157 resultados para Etnolog\ia


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The proposal of the present study is to get to know and to analyze the building up of the culture notion among the participants of the Paresi Kozarini group in the ethnodevelopment context. The main focus is the ethnographic study, presenting a description of Aldeia Rio Verde (Paresi Indigenous Land), understanding it as a synthesis of historic processes which explains the current moment of Paresi Indigenous group. By using the mentioned methodology, the processes and social relations produced along the contact path of this group with regional-national culture were focused, and how that contact affects the present. The research questions which concern the present study refer to the processes of identification of the researched subjects about themselves and in relation to others. According as almost the totality of the indigenous group we usually know as Paresi, recognize itself as Kozarini, the attention is directed to the manner how they see themselves and how they differ from the other Paresi groups, not indigenous people, and other indigenous groups; and which meanings of the prefix ethno- (which culture elements) they have elected to represent and manage external matters to their culture and society, in the context of discussions about ethnodevelopment


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Se describen las diferencias entre de las respuestas emocionales y físicas, las creencias, percepciones, vivencias y experiencias hombres y mujeres saraguro con dolor crónico producidos por artrosis de diferentes localizaciones en indígenas adultos Saraguro y los sufrimientos que como construcción cultural se asocian o preceden al dolor. Se analizan ocho entrevistas a profundidad y dos grupos de discusión naturales de hombres y mujeres adultos pertenecientes a la etnia Saraguro (kichwa) del Cantón del mismo nombre en la Provincia de Loja; todos hablan el español y el kichwa andino. Hombres y mujeres son notablemente diferentes. Los hombres tienden a encerrarse en el dolor, limitan la comunicación, se tornan agresivos o se refugian en el alcohol. Las mujeres, al inicio aparentemente más sensibles, procesan de mejor manera el dolor, lo comparten y en el diálogo buscan la solución. Los hombres se introducen en un espiral que puede producir derrota emocional; las mujeres se mueven en el espacio de los diálogos y remedian mejor el sufrimiento. La comunidad como apoyo y posibilidad de equilibrio juega papel importante en la solución de los problemas. Las causas del dolor suelen atribuirse a las influencias del medio cercano o lejano en la posibilidad del daño infringido por otros. Los desequilibrios energéticos con la naturaleza y la comunidad posibilitan la aparición de dolor y sufrimiento. Los hombres que sufren dolor esperan admiración y las mujeres diálogo. El sufrimiento/dolor es en el mundo saraguro un acontecimiento que requiere de la voluntad del sufriente y del aporte de la comunidad para resolverlo. El sufrimiento/dolor se conserva como experiencia comunicable


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This dissertation present an analysis of the interethnic conflict between Makuxi and Wapixana at the current moment in the Maloca of the Adobe, Aboriginal Land Fox-Mountain range of the Sun, in the State of Roraima. The theoretical field was boarded in the Ethnology, pursuing situations in local history, with edges in ethno-history. The research elapsed of the deepening necessity on the social relations and aboriginal politics, for the intercultural professional exercise of educator, appealing the bibliographical survey and participant comment as method; not directive interviews, photographs, filmings and daily register in of field, as techniques carried through in the period of 2006 to 2007. Although to inhabit in the same area and to establish marriages between itself, individuals and groups express tensions, aggravated with the landmark and legal recognition of the area, which generated inter dispute and intraetnias, mainly with the intrusion of farmers, rizicultores and the form of governmental influence. A relation of rivalry, individual and collective was evidenced, suggesting the strengthenig and not it fractionly, of the fights external politics, interns and in way to the cultural diversity and social adversity


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This paper proposes to analyse a situation of social drama involving the Krahô Indians (classified in ethnology as belonging to Jê-Timbira group) and the Museu Paulista of the Universidade de São Paulo, which we can classify as two distinct social fields. The understanding of the drama is conveyed through an examination of each of these fields and the coming together of both on the basis of the positions taken up, within the network of relationships established during the social process, by actors representing both the Krahô field and what we may call here the academic-administrative field. A multi-sited ethnographic approach is adopted, seeking the complexity of the drama and the positions in the aforementioned network, taking into consideration institutional political projects, personal projects and personal trajectories within a historical perspective. The aim is to encourage discussion of the relationship between the formation of the historical-scientific and ethnographic museums and the practices of the anthropological discipline, as well as the social role of these institutions and the processes of signification of objects belonging to the indigenous material culture


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The proposal of the present study is to get to know and to analyze the building up of the culture notion among the participants of the Paresi Kozarini group in the ethnodevelopment context. The main focus is the ethnographic study, presenting a description of Aldeia Rio Verde (Paresi Indigenous Land), understanding it as a synthesis of historic processes which explains the current moment of Paresi Indigenous group. By using the mentioned methodology, the processes and social relations produced along the contact path of this group with regional-national culture were focused, and how that contact affects the present. The research questions which concern the present study refer to the processes of identification of the researched subjects about themselves and in relation to others. According as almost the totality of the indigenous group we usually know as Paresi, recognize itself as Kozarini, the attention is directed to the manner how they see themselves and how they differ from the other Paresi groups, not indigenous people, and other indigenous groups; and which meanings of the prefix ethno- (which culture elements) they have elected to represent and manage external matters to their culture and society, in the context of discussions about ethnodevelopment


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Na Europa a realidade sociodemográfica das cidades tem vindo a mudar substancialmente nas últimas décadas devido à intensificação dos fluxos migratórios e dos efeitos da globalização. Hoje os espaços urbanos são cada vez mais multiculturais, evidenciando diferentes expressões culturais, mas também tensões várias. Como podem os museus contribuir para a discussão sobre diversidade cultural e migração? Que políticas museológicas desenvolvem em torno da diversidade cultural e do diálogo intercultural? Que contributos e iniciativas promovem? Este livro explora as relações que os museus estabelecem com comunidades e grupos associados à imigração, a partir de três estudos de caso: o Museum of World Culture (Suécia), o World Museum Liverpool (Reino Unido) e o Museu Nacional de Etnologia (Portugal). A autora analisa as estratégias desenvolvidas com as comunidades e grupos numa dupla perspectiva, por um lado, enquanto participantes na construção de narrativas contemporâneas sobre património cultural (material e imaterial) e identidade e, por outro lado, enquanto públicos locais no contexto de estratégias de captação de públicos diversos. Uma abordagem histórica dos percursos e contextos institucionais de cada um dos museus revelou as suas especificidades e diferenças, enquanto o balanço comparativo perspectivou problemas e motivações partilhados. Os museus etnográficos estão entre os museus que mais desafios têm enfrentado nas últimas décadas e onde o tema da diversidade cultural interpela de forma transversal as várias frentes de actuação – desde as colecções, à documentação e investigação, às exposições, ao envolvimento de públicos e comunidades, à deontologia, à gestão e ao financiamento. Como demonstra esta obra, a contemporaneidade convoca mudanças significativas na forma como os museus se organizam e no fortalecimento da sua função social.