665 resultados para Dietary guidelines for school aged children
Introducción: Uno de los aspectos con mayor variación durante la adolescencia es el sueño, el cual se ve afectado por factores biológicos así como por los estados afectivos y emocionales. En esta etapa, los individuos establecen sus primeras relaciones sentimentales románticas, vínculos esenciales para la maduración de las relaciones sociales y psicosexuales. Este trabajo busca determinar la asociación existente entre las relaciones sentimentales románticas y sus características, con la calidad sueño percibida por los jóvenes. Metodología: Estudio realizado en una población de 1794 estudiantes de ciencias de la salud entre los 18 y 25 años de edad en Bogotá, Colombia, entre 2012 y 2013. Se obtuvo una muestra probabilística con asignación proporcional de 443 sujetos, estratificada por programa académico y sexo. Utilizando dos cuestionarios de auto reporte se exploraron las características de las relaciones sentimentales y la calidad de sueño percibida. Resultados: El 64% (IC 95%: 59,4-68,9%) de la población estudiada se encontró en una relación sentimental romántica. Estos sujetos tuvieron latencias de sueño prolongadas con menor frecuencia que quienes no tenían en una relación (p <0,05). La calidad de sueño percibida se asoció al nivel de satisfacción que tuvieron los sujetos en su relación, así como la atracción por su pareja. Rasgos obsesivos, ansiosos, temerosos y evitativos en la relación disminuyeron la calidad de sueño percibida. Conclusión: Las relaciones sentimentales románticas y sus características se asocian con la calidad de sueño percibida por los individuos. Se requieren estudios que determinen causalidad en esta asociación y definan potenciales estrategias de intervención al respecto.
Beneficios del contexto asociativo en las actividades de tiempo libre de los adolescentes españoles.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
RESUMO: Os estilos de vida pessoais evoluíram notavelmente com o passar dos anos como consequência das mudanças verificadas nas sociedades modernas. As condições da vida urbana, os horários das actividades escolares, a televisão, os videojogos e a Internet estão a potenciar um maior sedentarismo dos adolescentes (Redondo, Gross, Moreno & García-Fuentes, 2010), que usam cada vez menos as suas potencialidades físicas, embora se saiba que os indivíduos que praticam regularmente uma actividade física percepcionam ter um estado de saúde mais positivo (Mota & Duarte, 1999). Nesta perspectiva, o interesse em conceitos como actividade física, estilo de vida, qualidade de vida, promoção da saúde, têm vindo a adquirir uma relevância crescente para a determinação das variáveis que contribuem para a melhoria do bem-estar dos indivíduos, por meio do incremento do nível de actividade física habitual. Porque sabemos que a promoção da actividade física na infância e na adolescência significa o estabelecimento de uma base sólida para a redução do sedentarismo na idade adulta, contribuindo desta forma para uma melhor qualidade de vida (Lazzoli et al.,1998), e porque são reconhecidos os efeitos benéficos da actividade física na saúde, (bem-estar físico, social e psicológico) (Diniz,1998), pretende-se, com o presente trabalho, analisar os estilos de vida dos adolescentes dos 8º e 9º anos de escolaridade do Agrupamento de Escolas Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen ao nível da actividade física, prática desportiva e ocupação de tempos livres, relacionando-os com os padrões sustentados nos estudos da HBSC/OMS (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children/Organização Mundial de Saúde), ou mais concretamente com os dados do Relatório preliminar do estudo HBSC 2006 - “A Saúde dos Adolescentes Portugueses - Hoje e em 8 Anos”, levado a cabo pela ASS (Aventura Social e Saúde).
RESUMO:Uma boa parte da mortalidade na idade adulta têm origem em comportamentos iniciados na adolescência, como sedentarismo, obesidade e consumo de tabaco, drogas ou álcool (Lourenço, 2007). O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar os estilos de vida e os comportamentos adoptados pelos alunos da Escola Secundária de São João do Estoril (ESSJE), principalmente o nível de prática de actividade física em função do género, ano de escolaridade e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Porém, conhecer de que forma estes jovens ocupam os seus tempos livres é também um dos objectivos do presente trabalho. A amostra é constituída por 78 alunos da ESSJE, sendo que 27 alunos pertencem ao 10º ano, 25 ao 11º ano e 26 ao 12º ano de escolaridade. Foi aplicado uma parte do questionário da rede Europeia Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) que visa estudar a saúde e os estilos de vida dos adolescentes. Os resultados obtidos mostram que na grande maioria, os alunos praticam actividade física, evidenciando-se diferenças na prática relativamente ao género mas não relativamente ao IMC e ano de escolaridade. Quanto à ocupação dos tempos livres, os alunos adoptam na sua maioria por actividades sedentárias. ABSTRACT: A good part of mortality in adulthood has its origin in behavior start in adolescence, such as physical inactivity, obesity and smoking, drugs or alcohol (Lourenço, 2007). The present study aims to examine the lifestyles and behaviors adopted by students of the School of São João do Estoril, especially the level of physical activity by gender, years of education and body mass index. However, to know how these young people occupy their leisure time is also one of the objectives of this work. The sample consists of 78 students School of São João do Estoril, with 27 students belong to the 10 th year, 25 to 11th years and 26 to 12th grade. We applied a part of the questionnaire of the European network Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) project to study the health and lifestyles of teenagers. The results show that in most cases, students practice physical activity, demonstrating differences in practice on gender but not with regard to BMI and years of schooling. As for leisure time, students take mostly of sedentary activities.
This paper discusses a study done on the speech production of elementary school aged children.
The recent increase in short messaging system (SMS) text messaging, often using abbreviated, non-conventional ‘textisms’ (e.g. ‘2nite’), in school-aged children has raised fears of negative consequences of such technology for literacy. The current research used a paradigm developed by Dixon and Kaminska, who showed that exposure to phonetically plausible misspellings (e.g. ‘recieve’) negatively affected subsequent spelling performance, though this was true only with adults, not children. The current research extends this work to directly investigate the effects of exposure to textisms, misspellings and correctly spelledwords on adults’ spelling. Spelling of a set of key words was assessed both before and after an exposure phase where participants read the same key words, presented either as textisms (e.g. ‘2nite’), correctly spelled (e.g. ‘tonight’) or misspelled (e.g. 'tonite’)words. Analysis showed that scores decreased from pre- to post-test following exposure to misspellings, whereas performance improved following exposure to correctly spelled words and, interestingly, to textisms. Data suggest that exposure to textisms, unlike misspellings, had a positive effect on adults’ spelling. These findings are interpreted in light of other recent research suggesting a positive relationship between texting and some literacy measures in school-aged children.
Commercial interventions seeking to promote fruit and vegetable consumption by encouraging preschool- and school-aged children to engage with foods with ‘all their senses’ are increasing in number. We review the efficacy of such sensory interaction programmes and consider the components of these that are likely to encourage food acceptance. Repeated exposure to a food's flavour has robust empirical support in terms of its potential to increase food intake. However, children are naturally reluctant to taste new or disliked foods, and parents often struggle to provide sufficient taste opportunities for these foods to be adopted into the child's diet. We therefore explore whether prior exposure to a new food's non-taste sensory properties, such as its smell, sound, appearance or texture, might facilitate the food's introduction into the child's diet, by providing the child with an opportunity to become partially familiar with the food without invoking the distress associated with tasting it. We review the literature pertaining to the benefits associated with exposure to foods through each of the five sensory modalities in turn. We conclude by calling for further research into the potential for familiarisation with the visual, olfactory, somaesthetic and auditory properties of foods to enhance children's willingness to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables.
As faringotonsilites agudas são infecções das vias aéreas superiores comuns na infância. OBJETIVO: Analisar opiniões e condutas de pediatras e otorrinolaringologistas do Estado de São Paulo em relação ao diagnóstico, tratamento e prevenção das faringotonsilites e suas complicações em crianças. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Selecionamos aleatoriamente 1370 pediatras e 1000 otorrinolaringologistas do Estado de São Paulo. Aos especialistas foi enviado questionário por correio. DESENHO do ESTUDO: Estudo transversal. RESULTADOS: 95,8% dos pediatras e 91,5% dos otorrinos não solicitam rotineiramente exames para diagnóstico laboratorial das faringotonsilites agudas na criança. Os antimicrobianos mais prescritos pelos pediatras nas faringotonsilites bacterianas foram: penicilina por via oral durante 10 dias (33,6%) e penicilina benzatina em dose única (19,7%). Os antimicrobianos mais prescritos pelos otorrinos para tratamento foram: penicilina por via oral durante 10 dias (35,4%) e penicilina por via oral durante 7 dias (25,7%). A medida de prevenção das faringotonsilites bacterianas considerada muito eficaz por mais da metade dos pediatras e otorrinos foi a cirurgia de tonsilectomia. A faringotonsilite de repetição foi o principal motivo para os otorrinos indicarem cirurgia de tonsilectomia aos escolares e adolescentes (49,3% e 53,4%, respectivamente). CONCLUSÕES: É necessário uniformizar condutas de pediatras e otorrinos para diagnóstico e tratamento das faringotonsilites em crianças.
TEMA: função motora fina em escolares com dislexia, distúrbio e dificuldades de aprendizagem. OBJETIVO: este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar o desempenho da função motora fina, sensorial e perceptiva em escolares com dislexia, distúrbio e dificuldades de aprendizagem e correlacionar estes achados à escrita destes escolares. MÉTODO: participaram deste estudo 80 escolares da 2ª à 4ª série do ensino fundamental, na faixa etária de 7 a 12 anos de idade, de ambos os gêneros, distribuídos em: GI: formado por 20 escolares com dislexia, GII: formado por 20 escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem, GIII: formado por 20 escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem e GIV: formado por 20 escolares sem dificuldades de aprendizagem. Os escolares foram submetidos à avaliação da função motora fina, sensorial e perceptiva e análise da escrita por meio da escala de disgrafia. RESULTADOS: os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria dos grupos apresentou desempenho inferior nas provas de FMF7 (oposição de dedos), S8 (grafoestesia) e P1 (imitar posturas). Os GI e GII foram os grupos que apresentaram desempenho inferior na maioria das provas em relação aos GIII e GIV. Quanto à grafia, observou-se que no GII todos os escolares são disgráficos. CONCLUSÃO: a presença de alterações motora fina, sensorial e perceptiva é característica de escolares com distúrbio de aprendizagem e dislexia, entretanto esta característica pode ou não ser encontrada nos escolares com dificuldades de aprendizagem, sendo, portanto, esta alteração responsável pelo comportamento disgráfico dos escolares com transtornos de aprendizagem deste estudo.
Stings caused by jellyfish and jellyfish-like colonies are common all around the world, with serious manifestations and occasional deaths reported in some countries. Between December 2006 and 2007, epidemiological, clinical and treatment aspects of stings caused by the Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia physalis) in 59 patients consulting the ambulatory emergency in Adicora, Falcon State, Venezuela, were studied. Most of the stings occurred in males (59%) preschool and school-aged children (49%), visitors from other areas of the country (92%) during holidays when bathing or diving at the beach (97%). Injuries presented linear erythematous plaques at the point of contact with the animal, located in several anatomical sites. Most clinical manifestations observed were: intense burning pain, urticaria, erythema and inflammation (100%), as well dyspnea with laryngeal edema and fever (19%). Patients were treated with topical drugs, including antihistamine and antipyretic drugs, but also with systemic hydrocortisone. P. physalis stings in Adicora appeared to have a seasonal pattern, with systemic complications potentially life-threatening. Thus, epidemiological surveillance program is recommended, particularly in travelers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In humans, theta band (5-7 Hz) power typically increases when performing cognitively demanding working memory (WM) tasks, and simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings have revealed an inverse relationship between theta power and the BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) signal in the default mode network during WM. However, synchronization also plays a fundamental role in cognitive processing, and the level of theta and higher frequency band synchronization is modulated during WM. Yet, little is known about the link between BOLD, EEG power, and EEG synchronization during WM, and how these measures develop with human brain maturation or relate to behavioral changes. We examined EEG-BOLD signal correlations from 18 young adults and 15 school-aged children for age-dependent effects during a load-modulated Sternberg WM task. Frontal load (in-)dependent EEG theta power was significantly enhanced in children compared to adults, while adults showed stronger fMRI load effects. Children demonstrated a stronger negative correlation between global theta power and the BOLD signal in the default mode network relative to adults. Therefore, we conclude that theta power mediates the suppression of a task-irrelevant network. We further conclude that children suppress this network even more than adults, probably from an increased level of task-preparedness to compensate for not fully mature cognitive functions, reflected in lower response accuracy and increased reaction time. In contrast to power, correlations between instantaneous theta global field synchronization and the BOLD signal were exclusively positive in both age groups but only significant in adults in the frontal-parietal and posterior cingulate cortices. Furthermore, theta synchronization was weaker in children and was--in contrast to EEG power--positively correlated with response accuracy in both age groups. In summary we conclude that theta EEG-BOLD signal correlations differ between spectral power and synchronization and that these opposite correlations with different distributions undergo similar and significant neuronal developments with brain maturation.
In cystic fibrosis (CF), tests for ventilation inhomogeneity are sensitive but not established for clinical routine. We assessed feasibility of a new double-tracer gas single-breath washout (SBW) in school-aged children with CF and control subjects, and compared SBW between groups and with multiple-breath nitrogen washout (MBNW). Three SBW and MBNW were performed in 118 children (66 with CF) using a side-stream ultrasonic flowmeter setup. The double-tracer gas containing 5% sulfur hexafluoride and 26.3% helium was applied during one tidal breath. Outcomes were SBW phase III slope (SIII(DTG)), MBNW-derived lung clearance index (LCI), and indices of acinar (S(acin)) and conductive (S(cond)) ventilation inhomogeneity. SBW took significantly less time to perform than MBNW. SBW and MBNW were feasible in 109 (92.4%) and 98 (83.0%) children, respectively. SIII(DTG) differed between children with CF and controls, mean±sd was -456.7±492.8 and -88.4±129.1 mg·mol·L(-1), respectively. Abnormal SIII(DTG) was present in 36 (59%) children with CF. SIII(DTG) was associated with LCI (r= -0.58) and S(acin) (r= -0.58), but not with S(cond). In CF, steeply sloping SIII(DTG) potentially reflects ventilation inhomogeneity near the acinus entrance. This tidal SBW is a promising test to assess ventilation inhomogeneity in an easy and fast way.
Pronounced improvements in executive functions (EF) during preschool years have been documented in cross-sectional studies. However, longitudinal evidence on EF development during the transition to school and predictive associations between early EF and later school achievement are still scarce. This study examined developmental changes in EF across three time-points, the predictive value of EF for mathematical, reading and spelling skills and explored children's specific academic attainment as a function of early EF. Participants were 323 children following regular education; 160 children were enrolled in prekindergarten (younger cohort: 69 months) and 163 children in kindergarten (older cohort: 78.4 months) at the first assessment. Various tasks of EF were administered three times with an interval of one year each. Mathematical, reading and spelling skills were measured at the last assessment. Individual background characteristics such as vocabulary, non-verbal intelligence and socioeconomic status were included as control variables. In both cohorts, changes in EF were substantial; improvements in EF, however, were larger in preschoolers than school-aged children. EF assessed in preschool accounted for substantial variability in mathematical, reading and spelling achievement two years later, with low EF being especially associated with significant academic disadvantages in early school years. Given that EF continue to develop from preschool into primary school years and that starting with low EF is associated with lower school achievement, EF may be considered as a marker or risk for academic disabilities.
Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pneumoniae) frequently causes community-acquired respiratory tract infection and often presents as atypical pneumonia. Following airborne infection and a long incubation period, affected patients mostly suffer from mild or even asymptomatic and self-limiting disease. In particular in school-aged children, M. pneumoniae is associated with a wide range of extrapulmonary manifestations including central nervous system (CNS) disease. In contrast to children, severe CNS manifestations are rarely observed in adults. We report a case of a 37 year-old previously healthy immunocompetent adult with fulminant M. pneumoniae-induced progressive encephalomyelitis who was initially able to walk to the emergency department. A few hours later, she required controlled mechanical ventilation for ascending transverse spinal cord syndrome, including complete lower extremity paraplegia. Severe M. pneumoniae-induced encephalomyelitis was postulated, and antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy was applied on the intensive care unit. Despite early and targeted therapy using four different immunosuppressive strategies, clinical success was limited. In our patient, locked-in syndrome developed followed by persistent minimally conscious state. The neurological status was unchanged until day 230 of follow-up. Our case underlines that severe M. pneumoniae- related encephalomyelitis must not only be considered in children, but also in adults. Moreover, it can be fulminant and fatal in adults. Our case enhances the debate for an optimal antimicrobial agent with activity beyond the blood-brain barrier. Furthermore, it may underline the difficulty in clinical decision making regarding early antimicrobial treatment in M. pneumoniae disease, which is commonly self-limited.