950 resultados para Competency Center
A hemodialysis population from a dialysis unit in the city of Recife, Northeastern Brazil, was screened to assess the prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and to investigate the associated risk factors. Hemodialysis patients (n = 250) were interviewed and serum samples tested for anti-HCV antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All samples were also tested for HCV RNA by reverse transcriptase nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nested-PCR). Out of 250 patients, 21 (8.4%) were found to be seropositive by ELISA, and 19 (7.6%) patients were HCV RNA positive. HCV viraemia was present in 90.5% of the anti-HCV positive patients. The predominant genotype was HCV 1a (8/19), followed by 3a (7/19), and 1b (4/19). None of the anti-HCV negative patients were shown to be viraemic by the PCR. Univariate analysis of risk factors showed that time spent on hemodialysis, the number of blood transfusions and a blood transfusion before November 1993 were associated with HCV positivity. However, multivariate analysis revealed that blood transfusions before November 1993 were significantly associated with HCV infection in this population. Low prevalence levels were encountered in this center, however prospective studies are necessary to confirm these findings.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in order to identify hepatitis A virus (HAV) serological markers in 418 individuals (mean age, 16.4 years; range, 1 month-80 years) at a public child care center in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, as well as to analyze risk factors and determine circulating genotypes. Serum samples were tested using an enzyme immunoassay. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to detect and characterize HAV RNA, and sequencing was performed. Anti-HAV antibodies and IgM anti-HAV antibodies were detected, respectively, in 89.5% (374/418) and 10.5% (44/418) of the individuals tested. Acute HAV infection in children was independently correlated with crawling (p < 0.05). In 56.8% (25/44) of the IgM anti-HAV-positive individuals and in 33.3% (5/15) of the IgM anti-HAV-negative individuals presenting clinical symptoms, HAV RNA was detected. Phylogenetic analysis revealed co-circulation of subgenotypes IA and IB in 93.3% (28/30) of the amplified samples. In present study, we verify that 79% (30/38) of children IgM anti-HAV-positive were asymptomatic. In child care centers, this asymptomatic spread is a more serious problem, promoting the infection of young children, who rarely show signs of infection. Therefore, vaccinating children below the age of two might prevent the asymptomatic spread of hepatitis A.
To assess the prevalence of primary resistance of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) to antiretrovirals, 84 patients chronically infected with HIV without prior antiretroviral treatment from Northeast Brazil were studied. Genotyping was performed using the ViroSeqTM Genotyping System. Thimidine analog mutations occurred in 3 (3.6%) patients. Accessory mutations related to NRTI occurred in 6 (7.1%) and related to PI in 67 (79.8%). Subtypes B (72.6%), F (22.6%), B/F 3 (3.6%), and C (1.2%) were detected. A low prevalence of major mutations related to NRTI in patients chronically infected by HIV was observed.
En una empresa les dades es poden transformar en coneixement; aquest projecte explica com es poden convertir les dades, mitjançant una eina comercial, en coneixement que els serveixi per a prendre decisions respecte de la seva política comercial, de màrqueting i de distribució del producte. A més, també demostra que la implementació d'aquest projecte en l'empresa repercutirà positivament en el seu futur.
Objective: To study the efficacy of different regimens of treatment based on trastuzumab in patients with Her2+ metastatic breast cancer (MBC).
Realització d’un pla de màrqueting i comercial de l’empresa Dive Center Palamós orientat específicament al mercat francès. L'autora tria aquest segment de clients per la seva proximitat a la Costa Brava i per la seva tradició de submarinisme
Mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP) is a progressive inflammatory disease of autoimmune etiology. We performed a retrospective analysis of clinical signs and treatment on 16 patients. Conjunctival biopsies were performed in all patients and showed typical immuno-deposits at the basement membrane zone. The mean age at presentation was 69 years, 60 % were female.12 patients demonstrated ocular involvement (11 bilaterally). At the time of referral to our hospital, 92 % had reached an advanced stage III or IV. All patients presented conjunctival fibrosis with resultant fornix foreshortening. Trichiasis and symblepharon were found in 11 patients. Keratitis was found in 11 patients resulting in ulceration in 5 cases. Complications required surgical interventions included: entropion surgery (n = 2), tarsorrhaphy (n = 1), amniotic membrane transplantation (n = 2), keratoplasty (n = 1). Systemic immunomodulatory therapy is the treatment of choice. Dapsone (n = 8), steroids (n = 8), azathioprine (n = 5), cyclophosphamide (n = 2), mycophenolate mofetil (n = 4) and methotrexate (n = 1) were used concomitantly or consecutively. Early diagnosis can prevent ocular complications. Immunomodulatory therapy has provided an avenue for preserving vision. The management of MMP requires a multidisciplinary approach.
RESUMOO Neste artigo, analisa-se como se apresenta o comprometimento organizacional de trabalhadores de um call center, localizado em Belo (A Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil). Após o delineamento conceitual UJ do tema central, são expostos os resultados de um estudo de caso descritivo, realizado com abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa. Os dados de 399 questionários e 22 entrevistas são, respectivamente, tratados estatisticamente e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. A base de comprometimento que predominou entre esses infoproletários foi "obrigação pelo desempenho" e, em menor grau, "afetiva". Foi observado que quanto maior é o seu tempo de experiência nesse tipo de organização, menores são os níveis de comprometimento de modo geral, fatos esclarecidos, parcialmente, por meio das entrevistas.
Introduction: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) accounts for 6% of all B-cell lymphomas and remains incurable for most patients. Those who relapse after first line therapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have a dismal prognosis with short response duration after salvage therapy. On a molecular level, MCL is characterised by the translocation t[11;14] leading to Cyclin D1 overexpression. Cyclin D1 is downstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase and can be effectively blocked by mTOR inhibitors such as temsirolimus. We set out to define the single agent activity of the orally available mTOR inhibitor everolimus (RAD001) in a prospective, multi-centre trial in patients with relapsed or refractory MCL (NCT00516412). The study was performed in collaboration with the EU-MCL network. Methods: Eligible patients with histologically/cytologically confirmed relapsed (not more than 3 prior lines of systemic treatment) or refractory MCL received everolimus 10 mg orally daily on day 1 - 28 of each cycle (4 weeks) for 6 cycles or until disease progression. The primary endpoint was the best objective response with adverse reactions, time to progression (TTP), time to treatment failure, response duration and molecular response as secondary endpoints. A response rate of 10% was considered uninteresting and, conversely, promising if 30%. The required sample size was 35 pts using the Simon's optimal two-stage design with 90% power and 5% significance. Results: A total of 36 patients with 35 evaluable patients from 19 centers were enrolled between August 2007 and January 2010. The median age was 69.4 years (range 40.1 to 84.9 years), with 22 males and 13 females. Thirty patients presented with relapsed and 5 with refractory MCL with a median of two prior therapies. Treatment was generally well tolerated with anemia (11%), thrombocytopenia (11%), neutropenia (8%), diarrhea (3%) and fatigue (3%) being the most frequent complications of CTC grade III or higher. Eighteen patients received 6 or more cycles of everolimus treatment. The objective response rate was 20% (95% CI: 8-37%) with 2 CR, 5 PR, 17 SD, and 11 PD. At a median follow-up of 6 months, TTP was 5.45 months (95% CI: 2.8-8.2 months) for the entire population and 10.6 months for the 18 patients receiving 6 or more cycles of treatment. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that single agent everolimus 10 mg once daily orally is well tolerated. The null hypothesis of inactivity could be rejected indicating a moderate anti-lymphoma activity in relapsed/refractory MCL. Further studies of either everolimus in combination with chemotherapy or as single agent for maintenance treatment are warranted in MCL.
El objetivo de este proyecto, Open Service Center, ha consistido en la definición de la arquitectura para una plataforma integrada de herramientas de Software Libre que den soporte a la gestión de servicios TI de diferentes áreas de negocio.
City Audit Report