921 resultados para Energy systems optimisation


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten hajautettu energiantuotanto ja siihen liittyvä liiketoiminta tulee muuttumaan tulevaisuudessaja mitä mahdollisuuksia se voisi tarjota suomalaiselle osaamiselle. Työssä käydään läpi lyhyesti hajautetun energiantuotannon teknologian nykytilaa ja tehdään teknis-taloudellista vertailua eri tuotantoteknologioiden välillä. Tämän jälkeenon muodostettu asiantuntijoiden ja aktoreiden kanssa liiketoimin-taympäristöskenaarioita, jotka kuvaavat tulevaisuuden muutossuuntia hajautetun energian-tuotannon liiketoiminnassa. Skenaarioistunnoissa löydettiin muutosta ajavat voimat ja pohdittiin niiden vaikutusta alan kehitykseen. Työn tuloksena määriteltiin skenaarioiden kehitystä vahvimmin ohjaaviksi tekijöiksi infrastruktuurin kehittyneisyys ja toisaalta myös yhteiskunnan ohjaustoimet. Niiden pohjalta luotiin lopulliset neljä skenaariota ja niille kaikille liiketoimintakuvaukset. Skenaarioiden avulla suomalaisen toimijan näkökulmasta arvioitiin houkuttelevimmiksi markkina-alueiksi EU-15, Venäjä, Intia ja Kiina. Moninaisista liiketoimintaa estävistä te-kijöistä huolimatta markkinoilta löytyi suuri potentiaali hajautetun energiantuotannon jär-jestelmille. Potentiaalisimmiksi teknologioiksi suomalaisten yritysten kannalta nähtiin puolestaan diesel- ja kaasumoottorit, tuulivoima, pienvesivoima sekä bioenergia. Yhdessä markkina- ja teknologiatutkimuksien sekä skenaariotyön avulla luotiin uusia liiketoimin-takonseptikuvauksia tulevaisuuden hajautetun energiantuotannon markkinoille suomalai-sen toimijan näkökulmasta.


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La présente recherche traite des défis posés à l'action publique territoriale par la transition énergétique, transition désormais érigée au rang de priorité par les autorités françaises et suisses, comme plus globalement européennes. Elle prend pour cela appui sur une analyse des démarches de planification énergétique territoriale menées entre 2007 et 2014 sur le territoire franco-valdo-genevois (agglomération du « Grand-Genève »). Considérées comme des laboratoires d'expérimentation de la territorialisation des politiques énergétiques, ces démarches sont ici examinées selon une perspective institutionnaliste et pragmatiste visant à mettre lumière les éléments qui interviennent dans la délimitation du champ des possibles en matière d'action publique énergétique et territoriale. Ce positionnement découle des évolutions observées sur le territoire franco-valdo-genevois durant la période d'étude (chapitre 1). Il découle plus précisément du constat de récurrence de certains points de blocage rencontrés aussi bien dans les démarches de planification énergétique elles-mêmes que dans les travaux méthodologiques qui ont pu être réalisés parallèlement à ces démarches, dans le but d'en affiner les outils techniques et organisationnels de mise en oeuvre. Ainsi, le point de départ de la présente recherche est le constat selon lequel on peine tout autant à construire des solutions énergétiques appropriables et réalisables par les acteurs des territoires concernés qu'à reconfigurer les outils de production de ces solutions. De ce constat découle l'intérêt porté aux cadres institutionnels qui régissent ces planifications énergétiques territoriales. Définis comme l'ensemble des repères - formels et informels - qui rendent possibles en même temps qu'ils contraignent les interactions territorialisées entre les acteurs, ces cadres institutionnels sont placés au coeur de la grille de (re)lecture des expériences de planification énergétique territoriale établie au chapitre 2 de la thèse. En référence aux concepts institutionnalistes et pragmatistes sur lesquels elle prend appui, cette grille conduit à appréhender ces expériences comme autant d'enquêtes contribuant, à travers le travail de mobilisation et construction de représentations territoriales auquel elles donnent lieu, à l'équipement sociocognitif d'un champ d'intervention territorial spécifique. Partant de l'hypothèse selon laquelle les potentialités comme les limites associées à l'équipement sociocognitif de ce champ orientent les possibilités d'action collective, la réflexion consiste en une application de cette grille à une trentaine d'expériences de planification énergétique territoriale. Cette application s'effectue en deux temps, correspondant à deux niveaux de lecture de ces démarches. Le premier porte sur les dispositifs organisationnels et les modalités d'interactions entre les cultures d'action qu'elles réunissent (chapitre 3). Le second se concentre davantage sur les supports cognitifs (représentations territoriales) autour desquels se structurent ces interactions (chapitre 4). Présentés dans le dernier chapitre de la thèse (chapitre 5), les enseignements tirés de ce travail de réexamen des démarches franco-valdo-genevoises de planification énergétique territoriale sont de deux ordres. Ils portent d'abord sur les caractéristiques des cadres institutionnels existants, la manière dont ils orientent ces démarches et délimitent les évolutions possibles dans les modes d'action collective et plus particulièrement d'action publique qui y sont associés. Mais ils portent aussi sur les potentiels de changement associés à ces démarches, et sur les pistes envisageables pour mieux valoriser es potentiels, dont l'activation passe par des évolutions profondes des systèmes institutionnels en place. -- In France as in Switzerland, local authorities stand out as leading players of energy transition, a transition that requires an important renewal of public intervention instruments. It is the stakes and the conditions of such a renewal that the present work aims to examine, based on the experiments of territorial energy planning led on the franco-valdo-genevan cross-border territory. Conceived as initiatives of relocation of the energy supply system, these energy planning initiatives are examined through an institutionalist and pragmatic « reading template ». This « reading template » consists of seeing these energy planning initiatives as pragmatist inquiries aiming, through a collective work of cognitive equipment of the territorial franco-valdo-genevan field of intervention, at the reconstruction of the means of coordination between people about their material, organizational and political territory. It opens towards a double reading of the energy planning initiatives. The first one concentrates on the organizational dimension of these inquiries - i.e. on the cultures of action which they gather and the modalities of interaction between them - whereas the second focuses on the cognitive substance which represents the medium of the interactions. This double reading provides insights at various levels. The first one concerns the (cognitive) territorial field of intervention that these energy-planning experiments contribute to draw. A field which, although better and better characterized in its technical dimensions, remains at the same time limited and " deformed " so that it values more the fossil energy systems, from which we want to release ourselves, than the renewable ones, which we would like to replace them with. The second level of teaching concerns the processes of production of territorial knowledge (PPTK) which presides over the demarcation and « equipment » of the territorial field of intervention. Examined through the institutional norms and the culture of action at stake in them, this PPTK turns out to create a sociocognitive "cross-border" area, the kind of area that could shelter the desired reconfigurations...on the condition that they are beforehand correctly "equipped", in cognitive and also in organizational terms. The determining factor for the quality of this equipment is concentrated in the third category of teaching. Starting with the opportunities created by these energy planning experiments concerning the renewal of public intervention instruments, these elements also allow us to take a new look at the urban area project under construction in this cross-border territory, a project th t shows itself closely linked to the energy experiments through a common challenge of territorialisation.


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El principal objetivo del entrenamiento de la resistencia en el jugador de tenis de competición es mejorar la habilidad para realizar ejercicios de alta intensidad de manera repetida, recuperarse rápidamente de los esfuerzos y mantener dicha intensidad durante el juego, evitando o retardando de esta manera la aparición de la fatiga. Para el desarrollo de los sistemas energéticos específicos, el jugador debe dirigir los entrenamientos al desarrollo de las vías energéticas y patrones de movimiento que predominan en la competición, respetando en la medida de lo posible la naturaleza intermitente del deporte y la participación muscular específica. El entrenamiento intermitente (EI) es un método adecuado y mejora el nivel de especificidad en relación a los métodos continuos o interválicos largos utilizados tradicionalmente y puede realizarse en la pista de tenis mediante ejercicios específicos. Es importante controlar adecuadamente los parámetros de carga del EI para dirigir adecuadamente las adaptaciones fisiológicas y efectos del entrenamiento a las necesidades del deporte. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión sobre los principales aspectos fisiológicos y parámetros específicos de carga necesarios para una orientación específica del EI para el tenis y proponer un modelo de variabilidad de dichos parámetros de carga en un entorno específico de entrenamiento.


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The general striving to bring down the number of municipal landfills and to increase the reuse and recycling of waste-derived materials across the EU supports the debates concerning the feasibility and rationality of waste management systems. Substantial decrease in the volume and mass of landfill-disposed waste flows can be achieved by directing suitable waste fractions to energy recovery. Global fossil energy supplies are becoming more and more valuable and expensive energy sources for the mankind, and efforts to save fossil fuels have been made. Waste-derived fuels offer one potential partial solution to two different problems. First, waste that cannot be feasibly re-used or recycled is utilized in the energy conversion process according to EU’s Waste Hierarchy. Second, fossil fuels can be saved for other purposes than energy, mainly as transport fuels. This thesis presents the principles of assessing the most sustainable system solution for an integrated municipal waste management and energy system. The assessment process includes: · formation of a SISMan (Simple Integrated System Management) model of an integrated system including mass, energy and financial flows, and · formation of a MEFLO (Mass, Energy, Financial, Legislational, Other decisionsupport data) decision matrix according to the selected decision criteria, including essential and optional decision criteria. The methods are described and theoretical examples of the utilization of the methods are presented in the thesis. The assessment process involves the selection of different system alternatives (process alternatives for treatment of different waste fractions) and comparison between the alternatives. The first of the two novelty values of the utilization of the presented methods is the perspective selected for the formation of the SISMan model. Normally waste management and energy systems are operated separately according to the targets and principles set for each system. In the thesis the waste management and energy supply systems are considered as one larger integrated system with one primary target of serving the customers, i.e. citizens, as efficiently as possible in the spirit of sustainable development, including the following requirements: · reasonable overall costs, including waste management costs and energy costs; · minimum environmental burdens caused by the integrated waste management and energy system, taking into account the requirement above; and · social acceptance of the selected waste treatment and energy production methods. The integrated waste management and energy system is described by forming a SISMan model including three different flows of the system: energy, mass and financial flows. By defining the three types of flows for an integrated system, the selected factor results needed in the decision-making process of the selection of waste management treatment processes for different waste fractions can be calculated. The model and its results form a transparent description of the integrated system under discussion. The MEFLO decision matrix has been formed from the results of the SISMan model, combined with additional data, including e.g. environmental restrictions and regional aspects. System alternatives which do not meet the requirements set by legislation can be deleted from the comparisons before any closer numerical considerations. The second novelty value of this thesis is the three-level ranking method for combining the factor results of the MEFLO decision matrix. As a result of the MEFLO decision matrix, a transparent ranking of different system alternatives, including selection of treatment processes for different waste fractions, is achieved. SISMan and MEFLO are methods meant to be utilized in municipal decision-making processes concerning waste management and energy supply as simple, transparent and easyto- understand tools. The methods can be utilized in the assessment of existing systems, and particularly in the planning processes of future regional integrated systems. The principles of SISMan and MEFLO can be utilized also in other environments, where synergies of integrating two (or more) systems can be obtained. The SISMan flow model and the MEFLO decision matrix can be formed with or without any applicable commercial or free-of-charge tool/software. SISMan and MEFLO are not bound to any libraries or data-bases including process information, such as different emission data libraries utilized in life cycle assessments.


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Tämä diplomityö perustuu Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston Uusiutuvien energiajärjestelmien laboratorion koelaitteistoon, jolla tutkitaan voimakkaan savukaasunkierrätyksen ja kuumailmapolton soveltuvuutta pienen kokoluokan energiantuotantoprosesseihin. Työn teoriaosassa esitellään tavanomaisesta palamisesta eroavaa kuumailmapolttoa ja tarkastellaan sen ominaisuuksia. Myös työssä käytetyn tutkimusmenetelmän, numeerisen virtauslaskennan, periaatteita ja ominaisuuksia tarkastellaan. Työssä tutkitaan numeerisella virtausmallinnuksella kuumailmapolttolaitteiston virtauskentän käyttäytymistä, kun takaisin tulipesään kierrätettävän savukaasun määrä sekä tulipesän lämpöhäviöiden suuruus vaihtelevat. Virtauskentän tarkastelu on tärkeää, sillä palamisilman ja kierrätetyn savukaasun täytyy sekoittua kuumailmapolton aikaansaamiseksi. Työn virtausmallinnus suoritettiin Finflo-virtausratkaisijalla kaksiulotteisena palamisreaktioita mallintamatta. Vaikka työssä käytetyt mallit olivat kaksiulotteisia ja niissä käytettiin yksinkertaistuksia, virtausten käyttäytymisestä tulipesässä saatiin olennaista tietoa, jota voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää jatkotutkimuksissa.


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Kaikkein yleisin käytössä oleva ydinpolttoainekierto on nykyisin avoin, jossa käytetty ydinpolttoaine loppusijoitetaan suoraan ilman jälleenkäsittelyä. Nykyisin kehitteillä olevat uuden sukupolven ydinreaktorit ovat kuitenkin pääosin suunniteltu osittain tai kokonaan suljetuille ydinpolttoainekierroille, jossa käytetty polttoaine jälleenkäsitellään ja osa materiaaleista kierrätetään. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli arvioida näitä kehittyneitä ydinpolttoainekiertoja ympäristövaikutusten ja taloudellisuuden suhteen. Työn yleisluonteista vertailua varten valittiin neljä erilaista kehittynyttä polttoainekiertoskenaariota, joita verrattiin avoimeen polttoainekiertoon erilaisten parametrien avulla. Parametreinä käytettiin muun muassa uraanin kulutusta, loppusijoitettavan jätteen määrää, aktiivisuutta ja lämmöntuottoa sekä käytönaikaisten radioaktiivisten päästöjen määrää. Yleislounteisen arvioinnin lisäksi työssä tarkasteltiin polttoainekiertoa myös Suomen näkökulmasta. Nykyistä polttoainekiertoa verrattiin kahteen erilaiseen tulevaisuuden versioon. Kestävän kehityksen osalta kehittyneet polttoainekierrot vähensivät ympäristövaikutusten määrää avoimeen polttoainekiertoon verrattuna. Kehittyneiden polttoainekiertojen kustannukset olivat avoimen polttoainekierron kustannuksia suuremmat. Kokonaiskustannuksissa ero oli kaikilla vertailuskenaarioilla alle 20 %, mutta polttoainekiertokustannuksissa kustannusten kasvu oli välillä 27-45 % riippuen skenaariosta. Suomen tapauksessa tulokset olivat hyvin samankaltaisia. Uraanin kulutus ja loppusijoitettavan jätteen määrä väheni kehittyneempien polttoainekiertojen johdosta. Polttoainekiertokustannukset nousivat noin puolitoistakertaisiksi, mutta vaikutus kokonaiskustannuksiin oli vain noin 10 %. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, ettäydinpolttoainekierron ympäristövaikutuksia on mahdollista vähentää osittain tai kokonaan suljettujen polttoainekiertojen avulla. Vaikka polttoainekierron kustannukset kasvavat, niiden vaikutus ydinsähkön kokonaiskustannuksiin ei ole niin merkittävä.


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Electric energy demand has been growing constantly as the global population increases. To avoid electric energy shortage, renewable energy sources and energy conservation are emphasized all over the world. The role of power electronics in energy saving and development of renewable energy systems is significant. Power electronics is applied in wind, solar, fuel cell, and micro turbine energy systems for the energy conversion and control. The use of power electronics introduces an energy saving potential in such applications as motors, lighting, home appliances, and consumer electronics. Despite the advantages of power converters, their penetration into the market requires that they have a set of characteristics such as high reliability and power density, cost effectiveness, and low weight, which are dictated by the emerging applications. In association with the increasing requirements, the design of the power converter is becoming more complicated, and thus, a multidisciplinary approach to the modelling of the converter is required. In this doctoral dissertation, methods and models are developed for the design of a multilevel power converter and the analysis of the related electromagnetic, thermal, and reliability issues. The focus is on the design of the main circuit. The electromagnetic model of the laminated busbar system and the IGBT modules is established with the aim of minimizing the stray inductance of the commutation loops that degrade the converter power capability. The circular busbar system is proposed to achieve equal current sharing among parallel-connected devices and implemented in the non-destructive test set-up. In addition to the electromagnetic model, a thermal model of the laminated busbar system is developed based on a lumped parameter thermal model. The temperature and temperature-dependent power losses of the busbars are estimated by the proposed algorithm. The Joule losses produced by non-sinusoidal currents flowing through the busbars in the converter are estimated taking into account the skin and proximity effects, which have a strong influence on the AC resistance of the busbars. The lifetime estimation algorithm was implemented to investigate the influence of the cooling solution on the reliability of the IGBT modules. As efficient cooling solutions have a low thermal inertia, they cause excessive temperature cycling of the IGBTs. Thus, a reliability analysis is required when selecting the cooling solutions for a particular application. The control of the cooling solution based on the use of a heat flux sensor is proposed to reduce the amplitude of the temperature cycles. The developed methods and models are verified experimentally by a laboratory prototype.


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Today, renewable energy technologies and modern power electronics have made it feasible to implement low voltage direct current (LVDC) microgrids (MGs) ca-pable to island operation. Such LVDC networks are particularly useful in remote areas. However, there are still pending issues in island operated LVDC MGs like electrical safety and controlled operation, which should be addressed before wide-scale implementation. This thesis is focused on the overall protection of an island operated LVDC network concept, including protection against electrical shocks, mains equipment protection and protection of photovoltaic (PV) power sources and battery energy storage systems (BESSs). The topic is approached through ex-amination of the safety hazards and the appropriate methods to protect against them, comprising considerations for earthing system selection and realisation of the protection system.


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In a global context of climate change and energy transition, Quebec seems to be privileged, producing a large amount of cheap hydroelectricity. But aside from the established popular belief that Quebec’s energy is abundant, clean and inexpensive, Quebec’s energy future is still precarious. Within a few decades, Quebec will have to import a significant amount of electricity at a higher price than it actually produces it; the cheap exploitable hydro resources will not only get scarcer if not nonexistent; and the national hydroelectric ``cultural`` heritage even seems to quell the development of alternative energies, letting few space for local innovation coming from municipalities. While in many countries, municipalities are recognised as key figures in the energy sector, here, in Quebec, their role in the national energy system seems marginal. As main actors responsible for territorial planning, it seams that municipalities could play a more important role on Quebec’s energy scene. So they can densify their territory, develop active and collective solutions to transportation issues, they can adopt exemplary energetic habits, they can produce their own energy with wind, solar or even district heating systems. District heating and heat networks being less well know and documented in Quebec, the present study aims at explaining their low penetration level in the Quebec energy landscape. The study also attempts to understand what are the main hurdles to the implementation of district heating in Quebec’s particular energetic context. Finally, the research tries to open a discussion on the motives that could incite municipalities to adopt district heating as an energy alternative. Based on some twenty interviews with key actors of the energy and municipal sectors, the findings give some indications that the low penetration level of district heating in the Quebec municipalities could explain itself in part by : the low priced hydroelectricity, the presence of a comfortable, sufficient and pervasive Hydro-Quebec(er) culture, and also by organizational dynamic and a certain political inertia which limit the appropriation of an energy competence by local governments. In turn, the study shows that district heating solutions are more likely to develop in contexts in which : there are minimum urban or energy density levels; the development of district heating coincides with the local or regional economic structure; and where exist a mobilising local leader or local visions from a community in favor of the implementation of alternative energy systems.


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This paper presents Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches to Economic Dispatch problem. In this paper, formulation of Economic Dispatch as a multi stage decision making problem is carried out, then two variants of RL algorithms are presented. A third algorithm which takes into consideration the transmission losses is also explained. Efficiency and flexibility of the proposed algorithms are demonstrated through different representative systems: a three generator system with given generation cost table, IEEE 30 bus system with quadratic cost functions, 10 generator system having piecewise quadratic cost functions and a 20 generator system considering transmission losses. A comparison of the computation times of different algorithms is also carried out.


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