in which root systems trap the bioavailable Hg and reduce the leakage of Hg from contaminated soils.
Die Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit der Entwicklung und Anwendung einer alternativen Probenzuführungstechnik für flüssige Proben in der Massenspektrometrie. Obwohl bereits einige Anstrengungen zur Verbesserung unternommen wurden, weisen konventionelle pneumatische Zerstäuber- und Sprühkammersysteme, die in der Elementspurenanalytik mittels induktiv gekoppeltem Plasma (ICP) standardmäßig verwendet werden, eine geringe Gesamteffizienz auf. Pneumatisch erzeugtes Aerosol ist durch eine breite Tropfengrößenverteilung gekennzeichnet, was den Einsatz einer Sprühkammer bedingt, um die Aerosolcharakteristik an die Betriebsbedingungen des ICPs anzupassen.. Die Erzeugung von Tropfen mit einer sehr engen Tropfengrößenverteilung oder sogar monodispersen Tropfen könnte die Effizienz des Probeneintrags verbessern. Ein Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher, Tropfen, die mittels des thermischen Tintenstrahldruckverfahrens erzeugt werden, zum Probeneintrag in der Elementmassenspektrometrie einzusetzen. Das thermische Tintenstrahldruckverfahren konnte in der analytischen Chemie im Bereich der Oberflächenanalytik mittels TXRF oder Laserablation bisher zur gezielten, reproduzierbaren Deposition von Tropfen auf Oberflächen eingesetzt werden. Um eine kontinuierliche Tropfenerzeugung zu ermöglichen, wurde ein elektronischer Mikrokontroller entwickelt, der eine Dosiereinheit unabhängig von der Hard- und Software des Druckers steuern kann. Dabei sind alle zur Tropfenerzeugung relevanten Parameter (Frequenz, Heizpulsenergie) unabhängig voneinander einstellbar. Die Dosiereinheit, der "drop-on-demand" Aerosolgenerator (DOD), wurde auf eine Aerosoltransportkammer montiert, welche die erzeugten Tropfen in die Ionisationsquelle befördert. Im Bereich der anorganischen Spurenanalytik konnten durch die Kombination des DOD mit einem automatischen Probengeber 53 Elemente untersucht und die erzielbare Empfindlichkeiten sowie exemplarisch für 15 Elemente die Nachweisgrenzen und die Untergrundäquivalentkonzentrationen ermittelt werden. Damit die Vorteile komfortabel genutzt werden können, wurde eine Kopplung des DOD-Systems mit der miniaturisierten Fließinjektionsanalyse (FIA) sowie miniaturisierten Trenntechniken wie der µHPLC entwickelt. Die Fließinjektionsmethode wurde mit einem zertifizierten Referenzmaterial validiert, wobei für Vanadium und Cadmium die zertifizierten Werte gut reproduziert werden konnten. Transiente Signale konnten bei der Kopplung des Dosiersystems in Verbindung mit der ICP-MS an eine µHPLC abgebildet werden. Die Modifikation der Dosiereinheit zum Ankoppeln an einen kontinuierlichen Probenfluss bedarf noch einer weiteren Reduzierung des verbleibenden Totvolumens. Dazu ist die Unabhängigkeit von den bisher verwendeten, kommerziell erhältlichen Druckerpatronen anzustreben, indem die Dosiereinheit selbst gefertigt wird. Die Vielseitigkeit des Dosiersystems wurde mit der Kopplung an eine kürzlich neu entwickelte Atmosphärendruck-Ionisationsmethode, die "flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow" Desorptions/Ionisations Ionenquelle (FAPA), aufgezeigt. Ein direkter Eintrag von flüssigen Proben in diese Quelle war bislang nicht möglich, es konnte lediglich eine Desorption von eingetrockneten Rückständen oder direkt von der Flüssigkeitsoberfläche erfolgen. Die Präzision der Analyse ist dabei durch die variable Probenposition eingeschränkt. Mit dem Einsatz des DOD-Systems können flüssige Proben nun direkt in die FAPA eingetragen, was ebenfalls das Kalibrieren bei quantitativen Analysen organischer Verbindungen ermöglicht. Neben illegalen Drogen und deren Metaboliten konnten auch frei verkäufliche Medikamente und ein Sprengstoffanalogon in entsprechend präpariertem reinem Lösungsmittel nachgewiesen werden. Ebenso gelang dies in Urinproben, die mit Drogen und Drogenmetaboliten versetzt wurden. Dabei ist hervorzuheben, dass keinerlei Probenvorbereitung notwendig war und zur Ermittlung der NWG der einzelnen Spezies keine interne oder isotopenmarkierte Standards verwendet wurden. Dennoch sind die ermittelten NWG deutlich niedriger, als die mit der bisherigen Prozedur zur Analyse flüssiger Proben erreichbaren. Um im Vergleich zu der bisher verwendeten "pin-to-plate" Geometrie der FAPA die Lösungsmittelverdampfung zu beschleunigen, wurde eine alternative Elektrodenanordnung entwickelt, bei der die Probe länger in Kontakt mit der "afterglow"-Zone steht. Diese Glimmentladungsquelle ist ringförmig und erlaubt einen Probeneintrag mittels eines zentralen Gasflusses. Wegen der ringförmigen Entladung wird der Name "halo-FAPA" (h-FAPA) für diese Entladungsgeometrie verwendet. Eine grundlegende physikalische und spektroskopische Charakterisierung zeigte, dass es sich tatsächlich um eine FAPA Desorptions/Ionisationsquelle handelt.
Simulations of forest stand dynamics in a modelling framework including Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) are diameter driven, thus the diameter or basal area increment model needs a special attention. This dissertation critically evaluates diameter or basal area increment models and modelling approaches in the context of the Great Lakes region of the United States and Canada. A set of related studies are presented that critically evaluate the sub-model for change in individual tree basal diameter used in the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), a dominant forestry model in the Great Lakes region. Various historical implementations of the STEMS (Stand and Tree Evaluation and Modeling System) family of diameter increment models, including the current public release of the Lake States variant of FVS (LS-FVS), were tested for the 30 most common tree species using data from the Michigan Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program. The results showed that current public release of the LS-FVS diameter increment model over-predicts 10-year diameter increment by 17% on average. Also the study affirms that a simple adjustment factor as a function of a single predictor, dbh (diameter at breast height) used in the past versions, provides an inadequate correction of model prediction bias. In order to re-engineer the basal diameter increment model, the historical, conceptual and philosophical differences among the individual tree increment model families and their modelling approaches were analyzed and discussed. Two underlying conceptual approaches toward diameter or basal area increment modelling have been often used: the potential-modifier (POTMOD) and composite (COMP) approaches, which are exemplified by the STEMS/TWIGS and Prognosis models, respectively. It is argued that both approaches essentially use a similar base function and neither is conceptually different from a biological perspective, even though they look different in their model forms. No matter what modelling approach is used, the base function is the foundation of an increment model. Two base functions – gamma and Box-Lucas – were identified as candidate base functions for forestry applications. The results of a comparative analysis of empirical fits showed that quality of fit is essentially similar, and both are sufficiently detailed and flexible for forestry applications. The choice of either base function in order to model diameter or basal area increment is dependent upon personal preference; however, the gamma base function may be preferred over the Box-Lucas, as it fits the periodic increment data in both a linear and nonlinear composite model form. Finally, the utility of site index as a predictor variable has been criticized, as it has been widely used in models for complex, mixed species forest stands though not well suited for this purpose. An alternative to site index in an increment model was explored, using site index and a combination of climate variables and Forest Ecosystem Classification (FEC) ecosites and data from the Province of Ontario, Canada. The results showed that a combination of climate and FEC ecosites variables can replace site index in the diameter increment model.
The important active and passive role of mineral dust aerosol in the climate and the global carbon cycle over the last glacial/interglacial cycles has been recognized. However, little data on the most important aeolian dust-derived biological micronutrient, iron (Fe), has so far been available from ice-cores from Greenland or Antarctica. Furthermore, Fe deposition reconstructions derived from the palaeoproxies particulate dust and calcium differ significantly from the Fe flux data available. The ability to measure high temporal resolution Fe data in polar ice-cores is crucial for the study of the timing and magnitude of relationships between geochemical events and biological responses in the open ocean. This work adapts an existing flow injection analysis (FIA) methodology for low-level trace Fe determinations with an existing glaciochemical analysis system, continuous flow analysis (CFA) of ice-cores. Fe-induced oxidation of N,N′-dimethyl-p-pheylenediamine (DPD) is used to quantify the biologically more important and easily leachable Fe fraction released in a controlled digestion step at pH ∼1.0. The developed method was successfully applied to the determination of labile Fe in ice-core samples collected from the Antarctic Byrd ice-core and the Greenland Ice-Core Project (GRIP) ice-core.
Sphagnum peatlands in the oceanic-continental transition zone of Poland are currently influenced by climatic and anthropogenic factors that lead to peat desiccation and susceptibility to fire. Little is known about the response of Sphagnum peatland testate amoebae (TA) to the combined effects of drought and fire. To understand the relationships between hydrology and fire dynamics, we used high-resolution multi-proxy palaeoecological data to reconstruct 2000 years of mire history in northern Poland. We employed a new approach for Polish peatlands – joint TA-based water table depth and charcoal-inferred fire activity reconstructions. In addition, the response of most abundant TA hydrological indicators to charcoal-inferred fire activity was assessed. The results show four hydrological stages of peatland development: moderately wet (from ∼35 BC to 800 AD), wet (from ∼800 to 1390 AD), dry (from ∼1390 to 1700 AD) and with an instable water table (from ∼1700 to 2012 AD). Fire activity has increased in the last millennium after constant human presence in the mire surroundings. Higher fire activity caused a rise in the water table, but later an abrupt drought appeared at the onset of the Little Ice Age. This dry phase is characterized by high ash contents and high charcoal-inferred fire activity. Fires preceded hydrological change and the response of TA to fire was indirect. Peatland drying and hydrological instability was connected with TA community changes from wet (dominance of Archerella flavum, Hyalosphenia papilio, Amphitrema wrightianum) to dry (dominance of Cryptodifflugia oviformis, Euglypha rotunda); however, no clear fire indicator species was found. Anthropogenic activities can increase peat fires and cause substantial hydrology changes. Our data suggest that increased human fire activity was one of the main factors that influenced peatland hydrology, though the mire response through hydrological changes towards drier conditions was delayed in relation to the surrounding vegetation changes.
Background. The Cypress Creek is one of the main tributaries of Lake Houston, which provides drinking water to 21.4 million customers. Furthermore, the watershed is being utilized for contact and non-contact recreation, such as canoeing, swimming, hiking trail, and picnics. Water along the creek is impacted by numerous wastewater outfalls from both point and non-point sources. As the creek flows into Lake Houston, it carries both organic and inorganic contaminants that may affect the drinking water quality of this important water source reservoir. Objective. This study was carried out to evaluate the inorganic chemical load of the water in Cypress Creek along its entire length, from the headwaters in Waller County and up to the drainage into Lake Houston. The purpose was to determine whether there are hazardous concentrations of metals in the water and what would be the likely sources. Method. Samples were collected at 29 sites along the creek and analyzed for 29 metals, 17 of which were on the Environmental Protection Agency priority pollution list. Public access sites primarily at bridges were used for sample collection. Samples were transported on ice to the University Of Texas School Of Public Health laboratory, spiked with 2 ml HNO3 kept overnight in the refrigerator, and the following day transported to the EPA laboratory for analysis. Analysis was done by EPA Method 200.7-ICP, Method 200.8ICP/MS and Method 245.1-CVAAS. Results. Metals were present above the detection limits at 65% of sites. Concentrations of aluminum, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, were particularly high at all sites. Aluminum, sodium, and iron concentrations greatly exceeded the EPA secondary drinking water standards at all sites. ^ Conclusion. The recreational water along Cypress Creek is impacted by wastewater from both permitted and non-permitted outfalls, which deposit inorganic substances into the water. Although a number of inorganic contaminants were present in the water, toxic metals regulated by the EPA were mostly below the recommended limits. However, high concentrations of aluminum, sodium, and iron in the Cypress Creek bring forward the issue of unauthorized discharges of salt water from mining, as well as industrial and domestic wastewater.^
A joint mesocosm experiment took place in February/March 2013 in the bay of Villefranche in France as part of the european MedSeA project. Nine mesocosms (52 m**3) were deployed over a 2 weeks period and 6 different levels of pCO2 and 3 control mesocosms (about 450 µatm), were used, in order to cover the range of pCO2 anticipated for the end of the present century. During this experiment, the potential effects of these perturbations on chemistry, planktonic community composition and dynamics including: eucaryotic and prokaryotic species composition, primary production, nutrient and carbon utilization, calcification, diazotrophic nitrogen fixation, organic matter exudation and composition, micro-layer composition and biogas production were studied by a group of about 25 scientists from 8 institutes and 6 countries. This is one of the first mesocosm experiments conducted in oligotrophic waters. A blog dedicated to this experiment can be viewed at: http://medseavillefranche2013.obs-vlfr.fr.
The Bienaventurada mine operates a polymetallic Ag-Pb-Zn (Cu, Au) vein system of the low sulphidation epithermal type. Fluid inclusions, FI, are abundant in quartz, sphalerite and adularia. FI petrography demonstrates typical primary growth zoning which occurs frequently in crystalline quartz, and defines the most common primary FI. These are usually very small, but several types of primary, P, and secondary, S, FI Assemblages (FIAs) comprising FI of measurable size (3 to > 100 μm) can also be identified through careful petrographic work. The fluids are aqueous and undersaturated, and no evidence of CO2 was found; the degree of fill is usually high (~70-80 %) in the L-rich inclusions, but extremely low in V-rich inclusions. The measured microthermometric values are very consistent in the FIAs selected; they are for the most part roughly similar in the P and S assemblages: the median is typically ~258ºC for total homogenization temperatures, Th, and -1.5 ºC for ice melting temperatures, Tm (corresponding to 2.57 wt% NaCl eq). The widespread occurrence of L-rich and V-rich FI in the same FIA and the consistent Th values point to an extensive boiling system along the vein. In these conditions, Th equals T of trapping, and the ores are assumed to have been precipitated from an aqueous low salinity boiling fluid, of likely meteoric origin, at some 250-280º C, under ~500 m hydrostatic head.
The fair innings argument (FIA) is frequently put forward as a justification for denying elderly patients treatment when they are in competition with younger patients and resources are scarce. In this paper I will examine some arguments that are used to support the FIA. My conclusion will be that they do not stand up to scrutiny and therefore, the FIA should not be used to justify the denial of treatment to elderly patients, or to support rationing of health care by age.