296 resultados para Crotalus Durissus Terrificus
Snakes are ectothermic animals and, therefore, their physiological functions are strongly affected by temperature. For instance, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of this animals increase with the rise in body temperature. However, metabolic determinations in ectothermic organisms, including snakes, are generally made by submitting the animals to constant temperature regimes. This experimental procedure, although widely used, accepted and certainly suitable in several cases, submit the animals to a very different situation from that experienced by them in nature. In fact, ectothermics are known by presenting extensive variations in their body temperatures trough the day and/or seasons. If this disagreement between the thermal biology of the animals and the experimental conditions, for instance over the circadian cycle, affects the determinations of metabolic rates of ectotherm animals, remains quite uncertain. Thus, this study aimed to test the effects of different thermal regimes (fluctuating vs constant) in different temperature ranges over the TMR of rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus). Therefore, the TMR of rattlesnakes was measured by the oxygen consumption rates ( V O2) in the constant temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. For fluctuating regimes, snakes were measured in thermoperiods of 12/12 hours, as follows: 15°C and 25°C; 20°C and 30°C; 25°C and 35°C. Our results show that the RMR of C. durissus rises as the temperature increases, regardless of the thermal regime. The obtained RMR in the constant regimes of 20°C and 25°C was not different from that measured in the correspondent fluctuating regimes (i.e., 15 - 25°C e 20 - 30°C). However, at constant 30°C, the RMR was significantly higher than that obtained in the 30°C fluctuating regime (25 - 35ºC). This indicates that the potential effects in submitting of snakes to different thermal regimes of its thermal biology become more important with...
Snakes are ectothermic animals and, therefore, their physiological functions are strongly affected by temperature. For instance, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of this animals increase with the rise in body temperature. However, metabolic determinations in ectothermic organisms, including snakes, are generally made by submitting the animals to constant temperature regimes. This experimental procedure, although widely used, accepted and certainly suitable in several cases, submit the animals to a very different situation from that experienced by them in nature. In fact, ectothermics are known by presenting extensive variations in their body temperatures trough the day and/or seasons. If this disagreement between the thermal biology of the animals and the experimental conditions, for instance over the circadian cycle, affects the determinations of metabolic rates of ectotherm animals, remains quite uncertain. Thus, this study aimed to test the effects of different thermal regimes (fluctuating vs constant) in different temperature ranges over the TMR of rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus). Therefore, the TMR of rattlesnakes was measured by the oxygen consumption rates ( V O2) in the constant temperatures of 15°C, 20°C, 25°C, 30°C and 35°C. For fluctuating regimes, snakes were measured in thermoperiods of 12/12 hours, as follows: 15°C and 25°C; 20°C and 30°C; 25°C and 35°C. Our results show that the RMR of C. durissus rises as the temperature increases, regardless of the thermal regime. The obtained RMR in the constant regimes of 20°C and 25°C was not different from that measured in the correspondent fluctuating regimes (i.e., 15 - 25°C e 20 - 30°C). However, at constant 30°C, the RMR was significantly higher than that obtained in the 30°C fluctuating regime (25 - 35ºC). This indicates that the potential effects in submitting of snakes to different thermal regimes of its thermal biology become more important with...
In this work we isolated a novel crotamine like protein from the Crotalus durissus cascavella venom by combination of molecular exclusion and analytical reverse phase HPLC. Its primary structure was:YKRCHKKGGHCFPKEKICLPPSSDLGKMDCRWKRK-CCKKGS GK. This protein showed a molecular mass of 4892.89 da that was determined by Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The approximately pI value of this protein was determined in 9.9 by two-dimensional electrophoresis. This crotamine-like protein isolated here and that named as Cro 2 produced skeletal muscle spasm and spastic paralysis in mice similarly to other crotamines like proteins. Cro 2 did not modify the insulin secretion at low glucose concentration (2.8 and 5.6 mM), but at high glucose concentration (16.7 mM) we observed an insulin secretion increasing of 2.7-3.0-fold than to control. The Na+ channel antagonist tetrodoxin (6 mM) decreased glucose and Cro 2-induced insulin secretion. These results suggested that Na+ channel are involved in the insulin secretion. In this article, we also purified some peptide fragment from the treatment of reduced and carboxymethylated Cro 2 (RC-Cro 2) with cyanogen bromide and protease V8 from Staphylococcus aureus. The isolated pancreatic beta-cells were then treated with peptides only at high glucose concentration (16.7 mM), in this condition only two peptides induced insulin secretion. The amino acid sequence homology analysis of the whole crotamine as well as the biologically-active peptide allowed determining the consensus region of the biologically-active crotamine responsible for insulin secretion was KGGHCFPKE and DCRWKWKCCKKGSG.
In this article we investigated the platelet aggregating activity of whole crotoxin and its subunits isolated from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom. During the purification protocols of the venom, using HPLC molecular exclusion, we detected the presence of two different serine protease activities in the gyroxin fraction, and another in the crotoxin fraction, which induced strong and irreversible platelet aggregation, in addition to blood coagulation. From crotoxin, we isolated PLA(2), crotapotin (both fractions corresponding approximately 85% of whole crotoxin) and another minor fraction (F20) that exhibited serine protease activity. After a new fractionation on reverse phase HPLC chromatography, we obtained three other fractions named as F201, F202 and F203. F202 was obtained with high degree of molecular homogeneity with molecular mass of approximately 28 kDa and a high content of acidic amino residues, such as aspartic acid and glutamic acid. Other important amino acids were histidine, cysteine and lysine. This protein exhibited a high specificity for BApNA, a Michaelis-Menten behavior with Vmax estimated in 5.64 mu M/min and a Km value of 0.58 mM for this substrate. In this work, we investigated the ability of F202 to degrade fibrinogen and observed alpha and beta chain cleavage. Enzymatic as well as the platelet aggregation activities were strongly inhibited when incubated with TLCK and PMSF, specific inhibitors of serine protease. Also, F202 induced platelet aggregation in washed and platelet-rich plasma, and in both cases, TLCK inhibited its activity. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of F202 presented a high amino acid sequence homology with other thrombin-like proteins, but it was significantly different from gyroxin. These results showed that crotoxin is a highly heterogeneous protein composed of PLA(2), thrombin-like and other fractions that might explain the diversity of physiological and pharmacological activities of this protein.
In the present article we report on the biological characterization and amino acid sequence of a new basic Phospholipases A(2) (PLA(2)) isolated from the Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom (Cdcolli F6), which showed the presence of 122 amino acid residues with a pI value of 8.3, molecular mass of 14 kDa and revealed an amino acid sequence identity of 80% with crotalic PLA(2)s such as Mojave B, Cdt F15, and CROATOX. This homology, however, dropped to 50% if compared to other sources of PLA(2)s such as from the Bothrops snake venom. Also, this PLA(2) induced myonecrosis, although this effect was lower than that of BthTx-I or whole crotoxin and it was able to induce a strong blockage effect on the chick biventer neuromuscular preparation, independently of the presence of the acid subunid (crotapotin). The neurotoxic effect was strongly reduced by pre-incubation with heparin or with anhydrous acetic acid and rho-BPB showed a similar reduction. The rho-BPB did not reduce significantly the myotoxic activity induced by the PLA(2), but the anhydrous acetic acid treatment and the pre-incu-bation of PLA(2) with heparin reduced significantly its effects. This protein showed a strong antimicrobial activity against Xanthomonas axonopodis passiflorae (Gram-negative), which was drastically reduced by incubation of this PLA(2) with rho-BPB, but this effect was marginally reduced after treatment with anhydrous acetic acid. Our findings here allow to speculate that basic amino acid residues on the C-terminal and molecular regions near catalytic site regions such as Calcium binding loop or rho-wing region may be involved in the binding of this PLA(2) to the molecular receptor to induce the neurotoxic effect. The bactericidal effect, however, was completely dependent on the enzymatic activity of this protein.
Crotalus durissus cascavella is a snake that is usually found in the scrublands of northeast Brazil. The components of its venom may have effects on the vascular and renal systems. Recently, a new bradykinin inhibitory peptide has been identified in the venom of the Crotalinae family. The aim of the present study was to investigate the renal and vascular effects of the natriuretic peptide isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus cascavella (NP2_Casca). The chromatographic profile showed the fractionation of substances identified as convulxin, gyroxin, crotoxin and crotamine, as well as fractions V and VI. The electrophoretic profile of fraction V consisted of several bands ranging from approximately 6 kDa to 13 kDa, while fraction VI showed only two main electrophoretic bands with molecular weights of approximately 6 and 14 kDa. Reverse-phase chromatography showed that NP2_Casca corresponds to about 18% of fraction VI and that this fraction is the main natriuretic peptide. NP2_Casca was compared to other natriuretic peptides from other sources of snake venom. All amino acid sequences that were compared showed a consensus region of XGCFGX, XLDRIX and XSGLGCX. The group treated with NP2-Casca showed an increase in perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow and glomerular filtration rate. The percent of total and proximal tubular transport of sodium was reduced significantly after administration of the peptide. The mean arterial pressure showed a dose-dependent decrease after infusion of NP2_Casca, and an increase in nitrite production. In the aortic ring assay, NP2_Casca caused a relaxant effect in endothelium-intact thoracic aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine in the presence and absence of isatin. NP2_Casca failed to relax the aortic rings precontracted with an isosmotic potassium Krebs-Henseleit solution. In conclusion, the natriuretic peptide isolated from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom produced renal and vascular effects. NP2_Casca reduced total and proximal sodium tubular transport, leading to an increase in sodium excretion, thereby demonstrating a diuretic action. A hypotensive effect was displayed in an arterial pressure assay, with an increase in nitrite production, suggesting a possible vasoactive action. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Low molecular weight fragments of sulfated galactans (Boc-5 and Boc-10) from the red algae Botryocladia occidentalis significantly inhibited Crotalus durissus cascavella sPLA2 enzymatic activity. Equimolar ratios of sPLA2 to Boc-5 or Boc-10 resulted in allosteric inhibition of sPLA2. Under the conditions tested, we observed that both Boc-5 and Boc-10 strongly decreased edema, myonecrosis, and neurotoxicity induced by native sPLA2.
We show that ethyl 2-oxo-2H-chromene-3-carboxylate (EOCC), a synthetic coumarin, irreversibly inhibits phospholipase A(2) (sPLA2) from Crotalus durissus ruruima venom (sPLA2r) with an IC(50) of 3.1 +/- 0.06 nmol. EOCC strongly decreased the V(max) and K(m), and it virtually abolished the enzyme activity of sPLA2r as well as sPLA2s from other sources. The edema induced by 5PLA2r + EOCC was less than that induced by 5PLA2r treated with p-bromophenacyl bromide, which was more efficient at neutralizing the platelet aggregation activity of native 5PLA2r. Native 5PLA2r induced platelet aggregation of 91.54 +/- 9.3%, and sPLA2r +/- EOCC induced a platelet aggregation of 18.56 +/- 6.5%. EOCC treatment also decreased the myotoxic effect of sPLA2r. Mass spectrometry showed that EOCC formed a stable complex with sPLA2r, which increased the mass of native 5PLA2r from 14,299.34 da to 14,736.22 Da. Moreover, the formation of this complex appeared to be involved in the loss of 5PLA2r activity. Our results strongly suggest that EOCC can be used as a pharmacological agent against the 5PLA2 in Crotalus durissus sp. venom as well as other sPLA2s. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Flavonoids, coumarins and other polyphenolic compounds are powerful antioxiants both in hydrophilic and lipophylic environments with diverse pharmacological properties including anti-inflammatory activity. Despite being widely used as powerful therapeutic agents for blood coagulation disorders, more specifically to control some serine protease enzymes, the mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of coumarins is unknown, unlike that of flavonoids. Although their controlling effect on serine proteases is well acknowledged, their action on secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) remains obscure. The present study describes the interaction between umbelliferone (7-HOC) and the sPLA2 from Crotalus durissus collilineatus venom. In vitro inhibition of sPLA2 enzymatic activity by 7-HOC was estimated using 4N3OBA as substrate, resulting in an irreversible decrease in such activity proportional to 7-HOC concentration. The biophysical interaction between 7-HOC and sPLA2 was examined by fluorescent spectral analysis and circular dichroism studies. Results from both techniques clearly showed that 7-HOC strongly modified the secondary structure of this enzyme and CD spectra revealed that it strongly decreased sPLA2 alphahelical conformation. In addition, two-dimensional electrophoresis indicated an evident difference between HPLC-purified native and 7-HOC-treated sPLA2s, which were used in pharmacological experiments to compare their biological activities. In vivo anti-inflammatory activity was assessed by the sPLA2-induced mouse paw edema model, in which 7-HOC presented an effect similar to those of dexamethasone and cyproheptacline against the pro-inflammatory effect induced by native sPLA2 on the mouse paw edema, mast cell degranulation and skin edema. on the other hand, 7-HOC exhibited a more potent inhibitory effect on sPUL2 than that of p-bromophenacyl bromide (p-BPB). Our data suggest that 7-HOC interacts with sPLA2 and causes some structural modifications that lead to a sharp decrease or inhibition of the edematogenic and myotoxic activities of this enzyme, indicating its potential use to suppress inflammation induced by sPLA2 from the snake venom. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
In this study, the effect of phospholipase A2 (PLA2) derived from Crotalus durissus collilineatus was evaluated in vitro and in vivo on experimental cutaneous leishmaniasis. The promastigote and amastigote forms treated with PLA2 presented increased growth rate. In vivo studies showed that PLA2-treated Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis promastigotes increased the size of lesions in BALB/c mice, and histopathological analysis showed numerous necrotic regions presenting a higher density of polymorphonuclear, mononuclear, and amastigote cells. Additionally, infected macrophages treated with PLA2 were able to generate prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Cytokine quantification showed that the supernatant from infected macrophages presented moderate and high amounts of IL-2 and IL-10, respectively. However, in PLA2-treated infected macrophages, suppression of IL-2 levels occurred, but not of IL-10 levels. Observation also revealed that both the supernatant and lysate of L. (L.) amazonensis promastigotes exhibited PLA2 activity, which, in the presence of dexamethasone, showed no reduction in their activities; while glucocorticoid maintained the ability of promastigote forms to infect macrophages, which presented values similar to controls. In conclusion, the results indicate that PLA2 may be a progression factor for cutaneous leishmaniasis, since the PLA2 effect suppressed IL-2 levels and generated PGE2, an inflammatory lipid mediator.
This work investigates the influence of heat shock proteins (HSPs) on necrosis and subsequent skeletal muscle regeneration induced by crotoxin (CTX), the major component of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom. Mice were treated with radicicol, a HSP inductor, followed by an intramuscular injection of CTX into the gastrocnemius muscle. Treated groups were sacrificed 1, 10 and 21 days after CTX injection. Muscle histological sections were stained with toluidine blue and assayed for acid phosphatase or immunostained with either neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) or neonatal myosin heavy chain (MHCn). Muscle samples were also submitted to Western blotting analysis. The results show that CTX alone and CTX combined with radicicol induced a similar degree of myofiber necrosis. CTX-injured muscles treated with radicicol had increased cross-sectional areas at 10 and 21 days post-lesion compared with untreated CTX-injured muscles. Additionally, radicicol significantly increased the number of NCAM-positive satellite cells in the gastrocnemius at one day post-CTX injury. CTX-injured Muscles treated with radicicol contained more MHCn-positive regenerating myofibers compared with untreated CTX-injured muscles. These results suggest that HSPs contribute to the regeneration of myofibers damaged by CTX. Additionally, further studies should investigate the potential therapeutic effects of radicicol in skeletal muscles affected by Crotalus venom. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Many medicinal plants have been recommended for the treatment of snakebites. The aqueous extracts prepared from the leaves of Schizolobium parahyba (a plant found in Mata Atlantica in Southeastern Brazil) were assayed for their ability to inhibit some enzymatic and biological activities induced by Bothropspauloensis and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms as well as by their isolated toxins neuwiedase (metalloproteinase), BnSP-7 (basic Lys49 PLA(2)) and CB (PLA(2) from crotoxin complex). Phospholipase A(2), coagulant, fibrinogenolytic, hemorrhagic and myotoxic activities induced by R pauloensis and C. d. terrificus venoms, as well as by their isolated toxins were significantly inhibited when different amounts of S. parahyba were incubated previously with these venoms and toxins before assays. However, when S. parahyba was administered at the same route as the venoms or toxins injections, the tissue local damage, such as hemorrhage and myotoxicity was only partially inhibited. The study also evaluated the inhibitory effect of S. parahyba upon the spreading of venom proteins from the injected area into the systemic circulation. The neutralization of systemic alterations induced by i.m. injection of R pauloensis venom was evaluated by measuring platelet and plasma fibrinogen levels which were significantly maintained when S. parahyba extract inoculation occurred at the same route after R pauloensis venom injection. In conclusion, the observations confirmed that the aqueous extract of S. parahyba possesses potent snake venom neutralizing properties. It may be used as an alternative treatment to serum therapy and as a rich source of potential inhibitors of toxins involved in several physiopathological human and animal diseases. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Context: Species of Baccharis exhibit antibiotic, antiseptic, and wound-healing properties, and have been used in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of inflammation, headaches, diabetes, and hepatobiliary disorders. Objective: To investigate the anti-inflammatory activity of organic phases from EtOH extract of the aerial parts of Baccharis uncinella DC (Asteraceae). Materials and methods: The crude EtOH extract from the aerial parts of B. uncinella was subjected to partition procedures and the corresponding CH(2)Cl(2) and EtOAc phases were subjected to several chromatographic separation procedures. Thus, these phases and their purified compounds were assayed for evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity. Results: The CH(2)Cl(2) phase from EtOH extract from B. uncinella contained two triterpenoids (oleanolic and ursolic acids) and one flavonoid (pectolinaringenin), whereas the respective EtOAc phase showed to be composed mainly by two phenylpropanoid derivatives (caffeic and ferulic acids). The CH(2)Cl(2) and EtOAc phases as well as their isolated compounds exhibited anti-inflammatory effects against inflammatory reactions induced by phospholipase A2 (from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom) and by carrageenan. Discussion and conclusion: The results suggested that the components obtained from partition phases of EtOH extract of B. uncinella could represent lead molecules for the development of anti-inflammatory agents. Additionally, the results confirmed the use of Baccharis genus in the traditional medicine of South America for the treatment of inflammation and other heath disorders. To date, the present work describes for the first time the anti-inflammatory effects of compounds isolated from B. uncinella.
Objectives: Selective anticancer cell activity for both cell-penetrating and cationic antimicrobial peptides has previously been reported. As crotamine possesses activities similar to both of these, this study investigates crotamine`s anticancer toxicity in vitro and in vivo. Research design and methods: In vitro cancer cell viability was evaluated after treatment with 1 and 5 mu g/ml of crotamine. In vivo crotamine cytotoxic effects in C57Bl/6J mice bearing B16-F10 primary cutaneous melanoma were tested, with two groups each containing 35 mice. The crotamine-treated group received 1 mu g/day of crotamine per animal, subcutaneously which was well tolerated; the untreated group received a placebo. Results: Crotamine at 5 mu g/ml was lethal to B16-F10, Mia PaCa-2 and SK-Mel-28 cells and inoffensive to normal cells. In vivo crotamine treatment over 21 days significantly delayed tumor implantation, inhibited tumor growth and prolonged the lifespan of the mice. Mice in the crotamine-treated group survived at significantly higher rates (n = 30/35) than those in the untreated group (n = 7/35) (significance calculated with the Kaplan-Meier estimator). The average tumor weight in the untreated group was 4.60 g but was only about 0.27 g in the crotamine-treated mice, if detectable. Conclusions: These data warrant further exploration of crotamine as a tumor inhibition compound.
Crotamine, one of the main toxic components of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom, is a small non-enzymatic basic polypeptide, which causes hind limb paralysis and necrosis of muscle cells. it is well-known that several toxins penetrate into the cytosol through endocytosis, although in many cases the mechanism by which this occurs has not been fully investigated. Recently, using low concentrations of crotamine, we demonstrated the uptake of this toxin into actively proliferative cells via endocytosis, an event that ensues crotamine binding to cell membrane heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Thus, crotamine can be regarded as a cell-penetrating peptide that, additionally, has been shown to be able of delivering some biologically active molecules into various cells. Herein, we investigate one of the mechanisms by which crotamine exerts its cytotoxic effects by following its uptake into highly proliferative cells, as CHO-K1 cells. Crotamine accumulation in the acidic endosomal/lysosomal vesicles was observed within 5 min after treatment of these cells with a cytotoxic concentration of this toxin, a value determined here by classical MTT assay. This accumulation caused disruption of lysosomal vesicles accompanied by the leakage of these vesicles contents into the cytosol. This lysosomal lysis also promoted the release of cysteine cathepsin and an increase of caspase activity in the cytoplasm. This chain of events seems to trigger a cell death process. Overall, our data suggest that lysosomes are the primary targets for crotamine cytotoxicity, a proposal corroborated by the correlation between both the kinetics and concentration-dependence of crotamine accumulation in lysosome compartments and the cytotoxic effects of this protein in CHO-K1 cells. Although crotamine is usually regarded as a myotoxin, we observed that intraperitoneal injection of fluorescently labeled crotamine in living mice led to significant and rapid accumulation of this toxin in the cell cytoplasm of several tissues, suggesting that crotamine cytotoxicity might not be restricted to muscle cells. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.