1000 resultados para Cosmologia. Energia escura. Parâmetro de Hubble. Matéria escura
We report a theoretical investigation of thermal hysteresis in magnetic nanoelements. Thermal hysteresis originates in the existence of meta-stable states in temperature intervals which may be tuned by small values of the external magnetic field, and are controlled by the systems geometric dimensions as well as the composition. Two systems have been investigated. The first system is a trilayer consisting of one antiferromagnetic MnF2 film, exchange coupled with two Fe lms. At low temperatures the ferromagnetic layers are oriented in opposite directions. By heating in the presence of an external magnetic field, the Zeeman energy induces a gradual orientation of the ferromagnets with the external field and the nucleation of spin- op-like states in the antiferromagnetic layer, leading eventually, in temperatures close to the Neel temperature, to full alignment of the ferromagnetic films and the formation of frustrated exchange bonds in the center of the antiferromagnetic layer. By cooling down to low temperatures, the system follows a different sequence of states, due to the anisotropy barriers of both materials. The width of the thermal hysteresis loop depends on the thicknesses of the FM and AFM layers as well as on the strength of the external field. The second system consists in Fe and Permalloy ferromagnetic nanoelements exchange coupled to a NiO uncompensated substrate. In this case the thermal hysteresis originates in the modifications of the intrinsic magnetic
The diffusive epidemic process (PED) is a nonequilibrium stochastic model which, exhibits a phase trnasition to an absorbing state. In the model, healthy (A) and sick (B) individuals diffuse on a lattice with diffusion constants DA and DB, respectively. According to a Wilson renormalization calculation, the system presents a first-order phase transition, for the case DA > DB. Several researches performed simulation works for test this is conjecture, but it was not possible to observe this first-order phase transition. The explanation given was that we needed to perform simulation to higher dimensions. In this work had the motivation to investigate the critical behavior of a diffusive epidemic propagation with Lévy interaction(PEDL), in one-dimension. The Lévy distribution has the interaction of diffusion of all sizes taking the one-dimensional system for a higher-dimensional. We try to explain this is controversy that remains unresolved, for the case DA > DB. For this work, we use the Monte Carlo Method with resuscitation. This is method is to add a sick individual in the system when the order parameter (sick density) go to zero. We apply a finite size scalling for estimates the critical point and the exponent critical =, e z, for the case DA > DB
The development of computers and algorithms capable of making increasingly accurate and rapid calculations as well as the theoretic foundation provided by quantum mechanics has turned computer simulation into a valuable research tool. The importance of such a tool is due to its success in describing the physical and chemical properties of materials. One way of modifying the electronic properties of a given material is by applying an electric field. These effects are interesting in nanocones because their stability and geometric structure make them promising candidates for electron emission devices. In our study we calculated the first principles based on the density functional theory as implemented in the SIESTA code. We investigated aluminum nitride (AlN), boron nitride (BN) and carbon (C), subjected to external parallel electric field, perpendicular to their main axis. We discuss stability in terms of formation energy, using the chemical potential approach. We also analyze the electronic properties of these nanocones and show that in some cases the perpendicular electric field provokes a greater gap reduction when compared to the parallel field
Neste trabalho, elaboramos e discutimos uma rede complexa sem escala, ou seja, uma rede cuja distribuição de conectividade segue uma lei de distribuição de potência. Nosso trabalho pode ser resumido da seguinte forma: Para efeito de didática vamos começar com redes aleatórias que estão relacionados com situações reais e artificiais, e depois comentar as redes livres de escala, como proposto por Barabási-Albert (BA). Depois disso, discutimos uma extensão deste modelo, onde Barabasi e Bianconi (BB) incluem a qualidade. Discutimos também o modelo de afinidade, ou seja, (Ver Almeida et al). Finalmente vamos mostrar o nosso modelo, uma extensão do modelo de afinidade dada por e apresentar os resultados correspondentes. Para realizar tal tarefa modificamos a regra de ligação preferencial do modelo de BB colocando um fator que apresenta o grau de probabilidade entre os sítios da rede. Esta quantidade é feita pela diferença entre a qualidade do novo sítio e a qualidade dos anteriores. Este novo parâmetro produz novos resultados interessantes: a distribuição que segue uma lei de especial de potência, expoente apropriado. A evolução temporal da conectividade do sítio também é calculada . Além disso, mostramos também, os resultados que foram obtidos, via simulação numérica, para o menor caminho médio e o coeficiente de agregação da rede gerada pelo nosso modelo, isto é, pelo modelo de afinidade.
A posição que a renomada estatí stica de Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) ocupa no cenário cientifíco e incontestável, tendo um âmbito de aplicabilidade muito abrangente. Por em, muitos fenômenos físicos não podem ser descritos por esse formalismo. Isso se deve, em parte, ao fato de que a estatística de BG trata de fenômenos que se encontram no equilíbrio termodinâmico. Em regiões onde o equilíbrio térmico não prevalece, outros formalismos estatísticos devem ser utilizados. Dois desses formalismos emergiram nas duas ultimas décadas e são comumente denominados de q-estatística e k-estatística; o primeiro deles foi concebido por Constantino Tsallis no final da década de 80 e o ultimo por Giorgio Kaniadakis em 2001. Esses formalismos possuem caráter generalizador e, por isso, contem a estatística de BG como caso particular para uma escolha adequada de certos parâmetros. Esses dois formalismos, em particular o de Tsallis, nos conduzem também a refletir criticamente sobre conceitos tão fortemente enraizados na estat ística de BG como a aditividade e a extensividade de certas grandezas físicas. O escopo deste trabalho esta centrado no segundo desses formalismos. A k -estatstica constitui não só uma generalização da estatística de BG, mas, atraves da fundamentação do Princípio de Interação Cinético (KIP), engloba em seu âmago as celebradas estatísticas quânticas de Fermi- Dirac e Bose-Einstein; além da própria q-estatística. Neste trabalho, apresentamos alguns aspectos conceituais da q-estatística e, principalmente, da k-estatística. Utilizaremos esses conceitos junto com o conceito de informação de bloco para apresentar um funcional entrópico espelhado no formalismo de Kaniadakis que será utilizado posteriormente para descrever aspectos informacionais contidos em fractais tipo Cantor. Em particular, estamos interessados em conhecer as relações entre parâmetros fractais, como a dimensão fractal, e o parâmetro deformador. Apesar da simplicidade, isso nos proporcionará, em trabalho futuros, descrever estatisticamente estruturas mais complexas como o DNA, super-redes e sistema complexos
The calcium ferrite (Ca2Fe2O5) has a perovskite-type structure with oxygen deficiency and is used as a chemical catalyst. With the advent of nanoscience and nanotechnology, methods of preparation, physical and chemical characterizations, and the technological applications of nanoparticles have attracted great scientific interest. Calcium nanostructured ferrites were produced via high-energy milling, with subsequent heat treatment. The milling products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, magnetization and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Samples of the type Ca2Fe2O5 were obtained from the CaCO3 and Fe2O3 powder precursors, which were mixed stoichiometrically and milled for 10h and thermally treated at 700ºC, 900ºC and 1100ºC. The Mössbauer spectra of the treated samples were adjusted three subespectros: calcium ferrite (octahedral and tetrahedral sites) and a paramagnetic component, related to very small particles of calcium ferrite, which are in a superparamagnetic state. For samples beats in an atmosphere of methyl alcohol, there is a significant increase in area associated with the paramagnetic component. Hysteresis curves obtained are characteristic of a weak ferromagnetic-like material
Considering a non-relativistic ideal gas, the standard foundations of kinetic theory are investigated in the context of non-gaussian statistical mechanics introduced by Kaniadakis. The new formalism is based on the generalization of the Boltzmann H-theorem and the deduction of Maxwells statistical distribution. The calculated power law distribution is parameterized through a parameter measuring the degree of non-gaussianity. In the limit = 0, the theory of gaussian Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution is recovered. Two physical applications of the non-gaussian effects have been considered. The first one, the -Doppler broadening of spectral lines from an excited gas is obtained from analytical expressions. The second one, a mathematical relationship between the entropic index and the stellar polytropic index is shown by using the thermodynamic formulation for self-gravitational systems
Currently the interest in large-scale systems with a high degree of complexity has been much discussed in the scientific community in various areas of knowledge. As an example, the Internet, protein interaction, collaboration of film actors, among others. To better understand the behavior of interconnected systems, several models in the area of complex networks have been proposed. Barabási and Albert proposed a model in which the connection between the constituents of the system could dynamically and which favors older sites, reproducing a characteristic behavior in some real systems: connectivity distribution of scale invariant. However, this model neglects two factors, among others, observed in real systems: homophily and metrics. Given the importance of these two terms in the global behavior of networks, we propose in this dissertation study a dynamic model of preferential binding to three essential factors that are responsible for competition for links: (i) connectivity (the more connected sites are privileged in the choice of links) (ii) homophily (similar connections between sites are more attractive), (iii) metric (the link is favored by the proximity of the sites). Within this proposal, we analyze the behavior of the distribution of connectivity and dynamic evolution of the network are affected by the metric by A parameter that controls the importance of distance in the preferential binding) and homophily by (characteristic intrinsic site). We realized that the increased importance as the distance in the preferred connection, the connections between sites and become local connectivity distribution is characterized by a typical range. In parallel, we adjust the curves of connectivity distribution, for different values of A, the equation P(k) = P0e
We studied the Ising model ferromagnetic as spin-1/2 and the Blume-Capel model as spin-1, > 0 on small world network, using computer simulation through the Metropolis algorithm. We calculated macroscopic quantities of the system, such as internal energy, magnetization, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility and Binder cumulant. We found for the Ising model the same result obtained by Koreans H. Hong, Beom Jun Kim and M. Y. Choi [6] and critical behavior similar Blume-Capel model
The objective of this dissertation is the development of a general formalism to analyze the thermodynamical properties of a photon gas under the context of nonlinear electrodynamics (NLED). To this end it is obtained, through the systematic analysis of Maxwell s electromagnetism (EM) properties, the general dependence of the Lagrangian that describes this kind of theories. From this Lagrangian and in the background of classical field theory, we derive the general dispersion relation that photons must obey in terms of a background field and the NLED properties. It is important to note that, in order to achieve this result, an aproximation has been made in order to allow the separation of the total electromagnetic field into a strong background electromagnetic field and a perturbation. Once the dispersion relation is in hand, the usual Bose-Einstein statistical procedure is followed through which the thermodynamical properties, energy density and pressure relations are obtained. An important result of this work is the fact that equation of state remains identical to the one obtained under EM. Then, two examples are made where the thermodynamic properties are explicitly derived in the context of two NLED, Born-Infelds and a quadratic approximation. The choice of the first one is due to the vast appearance in literature and, the second one, because it is a first order approximation of a large class of NLED. Ultimately, both are chosen because of their simplicity. Finally, the results are compared to EM and interpreted, suggesting possible tests to verify the internal consistency of NLED and motivating further developement into the formalism s quantum case
In this work, the study of some complex systems is done with use of two distinct procedures. In the first part, we have studied the usage of Wavelet transform on analysis and characterization of (multi)fractal time series. We have test the reliability of Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method (WTMM) in respect to the multifractal formalism, trough the calculation of the singularity spectrum of time series whose fractality is well known a priori. Next, we have use the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima method to study the fractality of lungs crackles sounds, a biological time series. Since the crackles sounds are due to the opening of a pulmonary airway bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli which was initially closed, we can get information on the phenomenon of the airway opening cascade of the whole lung. Once this phenomenon is associated with the pulmonar tree architecture, which displays fractal geometry, the analysis and fractal characterization of this noise may provide us with important parameters for comparison between healthy lungs and those affected by disorders that affect the geometry of the tree lung, such as the obstructive and parenchymal degenerative diseases, which occurs, for example, in pulmonary emphysema. In the second part, we study a site percolation model for square lattices, where the percolating cluster grows governed by a control rule, corresponding to a method of automatic search. In this model of percolation, which have characteristics of self-organized criticality, the method does not use the automated search on Leaths algorithm. It uses the following control rule: pt+1 = pt + k(Rc − Rt), where p is the probability of percolation, k is a kinetic parameter where 0 < k < 1 and R is the fraction of percolating finite square lattices with side L, LxL. This rule provides a time series corresponding to the dynamical evolution of the system, in particular the likelihood of percolation p. We proceed an analysis of scaling of the signal obtained in this way. The model used here enables the study of the automatic search method used for site percolation in square lattices, evaluating the dynamics of their parameters when the system goes to the critical point. It shows that the scaling of , the time elapsed until the system reaches the critical point, and tcor, the time required for the system loses its correlations, are both inversely proportional to k, the kinetic parameter of the control rule. We verify yet that the system has two different time scales after: one in which the system shows noise of type 1 f , indicating to be strongly correlated. Another in which it shows white noise, indicating that the correlation is lost. For large intervals of time the dynamics of the system shows ergodicity
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Este estudo foi realizado para determinar a energia digestível e a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes do farelo de canola pela tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). O óxido de crômio (0,1%) foi utilizado como indicador inerte em dieta semi-purificada, com coleta de fezes pelo sistema Guelph. Os peixes foram alimentados até saciedade aparente. O farelo de canola apresentou valores de energia e nutrientes digestíveis de: 77,84; 71,99; 86,92; 88,19; 67,16 e 29,86% para a matéria seca, energia, proteína, lipídios, cálcio e fósforo, respectivamente, correspondendo a 2969,98 (kcal/kg); 69,97; 32,6; 1,2; 0,41 e 0,28%, de energia digestível, matéria seca, proteína e lipídios digestíveis e cálcio e fósforo disponíveis, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho evidenciam que a tilápia do Nilo pode utilizar eficientemente o farelo de canola.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a dinâmica ruminal de novilhos leiteiros recebendo dietas contendo grão de milho inteiro, milho moído na forma de quirera ou milho inteiro tratado com ureia. Para isso, foram mantidos em regime de confinamento seis animais fistulados no rúmen alimentados com dietas com teores semelhantes de energia e proteína. A dieta foi formulada com relação volumoso:concentrado de 40:60 na matéria seca e continha silagem de sorgo como volumoso. O delineamento utilizado foi na forma de um quadrado latino 3 × 3, com três animais e três períodos, e foi repetido duas ou quatro vezes conforme o parâmetro estudado, totalizando seis ou 12 repetições por dieta. O tratamento do grão de milho não influenciou o pH do líquido ruminal nem a degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca, fibra em detergente ácido e celulose. Todas as dietas propiciaram concentração de N-amoniacal adequada para o crescimento microbiano ruminal; todavia, nos animais alimentados com grão de milho inteiro tratado com ureia, essa concentração foi significativamente menor. A atividade bacteriana é menor em animais alimentados com dietas contendo milho moído e não difere entre os animais alimentados com grão de milho inteiro ou grão de milho inteiro tratado com ureia.