929 resultados para Cotton yield


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Double Degree. A Work Project presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Economics from the NOVA- School of Business and Economics and a Masters Degree in Management from Louvain School of Management


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This paper studies the effects of monetary policy on mutual fund risk taking using a sample of Portuguese fixed-income mutual funds in the 2000-2012 period. Firstly I estimate time-varying measures of risk exposure (betas) for the individual funds, for the benchmark portfolio, as well as for a representative equally-weighted portfolio, through 24-month rolling regressions of a two-factor model with two systematic risk factors: interest rate risk (TERM) and default risk (DEF). Next, in the second phase, using the estimated betas, I try to understand what portion of the risk exposure is in excess of the benchmark (active risk) and how it relates to monetary policy proxies (one-month rate, Taylor residual, real rate and first principal component of a cross-section of government yields and rates). Using this methodology, I provide empirical evidence that Portuguese fixed-income mutual funds respond to accommodative monetary policy by significantly increasing exposure, in excess of their benchmarks, to default risk rate and slightly to interest risk rate as well. I also find that the increase in funds’ risk exposure to gain a boost in return (search-for-yield) is more pronounced following the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, indicating that the current historic low interest rates may incentivize excessive risk taking. My results suggest that monetary policy affects the risk appetite of non-bank financial intermediaries.


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Equity research report


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Aniba canelilla (H.B.K.) Mez. is a tree species from Amazon that produces essential oil. The oil extraction from its leaves and stems can be an alternative way to avoid the tree cutting for production of essential oil. The aim of this study was to analyse factors that may influence the essential oil production and the biomass of resprouts after pruning the leaves and stems of A. canelilla trees. The tree crowns were pruned in the wet season and after nine months the leaves and stems of the remaining crown and the resprouts were collected, in the dry season. The results showed that the essential oil yield and chemical composition differed among the stems, leaves and resprouts. The stems' essential oil production differed between the seasons and had a higher production in the resprouting stems than the old stems of the remaining crown. The production of essential oil and leaf biomass of resprouts were differently related to the canopy openness, indicating that light increases the production of the essential oil and decreases the biomass of resprouting leaves. This study revealed that plant organs differ in their essential oil production and that the canopy openness must be taken into account when pruning the A. canelilla tree crown in order to achieve higher oil productivity.


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The tropical tree Schizolobium amazonicum is native from the Amazonian forest, naturally occurring in Brazil, Peru and Colombia. This work aimed to study the veneer yield made from this species. For this purpose, 50 logs from S. amazonicum were rotary peeled in a plywood industry installed in Brazilian Amazon region. The results indicated that S. amazonicum had a peeling yield similar or even higher than those usually obtained for species traditionally used for this purpose in Brazil, like those of Pinus and Eucalyptus. It was also observed that the dendrometric parameters of the log can be used to estimate the peeling yield in this species.


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Long pepper (Piper hispidinervum) is an Amazonian species of commercial interest due to the production of safrole. Drying long pepper biomass to extract safrole is a time consuming and costly process that can also result in the contamination of the material by microorganisms. The objective of this study was to analyze the yield of essential oil and safrole content of fresh and dried biomass of long pepper accessions maintained in the Active Germoplasm Bank of Embrapa Acre, in the state of Acre, Brazil, aiming at selecting genotypes with best performance on fresh biomass to recommend to the breeding program of the species. Yield of essential oil and safrole content were assessed in 15 long pepper accessions. The essential oil extraction was performed by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography. A joint analysis of experiments was performed and the means of essential oil yield and safrole content for each biomass were compared by Student's t-test. There was variability in the essential oil yield and safrole content. There was no difference between the types of biomass for oil yield; however to the safrole content there was difference. Populations 9, 10, 12 and 15 had values of oil yield between 4.1 and 5.3%, and safrole content between 87.2 and 94.3%. The drying process does not interfere in oil productivity. These populations have potential for selection to the long pepper breeding program using oil extraction in the fresh biomass


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Dissertação de mestrado em Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas


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Background and aim: A significant proportion of patients presenting with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding (OGIB) have negative small bowel capsule endoscopy (SBCE) examinations, and yet remain at risk of rebleeding. We aimed to evaluate whether a second-look review of SBCE images using flexible spectral color enhancement (FICE) may improve the detection of potentially bleeding lesions. Materials and methods: This was a retrospective, single-center study including consecutive patients with OGIB subjected to SBCE, whose standard white light examination was nondiagnostic. Each SBCE was reviewed using FICE 1. New findings were labeled as either P1 or P2 lesions according to bleeding potential. Patients were followed up to assess the incidence of rebleeding. Results: A total of 42 consecutive patients were included. Sixteen patients (38%) experienced rebleeding after a mean follow-up of 26 months. Review of SBCE images using FICE 1 enabled the identification of previously unrecognized P2 lesions, mainly angioectasias, in nine patients (21%) and P1 lesions, mainly erosions, in 26 patients (62%). Among patients who experienced rebleeding, 13/16 (81%) were diagnosed with P1 lesions with FICE 1 (P=0.043), whereas 3/16 (19%) had confirmed nondiagnostic SBCE and only 1/16 (6%) had newly diagnosed P2 (plus P1) lesions. An alternative source of bleeding outside the small bowel was found in only 3/16 (19%) patients with rebleeding during the follow-up. Conclusion: In a significant proportion of patients with OGIB, FICE 1 may detect potentially bleeding lesions previously missed under conventional white light SBCE. Review of nondiagnostic SBCE with FICE 1 may be a valuable strategy to obviate the need for further investigations in patients with OGIB, particularly for those who experience rebleeding.


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A large group of low molecular weight natural compounds that exhibit antimicrobial activity has been isolated from animals and plants during the past two decades. Among them, peptides are the most widespread resulting in a new generation of antimicrobial agents with higher specific activity. In the present study we have developed a new strategy to obtain antimicrobial wound-dressings based on the incorporation of antimicrobial peptides into polyelectrolyte multilayer films built by the alternate deposition of polycation (chitosan) and polyanion (alginic acid sodium salt) over cotton gauzes. Energy dispersive X ray microanalysis technique was used to determine if antimicrobial peptides penetrated within the films. FTIR analysis was performed to assess the chemical linkages, and antimicrobial assays were performed with two strains: Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive bacterium) and Klebsiella pneumonia (Gram-negative bacterium). Results showed that all antimicrobial peptides used in this work have provided a higher antimicrobial effect (in the range of 4 log–6 log reduction) for both microorganisms, in comparison with the controls, and are non-cytotoxic to normal human dermal fibroblasts at the concentrations tested.


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Cutinase from Thermobifida fusca was used to esterify the hydroxyl groups of cellulose with the fatty acids from triolein. Cutinase and triolein were pre-adsorbed on cotton and the reaction proceeded in a dry state during 48 hours at 35ºC. The cutinase-catalyzed esterification of the surface of cotton fabric resulted in the linkage of the oleate groups to the glycoside units of cotton cellulose. The superficial modification was confirmed by performing ATR-FTIR on treated cotton samples and by MALDI-TOF analysis of the liquors from the treatment of the esterified cotton with a crude cellulase mixture. Modified cotton fabric also showed a significant increase of hydrophobicity. This work proposes a novel bio-based approach to obtain hydrophobic cotton. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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In several cotton crops areas of the State of S. Paulo it was observed, during the years of 1948, 1949, and 1951, the appearance of a purple color of the leaves; the color appears in the opening of the bolls and was correlated with a decrease of production. The opinions concerning the cause of such abnormality were very different and sometimes contradictory; certain investigators attributed the disease to insect attack, others to bad climatic conditions whereas others to a potassium deficiency now called "fome de potássio" (potash hunger); our ideas on the subject is another one. We think that the disease is caused by lack of a suitable supply of magnesium. This opinion is largely based on the syntomatology found in the literature. To study the problem, several experiments were carried out, namely: 1. pot experiments using soil collected in areas where the disorder had appeared; 2. pot experiments controlling the water supply; 3. sand culture experiments omitting either potassium or magnesium; 4. leaf analysis of plant matrial collected troughout the Piracicaba County; 5. plot experiments with the varieties Texas, Express, and I.A. 817 Campinas. The first four experiments were discussed elsewhere. To study the point 5 an experiment was carried out, with the following treatments : 1 - NPKCaMg (no K added) - Mg supplied as MgSO4 (a soluble form); 2 -NPKCa (no Mg added); 3 -NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as MgSO4; 4 - NPKCaMg (complete) - Mg supplied as dolomitic limestone (a slightly soluble form) as a rate 2.5 higher than in the treatment 1 and 3. Organic matter as cottonseed meal was applied in the proportion of 500 kg per hectare. The experimental design was randomized blocks with 4 replications and the results can be summarized as follows: 1 the I.A 817 variety was the most strongly affected by the physiological disorder, with severe decrease in yield; 2. the disease occurred more frequently in the minus magnesium treatment; 3. dolomitic limestone is so effective as magnesium sulfate in the control of the disease as well in the raising of the yield; 4. in the minus K treatment it was observed a marked occurrence of the typical symptoms of potassium deficiency (cotton rust); 5. magnesium was actually, in the experimental conditions the responsible for the purple color (vermelhão) of the cotton leaves.


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This paper relates the results of an experiment designed to study the comparative effects of several phosphates applied to corn crops. The following phosphates were applied to a latin square of 6x6: Latif (a rock phosphate), fospal, superphosphate, fertifos, hiperfosfato and serranafosfato (a fusion phosphate). The nutrients were employd at the rates of 200 kg of N (as Chilean nitrate), 200kg of K2O (as muriate of potash) and 200 kg of P205. To correct the acidity and to improve the poor physical conditions of the sandy soil studied limestone (450 kg/Ha) and cotton seed meal (900 kg/Ha) were added to all plots; liming was made one month in advance to the planting. In the second year, in the same place, the split-plot technique was used: half plot received only N and K20 whereas the other half received the same treatment as the year before. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. in the first year, superphosphate of lime, produced better results than the other phosphates; there was no significant difference among fertifos, serranafosfato, and hiperfosfato but these phosphates proved to be superior to fospal and Latif; 2. in the second year, superphosphate, fertifos and serranafosfato produced practically the same effect, being better than hiperfosfato, fospal, and Latif which did not differ signicantly; 3. the increase in yield due to the reapplication of phosphates to the half plots was not advantageous under an economic point of view; however, it is interesting to note that the yield was still benefited in spite of the heavy doses of phosphates applied the year before.