1000 resultados para Edições Colibri


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Among the conscience of the intrinsic value of the pictorial, it resides a continuum understanding of which is fundamental in the relationships and contradictions of succedaneum poetic acts, and they will be better understood as the better we think as M. Brusatin, in order to «dedicate ourselves to the painting return». Reminding all that which was symptomatic and repeatedly hidden and deprecated by the draw – «the colour as decorative complement of the narrative allegory of art history», in our interpretation about Storia dei Colori, we follow the painting in its nature-temporal-space, seeing the “colour-image”, the “colour- shadow”, the “flux to light in white-opacity”. We count the intrinsic vitality of bluish life in people’s cultures; listening to it in its deepness, also in the singular profession’s act, as «once upon a time there was a time again, naturally, the once upon the time of being the Painter» as, for instance, Rafael, Kandinsky, Yves Klein, Mark Rothko and Gerhard Richter.


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The present essay presents the content of the landmarks that punctuate the long dialogue between verbal language and musical language during the 19th century, by means of examples taken from the critical and theoretical writings of Hector Berlioz, Robert Schumann and Richard Wagner. In the search for the dramatic essence of music, such dialogue took different forms: the possibility of verbal language being translated by musical language, the pre-existence of a musical-poetic idea in any musical composition, eventually contributing to the appearance of program music, and finally, the principles presiding over Wagner’s Gesamtkunstwerk. Special emphasis is given to Richard Wagner’s Parisian article De l’Ouverture (1841), as well as to the impact on Søren Kierkegaard.


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Conferência realizada na Universidade de Urbino em 18 de Novembro de 2011, na abertura do Congresso internacional comemorativo do septuagésimo aniversário de Domenico Losurdo, promovido pela Internationale Gesellschaft Hegel-Marx für dialektisches Denken. O presente texto corresponde à versão portuguesa (entretanto, ampliada) de: «Hegel et l’ontologie», Dialettica, Storia e Conflitto. Il proprio tempo appreso nel pensiero. Festschrift in onore di Domenico Losurdo, ed. Stefano G. Azzarà, Paolo Ercolani e Emanuela Susca, Napoli, La scuola di Pitagora editrice, 2011, pp. 35-51.


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This paper tries to show, through examples from Azores paintings, in particular in the works of Domingos Rebelo and Borba Vieira, some of the fundamental categories of aesthetics and hermeneutics of painting.


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This essay is an attempt to show the different ways in which Deleuze’s philosophy can help us to interpret art. The main ideas or philosophical standpoints I use to analyze the paintings of Egon Schiele and Robert Musil’s novel The Confusions of Young Törless are elaborated in the book he wrote with Felix Guattari A Thousend Plateaus. In the end, however, the very interpretation of these works of art should shed a new light on the understanding of Deleuze’s thought.


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On the basis of Kandinsky’s article “On the Question of Form” (as well as passages of Concerning the Spiritual in Art), there arises the possibility of reconstructing the specific features of the artist’s concept of “pure inner vibration” in connection with the concept of the “spiritual”. These features include an important articulation of different modalities of time (hastiness, protracted time and suddenness), and a complex gradation of inner experience that starts with abstraction from external finality and ends with a criticism of subjectivity and a conception of inner universality, which – instead of being reducible to a logical procedure – indicates the exact place of singularity (and art) inside the structure of one’s experience.


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Levinson’s and Carroll’s historical theories are among the most interesting contemporary answers to the problem of knowing what art is. Although both authors believe that we cannot ignore the relation between art and its own history in order to understand the nature of art, their projects have very different ambitions. Levinson seeks a real definition of art, capable of dealing with every possible case. Carroll, who believes that Levinson’s project faces many difficulties, proposes just a criterion to identify works of art, thus providing a characterization or nominal definition of art. In this paper my aim is to present and discuss, albeit succinctly, these two philosophical theories about the nature of art, and to determine whether they fulfill their own ends


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Process philosophies focus on becoming and often have recourse to the musical metaphor. Becoming is whole and indivisible. Bergson’s notion of durée coincides with the Whiteheadian notion of process. Becoming is duration. Every being is temporal; its very essence is temporality. The unveiling of each being is durational and has its own particular temporality; every creature’s individualization is in accordance with its own particular way of enduring. A melody is also whole and indivisible; its very meaning relates to its whole, undivided temporality. A note of music is nothing at an instant; the wholeness of its being thoroughly defines it.


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The aim of this paper is to identify how the ethical-political foundation of human rights in John Rawls’s theory of justice makes use of a coherentist model of moral justification in which cognitivism, liberalism, pluralism, non-foundationalism, and mitigated intuititionism stand out, leading to a pragmatic model of foundation with public justification in The Law of Peoples (LP). The main idea is to think about the reasonableness of the universal defence of human rights as primary goods with the aspects follows: its political nature, not metaphysical; its theoretical coherentist model, non-foundationalist; its pragmatic function and its public justification.


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A segunda metade do século XX viu ressurgir o interesse por uma definição precisa do conhecimento. O objectivo desta subsecção é oferecer uma introdução ao tema. Começo por introduzir noções básicas de análise, de definição, de conhecimento proposicional, de crença, de verdade, e de justificação epistémica. Uso-as depois para explicitar o que está em jogo quando se fala de uma definição/análise tradicional do conhecimento. Faço-o passando em revista aqueles que me parecem ser os acontecimentos filosóficos que mais directamente contribuíram para a estruturação da definição/análise tradicional, dando depois especial relevo aos argumentos de Edmund Gettier que conduziram, segundo muitos, à falsificação da referida definição. Finalizo com uma tipologia das respostas ao chamado Problema de Gettier, fazendo ainda, em jeito de complemento, algumas referências ao estado da arte.


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L’Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee (ILIESI) nella sua attuale configurazione è il risultato dell’evoluzione di una struttura che inizia la sua attività nel 1964, come gruppo di ricerca del CNR. Divenuto Centro di Studio nel 1970 con la denominazione di Lessico Intellettuale Europeo (CSLIE), nel 2001 acquisisce lo statuto di Istituto del CNR attraverso l’unificazione con il Centro di Studio del Pensiero Antico (fondato nel 1979), assumendo la denominazione attuale. Ogni ricerca condotta all’ILIESI è stata basata sul principio della centralità dell’analisi lessicale del testo filosofico e scientifico con l’obiettivo di configurare il contesto più ampio della storia della terminologia di cultura.


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A comunicação é uma noção axial que articula o sistema de Leibniz e elucida a lógica imanente ao evolver do seu pensamento, designadamente no plano da metafísica. De facto, na sua fase inicial, a metafísica leibniziana revela a dificuldade em articular o primado do indivíduo com a exigência de vínculo comunitário entre os seres. O princípio de compossibilidade enquanto requisito de autoconstituição do ente actual, a teoria da noção completa de um indivíduo e a teoria da expressão respondem ao intento de pensar o indivíduo como perfil do universal. A metafísica monadológica consuma o esforço de estabelecer a copertença originária entre a mónada singular e o universo de que faz parte. Por conseguinte, o autor demarca-se da interpretação da mónada como uma entidade solipsista, desligada do mundo e do outro, em especial na versão de A. Renault. O lugar do outro é o verdadeiro ponto de perspectiva no domínio prático, tal como no domínio da cognição. Efectivamente, o reconhecimento do outro é o traço característico pelo qual, segundo Leibniz, se faz a marcação do filósofo relativamente ao pensamento vulgar, sempre de algum modo afectado pelo espírito de seita ou de partido.