983 resultados para Continuous dynamic recrystallization


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The microstructure evolution and mechanical behavior during large strain of a 0.16%C-Mn steel has been investigated by warm torsion tests. These experiments were carried out at 685°C at equivalent strain rate of 0.1 s . The initial microstructure composed of a martensite matrix with uniformly dispersed fine cementite particles was attained by quenching and tempering. The microstructure evolution during tempering and straining was performed through interrupted tests. As the material was reheated to testing temperature, well-defined cell structure was created and subgrains within lath martensite were observed by TEM; strong recovery took place, decreasing the dislocation density. After 1 hour at the test temperature and without straining, EBSD technique showed the formation of new grains. The flow stress curves measured had a peculiar shape: rapid work hardening to a hump, followed by an extensive flow-softening region. 65% of the boundaries observed in the sample strained to ε = 1.0 were high angle grain boundaries. After straining to ε = 5.0, average ferrite grain size close to 1.5 μm was found, suggesting that dynamic recrystallization took place. Also, two sets of cementite particles were observed: large particles aligned with straining direction and smaller particles more uniformly dispersed. The fragmentation or grain subdivision that occurred during reheating and tempering time was essential for the formation of ultrafine grained microstructure.


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A região Noroeste da Província Borborema apresenta uma diversidade de corpos graníticos de natureza e evolução tectônica diversificadas, do Paleoproterozoico ao Paleozoico, com maior incidência relacionada ao Neoproterozoico e alojamento em diferentes fases da orogenia Brasiliana. Um desses exemplos é o Granito Chaval, que representa um batólito aflorante próximo à costa Atlântica do Ceará e Piauí, intrusivo em ortognaisses do Complexo Granja e supracrustais do Grupo Martinópole. Ele é, em parte, coberto por depósitos cenozoicos costeiros e rochas sedimentares paleozoicas da Bacia do Parnaíba. O Granito Chaval tem como característica marcante a textura porfirítica, destacando-se megacristais de microclina, em sienogranitos e monzogranitos, e outras feições texturais/estruturais de origem magmática, Essas permitiram interpretar sua evolução como de alojamento relativamente raso do plúton, conduzido por processos de cristalização fracionada, mistura de magmas com fluxo magmático e ação gravitacional em função da diferença de densidade do magma, levando à flutuação e ascensão de megacristais de microclina no magma residual, com alojamento de leucogranitos e pegmatitos nos estágios finais da evolução deste plutonismo. Por outro lado, em toda a metade Leste do plúton, encontra-se um rico acervo de estruturas tectógenas de cisalhamento, relacionada à implantação da Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa, que levou a transformações tectonometamórficas superpostas às feições magmáticas, as quais atingiram condições metamórficas máximas na fácies anfibolito baixo. Cartograficamente, foram individualizados três domínios estruturais em que estão presentes uma gama de variações petroestruturais do Granito Chaval, sejam feições texturais/estruturais ígneas e tectônicas. As rochas plutônicas foram deformadas e modificadas progressivamente à medida que se dirige para Leste, no qual as rochas mudam-se para tonalidades mais escuras do cinza e os processos de cominuição e recristalização dinâmica reduzem, progressivamente, a granulação grossa desses granitos bem como o tamanho dos fenocristais para dimensões mais finas, mantendo-se suas características porfiroides. Desse modo, a trama milonítica se torna evidente, acentuando-se ao atingir a porção principal da Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa. Como principais feições estruturais, destacam-se extinção ondulante forte; encurvamento e segmentação de cristais; geminação de deformação; rotação de cristais; microbudinagem; foliação anastomosada, inclusive S-C; lineação de estiramento; formas amendoadas de porfiroclastos, fitas e folhas de quartzo e recristalização. Os produtos desses processos de cisalhamento resultam na formação de protomilonitos, milonitos e ultramilonitos. Essas faixas miloníticas representam os locais de maior concentração da deformação, por isso é possível acompanhar progressivamente suas modificações texturais e mineralógicas, configurando uma sequência clássica de deformação progressiva heterogênea, por cisalhamento simples, em condições frágil-dúctil e dúctil. O alojamento do Granito Chaval aconteceu no final do Criogeniano (aproximadamente 630 Ma) e pode ser interpretado como magmatismo sin a tardi-tectônico em relação ao evento Brasiliano. O processo de cisalhamento que gerou a Zona de Cisalhamento Transcorrente Santa Rosa se formou nos incrementos finais da deformação de uma colisão continental em um sistema de cavalgamento oblíquo, em que se edificou o Cinturão de Cisalhamento Noroeste do Ceará, devido ao extravasamento lateral de massas crustais em fluxo dúctil acontecido no final da orogenia Brasiliana no Noroeste da Província Borborema.


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Synchronization in nonlinear dynamical systems, especially in chaotic systems, is field of research in several areas of knowledge, such as Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Biology, Physics, among others. In simple terms, two systems are synchronized if after a certain time, they have similar behavior or occurring at the same time. The sound and image in a film is an example of this phenomenon in our daily lives. The studies of synchronization include studies of continuous dynamic systems, governed by differential equations or studies of discrete time dynamical systems, also called maps. Maps correspond, in general, discretizations of differential equations and are widely used to model physical systems, mainly due to its ease of computational. It is enough to make iterations from given initial conditions for knowing the trajectories of system. This completion of course work based on the study of the map called ”Zaslavksy Web Map”. The Zaslavksy Web Map is a result of the combination of the movements of a particle in a constant magnetic field and a wave electrostatic propagating perpendicular to the magnetic field. Apart from interest in the particularities of this map, there was objective the deepening of concepts of nonlinear dynamics, as equilibrium points, linear stability, stability non-linear, bifurcation and chaos


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Zusammenfassung:Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist ein besseres Verständnis von der Art und Weise wie sich Formregelungsgefüge entwicklen. Auf dieser Basis wird der Nutzen von Formregelungsgefügen für die Geologie evaluiert. Untersuchungsmethoden sind Geländearbeit und -auswertung, numerische Simulationen und Analogexperimente. Untersuchungen an Formregelungsgefügen in Gesteinen zeigen, daß ein Formregelungsgefüge nur zu einem begrenzten Grad als Anzeiger für die Stärke der Verformung benutzt werden kann. Der angenommene Grund hierfür ist der Einfluß des Verhältnisses von ursprünglicher zu rekristallisierter Korngröße auf die Gefügeentwicklung und von der Art und Weise wie dynamische Rekristallisation ein Gefüge verändert. Um diese Beobachtung zu evaluieren, wurden verschiedene numerische Simulationen von dynamischer Rekristallisation durchgeführt. Ein neuer Deformationsapparat, mit dem generelle Fließregime modelliert werden können, wurde entwickelt. Die rheologischen Eigenschaften von Materialien, die für solche Experimente benutzt werden, wurden untersucht und diskutiert. Ergebnisse von Analogexperimenten zeigen, daß die Intensität eines Formregelungsgefüges positiv mit der Abnahme der 'kinematic vorticity number' und einem nicht-Newtonianischen, 'power law' Verhalten des Materixmaterials korreliert ist. Experimente, in denen die Formveränderung von viskosen Einschlüssen während der progressiven Verformung modelliert werden, zeigen, daß verschiedene Viskositätskontraste zwischen Matrix- und Einschlußmaterial in charakteristische Formgefüge resultieren.


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OBJECT Resection of glioblastoma adjacent to motor cortex or subcortical motor pathways carries a high risk of both incomplete resection and postoperative motor deficits. Although the strategy of maximum safe resection is widely accepted, the rates of complete resection of enhancing tumor (CRET) and the exact causes for motor deficits (mechanical vs vascular) are not always known. The authors report the results of their concept of combining monopolar mapping and 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA)-guided surgery in patients with glioblastoma adjacent to eloquent tissue. METHODS The authors prospectively studied 72 consecutive patients who underwent 5-ALA-guided surgery for a glioblastoma adjacent to the corticospinal tract (CST; < 10 mm) with continuous dynamic monopolar motor mapping (short-train interstimulus interval 4.0 msec, pulse duration 500 μsec) coupled to an acoustic motor evoked potential (MEP) alarm. The extent of resection was determined based on early (< 48 hours) postoperative MRI findings. Motor function was assessed 1 day after surgery, at discharge, and at 3 months. RESULTS Five patients were excluded because of nonadherence to protocol; thus, 67 patients were evaluated. The lowest motor threshold reached during individual surgery was as follows (motor threshold, number of patients): > 20 mA, n = 8; 11-20 mA, n = 13; 6-10 mA, n = 10; 4-5 mA, n = 13; and 1-3 mA, n = 23. Motor deterioration at postsurgical Day 1 and at discharge occurred in 30% (n = 20) and 10% (n = 7) of patients, respectively. At 3 months, 3 patients (4%) had a persisting postoperative motor deficit, 2 caused by vascular injury and 1 by mechanical injury. The rates of intra- and postoperative seizures were 1% and 0%, respectively. Complete resection of enhancing tumor was achieved in 73% of patients (49/67) despite proximity to the CST. CONCLUSIONS A rather high rate of CRET can be achieved in glioblastomas in motor eloquent areas via a combination of 5-ALA for tumor identification and intraoperative mapping for distinguishing between presumed and actual motor eloquent tissues. Continuous dynamic mapping was found to be a very ergonomic technique that localizes the motor tissue early and reliably.


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Abundant serpentinite seamounts are found along the outer high of the Mariana forearc at the top of the inner slope of the trench. One of them, Conical Seamount, was drilled at Sites 778, 779, and 780 during Leg 125. The rocks recovered at Holes 779A and 780C, respectively, on the flanks and at the summit of the seamount, include moderately serpentinized depleted harzburgites and some dunites. These rocks exhibit evidence of resorption of the orthopyroxene, when present, and the local presence of very calcic-rich diopside in veins oblique to the main high-temperature foliation of the rock. The peridotites, initially well-foliated with locally poikiloblastic textures, show overprints of a two-stage deformation history: (1) a high-temperature (>1000°C), low-stress (0.02 GPa), homogeneous deformation that has led to the present Porphyroclastic textures displayed by the rocks and (2) heterogeneous ductile shearing at a much higher stress (0.05 GPa). This heterogeneous shearing probably describes a single tectonic event because it began at high temperatures, producing dynamic recrystallization of olivine in the shear zone, and ended at low temperatures in the stability field of chlorite and serpentine. In a few samples, olivine shows evidence of quasi-hydrostatic recrystallization at a very high temperature. Here, we propose that this recrystallization was related to fluid/magma percolation, a process that can also account for the resorption of the orthopyroxene and for the late crystallization of diopside veins in the rock. The impregnation by fluid or magma, development of the main high-temperature, low-stress deformation, and subsequent migration recrystallization of olivine probably occurred in a mantle fragment involved in the arc formation. In addition, this mantle has preserved structures that may have formed earlier in the oceanic lithosphere upon which the arc formed. Heterogeneous ductile shear zones in the peridotites may have developed during uplift. The "cold" deformation may have taken place during diapiric rise of hot mantle that underwent subsequent serpentinization or gliding along normal faults associated with the extension of the eastern margin of the forearc.


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Gabbroic rocks and their late differentiates recovered at Site 735 represent 500 m of oceanic layer 3. The original cooling of a mid-ocean ridge magma chamber, its penetration by ductile shear zones and late intrusives, and the subsequent penetration of seawater through a network of cracks and into highly permeable magmatic hydrofracture horizons are recorded in the metamorphic stratigraphy of the core. Ductile shear zones are characterized by extensive dynamic recrystallization of primary phases, beginning in the granulite facies and continuing into the lower amphibolite facies. Increasing availability of seawater during dynamic recrystallization is reflected in depletions in 18O, increasing abundance of amphibole of variable composition and metamorphic plagioclase of intermediate composition, and more complete coronitic or pseudomorphous static replacement of magmatic minerals. Downcore correlation of synkinematic assemblages, bulk-rock oxygen isotopic compositions, and vein abundance suggest that seawater is introduced into the crust by way of small cracks and veins that mark the end of the ductile phase of deformation. This "deformation-enhanced" metamorphism dominates the upper 180 and the lower 100 m of the core. In the lower 300 m of the core, mineral assemblages of greenschist and zeolite facies are abundant within or adjacent to brecciated zones. Leucocratic veins found in these zones and adjacent host rock contain diopside, sodic plagioclase, epidote, chlorite, analcime, thomsonite, natrolite, albite, quartz, actinolite, sphene, brookite, and sulfides. The presence of zircon, Cl-apatite, sodic plagioclase, sulfides, and diopside in leucocratic veins having local magmatic textures suggests that some of the veins originated from late magmas or from hydrothermal fluids exsolved from such magmas that were subsequently replaced by (seawater-derived) hydrothermal assemblages. The frequent association of these late magmatic intrusive rocks within the brecciated zones suggests that they are both artifacts of magmatic hydrofracture. Such catastrophic fracture and hydrothermal circulation could produce episodic venting of hydrothermal fluids as well as the incorporation of a magmatically derived hydrothermal component. The enhanced permeability of the brecciated zones produced lower temperature assemblages because of larger volumes of seawater that penetrated the crust. The last fractures were sealed either by these hydrothermal minerals or by late carbonate-smectite veins, resulting in the observed low permeability of the core.


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O Complexo Rio Capivari (CRC) é constituído por ortognaisses migmatíticos de composições graníticas a tonalíticas e anfibolitos subordinados (magmas toleíticos) em lascas tectônicas no Terreno Embu. As composições dos gnaisses do CRC são predominantemente cálcio-alcalinas a álcali-cálcicas. Idades U-Pb em núcleos de zircão com zoneamento oscilatório indicam cristalização magmática dos protólitos em três períodos principais 2.4, 2.2-2.1 e 2.0 Ga. Idades metamórficas foram reconhecidas em bordas de zircão totalmente escuras nas imagens de catodoluminescência e variam entre 620-590 Ma. A suíte sideriana (2.4 Ga) apresenta caráter juvenil, como evidenciado pelos valores positivos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (+3.8) e \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (+0.3 a +4.8) e pela ausência de núcleos de zircão herdado, comumente encontrados em rochas que sofreram retrabalhamento crustal. A suíte de idades riacianas (2.2-2.1 Ga) apresenta idades modelos TDM arqueanas (2.6-3.3 Ga), valores negativos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (-12.0 a -4.0) e negativos a levemente positivos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (-7.8 a +0.5). Portanto, tais rochas derivam de retrabalhamento de reservatórios crustais antigos. A suíte de idade orosiriana (2.0 Ga) apresenta fontes mais antigas e retrabalhadas com valores altamente negativos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd\' (-10.4) e \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Hf\' (-1.2 a -13.6), sugerindo prolongada residência crustal com idades modelo \'T IND.DM\' e \'T IND.Hf\' >3.3 Ga. As assinaturas de elementos traços em rocha total e a química de zircão sugerem fontes máficas para o gnaisse sideriano. Reservatórios de crosta média, mas de profundidades variáveis, parecem ser a principal fonte dos gnaisses riacianos e orosirianos. Análises em diagramas tectônicos discriminantes baseados em elementos traços de rocha total com elevadas razões \'La/Yb IND.(N)\' (>10), Nb/Yb (>2) e Th/Yb (>1), somados aos valores de \'Y IND.2\'\'O IND.3\' (<3000 ppm), U/Yb (>0.5) e Nb/Yb (0.01-0.10) da química de zircão, sugerem que ambas as suítes de idades foram geradas em ambientes de arco magmático continental, mas com um gap de 200-300 Ma entre o gnaisse sideriano e os gnaisses riacianos sem dados ou informações geológicas. Perfis multielementos (elementos traços) comparativos entre representação de amostras típicas de arco continental associado à subducção de crosta oceânica (margem andina) e amostras de arcos de ilha (Ilhas Mariana) confirmam afinidade com ambiente de arco continental para o CRC, associado à subducção de placa oceânica, principalmente para o gnaisse sideriano. Apesar de pouco representativo, devido ao número de amostras (n=1), uma acresção juvenil em 2.4 Ga colabora para uma dinâmica contínua da evolução da crosta continental. O papel desempenhado pelo CRC na evolução geral do Terreno Embu permanece enigmático. Os dados isotópicos de \'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' e \'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr IND.(i)\' do CRC (-27.3 a -19.7 e 0.704 a 0.722, respectivamente) indicam evolução temporal não compatível com o requerido para as fontes dos granitos ediacaranos do Terreno Embu, que exigem a participação de reservatórios mais primitivos (\'\'épsilon\'\'IND.Nd(590)\' -13 a -7) e empobrecidos em Rb (\'ANTPOT.87 Sr\'/\'ANTPOT.88 Sr IND.(i)\' \'\'QUASE IGUAL A\' 0,710).


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Based on the relationship Zener parameter (Z=second-phase size/second-phase volume fraction) vs. calcite grain size (dg), second-phase controlled aggregates and microstructures that are weakly affected by second-phases are discriminated. The latter are characterized by large but constant grain sizes, high calcite grain boundary fractions and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPO), while calcite grain size and calcite grain boundary fraction decrease continuously and CPO weakens with decreasing Z in second-phase controlled microstructures. These observations suggest that second-phase controlled microstructures predominantly deform via granular flow because pinning of calcite grain boundaries reduces the efficiency of dynamic recrystallization favoring mass transfer processes and grain boundary sliding. In contrast, the balance of grain size reduction and growth by dynamic recrystallization maintains a steady state grain size in microstructures that are only weakly affected by second-phases promoting a predominance of dislocation creep. With increasing temperature, the relationship between Z and dg persists but the calcite grain size increases continuously. Based on microstructures, the energy of each modifying process is calculated and its relative contribution is compared with energies of the competing processes (surface energy, dragging energy, dynamic recrystallization energy). The steady state microstructures result from a temperature-dependent energy minimization procedure of the system.


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`Evolution of mylonitic microfabrics' (EMM) is an interactive Filemaker Pro 3.0 application that documents a series of see-through deformation experiments on polycrystalline norcamphor. The application comprises computer animations, graphics and text explanations designed to give students and researchers insight into the interaction and dynamic nature of small-scale, mylonitic processes like intracrystalline glide, dynamic recrystallization and strain localization (microshearing). EMM shows how mylonitic steady state is achieved at different strain rates and temperatures. First, rotational mechanisms like glide-induced vorticity, subgrain rotation recrystallization and rigid-body rotation bring grains' crystal lattices into orientations that are favorable for intracrystalline glide. In a second stage, selective elimination of grains whose lattices are poorly oriented for glide involves grain boundary migration. This strengthens the texture. Temperature and strain rate affect both the relative activity of different strain accommodation mechanisms and the rate of microfabric change. Steady-state microfabrics are characterized by stable texture, grain size and shape-preferred orientations of grains and domains. This involves the cyclical generation and elimination of dynamically recrystallized grains and microshear zones.


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Free-standing Pt-aluminide (PtAl) bond coat, when subjected to tensile testing at high temperatures (T >= 900 degrees C), exhibits significant decrease in strength and increase in ductility during deformation at strains exceeding that corresponding to the ultimate tensile strength (UTS), i.e., in the post-UTS regime. The stress-strain curve is also marked by serrations in this regime. Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies suggest dynamic recovery and recrystallization (DRR) as the mechanisms for the observed tensile behavior in the coating. Activation energy values suggest vacancy diffusion assists DRR. The fine recrystallized grains formed after deformation had a strong < 110 > texture. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The microstructural evolution in localized shear deformation was investigated in an 8090 Al-Li alloy by split Hopkinson pressure bar (strain rate of approximately 10(3) s(-1)) at ambient temperature and 77 K. The alloy was tested in the peak-, over-, under-, and natural-aged conditions, that provide a wide range of microstructural parameters and mechanical properties. Two types of localized shear bands were distinguished by optical microscopy: the deformed shear band and the white-etching shear band. They form at different stages of deformation during localization. There are critical strains for the occurrence of deformed and white-etching localized shear deformation, at the imposed strain rate. Observations by transmission electron microscopy reveal that the white-etching bands contain fine equiaxed grains; it is proposed that they are the result of recrystallization occurring during localization. The deformed-type bands are observed after testing at 77 K in all heat treatment conditions, but they are not as well defined as those developed at ambient temperature. Cracking often occurs along the localized shear at ambient temperature. The decrement in temperature is favorable for the nucleation, growth and coalescence of the microcracks along the shear bands, inducing fracture.