294 resultados para Estates, Unclaimed


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As part of the SUBR:IM work (www.subrim.org.uk) being undertaken at The College, the research team for this project (Tim Dixon, Yasmin Pocock and Mike Waters) has produced the first two of three volumes covering Stage 2 of the research. Volume 1 examines the results from the national UK developer interviews (carried out in 2004-2005); National Land Use Database (NLUD) analysis (1998-2003); and residential planning permission analysis for Salford/Manchester and Barking & Dagenham (2000-2004) using Estates Gazette Interactive (EGi) data and published information. Volume 1 (of 3): Literature Review, National Developer Interviews, Planning Permission Analysis and NLUD Analysis


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As part of the SUBR:IM work (www.subrim.org.uk) being undertaken at The College, the research team for this project (Tim Dixon, Yasmin Pocock and Mike Waters) has produced the first two of three volumes covering Stage 2 of the research. Volume 1 examines the results from the national UK developer interviews (carried out in 2004-2005); National Land Use Database (NLUD) analysis (1998-2003); and residential planning permission analysis for Salford/Manchester and Barking & Dagenham (2000-2004) using Estates Gazette Interactive (EGi) data and published information. Volume 2 covers the sub-regional context for Thames Gateway and Greater Manchester, which form the basis for the case studies (these are to be published as Volume 3 Volume 2 (of 3): Sub-regional context (Thames Gateway and Greater Manchester)


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While it was happening, European expansion was often legitimised by evoking frontier images: pioneers setting off from the metropolis, penetrating wilderness in order to open access to resources, like minerals, living-space, and fertile lands. Central to the ideology of the frontier is the notion of 'no-man's land'. These 'pioneers', however, often had to face local inhabitants and their interpretations and uses of this land. Thus it will be argued that contestations over landscape were at the same time battles over the legitimation of European expansion, as well as over local perceptions of this process. Ideologically, contestations by Europeans and Africans become apparent in the sexualisation of landscape. This paper is based on the case study of a Valley in eastern Zimbabwe on the border with Mozambique, and more specifically of two tea estates which were established in the rainforest. Unusually late for the region, European influence in this remote area only began to become significant in the 1950s which were an important turning point regarding land and landscape in the area. These years of great change will be analysed in order to map out different strands of interest by the main parties involved. It will be demonstrated that their readings of landscape translated into contestations over land. A recent example of such a conflict will be given.


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From the early Roman period, there is archaeological evidence for the exploitation of the Flemish coastal plain (Belgium) for a range of activities, such as sheep herding on the then developing salt-marshes and salt-meadows for the production of wool. During the early Middle Ages, this culminated in the establishment of dedicated ‘sheep estates’. This phase of exploitation was followed by extensive drainage and land reclamation measures in the high Medieval period, transforming areas into grassland, suited for cattle breeding. As part of a larger project investigating the onset, intensification and final decline of sheep management in coastal Flanders in the historical period, this pilot study presents the results of sequential sampling and oxygen isotope analysis of a number of sheep teeth (M2, n = 8) from four late Roman and Medieval sites (dating from 4th to 15th century AD), in order to assess potential variations in season of birth between the different sites and through time. In comparison with published data from herds of known birth season, incremental enamel data from the Flemish sites are consistent with late winter/spring births, with the possibility of some instances of slightly earlier parturition. These findings suggest that manipulation of season of birth was not a feature of the sheep husbandry-based economies of early historic Flanders, further evidencing that wool production was the main purpose of contemporary sheep rearing in the region. Manipulation of season of birth is not likely to have afforded economic advantage in wool-centred economies, unlike in some milk- or meat-based regimes.


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This article considers the ways in which British youth telefantasy Misfits (E4, 2009–13) takes up and makes strange urban spaces familiar from social-realist narratives. Filmed on the sprawling East London estate, Thamesmead, the programme chronicles a group of young offenders who are given powers by a freak storm, turning them into ‘ASBO superheroes’. Misfits depends on its British urban landscapes for the assertion of its ‘authenticity’ within British youth television, using spaces and landscapes familiar from urban youth exploitation cinema and television's narratives of the underclass. After situating the series within existing cultural discourses and recent developments in social-realist representations, the article explores how Misfits disrupts what have become signifiers for the ‘real’ – the brutalism of housing estates, the grey of the concrete and sky – by making them strange, turning them into telefantasy. The series presents the estate as an uncanny place: the domestic, social-realist world shifted into a fantastical space by the storm. Through close analysis, this article explores how the familiar spaces become skewed and unsettling to match our protagonists' isolation, shifting bodies and scrambled sense of self.


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This chapter presents a simple econometric model of the medieval English economy, focusing on the relationship between money, prices and incomes. The model is estimated using annual data for the period 1263-1520 obtained from various sources. The start date is determined by the availability of continuous runs of annual data, while the finishing date immediately precedes the take-off of Tudor price inflation. Accounts from the ecclesiastical and monastic estates have survived in great numbers for this period, thereby ensuring that crop yields can be estimated from a regionally representative set of estates.


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Development of an infrastructure for Brundtland Renewable Energy Network - BREN is a European Commission Alterner Project with Contract no XVII/4. 1030/Z96-032.The project has its origin in the UN-report “Our Common Future”, 1989. A change in and reduction of the use of energy was fundamental in order to reach the goals which the report proposed. Denmark decided on an action plan on how energy consumption could be reduced “Energi 2000 - Handlingsplan för en bäredygtig udvikling”. The ministries of energy in Denmark and Schleswig Holstein both agreed to start an energy saving project in a smaller town. The project was called “Brundtlandby” and the two first were Toftlund in South Jutland and Bredstedt in North Friesland. After a short period a further two German Cities, Rheinsberg and Viernheim, and Rajec in Slovakia joined the group. A network for the exchange of knowledge and experience between the cities was formed. The network, Brundtland City Project, inspired the participating cities in the continuing work with energy saving measures. The Brundtland City Project was presented at an international conference “Cities and Energy” in Trondheim, Norway,in December 1995. Great interest was shown in the project and it was decided that a network should be developed in northern European countries as a pilot project to be enlarged with other European countries later on. A steering committee was formed with representatives from the nordic countries.An application was sent to the European Commission, Alterner Program, and was approved in Juli 1996. The project was subdivided into nine activities. Activity 1, consisted of summarising the experiences of the Brundtland City Project in Toftlund, Denmark and the Brundtland Cities network in Slovakia, Germany and Denmark. The Scandinavian part started with Activity 2, to engage municipalities/cities in Finland, Norway and Sweden in the project. The Solar Energy Research Center, SERC, Högskolan Dalarna was appointed as co-ordinator for the Swedish part. The project was presented at a seminar on the 30th September for representatives from the municipalities of Borlänge and Falun. On the 10th of December 1996 the two municipalities accepted the invitation to join the Northern network. Pelle Helje, Borlänge Energi, has been informant for the municipality of Borlänge and Anders Goop, Department of Urban Planninginformant for the municipality of Falun with Jan Kaans, Estates department providing information to the basis for the Newsletter.Reports on the work in Borlänge and Falun municipalities have been made to Brundtland Center Denmark on three occasions; Activities 2-5, 16-12-1997, Activities 6-7, including parts of activities 8-9, 03-03-1998, and the basis for the Newsletter, 01-07-1998. The Nordic reports have been compiled at the Brundtland Center Denmark for submission to the European Commission. English has been the common language. After the report of activities 2 - 5 the participants wereinvited to a project meeting and a workshop at Brundtland Center the 23rd and 24th March 1998.This was the first occasion the participants in the project met and the network thus took a moreconcrete form. It also was decided that the next meeting should be in Borlänge in August 1998,with Borlänge Energi and Solar Energy Research Center SERC as organisers. As BrundtlandCentre Denmark was wound up for financial reasons, the project meeting in Borlänge wascancelled.Compilation of the Final Report was carried out by Esbensen Consultants in October 1998Future development of the networkIt is intended to continue the work with the Brundtland City Network as an “EU Thermie Bproject”and the network will be enlarged with the addition of four new Brundtland Cities from Austria, Germany, Italy and Great Britain. In addition the village of Putja in Estonia will join the network but this will be financed by the EU-Phare programme.


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A institucionalização de acervos particulares de artistas não é um fenômeno recente, mas esse processo se acelerou nos últimos 30 anos. As transformações sociais decorrentes do estabelecimento de uma ordem econômica globalizada criaram novas regras no universo das organizações culturais. Este trabalho é o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre instituições responsáveis por gerir acervos de artistas contemporâneos realizada com o objetivo de encontrar diretrizes para a constituição de uma iniciativa da mesma ordem: o Ateliê Carlos Vergara. O tema foi examinado com base em entrevistas com cinco artistas plásticos brasileiros e em um levantamento sobre a trajetória de Carlos Vergara e de seu ateliê. Algumas questões relacionadas à organização e à preservação dos acervos, à sustentabilidade das instituições, ao papel dos herdeiros em sua gestão, assim como ao alinhamento dessas iniciativas aos princípios dos artistas, são discutidas neste texto.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar três bancos comunitários de desenvolvimento (BCDs) paulistanos, ligados ao movimento de moradia, em seus primeiros meses de existência (de junho de 2009 a dezembro de 2011), tendo-se por base a perspectiva dos atores envolvidos. A partir de 2004, iniciou-se um processo de disseminação dos bancos comunitários conduzidos pelas lideranças criadoras da primeira instituição desse tipo no país, o Banco Palmas, fundado em 1998, em Fortaleza (CE), e pela Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária (SENAES). Existem poucos estudos sobre os bancos comunitários disseminados e poucas informações sobre as contingências existentes no processo de adoção desses bancos. O presente trabalho pretende contribuir suprindo essa lacuna. O trabalho conclui que, no caso dos três bancos comunitários paulistanos, ligados ao movimento de moradia, há contingências em dois níveis de implementação. O primeiro nível é caracterizado pela relação entre os coordenadores de associações comunitárias de construção, as quais dão suporte ao banco, os gerentes, os analistas de crédito e os caixas dos bancos, e os moradores dos conjuntos habitacionais onde os bancos estão inseridos. Nesse nível de implementação as contingências são: o confronto entre a agenda da associação comunitária de construção e do banco comunitário, a realização de atividades pelos trabalhadores e gerentes dos bancos cujo foco não é o banco comunitário e a intensidade do trabalho do agente de crédito. No segundo nível de implementação, caracterizado pela relação entre as ações indutoras da adoção dos bancos comunitários e os coordenadores de associação, os gerentes, analistas de crédito e caixas dos bancos, foram identificadas as seguintes contingências: o conjunto de obstáculos existente com o gestor da rede de correspondentes e o conjunto de obstáculos gerados por problemas ocorridos no modelo de indução vertical. As estratégias adotadas pelos bancos estudados para contraporem-se a tais contingências referem-se à busca de parcerias com uma instituição geograficamente mais próxima, parceria esta não consolidada até o fim do período analisado, para obtenção de recursos e gerenciamento da rede de correspondente, e à espera por recursos adicionais, baseado no modelo de indução vertical.


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Brazilian Housing policy has always promoted homeownership. In 1999, a new form of housing promotion was set up in the country with the PAR (Programa de Arrendamento Residencial, or residential rental programme). This is a sort of leasing, in which a right to buy is granted at the end of contract. Again, with this, the final objective is homeownership. This dissertation aims at further understanding the role of PAR in the wake of the country s housing policies of the post-BNH period, analysing the case of João Pessoa, capital city of Paraíba state. By focusing in the city, it has been possible to analyse also the impact of the programme in the dynamics of the city s urban development. Accordingly, the analysis of PAR seeks to understand the programme s operational aspects as well as its location, urban and architectural aspects. The operational aspects refer to how the programme is operated, considering the differences to the other housing programmes in the country. The urban and architectural aspects refer to location, typology and construction characteristics of housing estates produced under the scheme. This study gives a general view of the country s recent housing policy and programmes and the specific characteristics of PAR, observing also its impacts in the city development


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This work analyzes the reutilization of real estate of patrimonial interest, come back toward habitation. One understands as real estate of patrimonial interest the old ones that present relevant architectural typologies that must be preserved; some buildings that represent characteristic architectural styles of a determined period; some valued real estates for the history of the city (historical, memory and image signification that has of certain places) and buildings with exceptional artistic elements. In short, real estate of patrimonial interest. The place or site to be studied will be the neighborhood of the Ribeira, because is an area that protects a bigger interest for the historic patrimony of the city. The habitation use was thought as a booster element of revitalization processes of degradable historic site, contributing to the preservation of artistic, architectural and historic patrimony, and thus to stimulate the accomplishment of the re-qualification of the neighborhood of the Ribeira. It is intended with the present study to examine alternatives to make possible habitation re (uses) in the historical quarter of the Ribeira in old constructions of patrimonial value


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Infected calves from two different rural estates in Brazil were studied to assess the anthelmintic efficacy of oral trichlorfon against naturally occurring ivermectin resistant parasitic nematode strains. In experiment 1, infected animals were from a region where ivermectin resistant populations of Haemoncus placei, Cooperia punctata,Cooperia spatulata and Trichuris discolor have recently been identified. Six calves with natural gastrointestinal nematode infections were treated with 48.5 mg/kg aqueous trichlorfon administered orally and six calves acted as a non-treated control group. In experiment 11 24 naturally infected calves were selected to enter one of four treatment groups, six animals each received: 48.5 mg/kg oral trichlorfon; 200 mu g/kg subcutaneous 1% ivermectin; 630 mu g/kg subcutaneous 3.15% ivermectin; or no treatment (control group). Gastrointestinal helminths were counted and identified post-mortem at 7 days (trichlorfon and 1% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) or 14 days (3.15% ivermectin treated and untreated animals) after administration of the test agents. Experiment I identified a high level efficacy for oral trichlorfon against four helminth species that have previously been shown to be ivermectin resistant in this geographical region: percentage efficacy was 99.82% against adult H. placei, 99.18% against C. punctata, 99.33% against C. spatulata, 81.06% against T. axei, 98.46% against Oesophagostomum radiatum and 100% against T. discolor. Trichlorfon also showed activity against the ivermectin (1% and 3.15%) resistant helminth species identified in experiment 11, attaining efficacy levels of 99.17% against H. placei, 98.46% against C punctata and 100.00% against T. discolor. These findings indicate that oral trichlorfon is an effective treatment option in the management of cattle infected with ivermectin resistant helminths. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.