554 resultados para Controladores robustos


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Neste trabalho de dissertação apresentaremos uma classe de precondicionadores baseados na aproximação esparsa da inversa da matriz de coecientes, para a resolução de sistemas lineares esparsos de grandes portes através de métodos iterativos, mais especificamente métodos de Krylov. Para que um método de Krylov seja eficiente é extremamente necessário o uso de precondicionadores. No contexto atual, onde computadores de arquitetura híbrida são cada vez mais comuns temos uma demanda cada vez maior por precondicionadores paralelizáveis. Os métodos de inversa aproximada que serão descritos possuem aplicação paralela, pois so dependem de uma operação de produto matriz-vetor, que é altamente paralelizável. Além disso, alguns dos métodos também podem ser construídos em paralelo. A ideia principal é apresentar uma alternativa aos tradicionais precondicionadores que utilizam aproximações dos fatores LU, que apesar de robustos são de difícil paralelização.


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One of the main pillars in the development of inclusive schools is the initial teacher training. Before determining if it is necessary to make changes (and of what type) in training programs or curriculum guides related to the attention to diversity and inclusive education, the attitudes of future education professionals in this area should be analyzed. This includes the identification of the relevant predictors of inclusive attitudes. The research reported in this article pursued this objective, doing so with a quantitative survey methodology based on the use of cross-sectional structured data collection and statistical analyses related to the quality of the attitude questionnaire (factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha), descriptive statistics, correlations, hypothesis tests for difference of means, and regression analysis in order to predict attitudes towards inclusion in education. Firstly, the results show that the participants held very positive attitudes toward the inclusion of students with special educational needs. Particularly, older respondents, those with a longer training and, to a lesser extent, women and those who had been in touch with disabled people stood out within this attitude. Secondly, it is evidenced that self-transcendence values ​and, more weakly, contact, function as robust predictors of attitudes of future practitioners towards the inclusion of students with special needs. Some applications for the initial professionalization of educators are suggested in the discussion.


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Os Modelos de Equações Simultâneas (SEM) são modelos estatísticos com muita tradição em estudos de Econometria, uma vez que permitem representar e estudar uma vasta gama de processos económicos. Os estimadores mais usados em SEM resultam da aplicação do Método dos Mínimos Quadrados ou do Método da Máxima Verosimilhança, os quais não são robustos. Em Maronna e Yohai (1997), os autores propõem formas de “robustificar” esses estimadores. Um outro método de estimação com interesse nestes modelos é o Método dos Momentos Generalizado (GMM), o qual também conduz a estimadores não robustos. Estimadores que sofrem de falta de robustez são muito inconvenientes uma vez que podem conduzir a resultados enganadores quando são violadas as hipóteses subjacentes ao modelo assumido. Os estimadores robustos são de grande valor, em particular quando os modelos em estudo são complexos, como é o caso dos SEM. O principal objectivo desta investigação foi o de procurar tais estimadores tendo-se construído um estimador robusto a que se deu o nome de GMMOGK. Trata-se de uma versão robusta do estimador GMM. Para avaliar o desempenho do novo estimador foi feito um adequado estudo de simulação e foi também feita a aplicação do estimador a um conjunto de dados reais. O estimador robusto tem um bom desempenho nos modelos heterocedásticos considerados e, nessas condições, comporta-se melhor do que os estimadores não robustos usados no estudo. Contudo, quando a análise é feita em cada equação separadamente, a especificidade de cada equação individual e a estrutura de dependência do sistema são dois aspectos que influenciam o desempenho do estimador, tal como acontece com os estimadores usuais. Para enquadrar a investigação, o texto inclui uma revisão de aspectos essenciais dos SEM, o seu papel em Econometria, os principais métodos de estimação, com particular ênfase no GMM, e uma curta introdução à estimação robusta.


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The present PhD work aims the research and development of materials that exhibit multiferroic properties, in particular having a significant interaction between ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity; either directly within an intrinsic single phase or by combining extrinsic materials, achieving the coupling of properties through mechanic phenomena of the respective magnetostriction and piezoelectricity. These hybrid properties will allow the cross modification of magnetic and electric polarization states by the application of cross external magnetic and/or electric fields, giving way to a vast area for scientific investigation and potential technological applications in a new generation of electronic devices, such as computer memories, signal processing, transducers, sensors, etc. Initial experimental work consisted in chemical synthesis of nano powders oxides by urea pyrolysis method: A series of ceramic bulk composites with potential multiferroic properties comprised: of LuMnO3 with La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and BaTiO3 with La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and a series based on the intrinsic multiferroic LuMn1-zO3 phase modified with of Manganese vacancies. The acquisition of a new magnetron RF sputtering deposition system, in the Physics Department of Aveiro University, contributed to the proposal of an analogous experimental study in multiferroic thin films and multilayer samples. Besides the operational debut of this equipment several technical upgrades were completed like: the design and construction of the heater electrical contacts; specific shutters and supports for the magnetrons and for the substrate holder and; the addition of mass flow controllers, which allowed the introduction of N2 or O2 active atmosphere in the chamber; and the addition of a second RF generator, enabling co-deposition of different targets. Base study of the deposition conditions and resulting thin films characteristics in different substrates was made from an extensive list of targets. Particular attention was given to thin film deposition of magnetic phases La1-xSrxMnO3, La1-xBaxMnO3 and Ni2+x-yMn1-xGa1+y alloy, from the respective targets: La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and NiGa with NiMn. Main structural characterization of samples was performed by conventional and high resolution X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); chemical composition was determined by Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS); magnetization measurements recur to a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) prototype; and surface probing (SPM) using Magnetic-Force (MFM) and Piezo-Response (PFM) Microscopy. Results clearly show that the composite bulk samples (LuM+LSM and BTO+LBM) feat the intended quality objectives in terms of phase composition and purity, having spurious contents below 0.5 %. SEM images confirm compact grain packaging and size distribution around the 50 nm scale. Electric conductivity, magnetization intensity and magneto impedance spreading response are coherent with the relative amount of magnetic phase in the sample. The existence of coupling between the functional phases is confirmed by the Magnetoelectric effect measurements of the sample “78%LuM+22%LSM” reaching 300% of electric response for 1 T at 100 kHz; while in the “78%BTO+22%LBM” sample the structural transitions of the magnetic phase at ~350 K result in a inversion of ME coefficient the behavior. A functional Magneto-Resistance measurement system was assembled from the concept stage until the, development and operational status; it enabled to test samples from 77 to 350 K, under an applied magnetic field up to 1 Tesla with 360º horizontal rotation; this system was also designed to measure Hall effect and has the potential to be further upgraded. Under collaboration protocols established with national and international institutions, complementary courses and sample characterization studies were performed using Magneto-Resistance (MR), Magneto-Impedance (MZ) and Magneto-Electric (ME) measurements; Raman and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS); SQUID and VSM magnetization; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS); Scan Probe Microscopy (SPM) with Band Excitation Probe Spectroscopy (BEPS); Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Perturbed Angular Correlations (PAC). Additional collaboration in research projects outside the scope of multiferroic materials provided further experience in sample preparation and characterization techniques, namely VSM and XPS measurements were performed in cubane molecular complex compounds and enable to identify the oxidation state of the integrating cluster of Ru ions; also, XRD and EDS/SEM analysis of the acquired targets and substrates implied the devolution of some items not in conformity with the specifications. Direct cooperation with parallel research projects regarding multiferroic materials, enable the assess to supplementary samples, namely a preliminary series of nanopowder Y1-x-yCaxØyMn1O3 and of Eu0.8Y0.2MnO3, a series of micropowder composites of LuMnO3 with La0.625Sr0.375MnO3 and of BaTiO3 with hexagonal ferrites; mono and polycrystalline samples of Pr1-xCaxMnO3, La1-xSrxMnO3 and La1-xCaxMnO3.


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In this thesis we perform a detailed analysis of the state of polarization (SOP) of light scattering process using a concatenation of ber-coil based polarization controllers (PCs). We propose a polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) emulator, built through the concatenation of bercoil based PCs and polarization-maintaining bers (PMFs), capable of generate accurate rst- and second-order PMD statistics. We analyze the co-propagation of two optical waves inside a highbirefringence ber. The evolution along the ber of the relative SOP between the two signals is modeled by the de nition of the degree of co-polarization parameter. We validate the model for the degree of co-polarization experimentally, exploring the polarization dependence of the four-wave mixing e ect into a ber with high birefringence. We also study the interaction between signal and noise mediated by Kerr e ect in optical bers. A model accurately describing ampli ed spontaneous emission noise in systems with distributed Raman gain is derived. We show that the noise statistics depends on the propagation distance and on the signal power, and that for distances longer than 120 km and signal powers higher than 6 mW it deviates signi catively from the Gaussian distribution. We explore the all-optical polarization control process based on the stimulated Raman scattering e ect. Mapping parameters like the degree of polarization (DOP), we show that the preferred ampli cation of one particular polarization component of the signal allows a polarization pulling over a wavelength range of 60 nm. The e ciency of the process is higher close to the maximum Raman gain wavelength, where the DOP is roughly constant for a wavelength range of 15 nm. Finally, we study the polarization control in quantum key distribution (QKD) systems with polarization encoding. A model for the quantum bit error rate estimation in QKD systems with time-division multiplexing and wavelength-division multiplexing based polarization control schemes is derived.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a cinética de secagem do bacalhau salgado verde (Gadus morhua) em secador convectivo. É apresentada a análise da composição físico-química dos bacalhaus utilizados nos ensaios experimentais, bem como o estudo das isotermas de sorção do produto, através de experiências e modelação matemática. Dos modelos usados para o ajuste das isotermas de sorção do bacalhau salgado verde, o que melhor se adaptou aos resultados experimentais foi o modelo de GAB Modificado, com coeficientes de correlação variando entre 0,992 e 0,998. Para o controlo do processo de secagem (nomeadamente os parâmetros temperatura, humidade relativa e velocidade do ar) foi utilizada lógica difusa, através do desenvolvimento de controladores difusos para o humidificador, desumidificador, resistências de aquecimento e ventilador. A modelação do processo de secagem foi realizada através de redes neuronais artificiais (RNA), modelo semi-empírico de Page e modelo difusivo de Fick. A comparação entre dados experimentais e simulados, para cada modelo, apresentou os seguintes erros: entre 1,43 e 11,58 para o modelo de Page, 0,34 e 4,59 para o modelo de Fick e entre 1,13 e 6,99 para a RNA, com médias de 4,38, 1,67 e 2,93 respectivamente. O modelo obtido pelas redes neuronais artificiais foi submetido a um algoritmo de otimização, a fim de buscar os parâmetros ideais de secagem, de forma a minimizar o tempo do processo e maximizar a perda de água do bacalhau. Os parâmetros ótimos obtidos para o processo de secagem, após otimização realizada, para obter-se uma humidade adimensional final de 0,65 foram: tempo de 68,6h, temperatura de 21,45°C, humidade relativa de 51,6% e velocidade de 1,5m/s. Foram também determinados os custos de secagem para as diferentes condições operacionais na instalação experimental. Os consumos por hora de secagem variaram entre 1,15 kWh e 2,87kWh, com uma média de 1,94kWh.


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The increasing interest in coral culture for biotechnological applications, to supply the marine aquarium trade, or for reef restoration programs, has prompted researchers to optimize coral culture protocols, with emphasis to ex situ production. When cultured ex situ, the growth performance of corals can be influenced by several physical, chemical and biological parameters. For corals harbouring zooxanthellae, light is one of such key factors, as it can influence the photosynthetic performance of these endosymbionts, as well as coral physiology, survival and growth. The economic feasibility of ex situ coral aquaculture is strongly dependent on production costs, namely those associated with the energetic needs directly resulting from the use of artificial lighting systems. In the present study we developed a versatile modular culture system for experimental coral production ex situ, assembled solely using materials and equipment readily available from suppliers all over the world; this approach allows researchers from different institutions to perform truly replicated experimental set-ups, with the possibility to directly compare experimental results. Afterwards, we aimed to evaluate the effect of contrasting Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) levels, and light spectra emission on zooxanthellae photochemical performance, through the evaluation of the maximum quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm) (monitored non-invasively and non-destructively through Pulse Amplitude Modulation fluorometry, PAM), chlorophyll a content (also determined non-destructively by using the spectral reflectance index Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI), photosynthetic and accessory pigments, number of zooxanthellae, coral survival and growth. We studied two soft coral species, Sarcophyton cf. glaucum and Sinularia flexibilis, as they are good representatives of two of the most specious genera in family Alcyoniidae, which include several species with interest for biotechnological applications, as well as for the marine aquarium trade; we also studied two commercially important scleractinian corals: Acropora formosa and Stylophora pistillata. We used different light sources: hydrargyrum quartz iodide (HQI) lamps with different light color temperatures, T5 fluorescent lamps, Light Emitting Plasma (LEP) and Light Emitting Diode (LED). The results achieved revealed that keeping S. flexibilis fragments under the same light conditions as their mother colonies seems to be photobiologically acceptable for a short-term husbandry, notwithstanding the fact that they can be successfully stocked at lower PAR intensities. We also proved that low PAR intensities are suitable to support the ex situ culture S. cf. glaucum in captivity at lower production costs, since the survival recorded during the experiment was 100%, the physiological wellness of coral fragments was evidenced, and we did not detect significant differences in coral growth. Finally, we concluded that blue light sources, such as LED lighting, allow a higher growth for A. formosa and S. pistillata, and promote significant differences on microstructure organization and macrostructure morphometry in coral skeletons; these findings may have potential applications as bone graft substitutes for veterinary and/or other medical uses. Thus, LED technology seems to be a promising option for scleractinian corals aquaculture ex situ.


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Chapter 1 introduces the scope of the work by identifying the clinically relevant prenatal disorders and presently available diagnostic methods. The methodology followed in this work is presented, along with a brief account of the principles of the analytical and statistical tools employed. A thorough description of the state of the art of metabolomics in prenatal research concludes the chapter, highlighting the merit of this novel strategy to identify robust disease biomarkers. The scarce use of maternal and newborn urine in previous reports enlightens the relevance of this work. Chapter 2 presents a description of all the experimental details involved in the work performed, comprising sampling, sample collection and preparation issues, data acquisition protocols and data analysis procedures. The proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) characterization of maternal urine composition in healthy pregnancies is presented in Chapter 3. The urinary metabolic profile characteristic of each pregnancy trimester was defined and a 21-metabolite signature found descriptive of the metabolic adaptations occurring throughout pregnancy. 8 metabolites were found, for the first time to our knowledge, to vary in connection to pregnancy, while known metabolic effects were confirmed. This chapter includes a study of the effects of non-fasting (used in this work) as a possible confounder. Chapter 4 describes the metabolomic study of 2nd trimester maternal urine for the diagnosis of fetal disorders and prediction of later-developing complications. This was achieved by applying a novel variable selection method developed in the context of this work. It was found that fetal malformations (FM) (and, specifically those of the central nervous system, CNS) and chromosomal disorders (CD) (and, specifically, trisomy 21, T21) are accompanied by changes in energy, amino acids, lipids and nucleotides metabolic pathways, with CD causing a further deregulation in sugars metabolism, urea cycle and/or creatinine biosynthesis. Multivariate analysis models´ validation revealed classification rates (CR) of 84% for FM (87%, CNS) and 85% for CD (94%, T21). For later-diagnosed preterm delivery (PTD), preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), it is found that urinary NMR profiles have early predictive value, with CRs ranging from 84% for PTD (11-20 gestational weeks, g.w., prior to diagnosis), 94% for PE (18-24 g.w. pre-diagnosis) and 94% for IUGR (2-22 g.w. pre-diagnosis). This chapter includes results obtained for an ultraperformance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS) study of pre-PTD samples and correlation with NMR data. One possible marker was detected, although its identification was not possible. Chapter 5 relates to the NMR metabolomic study of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), establishing a potentially predictive urinary metabolic profile for GDM, 2-21 g.w. prior to diagnosis (CR 83%). Furthermore, the NMR spectrum was shown to carry information on individual phenotypes, able to predict future insulin treatment requirement (CR 94%). Chapter 6 describes results that demonstrate the impact of delivery mode (CR 88%) and gender (CR 76%) on newborn urinary profile. It was also found that newborn prematurity, respiratory depression, large for gestational age growth and malformations induce relevant metabolic perturbations (CR 82-92%), as well as maternal conditions, namely GDM (CR 82%) and maternal psychiatric disorders (CR 91%). Finally, the main conclusions of this thesis are presented in Chapter 7, highlighting the value of maternal or newborn urine metabolomics for pregnancy monitoring and disease prediction, towards the development of new early and non-invasive diagnostic methods.


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O controlo da amónia durante o transporte de peixe vivo, é uma das problemáticas mais exigentes ao nível de controladores químicos. Até então, o AmQuel® apresenta-se como uma alternativa e possível solução para esta problemática. Este produto foi testado em diversas situações, manipulando-se concentrações iniciais e taxas de excreção de amónia. Na primeira parte (I), através do acompanhamento de um transporte efectivo de corvinas (Argyrosomus regius Asso, 1801) e duas simulações de transporte, de corvinas e de cavalas (Argyrosomus regius e Scomber japonicus Houttuyn, 1782). Na parte laboratorial (II), foram testadas diversas simulações de taxas de excreção de amónia e o efeito quelante do AmQuel® sobre estas. Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se uma relação linear entre AmQuel® e amónia e uma possível inferência na concentração de cortisol libertada para a água. Os resultados obtidos laboratorialmente demonstraram que pequenas diferenças nas concentrações de cada cocktail escolhido poderão ter resultados distintos no controlo de amónia. O Cocktail B (15/15/7.5 ppm) demonstrou ser eficaz no controlo de amónia, para taxas de excreção inferiores a 5mg/h, mesmo com concentração inicial (0.25mg/L) de amónia no tanque. Cocktails inferiores a 15/15/7.5 ppm revelaram-se ineficazes no controlo de amónia, para taxas de excreção superiores a 1mg/h. Estes resultados irão facilitar a escolha do cocktail de AmQuel® mais adequado, consoante o tempo e características de cada transporte.


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A Ria Formosa é um tesouro ambiental sem paralelo, preservando uma fauna e flora únicas no mundo. A riqueza deste habitat é de enorme importância para a região, e extremamente apetecível para cientistas oriundos de todas as partes do globo, que aqui frequentemente se deslocam para conduzirem estudos científicos e experiências. O Centro de Ciências do Mar (CCMAR) da Universidade do Algarve (que inclui o Centro Experimental do Ramalhete) conduz estudos e experiências neste palco, estudos que são de inquestionável valor para o conhecimento e desenvolvimento científico. Um assunto que está a merecer a atenção da comunidade científica mundial nos últimos anos é a questão da acidificação dos oceanos. A diminuição gradual do pH das águas pode vir a ter graves repercussões nos ecossistemas marinhos, e o Centro Experimental do Ramalhete tem vindo a conduzir experiências com fauna e flora provenientes da Ria Formosa em águas com níveis de pH mais reduzido, condições que se prevê que os oceanos venham a ter no futuro. Os equipamentos de instrumentação e controlo a que o Centro tem acesso condicionam as experiências que ali são levadas a cabo pelos investigadores, pelo que o desenvolvimento de equipamentos adequados incorporando tecnologias apropriadas permitiria a realização de novas e melhores experiências no campo da biologia marinha. Ao nível do controlo existe uma lacuna no mercado, entre controladores para aquariofilia demasiado simples e controladores industriais demasiado dispendiosos e complexos. Esta dissertação pretende colmatar essa lacuna através do desenvolvimento de um protótipo de um sistema distribuído microcontrolado para aquisição de dados e controlo de pH que vá ao encontro das necessidades dos investigadores do Centro e que se pretende simples, modular, flexível, económico e expansível no futuro. O foco centra-se no desenvolvimento da instrumentação necessária para as medições de temperatura e pH, e depois no estudo de uma malha de controlo PID utilizando como base um modelo do sistema obtido através de resultados experimentais, para o controlo automático do pH.


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Tese de doutoramento, Estudos de Literatura e de Cultura (Estudos Comparatistas), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2014


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Tese de mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica