608 resultados para Droplet-vitrification


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We investigate the origin of ferromagnetism induced in thin-film (similar to 20 nm) Fe-V alloys by their irradiation with subpicosecond laser pulses. We find with Rutherford backscattering that the magnetic modifications follow a thermally stimulated process of diffusion decomposition, with formation of a-few-nm-thick Fe enriched layer inside the film. Surprisingly, similar transformations in the samples were also found after their long-time (similar to 10(3) s) thermal annealing. However, the laser action provides much higher diffusion coefficients (similar to 4 orders of magnitude) than those obtained under standard heat treatments. We get a hint that this ultrafast diffusion decomposition occurs in the metallic glassy state achievable in laser-quenched samples. This vitrification is thought to be a prerequisite for the laser-induced onset of ferromagnetism that we observe. 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Física


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Dissertation presented to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa for obtaining the master degree in Membrane Engineering


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais


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Digital Microfluidics (DMF) is a second generation technique, derived from the conventional microfluidics that instead of using continuous liquid fluxes, it uses only individual droplets driven by external electric signals. In this thesis a new DMF control/sensing system for visualization, droplet control (movement, dispensing, merging and splitting) and real time impedance measurement have been developed. The software for the proposed system was implemented in MATLAB with a graphical user interface. An Arduino was used as control board and dedicated circuits for voltage switching and contacts were designed and implemented in printed circuit boards. A high resolution camera was integrated for visualization. In our new approach, the DMF chips are driven by a dual-tone signal where the sum of two independent ac signals (one for droplet operations and the other for impedance sensing) is applied to the electrodes, and afterwards independently evaluated by a lock-in amplifier. With this new approach we were able to choose the appropriated amplitudes and frequencies for the different proposes (actuation and sensing). The measurements made were used to evaluate the real time droplet impedance enabling the knowledge of its position and velocity. This new approach opens new possibilities for impedance sensing and feedback control in DMF devices.


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Digital microfluidics (DMF) is a field which has emerged in the last decade as a re-liable and versatile tool for sensing applications based on liquid reactions. DMF allows the discrete displacement of droplets, over an array of electrodes, by the application of voltage, and also the dispensing from a reservoir, mixing, merging and splitting fluidic operations. The main drawback of these devices is due to the need of high driving volt-ages for droplet operations. In this work, alternative dielectric layers combinations were studied aiming the reduction of these driving voltages. DMF chips were designed, pro-duced and optimized according to the theory of electrowetting-on-dielectric, adopting different combinations of parylene-C and tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) as dielectric ma-terials, and Teflon as hydrophobic layer. With both devices’ configurations, i.e., Parylene as single dielectric, and multilayer chips combining Parylene and Ta2O5, it was possible to perform all the fluidic opera-tions in the microliter down to hundreds of nanoliters range. Multilayer chips presented significant reduction on driving voltages for droplet op-erations in silicone oil filler medium: from 70 V (parylene only) down to 30 V (parylene/Ta2O5) for dispensing; and from 50 V (parylene only) down to 15 V (parylene/Ta2O5) for movement. Peroxidase colorimetric reactions were successfully performed as proof-of-concept, using multilayer configuration devices.


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Cell Sheets of hASCs (hASCs-CS) have been previously proposed for wound healing applications(1, 2) and despite the concern for production time reduction, the possibility of having these hASCs-CS off-the-shelf is appealing. The goal of this work was to define a cryopreservation methodology allowing to preserve cells viability and the properties CS matrix. hASCs-CS obtained from three different donors were created in UP-cell thermoresponsive dishes(Nunc, Germany) as previously reported(1,2). Different cryopreservation conditions were considered: i)FBS plus DMSO(5% and10%); ii)0.4M of Trehalose plus DMSO (5% and 10%); iii)cryosolution PLL (Akron Biotech, USA); and iv)vitrification. The cryopreservation effect was first assessed for cellular viability by flow cytometry using 7-AAD, and after dissociating the hASCs-CS with collagenase and trypsin-EDTA 0.25%. The expression (RT-PCR) and deposition (western blot and immunocytochemistry) of collagen type I, laminin and fibronectin, and the organization (TEM) of the extracellular matrix was further assessed before and after hASCs-CS cryopreservation to determine a potential effect of the method over matrix composition and integrity. The obtained results confirmed that cell viability is affected by the cryopreservation methodology, as shown before for different CS(3). Interestingly, the matrix properties were not significantly altered and the typical cell sheetâ s easiness of manipulation for transplantation was not lost.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)


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Co-cultures of two or more cell types and biodegradable biomaterials of natural origin have been successfully combined to recreate tissue microenvironments. Segregated co-cultures are preferred over conventional mixed ones in order to better control the degree of homotypic and heterotypic interactions. Hydrogel-based systems in particular, have gained much attention to mimic tissue-specific microenvironments and they can be microengineered by innovative bottom-up approaches such as microfluidics. In this study, we developed bi-compartmentalized (Janus) hydrogel microcapsules of methacrylated hyaluronic acid (MeHA)/methacrylated-chitosan (MeCht) blended with marine-origin collagen by droplet-based microfluidics co-flow. Human adipose stem cells (hASCs) and microvascular endothelial cells (hMVECs) were co-encapsulated to create platforms of study relevant for vascularized bone tissue engineering. A specially designed Janus-droplet generator chip was used to fabricate the microcapsules (<250â μm units) and Janus-gradient co-cultures of hASCs: hMVECs were generated in various ratios (90:10; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 10:90), through an automated microfluidic flow controller (Elveflow microfluidics system). Such monodisperse 3D co-culture systems were optimized regarding cell number and culture media specific for concomitant maintenance of both phenotypes to establish effective cell-cell (homotypic and heterotypic) and cell-materials interactions. Cellular parameters such as viability, matrix deposition, mineralization and hMVECs re-organization in tube-like structures, were enhanced by blending MeHA/MeCht with marine-origin collagen and increasing hASCs: hMVECs co-culture gradient had significant impact on it. Such Janus hybrid hydrogel microcapsules can be used as a platform to investigate biomaterials interactions with distinct combined cell populations.


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Combustion, Coal, Droplet Combustion, Boudouard Reaction


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The present Bachelor thesis gives an overview of the influence of some starch esters (acetylated distarch phosphate (E 1414) and adipate (E1422)) as stabilizing agents in a salmon-emulsion-cream. The aim of this work was the development of an optimal recipe. Different concentrations of starches were used in combination with xanthan gum. The methods were used to describe the rheological, microphotographical, microbiological, chemical and sensorial characteristics of the spread. The analysis of determination and development of droplet size showed a significant reduction in coalescence process. Rheological experiments indicated that high concentrations of E 1414 are necessary getting a slightly higher viscosity than in case of the E 1422 creams. The microbiological results showed minimal differences. All tested samples showed high stability against oxidation. For the use of a new recipe acetylated distarch adipate is the better choice in this case.


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Five hemocyte types were identified in the hemolymph of Panstrongylus megistus by phase contrast and common light microscopy using some histochemical methods. These are: Prohemocytes, small cells presenting a great nucleus/cytoplasm ratio; Plasmatocytes, the most numerous hemocytes, are polymorphic cells mainly characterized by a large amount of lysosomes; Granulocytes, hemocytes very similar to plasmatocytes which contain cytoplasmic granules and are especially rich in polysaccharides; Oenocytoids, cells presenting a small nucleus and a thick cytoplasm; they show many small round vacuoles when observed in Giemsa smears and many cytoplasmic granules under phase microscopy; Adipohemocytes, very large hemocytes, presenting many fat droplet inclusions which could correspond to free fat bodies which entered the hemolymph. Only prohemocytes and plasmatocytes can be clearly classified; all the other hemocyte types have a more ambiguous classification.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per una alumna d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Es tracta d’una recerca experimental en la que s’han assajat vuit tècniques de cultiu in vitro amb clavellina. El material vegetal s’ha esterilitzat per immersió en una solució diluïda de lleixiu i s’ha manipulat de manera estèril. En tots els casos el medi de cultiu utilitzat ha estat el MS amb una concentració de sacarosa i reguladors de creixement variable segons l’experiment. La incubació dels cultius s’han dut a terme en una cambra amb control de fotoperíode durant 4 setmanes. Els diferents reguladors de creixement han mostrat un clar efecte sobre les seccions de tija. Els explants cultivats en medi lliure d’hormones han crescut menys que els exposats a diverses concentracions de NAA i BA. Aquests tractaments hormonals han originat símptomes de creixement anòmals (engruiximents a la base i vitrificació). La presencia de 2,4-D ha afavorit la formació de cal•lus i d’arrels per organogènesi adventícia indirecta. L’obtenció de plàntules per germinació in vitro de llavors ha permès reduir notablement les pèrdues per contaminació, mentre que el subcultiu d’aquestes ha donat unes tases de micropropagació de 7.2 seccions/plàntula. Ha estat possible aclimatar aquestes vitroplantes per tal d’adaptar-les a les condicions de camp. No hem pogut obtenir organogènesis adventícia ni embriogènesi somàtica a partir d anteres ni hem pogut iniciar un cultiu de cèl•lules a partir dels cal•lus. Tot i la complexitat d’aquestes tècniques, és possible dur-les a terme en un laboratori escolar.