950 resultados para Extremal graphs
We present novel topological mappings between graphs, trees and generalized trees that means between structured objects with different properties. The two major contributions of this paper are, first, to clarify the relation between graphs, trees and generalized trees, a graph class recently introduced. Second, these transformations provide a unique opportunity to transform structured objects into a representation that might be beneficial for a processing, e.g., by machine learning techniques for graph classification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Measuring the structural similarity of graphs is a challenging and outstanding problem. Most of the classical approaches of the so-called exact graph matching methods are based on graph or subgraph isomorphic relations of the underlying graphs. In contrast to these methods in this paper we introduce a novel approach to measure the structural similarity of directed and undirected graphs that is mainly based on margins of feature vectors representing graphs. We introduce novel graph similarity and dissimilarity measures, provide some properties and analyze their algorithmic complexity. We find that the computational complexity of our measures is polynomial in the graph size and, hence, significantly better than classical methods from, e.g. exact graph matching which are NP-complete. Numerically, we provide some examples of our measure and compare the results with the well-known graph edit distance. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The state disturbance induced by locally measuring a quantum system yields a signature of nonclassical correlations beyond entanglement. Here, we present a detailed study of such correlations for two-qubit mixed states. To overcome the asymmetry of quantum discord and the unfaithfulness of measurement-induced disturbance (severely overestimating quantum correlations), we propose an ameliorated measurement-induced disturbance as nonclassicality indicator, optimized over joint local measurements, and we derive its closed expression for relevant two-qubit states. We study its analytical relation with discord, and characterize the maximally quantum-correlated mixed states, that simultaneously extremize both quantifiers at given von Neumann entropy: among all two-qubit states, these states possess the most robust quantum correlations against noise.
We explore experimentally the space of two-qubit quantum-correlated mixed states, including frontier states as defined by the use of quantum discord and von Neumann entropy. Our experimental setup is flexible enough to allow for high-quality generation of a vast variety of states. We address quantitatively the relation between quantum discord and a recently suggested alternative measure of quantum correlations.
The use of bit-level systolic array circuits as building blocks in the construction of larger word-level systolic systems is investigated. It is shown that the overall structure and detailed timing of such systems may be derived quite simply using the dependence graph and cut-set procedure developed by S. Y. Kung (1988). This provides an attractive and intuitive approach to the bit-level design of many VLSI signal processing components. The technique can be applied to ripple-through and partly pipelined circuits as well as fully systolic designs. It therefore provides a means of examining the relative tradeoff between levels of pipelining, chip area, power consumption, and throughput rate within a given VLSI design.
The highly structured nature of many digital signal processing operations allows these to be directly implemented as regular VLSI circuits. This feature has been successfully exploited in the design of a number of commercial chips, some examples of which are described. While many of the architectures on which such chips are based were originally derived on heuristic basis, there is an increasing interest in the development of systematic design techniques for the direct mapping of computations onto regular VLSI arrays. The purpose of this paper is to show how the the technique proposed by Kung can be readily extended to the design of VLSI signal processing chips where the organisation of computations at the level of individual data bits is of paramount importance. The technique in question allows architectures to be derived using the projection and retiming of data dependence graphs.
We consider the problem of sharing the cost of a network that meets the connection demands of a set of agents. The agents simultaneously choose paths in the network connecting their demand nodes. A mechanism splits the total cost of the network formed among the participants. We introduce two new properties of implementation. The first property, Pareto Nash implementation (PNI), requires that the efficient outcome always be implemented in a Nash equilibrium and that the efficient outcome Pareto dominates any other Nash equilibrium. The average cost mechanism and other asymmetric variations are the only mechanisms that meet PNI. These mechanisms are also characterized under strong Nash implementation. The second property, weakly Pareto Nash implementation (WPNI), requires that the least inefficient equilibrium Pareto dominates any other equilibrium. The egalitarian mechanism (EG) and other asymmetric variations are the only mechanisms that meet WPNI and individual
rationality. EG minimizes the price of stability across all individually rational mechanisms. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012
Physical Access Control Systems are commonly used to secure doors in buildings such as airports, hospitals, government buildings and offices. These systems are designed primarily to provide an authentication mechanism, but they also log each door access as a transaction in a database. Unsupervised learning techniques can be used to detect inconsistencies or anomalies in the mobility data, such as a cloned or forged Access Badge, or unusual behaviour by staff members. In this paper, we present an overview of our method of inferring directed graphs to represent a physical building network and the flows of mobility within it. We demonstrate how the graphs can be used for Visual Data Exploration, and outline how to apply algorithms based on Information Theory to the graph data in order to detect inconsistent or abnormal behaviour.
Real-world graphs or networks tend to exhibit a well-known set of properties, such as heavy-tailed degree distributions, clustering and community formation. Much effort has been directed into creating realistic and tractable models for unlabelled graphs, which has yielded insights into graph structure and evolution. Recently, attention has moved to creating models for labelled graphs: many real-world graphs are labelled with both discrete and numeric attributes. In this paper, we present AGWAN (Attribute Graphs: Weighted and Numeric), a generative model for random graphs with discrete labels and weighted edges. The model is easily generalised to edges labelled with an arbitrary number of numeric attributes. We include algorithms for fitting the parameters of the AGWAN model to real-world graphs and for generating random graphs from the model. Using the Enron “who communicates with whom” social graph, we compare our approach to state-of-the-art random labelled graph generators and draw conclusions about the contribution of discrete vertex labels and edge weights to the structure of real-world graphs.
Many graph datasets are labelled with discrete and numeric attributes. Most frequent substructure discovery algorithms ignore numeric attributes; in this paper we show how they can be used to improve search performance and discrimination. Our thesis is that the most descriptive substructures are those which are normative both in terms of their structure and in terms of their numeric values. We explore the relationship between graph structure and the distribution of attribute values and propose an outlier-detection step, which is used as a constraint during substructure discovery. By pruning anomalous vertices and edges, more weight is given to the most descriptive substructures. Our method is applicable to multi-dimensional numeric attributes; we outline how it can be extended for high-dimensional data. We support our findings with experiments on transaction graphs and single large graphs from the domains of physical building security and digital forensics, measuring the effect on runtime, memory requirements and coverage of discovered patterns, relative to the unconstrained approach.