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Fe3O4 GaAs hybrid structures have been studied using reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), and low-temperature vibrating-sample magnetometry (VSM). The samples were prepared by oxidizing epitaxial Fe thin films in a partial pressure of 5× 10-5 mbar of oxygen at 500 K for 180 s. Clear RHEED patterns were observed, suggesting the epitaxial growth of Fe oxides with a cubic structure. The XPS spectra show that the oxides were Fe3O4 rather than γ- Fe2O3, as there were no shake-up satellites between the two Fe 2p peaks. This was further confirmed by the XMCD measurements, which show ferromagnetic coupling between the Fe cations, with no evidence of intermixing at the interface. The VSM measurements show that the films have a magnetic uniaxial anisotropy and a "quick" saturation property, with the easy axes along the [011] direction. This detailed study offers further insight into the structure, interface, and magnetic properties of this hybrid Fe3O4 GaAs (100) structure as a promising system for spintronic application. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The growth and magnetic properties of epitaxial magnetite Fe3O4 on GaAs(100) have been studied by reflection high-energy electron diffraction, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, magneto-optical Kerr effect, and x-ray magnetic circular dichroism. The epitaxial Fe3O4 films were synthesized by in situ post growth annealing of ultrathin epitaxial Fe films at 500K in an oxygen partial pressure of 5×10−5mbar. The XMCD measurements show characteristic contributions from different sites of the ferrimagnetic magnetite unit cell, namely, Fetd3+, Feoh2+, and Feoh3+. The epitaxial relationship was found to be Fe3O4(100)⟨011⟩∕∕GaAs(100)⟨010⟩ with the unit cell of Fe3O4 rotated by 45° to match that of GaAs(100) substrate. The films show a uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in a thickness range of about 2.0–6.0nm with the easy axes along the [011] direction of the GaAs(100) substrate.


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The strong couplings between different degrees of freedom are believed to be responsible for novel and complex phenomena discovered in transition metal oxides (TMOs). The physical complexity is directly responsible for their tunability. Creating surfaces/interfaces add an additional ' man-made' twist, approaching the quantum phenomena of correlated materials. ^ The dissertation focused on the structural and electronic properties in proximity of surface of three prototype TMO compounds by using three complementary techniques: scanning tunneling microscopy, angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction, particularly emphasized the effects of broken symmetry and imperfections like defects on the coupling between charge and lattice degrees of freedom. ^ Ca1.5Sr0.5RuO4 is a layered ruthenate with square lattice and at the boundary of magnetic/orbital instability in Ca2-xSrxRuO4. That the substitution of Sr 2+ with Ca2+ causing RuO6 rotation narrows the dxy band width and changes the Fermi surface topology. Particularly, the γ(dxy) Fermi surface sheet exhibited hole-like in Ca1.5Sr0.5RuO4 in contrast to electron-like in Sr2RuO4, showing a strong charge-lattice coupling. ^ Na0.75CoO2 is a layered cobaltite with triangular lattice exhibiting extraordinary thermoelectric properties. The well-ordered CoO2-terminated surface with random Na distribution was observed. However, lattice constants of the surface are smaller than that in bulk. The surface density of states (DOS) showed strong temperature dependence. Especially, an unusual shift of the minimum DOS occurs below 230 K, clearly indicating a local charging effect on the surface. ^ Cd2Re2O7 is the first known pyrochlore oxide superconductor (Tc ∼ 1K). It exhibited an unusual second-order phase transition occurring at TS1 = 200 K and a controversial first-order transition at TS2 = 120 K. While bulk properties display large anomalies at TS1 but rather subtle and sample-dependent changes at TS2, the surface DOS near the EF show no change at T s1 but a substantial increase below TS2---a complete reversal as the signature for the transitions. We argued that crystal imperfections, mainly defects, which were considerably enhanced at the surface, resulted in the transition at TS2. ^


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Photoemission techniques, utilizing a synchrotron light source, were used to analyze the clean (100) surfaces of the zinc-blende semiconductor materials CdTe and InSb. Several interfacial systems involving the surfaces of these materials were also studied, including the CdTe(lOO)-Ag interface, the CdTe(lOO)-Sb system, and the InSb(lOO)-Sn interface. High-energy electron diffraction was also employed to acquire information about of surface structure. A one-domain (2xl) structure was observed for the CdTe(lOO) surface. Analysis of photoemission spectra of the Cd 4d core level for this surface structure revealed two components resulting from Cd surface atoms. The total intensity of these components accounts for a full monolayer of Cd atoms on the surface. A structural model is discussed commensurate with these results. Photoemission spectra of the Cd and Te 4d core levels indicate that Ag or Sb deposited on the CdTe(l00)-(2xl) surface at room temperature do not bound strongly to the surface Cd atoms. The room temperature growth characteristics for these two elements on the CdTe(lOO)-(2xl) are discussed. The growth at elevated substrate temperatures was also studied for Sb deposition. The InSb(lOO) surface differed from the CdTe(lOO) surface. Using molecular beam epitaxy, several structures could be generated for the InSb(lOO) surface, including a c(8x2), a c(4x4), an asymmetric (lx3), a symmetric (lx3), and a (lxl). Analysis of photoemission intensities and line shapes indicates that the c(4x4) surface is terminated with 1-3/4 monolayers of Sb atoms. The c(8x2) surface is found to be terminated with 3/4 monolayer of In atoms. Structural models for both of these surfaces are proposed based upon the photoemission results and upon models of the similar GaAs(lOO) structures. The room temperature growth characteristics of grey Sn on the lnSb(lOO)-c(4x4) and InSb(l00)-c(8x2) surfaces were studied with photoemission. The discontinuity in the valence band maximum for this semiconductor heterojunction system is measured to be 0.40 eV, independent of the starting surface structure and stoichiometry. This result is reconciled with theoretical predictions for heterostructure behavior.


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The floating-zone method with different growth ambiences has been used to selectively obtain hexagonal or orthorhombic DyMnO3 single crystals. The crystals were characterized by x-ray powder diffraction of ground specimens and a structure refinement as well as electron diffraction. We report magnetic susceptibility, magnetization and specific heat studies of this multiferroic compound in both the hexagonal and the orthorhombic structure. The hexagonal DyMnO3 shows magnetic ordering of Mn3+ (S = 2) spins on a triangular Mn lattice at T-N(Mn) = 57 K characterized by a cusp in the specific heat. This transition is not apparent in the magnetic susceptibility due to the frustration on the Mn triangular lattice and the dominating paramagnetic susceptibility of the Dy3+ (S = 9/2) spins. At T-N(Dy) = 3 K, a partial antiferromagnetic order of Dy moments has been observed. In comparison, the magnetic data for orthorhombic DyMnO3 display three transitions. The data broadly agree with results from earlier neutron diffraction experiments, which allows for the following assignment: a transition from an incommensurate antiferromagnetic ordering of Mn3+ spins at T-N(Mn) = 39 K, a lock-in transition at Tlock-in = 16 K and a second antiferromagnetic transition at T-N(Dy) = 5 K due to the ordering of Dy moments. Both the hexagonal and the orthorhombic crystals show magnetic anisotropy and complex magnetic properties due to 4f-4f and 4f-3d couplings.


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A cross-sectional high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) study of a film deposited by a 1 keV mass-selected carbon ion beam onto silicon held at 800 degrees C is presented. Initially, a graphitic film with its basal planes perpendicular to the substrate is evolving. The precipitation of nanodiamond crystallites in upper layers is confirmed by HRTEM, selected area electron diffraction, and electron energy loss spectroscopy. The nucleation of diamond on graphitic edges as predicted by Lambrecht [W. R. L. Lambrecht, C. H. Lee, B. Segall, J. C. Angus, Z. Li, and M. Sunkara, Nature, 364 607 (1993)] is experimentally confirmed. The results are discussed in terms of our recent subplantation-based diamond nucleation model. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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Direct ion beam deposition of carbon films on silicon in the ion energy range of 15-500 eV and temperature range of 25-800-degrees-C has been studied. The work was carried out using mass-separated C+ and CH3+ ions under ultrahigh vacuum. The films were characterized with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and transmission electron diffraction analysis. In the initial stage of the deposition, carbon implanted into silicon induced the formation of silicon carbide, even at room temperature. Further carbon ion bombardment then led to the formation of a carbon film. The film properties were sensitive to the deposition temperature but not to the ion energy. Films deposited at room temperature consisted mainly of amorphous carbon. Deposition at a higher temperature, or post-deposition annealing, led to the formation of microcrystalline graphite. A deposition temperature above 800-degrees-C favored the formation of microcrystalline graphite with a preferred orientation in the (0001) direction. No evidence of diamond formation in these films was observed.


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Tb(1-x)BO3:xEu(3+) (x = 0-1) microsphere phosphors have been successfully prepared by a simple hydrothermal process directly without further sintering treatment. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), selected area electron diffraction (SAED), photoluminescence (PL), low-voltage cathodoluminescence (CL), and time-resolved emission spectra as well as lifetimes were used to characterize the samples.


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Structure characterization of nanocrystalline intermediates and metastable phases is of primary importance for a deep understanding of synthetic processes undergoing solid-to-solid state phase transitions. Understanding the evolution from the first nucleation stage to the final synthetic product supports not only the optimization of existing processes, but might assist in tailoring new synthetic paths. A systematic investigation of intermediates and metastable phases is hampered because it is impossible to produce large crystals and only in few cases a pure synthetic product can be obtained. Structure investigation by X-ray powder diffraction methods is still challenging on nanoscale, especially when the sample is polyphasic. Electron diffraction has the advantage to collect data from single nanoscopic crystals, but is limited by data incompleteness, dynamical effects and fast deterioration of the sample under the electron beam. Automated diffraction tomography (ADT), a recently developed technique, making possible to collect more complete three-dimensional electron diffraction data and to reduce at the same time dynamical scattering and beam damage, thus allowing to investigate even beam sensitive materials (f.e. hydrated phases and organics). At present, ADT is the only technique able to deliver complete three-dimensional structural information from single nanoscopic grains, independently from other surrounding phases. Thus, ADT is an ideal technique for the study of on-going processes where different phases exist at the same time and undergo several structural transitions. In this study ADT was used as the main technique for structural characterization for three different systems and combined subsequently with other techniques, among which high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), cryo-TEM imaging, X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and energy disperse X-ray spectroscopy (EDX).rnAs possible laser host materials, i.e. materials with a broad band emission in the near-infrared region, two unknown phases were investigated in the ternary oxide system M2O-Al2O3-WO3 (M = K, Na). Both phases exhibit low purity as well as non-homogeneous size distribution and particle morphology. The structures solved by ADT are also affected by pseudo-symmetry. rnSodium titanate nanotubes and nanowires are both intermediate products in the synthesis of TiO2 nanorods which are used as additives to colloidal TiO2 film for improving efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC). The structural transition from nantubes to nanowires was investigated in a step by step time-resolved study. Nanowires were discovered to consist of a hitherto unknown phase of sodium titanate. This new phase, typically affected by pervasive defects like mutual layer shift, was structurally determined ab-initio on the basis of ADT data. rnThe third system is related with calcium carbonate nucleation and early crystallization. The first part of this study is dedicated to the extensive investigations of calcium carbonate formation in a step by step analysis, up to the appearance of crystalline individua. The second part is dedicated to the structure determination by ADT of the first-to-form anhydrated phase of CaCO3: vaterite. An exhaustive structure analysis of vaterite had previously been hampered by diffuse scattering, extra periodicities and fast deterioration of the material under electron irradiation. rn


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Studies of molecular structures at or near their equilibrium configurations have long provided information on their geometry in terms of bond distances and angles. Far-from-equilibrium structures are relatively unknown—especially for complex systems—and generally, neither their dynamics nor their average geometries can be extrapolated from equilibrium values. For such nonequilibrium structures, vibrational amplitudes and bond distances play a central role in phenomena such as energy redistribution and chemical reactivity. Ultrafast electron diffraction, which was developed to study transient molecular structures, provides a direct method for probing the nature of complex molecules far from equilibrium. Here we present our ultrafast electron diffraction observations of transient structures for two cyclic hydrocarbons. At high internal energies of ≈4 eV, these molecules display markedly different behavior. For 1,3,5-cycloheptatriene, excitation results in the formation of hot ground-state structures with bond distances similar to those of the initial structure, but with nearly three times the average vibrational amplitude. Energy is redistributed within 5 ps, but with a negative temperature characterizing the nonequilibrium population. In contrast, the ring-opening reaction of 1,3-cyclohexadiene is shown to result in hot structures with a C—C bond distance of over 1.7 Å, which is 0.2 Å away from any expected equilibrium value. Even up to 400 ps, energy remains trapped in large-amplitude motions comprised of torsion and asymmetric stretching. These studies promise a new direction for studying structural dynamics in nonequilibrium complex systems.


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Titanium dioxide nanocrystals are an important commercial product used primarily in white pigments and abrasives, however, more recently the anatase form of TiO2 has become a major component in electrochemical and photoelectrochemical devices. An important property of titanium dioxide nanocrystals for electrical applications is the degree of crystallinity. Numerous preparation methods exist for the production of highly crystalline TiO2 particles. The majority of these processes require long reaction times, high pressures and temperatures (450–1400 °C). Recently, hydrothermal treatment of colloidal TiO2 suspensions has been shown to produce quality crystalline products at low temperatures (<250 °C). In this paper we extend this idea utilising a direct microwave heating source. A comparison between convection and microwave hydrothermal treatment of colloidal TiO2 is presented. The resulting highly crystalline TiO2 colloids were characterised using Raman spectroscopy, XRD, TEM, and electron diffraction. The results show that the microwave treatment of colloidal TiO2 gives comparable increases in crystallinity with respect to normal hydrothermal treatments while requiring significantly less time and energy than the hydrothermal convection treatment.


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A new set of primitive extraterrestrial materials collected in the Earth's stratosphere include Chondritic Porous Aggregates (CPA's) [1]. CPAs have a complex and variable mineralogy [1-3] that include 'organic compounds' [4,5] and poorly graphitised carbon (PGC)[6]. This study presents a continuation of our detailed Analytical Electron Microscope study on carbon-rich CPA W7029*A from the JSC Cosmic Dust Collection. This CPA is an uncontaminated sample that survived atmospheric entry without appreciable alteration [7] and which contains ~44% carbonaceous material. The carbonaceous composition of selected particles was confirmed by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED). Possible carbonaceous contaminants introduced by specimen preparation techniques are easily recognised from indigenous CPA carbon particles [8] and do not bias our interpretations.


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The structure and composition of reaction products between Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-oxide (BSCCO) thick films and alumina substrates have been characterized using a combination of electron diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDX). Sr and Ca are found to be the most reactive cations with alumina. Sr4Al6O12SO4 is formed between the alumina substrates and BSCCO thick films prepared from paste with composition close to Bi-2212 (and Bi-2212 + 10 wt.% Ag). For paste with composition close to Bi(Pb)-2223 + 20 wt.% Ag, a new phase with f.c.c. structure, lattice parameter about a = 24.5 A and approximate composition Al3Sr2CaBi2CuOx has been identified in the interface region. Understanding and control of these reactions is essential for growth of high quality BSCCO thick films on alumina. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.


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Investigations on the phase relations and dielectric properties of (1 -x)BaTiO3 + xNd2/3TiO 3 (BNT) ceramics sintered in air below 1650 K have been carried out. X-ray powder diffraction studies indicate apparent phase singularity for compositions with x < 0.3. Nd2Ti207 is detected at higher neodymium concentrations. The unit cell parameter changes continuously with neodymium content, and BaTiO3 is completely cubic at room temperature with x -- 0.0525, whereas electron diffraction studies indicate that the air-sintered BNT ceramics with x > 0.08 contain additional phases that are partly amorphous even to an electron beam. SEM observations reveal that BaTiO3 grains are mostly covered by a molten intergranular phase, and show the presence of randomly distributed Nd2Ti207 grains. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis shows the Ba-Nd-Ti ternary composition of the intergranular phase. Differential thermal analysis studies support the formation of a partial melt involving dissolution-precipitation of boundary layers of BaTiO3 grains. These complex phase relations are accounted for in terms of the phase instability of BaTiO3 with large cation-vacancy concentration as a result of heavy Nd 3+ substitution. The absence of structural intergrowth in (1 - x)BaTiO3 + xNd2/3TiO3 under oxidative conditions leads to a separation of phases wherein the new phases undergo melting and remain X-ray amorphous. BNT ceramics with 0.1 < x < 0.3 have ~eff >~ 104 with tan 6 < 0.1 and nearly flat temperature capacitance characteristics. The grain-size dependence of ee,, variations of ~eff and tan 6 with the measuring frequency, the non-ohmic resistivities, and the non-linear leakage currents at higher field-strengths which are accompanied by the decrease in eeff and rise in tan 3, are explained on the basis of an intergranular (internal boundary layer) dielectric characteristic of these ceramics.


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This study aims to help broaden the use of electronic portal imaging devices (EPIDs) for pre-treatment patient positioning verification, from photon-beam radiotherapy to photon- and electron-beam radiotherapy, by proposing and testing a method for acquiring clinicallyuseful EPID images of patient anatomy using electron beams, with a view to enabling and encouraging further research in this area. EPID images used in this study were acquired using all available beams from a linac configured to deliver electron beams with nominal energies of 6, 9, 12, 16 and 20 MeV, as well as photon beams with nominal energies of 6 and 10 MV. A widely-available heterogeneous, approximately-humanoid, thorax phantom was used, to provide an indication of the contrast and noise produced when imaging different types of tissue with comparatively realistic thicknesses. The acquired images were automatically calibrated, corrected for the effects of variations in the sensitivity of individual photodiodes, using a flood field image. For electron beam imaging, flood field EPID calibration images were acquired with and without the placement of blocks of water-equivalent plastic (with thicknesses approximately equal to the practical range of electrons in the plastic) placed upstream of the EPID, to filter out the primary electron beam, leaving only the bremsstrahlung photon signal. While the electron beam images acquired using a standard (unfiltered) flood field calibration were observed to be noisy and difficult to interpret, the electron beam images acquired using the filtered flood field calibration showed tissues and bony anatomy with levels of contrast and noise that were similar to the contrast and noise levels seen in the clinically acceptable photon beam EPID images. The best electron beam imaging results (highest contrast, signal-to-noise and contrast-to-noise ratios) were achieved when the images were acquired using the higher energy electron beams (16 and 20 MeV) when the EPID was calibrated using an intermediate (12 MeV) electron beam energy. These results demonstrate the feasibility of acquiring clinically-useful EPID images of patient anatomy using electron beams and suggest important avenues for future investigation, thus enabling and encouraging further research in this area. There is manifest potential for the EPID imaging method proposed in this work to lead to the clinical use of electron beam imaging for geometric verification of electron treatments in the future.