999 resultados para Exotic states


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O Diário de uma Viagem a Timor (1882-1883) descreve o itinerário de Isabel Pinto da França Tamagnini entre Singapura e Díli. O Diário oferece uma representação peculiar da cultura asiática e das suas mulheres, através do olhar de uma europeia cuja formação e mundividência em pouco ultrapassavam a esfera doméstica e religiosa. A escrita de Tamagnini reflecte a sensibilidade de um estrato privilegiado da sociedade, que considerava a escrita feminina como um passatempo tolerável de senhoras prendadas. Logo nas primeiras linhas do Diário, Tamagnini afirma claramente que a sua produção e recepção devem restringir-se ao círculo da família e amigos, pois ela mesma o considera um texto recreativo e impressionista. Mas é precisamente esta característica que faz do Diário de Tamagnini um documento da sociedade colonial portuguesa de finais do século xix. Tamagnini compõe uma representação subjectiva de uma realidade ‘exótica’ e dos seus actores, recordando a noção de ‘orientalismo’ de Edward Said. O olhar de Tamagnini é dominado pela pertença a uma elite etnocêntrica e produz um texto crítico, simultaneamente confessional e moralizador. Tamagnini parece viajar através de espaços de socialização aristocrática, mais do que através de geografias e culturas. Mas o espaço urbano é progressivamente substituído pelo território ‘selvagem’, à medida que a viagem se aproxima do destino. E aqui o Diário funciona como texto paradigmático, se bem que por vezes irreverente, de uma representação etnocêntrica da colónia, dos agentes coloniais e ‘seus’ colonizados, com especial atenção à descrição dos ‘tipos’ femininos observados ao longo desta Viagem a Timor.


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This paper aims at putting into perspective the recent, post 9/11 debate on the United States‘ alleged exceptionalism and its impact on the definition of American foreign policy. It reminds the readers that the United States was born as a result of a similar debate, at a time when a crucial choice for its future was to be made. Indeed, the Founding Fathers discarded the revolutionary idea that America was altogether different from other (European) nations and, as such, could succeed in saving republicanism and concentrate on domestic affairs. As Gordon Wood and Harvey Mansfield have shown, the 1787 version of republicanism stood as a departure from its earlier version, and such a change was necessary to the creation of a full-fledged federation, therefore paving the way to the current powerful Federal Republic. The early failure of the exceptionalist creed did not cause its disappearance, as the contemporary form of exceptionalism demonstrates, but created conditions that made an enduring and powerful influence very difficult.


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Sleep-states are emerging as a first-class design choice in energy minimization. A side effect of this is that the release behavior of the system is affected and subsequently the preemption relations between tasks. In a first step we have investigated how the behavior in terms of number of preemptions of tasks in the system is changed at runtime, using an existing procrastination approach, which utilizes sleepstates for energy savings purposes. Our solution resulted in substantial savings of preemptions and we expect from even higher yields for alternative energy saving algorithms. This work is intended to form the base of future research, which aims to bound the number of preemptions at analysis time and subsequently how this may be employed in the analysis to reduced the amount of system utilization, which is reserved to account for the preemption delay.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the PhD degree in Biochemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa


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We study exotic patterns appearing in a network of coupled Chen oscillators. Namely, we consider a network of two rings coupled through a “buffer” cell, with Z3×Z5 symmetry group. Numerical simulations of the network reveal steady states, rotating waves in one ring and quasiperiodic behavior in the other, and chaotic states in the two rings, to name a few. The different patterns seem to arise through a sequence of Hopf bifurcations, period-doubling, and halving-period bifurcations. The network architecture seems to explain certain observed features, such as equilibria and the rotating waves, whereas the properties of the chaotic oscillator may explain others, such as the quasiperiodic and chaotic states. We use XPPAUT and MATLAB to compute numerically the relevant states.


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FCM: UC Bioquímica I - PhD Thesis


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Neisseria meningitidis are gram-negative diplococci responsible for cases of meningococcal disease all over the world. The epidemic potential of N. meningitidis serogroup B and C is clearly a function of their serotype antigens more than of their capsular polysaccharides. Until recently, hiperimmune sera were used to detect typing antigens on the bacteria. The advent of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) offered the opportunity to eliminate many of the cross-reactions and have improved the accuracy and reproducibility of meningococcal serotyping. We have produced a MAb to the outer membrane protein of the already existent serotype 17 that have been detected by the use of hiperimmune rabbit sera. The prevalence of this serotype epitope is low in the Brazilian strains. By using the MAb 17 we could not decrease the percentage of nontypeable serogroup C strains. However, there were a decreasing in nontypeable strains to 13% into serogroup B strains and to 25% into the other serogroups.


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It is well known that reactions are commonplace occurrences during the course of leprosy disease. Stigmatization may even be attributable to reactions which are also responsible for the worsening of neural lesions. A cohort of 162 newly-diagnosed baciloscopically positive patients from the Leprosy Care Outpatient Clinic of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) was selected for this study. While 46% of the multibacillary (MB) patients submitted to the 24 fixed-dose multidrug therapy (MDT) regimen suffered reactions during treatment, it was found that all MBs were susceptible and that constant attention and care were required at all times. Fourteen per cent were classified as BB, 52% as BL, and 33% as LL. None of the variables under study, such as, sex, age, clinical form, length of illness, length of dermatological lesions, baciloscopic index (BI), or degree of disability proved to be associate with reaction among the patients studied. Reversal Reaction (RR) occurred in 45%, and Erythema Nodosum Leprosum (ENL) occurred in 55%. Among BB patients who developed reactions (15 patients), 93% presented RR; while among the LL patients who developed reactions (34 patients), 91% presented ENL. Likewise, ENL was very frequent among those with disseminate lesions, while RR was most often observed in patients with segmentary lesions. RR was also most likely to occur during the initial months of treatment. It was demonstrated that the recurrence rate of ENL was significantly higher than that of RR. Neither grade of disability nor BI was shown to be associated with RR and ENL reaction. However, the RR rate was significantly higher among patients showing BI < 3, while ENL predominated among those patients with BI > 3.


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Heterogeneous multicore platforms are becoming an interesting alternative for embedded computing systems with limited power supply as they can execute specific tasks in an efficient manner. Nonetheless, one of the main challenges of such platforms consists of optimising the energy consumption in the presence of temporal constraints. This paper addresses the problem of task-to-core allocation onto heterogeneous multicore platforms such that the overall energy consumption of the system is minimised. To this end, we propose a two-phase approach that considers both dynamic and leakage energy consumption: (i) the first phase allocates tasks to the cores such that the dynamic energy consumption is reduced; (ii) the second phase refines the allocation performed in the first phase in order to achieve better sleep states by trading off the dynamic energy consumption with the reduction in leakage energy consumption. This hybrid approach considers core frequency set-points, tasks energy consumption and sleep states of the cores to reduce the energy consumption of the system. Major value has been placed on a realistic power model which increases the practical relevance of the proposed approach. Finally, extensive simulations have been carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the best-case, savings up to 18% of energy are reached over the first fit algorithm, which has shown, in previous works, to perform better than other bin-packing heuristics for the target heterogeneous multicore platform.


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Well-structured questionnaire on the perception, impression and response to genitourinary bilharziasis (Genitourinary schistosomiasis) was administered and explained in local languages: 'Igbo' 'Esan' 'Ezon' Itshekiri and Bini to 33815 inhabitants of selected endemic areas in south-eastern Nigeria from January, 1999 to December, 2001. Out of this number, 3815 (11.3%) were properly filled and returned. About 42.0% of the inhabitants admitted knowledge of the disease, while 14 (0.4%) knew about the aetiologic agent. About 181 (5.0%) who responded, admitted procuring treatment, while 100 (5.0%) declined to seek treatment of any sort. The relationships between water-bodies and human activities, and infection were well discussed. Amongst those who admitted knowledge of the disease but no knowledge of its etiologic agent, declined seeking treatment of any kind, but believe the disease is a natural phenomenon in ones developmental stage and therefore of no morbidity and mortality. Laboratory analysis of urine, faeces, semen and HVS was employed to assess questionnaire responses, and in some cases, physical examination was utilized to augment laboratory analysis in confirming urinal diagnosis. Haematuria was only directly related to egg count in the early part of life. Females were significantly haematuric and excreted more ova than males (p < 0.05). Headache (43.0%) and fever (31.0%) were major clinical signs while sexual pains (22.0%) were the least.


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Since October 2001, the Adolfo Lutz Institute has been receiving vesicular fluids and scab specimens of patients from Paraíba Valley region in the São Paulo and Minas Gerais States and from São Patricio Valley, in the Goiás State. Epidemiological data suggested that the outbreaks were caused by Cowpox virus or Vaccinia virus. Most of the patients are dairy milkers that had vesiculo-pustular lesions on the hands, arms, forearms, and some of them, on the face. Virus particles with orthopoxvirus morphology were detected by direct electron microscopy (DEM) in samples of 49 (66.21%) patients of a total of 74 analyzed. Viruses were isolated in Vero cell culture and on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of embryonated chicken eggs. Among 21 samples submitted to PCR using primers for hemagglutinin (HA) gene, 19 were positive. Restriction digestion with TaqI resulted in four characteristic Vaccinia virus fragments. HA nucleotide sequences showed 99.9% similarity with Cantagalo virus, described as a strain of Vaccinia virus. The only difference observed was the substitution of one nucleotide in the position 616 leading to change in one amino acid of the protein in the position 206. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolates clustered together with Cantagalo virus, other Vaccinia strains and Rabbitpox virus.


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To determine the prevalence of intestinal microsporidiosis in HIV-infected patients, we performed a prospective study of HIV-infected patients with diarrheal illnesses in three US hospitals and examined an observational database of HIV-infected patients in 10 US cities. Among 737 specimens from the three hospitals, results were positive for 11 (prevalence 1.5%); seven (64%) acquired HIV through male-to-male sexual contact, two (18%) through male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use, and one (9%) through heterosexual contact; one (9%) had an undetermined mode of transmission. Median CD4 count within six months of diagnosis of microsporidiosis was 33 cells/µL (range 3 to 319 cells/µL). For the national observational database (n = 24,098), the overall prevalence of microsporidiosis was 0.16%. Prevalence of microsporidiosis among HIV-infected patients with diarrheal disease is low, and microsporidiosis is most often diagnosed in patients with very low CD4+ cell counts. Testing for microsporidia appears to be indicated, especially for patients with very low CD4+ cell counts.


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Puffer fish can be poisonous due to the presence of the potent neurotoxins such as Tetrodotoxin (TTX) and Saxitoxin (STX) found in its tissues. The authors report 27 human poisonings from ingestion of puffer fish in patients treated at Toxicology Centers in the states of Santa Catarina and Bahia, Brazil, between 1984 and January 2009. Poisonings were classified as moderate (52%) and severe (33%), two deaths were observed. Early diagnosis is very important to ensure respiratory support.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics