987 resultados para Classical paradigma
Classical planning has been notably successful in synthesizing finite plans to achieve states where propositional goals hold. In the last few years, classical planning has also been extended to incorporate temporally extended goals, expressed in temporal logics such as LTL, to impose restrictions on the state sequences generated by finite plans. In this work, we take the next step and consider the computation of infinite plans for achieving arbitrary LTL goals. We show that infinite plans can also be obtained efficiently by calling a classical planner once over a classical planning encoding that represents and extends the composition of the planningdomain and the B¨uchi automaton representingthe goal. This compilation scheme has been implemented and a number of experiments are reported.
A senescência e a senilidade são temas cada vez mais explorados, considerando o crescente aumento da população idosa no mundo, principalmente no Brasil. A assistência ao idoso deve prezar pela manutenção da qualidade de vida, considerando o processo de perdas próprias do envelhecimento e as possibilidades de prevenção, manutenção e reabilitação do seu estado de saúde. Conhecer o cotidiano dos idosos tem sido um desafio para os profissionais de saúde para implementar programas e ações que visem alcançar a manutenção do equilíbrio no processo saúde-doença, e é nessa busca que temos envidado esforços para contribuir, de forma efetiva, nas estratégias de fortalecimento dos idosos e seus familiares, de forma a tornar possível o desencadeamento de ações na promoção da saúde, principalmente considerando que o desafio para este milênio é construir uma consciência coletiva para alcançar uma sociedade para todas as idades, com justiça e garantia plena de direitos.
The aim of this paper is to test formally the classical business cycle hypothesis, using data from industrialized countries for the time period since 1960. The hypothesis is characterized by the view that the cyclical structure in GDP is concentrated in the investment series: fixed investment has typically a long cycle, while the cycle in inventory investment is shorter. To check the robustness of our results, we subject the data for 15 OECD countries to a variety of detrending techniques. While the hypothesis is not confirmed uniformly for all countries, there is a considerably high number for which the data display the predicted pattern. None of the countries shows a pattern which can be interpreted as a clear rejection of the classical hypothesis.
Objective: Despite the importance of respiration and hyperventilation in anxiety disorders, research on breathing disturbances associated with hyperventilation is rare in the field of music performance anxiety (MPA, also known as stage fright). The only comparable study in this area reported a positive correlation between negative feelings of MPA and hyperventilation complaints during performance. The goals of this study were (a) to extend these previous findings to the period before performance, (b) to test whether a positive correlation also exists between hyperventilation complaints and the experience of stage fright as a problem, (c) to investigate instrument-specific symptom reporting, and (d) to confirm gender differences in negative feelings of MPA and hyperventilation complaints reported in other studies. Methods: We assessed 169 university students of classical music with a questionnaire comprising: the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for negative feelings of MPA, the Nijmegen Questionnaire for hyperventilation complaints, and a single item for the experience of stage fright as a problem. Results: We found a significant positive correlation between hyperventilation complaints and negative feelings of MPA before performance and a significant positive correlation between hyperventilation complaints and the experience of stage fright as a problem. Wind musicians/singers reported a significantly higher frequency of respiratory symptoms than other musicians. Furthermore, women scored significantly higher on hyperventilation complaints and negative feelings of MPA. Conclusion: These results further the findings of previous reports by suggesting that breathing disturbances associated with hyperventilation may play a role in MPA prior to going on stage. Experimental studies are needed to confirm whether hyperventilation complaints associated with negative feelings of MPA manifest themselves at the physiological level. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
No contexto mundial, em virtude da complexidade da economia, da expansão e competitividade dos mercados, verifica-se uma crescente necessidade das empresas em buscarem instrumentos que as auxiliem no planeamento e controle de seus recursos para que estes sejam usados de maneira adequada, a fim de salvaguardar a actividade empresarial e alcançar o objectivo almejado pela empresa. O sucesso empresarial demanda cada vez mais o uso de práticas financeiras apropriadas. A realidade aponta para gestores sedentos de informações relevantes que irão auxiliar o seu processo decisório. Assim sendo, o trabalho ora intitulado: A Importância do Fluxo de Caixa, e o paradigma da utilidade foi elaborado através de pesquisa bibliográfica e exploratória sobre o assunto em questão, tendo como base artigos, livros e dissertações. O seu objectivo principal é enfatizar a importância do demonstrativo de Fluxo de Caixa como ferramenta para os gestores obterem eficiência na administração financeira da sua entidade. Para tanto, iniciamos com uma resenha histórica do mapa em estudo. Num segundo momento fazemos um enquadramento teórico onde referimos ao conceito de fluxo de caixa, seus objectivos, as suas normas legais nacionais e internacionais, e a presença da demonstração de fluxo de caixa no mercado Cabo-verdiano antes de 2009. Em seguida temos a metodologia de elaboração do mapa, onde fazemos referências ao aspecto conceptual, aos métodos de elaboração o método directo e indirecto, as vantagens e desvantagens sem deixar de lado o paradigma da utilidade do mapa. Finalizando, apresentamos uma parte prática onde o objectivo é expressar em números tudo o que foi divulgado teoricamente. In the global context, along with the virtue of the economic complexity, from the expansion and the competition of the markets, there is an essential increase of the companies looking forward for instruments that will assist them in planning and control the resources so that these would be used in the most adequate way, in a way to guaranty company’s activity and to accomplish the objectives intended by the company. Company’s success requires more and more the use of appropriated financial practice. The reality demonstrates managers eager for relevant information that will support his/her process of decision. So therefore the work entitled “The Importance of Cash Flow” and its paradigm of utility was elaborated according to the bibliographic and exploratory research about the topic in question, having as support articles, books and dissertations. Its main objective is to emphasize the importance of the Cash Flow Statement as an instrument for the managers to obtain efficiency in the financial management of its corporation. For that, we start with an historical review of the statement in study. Secondly we make a theoretical approach where we reflect on the Cash Flow, its objectives, its national and international official standards and the statement of Cash Flows in Cape Verdean market before 2009. After that, there is the methodology of the design of the statement, where we refer to the conceptual aspects, the direct and indirect methods of design, the advantages and disadvantages without letting out the paradigm of utility of the statement. Finally, we present a practical case illustrating in numbers the whole thing that was presented theoretically.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-infected B cells with Reed-Sternberg-like cell (RS) features may occur in peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs), especially in angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. Here, we report 5 patients presenting with lymphadenopathy whose first biopsies demonstrated nodular lymphoid proliferations containing scattered CD30, CD15, EBV Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg-like cells, which led to an initial diagnosis of lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma. However, the uncommon clinical features and/or the occurrence of relapse as PTCL prompted review of the biopsies with expanded immunohistologic and molecular studies and revision of the diagnoses to follicular variant of PTCL (F-PTCL). All cases had atypical small to medium-sized CD3 T cells that expressed CD10 (4/5) and the follicular helper T-cell (TFH) antigens BCL6, PD1, CXCL13, and ICOS. All demonstrated clonal T cells with a similar pattern in multiple samples from 4 patients. In 2 cases, flow cytometry demonstrated circulating lymphocytes with an abnormal sCD3, CD4, ICOS immunophenotype. Two patients had a skin rash at presentation, and 1 had B symptoms. Two of the 4 patients treated with polychemotherapy are alive at 3 and 6 years after first diagnosis. These cases highlight how some F-PTCLs may closely mimic lymphocyte-rich classical Hodgkin lymphoma requiring careful assessment of the T cells before rendering the latter diagnosis. The functional properties of TFH cells might lead to the presence of EBV-positive B blasts with RS-like features in TFH-derived PTCL such as angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and F-PTCL.
A presente monografia encontra-se fundamentada no estudo do paradigma Biomédico e Holístico face aos Cuidados de Enfermagem como desafio à uma prática de enfermagem humanística centrada nos cuidados à pessoa de forma individualizada enfatizando questões sobre a boa saúde do paciente. Reflecte-se sobre o modelo Biomédico e Holístico bem como sua constituição no âmbito das ciências, centrada nos princípios fundamentais e sua inserção na saúde e em conceitos gerais, bases, pressupostos importantes que apontam o paradigma como novo rumo para a humanidade. São objectivos desta monografia: definir conceitos - chave relacionados com a temática, realçar a importância da enfermagem holística, conhecer e dar a conhecer os paradigmas de enfermagem e sua evolução ao longo dos tempos, descrever os Paradigmas de Enfermagem e identificar de que forma influenciam na prestação dos cuidados de enfermagem. Assim, a orientação metodológica parte de um enfoque que está suportado pela revisão da bibliografia específica que resulta num referencial teórico – metodológico no qual se tenha um olhar dos serviços de saúde, de acordo com os Paradigmas e a forma como influenciam a prestação de cuidados de enfermagem. Ao estabelecer como método a análise, também reflexiva e crítica dos textos, optou-se por uma metodologia essencialmente qualitativa. Da abordagem teórica resultou-se um modelo de explicação da importância dos modelos holístico e Biomédico na prestação dos cuidados de enfermagem.
The aim of this paper is to test formally the classical business cyclehypothesis, using data from industrialized countries for the timeperiod since 1960. The hypothesis is characterized by the view that the cyclical structure in GDP is concentrated in the investment series: fixed investment has typically a long cycle, while the cycle in inventory investment is shorter. To check the robustness of our results, we subject the data for 15 OECD countries to a variety of detrending techniques. While the hypothesis is not confirmed uniformly for all countries, there is a considerably high number for which the data display the predicted pattern. None of the countries shows a pattern which can be interpreted as a clear rejection of the classical hypothesis.
This paper proposes a common and tractable framework for analyzingdifferent definitions of fixed and random effects in a contant-slopevariable-intercept model. It is shown that, regardless of whethereffects (i) are treated as parameters or as an error term, (ii) areestimated in different stages of a hierarchical model, or whether (iii)correlation between effects and regressors is allowed, when the sameinformation on effects is introduced into all estimation methods, theresulting slope estimator is also the same across methods. If differentmethods produce different results, it is ultimately because differentinformation is being used for each methods.