156 resultados para Derivations


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Community derives from the Latin root word communis (common), which itself breaks down into two possible derivations [...]. The first, com plus munis (what is indebted, bound, or obligated together), is thought to be more philologically accurate, while the second, com plus unus (what is together as one), carries the status of a folk- etymology.


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We investigate the implication of the nonlinear and non-local multi-particle Schrodinger-Newton equation for the motion of the mass centre of an extended multi-particle object, giving self-contained and comprehensible derivations. In particular, we discuss two opposite limiting cases. In the first case, the width of the centre-of-mass wave packet is assumed much larger than the actual extent of the object, in the second case it is assumed much smaller. Both cases result in nonlinear deviations from ordinary free Schrodinger evolution for the centre of mass. On a general conceptual level we include some discussion in order to clarify the physical basis and intention for studying the Schrodinger-Newton equation.


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Doutoramento em Gestão.


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El estudio parte de que todo ser humano accede a la semiosis de la reproducción social, de su entorno existencial. Utilizando la noción de semiosfera (Lotman), y derivaciones conceptuales como la de texto, en un sentido amplificado, se analizan tres aspectos de la experiencia social de un individuo: el fenómeno de la otredad, geográfica y cultural; la ciudad como marca situacional e ideológica, incluido su tratamiento literario; y la conciencia de los contrastes en el devenir histórico de un país.The basis of this study is that all human beings are part of the semiosis of social reproduction, of their existential environment. Using the notion of semiosphere (Lotman), and conceptual derivations such as that of text, in a simplified sense, three aspects are analyzed regarding the social experience of an individual: the phenomenon of geographical and cultural othemess; the city as a situational and ideological sign, including its literary treatment; and the awareness of contrasts in a country's historical future.


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Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is a recently emerged disruptive technology for enhancing the performance of current cellular systems. To successfully implement D2D communications underlaying cellular networks, resource allocation to D2D links is a critical issue, which is far from trivial due to the mutual interference between D2D users and cellular users. Most of the existing resource allocation research for D2D communications has primarily focused on the intracell scenario while leaving the intercell settings not considered. In this paper, we investigate the resource allocation issue for intercell scenarios where a D2D link is located in the overlapping area of two neighboring cells. Specifically, We present three intercell D2D scenarios regarding the resource allocation problem. To address the problem, we develop a repeated game model under these scenarios. Distinct from existing works, we characterize the communication infrastructure, namely Base Stations (BSs), as players competing resource allocation quota from D2D demand, and we define the utility of each player as the payoff from both cellular and D2D communications using radio resources. We also propose a resource allocation algorithm and protocol based on the Nash equilibrium derivations. Numerical results indicate that the developed model not only significantly enhances the system performance including sum rate and sum rate gain, but also sheds lights on resource configurations for intercell D2D scenarios.


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ResumenEl presente artículo se propone como una disertación en torno al fenómeno del abuso sexual infantily el Backlash, comprendiendo a este último como un contra-movimiento social que buscalegitimar diversas manifestaciones de violencia en contra de las mujeres y las personas menoresde edad. En aras de alcanzar dicho propósito, el artículo parte de la conceptualización del términoabuso sexual infantil, resaltando sus principales características y consecuencias, continúa con unadiscusión conceptual en torno al Backlash y sus principales derivaciones y concluye con una reflexiónrespecto a la relación entre este y el abuso sexual infantil. Producto del recorrido emprendido seafirma que, si bien el Backlash nace como una respuesta contraria y contestataria al éxito obtenidopor el movimiento de mujeres, ha evolucionado e incursionado en otras áreas temáticas, como lo esel abuso sexual infantil, cuya comprensión y atención se ha visto influenciada por teorías “pseudocientíficas” como el síndrome de alienación parental y el síndrome de falsas memorias, desde lascuales se desacredita la revelación de las víctimas. En tanto el uso de teorías compatibles con elBacklash en procesos de custodia y juicios por denuncias de abuso sexual se encuentra en aumentovertiginoso, se concluye que el movimiento de derechos humanos debe fortalecer una respuestaconjunta y sólida frente a esta reacción extrema.AbstractThe present article is a dissertation proposal regarding the child sexual abuse phenomenon and the Backlash, being the last a social countermovement which pretends to legitimize various manifestations of violence towards women and underage people. The article starts from the conceptualization of the term child sexual abuse, highlighting its key characteristics and consequences, moving on to a conceptual discussion concerning Backlash and its main derivations, and ending in a reflection about its relationship with child sexual abuse. From the research undertaken it is stated that, while Backlash started out as a counter response to the success achieved by the women movement, it has evolved and moved into other thematic areas, such as child sexual abuse, which understanding and focus have been influenced by pseudoscientific theories like the parental alienation syndrome and the false memory syndrome, from which the victims’ declarations are discredited. While the use of Backlash compatible theories in custody processes and sexual abuse accusation trials shows an accelerated increase, it is concluded that the human rights movement needs to build up a solid and joint answer against this extreme response.Keywords:Backlash, child sexual abuse, parental alienation syndrome, false memories syndrome.