946 resultados para Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Paraná - Study and teaching (Graduate)
This research aimed to investigate the possibility to develop the process of teaching and learning of the division of rational numbers with guided tasks in interpretation of measure. Adopted as methodology the Didactic Engineering and a didactic sequence in order to develop the work with students of High School. Participated of training sessions twelve students of one state school of Porto Barreiro city - Paran´a. The results of application of the didactic engineering suggest the importance of utilization of guided tasks in interpretation of measure, since strengthened the understanding, on the part of students, the concept of division of fractional rational numbers and contributed for them develop the comprehension of others questions associated to the concept of rational numbers, such as order, equivalence and density.
This work presents the use of projects as an alternative for teaching statistics, for that it was elaborated a Project that involves the educational socioeconomic reality from the families of the students and built a link between the reality and the scholastic knowledge. This project was applied in Sesi School - Pato Branco between the months of August to September 2014 with 25 students from the 1o and 2o grades from High School. To work the statistics concepts a questionnaire was applied for the parents of the students of the Project´s, they answer it and through these answers the students made frequency tables and graphs, besides measure calculations on measures of central tendency and dispersion measure. All of the construction were realized manually and in the Excel spreadsheet and some of them were chosen to be in this work to with the purpose of showing the hits and the mistakes done. The students worked in groups of 5 students, except in the last class when it was done a test referring to the contents taught in the classroom and a questionnaire for them to evaluate the project´s application. The results show that the teaching of Statistics trough projects motivate the students interest, stimulating the statistical reasoning, in addition made the students know a Math that was different from the one they have already known, with a lot of calculation but with no final objective.
This study aims to develop a manipulative material to assist the teaching and learning of Complex Numbers. Primarily, It tries to define the status of the current teaching of Complex Numbers, having as guide the bias of the research produced in dissertations and published on the website of Capes and the Virtual Library of Profmat from 2004 to 2014. It presents historical aspects of the theme, a mathematical foundation and a discussion of the use of manipulative materials as teaching resources for the teaching of mathematics. It introduces the manipulative material called GeoPlexo and a sequence of activities of potentiation and settling of complex numbers, explaining its use. It concludes with the importance of manipulative materials as a teaching resource for the teaching of Complex Numbers, especially regarding the geometric visualization of this mathematical object.
This study will introduce a brief history of the Geometry development, focused in the appearing of the organization in the logical deductive structure achieved by Euclid. Following will be discussed the situation of the learning and teaching of geometry topics since antiquity until the present day, where we will notice that it does not happen with the logical-deductive perspective. After this contextualization, we will propose the realization of a geometry workshop for students of the sixth grade of elementary school, focusing to the development of logical-deductive reasoning. Applied to workshop, changes were observed in the organization of thought of the participating students in the research, furthering the understanding of the concepts and properties of flat euclidean geometry.
This essay presents a proposal on methodology over the mathematical object Exponential Function which enables the development of interpretative and creative skills with potential meaning to the students starting from a didactic sequence structured on the light of The Theory of Didactic Situations from Guy Brousseau and, from the Records of Semiotic Representation of Duval, providing interactions among the students, the teacher and the environment of cooperative learning where the students feel free to express their own ideas as well as to suggest their own approaches. The methodology presented has been developed according to the students first knowledge, valuing their different ways of registering, which have such an important role during the teaching and learning processes. The proposal has been applied to the students from the first year of high school of Colégio Estadual José de Anchieta Ensino Fundamental e Médio, located in a town called Dois Vizinhos –Paraná. In order to the development of the research the methodological tool Didactic Engineering Artigue which consists in a methodology developed only to the research with didactic situations. The main goal has been reached at first, which was to work on the conceptual part of the Exponential Function, the relation of dependence and its main characteristic so that the variable part is in the exponent. Moreover with no imposition but starting from suitable didactic situations, the students were able to realize that they could solve the problems which involve the exponential function and furthermore create new problems (according to their universe) modeled by this kind of function. Its believed that the methodology based on the theory of didactic situations, analysis of students registers, observation on mistakes and obstacles as well as reflections over the aspects of the didactic contract are of fundamental importance to the teaching practice and determinant during the teaching-learning process.
The objective of this study is to analyze the validity of working with proofs in the classroom and to present a partial list of proofs of mathematical formulae of the Brazilian secondary/high school curriculum. The adaptation of the proofs into the knowledge and abilities of a secondary school student should also be considered. How the teaching of proofs is treated in official publications in Brazil and other countries is also described. Working with proofs provides a number of benefits to the students, including: the development of logical reasoning, argumentative capacity, analytical skills on a daily basis, as well as motivation and a better understanding of mathematics as a science. The convenience of including the teaching of proofs in Brazilian secondary school curriculum and the need of a balance between the abstraction of proofs and contextualization of the school programmes is discussed. The approach of the proof teaching in the classroom can become a motivating factor or, conversely, a discouraging one. The conclusion is that it would be very useful to create a reference list covering the mathematical expressions of school programmes with their respective proofs that can be understood by secondary school students.
Acompanha: Manual didático: o emprego de aspectos sociocientíficos no ensino de química
Académico - Licenciaturas
Académico - Licenciaturas
O modelo vigente de desenvolvimento, baseado no crescimento ilimitado e exploração irracional dos recursos naturais, é o grande responsável pela crise ecológica atual. As cidades contemporâneas vivenciam valores antropocêntricos relacionados ao racionalismo moderno e estes se contrapõem às variáveis da sustentabilidade, portanto sofrem constates embates e disputas de poder quando buscam se tornar sustentáveis. Questionamentos surgem quando se procurar garantir não apenas a teoria, mas também uma prática sustentável mínima no espaço urbano e para além desse, referentes, principalmente ao papel da sociedade e do poder público. Neste contexto, surgem dúvidas também a respeito da educação ambiental: como ela se encaixa no processo de transformação desta civilização atual que “tem como eixo articulador não a vida, a sua grandiosidade, a sua defesa e a sua expansão, mas o próprio poder e os meios de mais poder que é a dominação.”(BOFF, 1996)? Por outro lado, sobre o direito fundamental à sadia qualidade de vida, previsto constitucionalmente como direito de todos, gerações atuais e futuras, quando e como deixará ser privilégio de poucos? Com objetivo de contribuir com o debate relativo à construção do conceito de cidades sustentáveis o presente artigo apresenta abordagens que pretendem estimular o pensamento crítico a respeito deste tema tão urgente e atual.
En este trabajo se presenta un conjunto dereflexiones y conclusiones alrededor del proceso de formación del profesorado y personal no docente en el uso de un LMS (Learning Management System)en un centro educativo, y el proceso de implantación de dicho sistema. En el entorno presencial de aprendizaje del Centre d'Estudis Politècnics, en adelante CEP, es necesario facilitar la comunicación y el acceso a los recursos entre los miembros de la comunidad, no sólo por parte de los estudiantes para localizar recursos docentes y facilitar la comunicación con sus profesores, sino también para facilitar la reusabilidad e intercambio de los materiales, la comunicación entre docentes y el resto del personal del centro educativo, secretaria,administración, departamento de calidad y bolsa detrabajo, así como la interacción entre profesores y estudiantes y de éstos entre sí.
Artículo que se propone mostrar la experiencia vivida con todo un colectivo femenino de una misma escuela (alumnas, madres y profesoras), que ha permitido mejorar la autoestima y la integración social de un grupo de mujeres inmigrantes. La finalidad de esta intervención es ayudar a despertar el interés de las madres inmigrantes por el saber, como un bien con el que favorecer su dignidad personal y llegar a participar activamente en la sociedad
Série de l'Observatoire des fédérations
El objetivo principal de esta investigación es el cambio al cual se someten los jóvenes de las ciudades más pequeñas que van a estudiar a Manaus. Aún de manera más específica, cuando inician sus estudios, en la búsqueda de formación profesional, en la Institución de Formación Profesional localizada en Manaus, llamada Centro Federal de Educación Tecnológica de amazonas (CEFETAM) ¿Hasta qué punto el contexto urbano de Manaus, respeta los orígenes de los jóvenes inmigrantes de las ciudades más pequeñas del estado de Amazonas?. Para la realización de la investigación se han realizado entrevistas a 20 alumnos emigrantes del CEFETAM-SEDE, en el año 1999. Los criterios que se han utilizado en la elección de la población han sido: alumnos emigrantes; alumnos que emigraron hacia Manaus después de la conclusión de la enseñanza fundamental; alumnos que emigraron solos, sin la compañía de la familia; alumnos que emigraron en busca de una formación profesional en el CEFETAM-Manaus, en el año de 1999. Se ha empleado una metodología cualitativa, puesto que, el autor cree que en educación no se puede solamente detener en aspectos cuantitativos. La estructura de este trabajo de investigación consta de tres partes: el encuadre teórico, la contextualización de la investigación y la descripción y el consiguiente desarrollo de la metodología utilizada en la investigación, para obtener algunas conclusiones. Los instrumentos que se han manejado para el conocimiento de los cambios socioculturales experimentados por los alumnos han sido principalmente la autobiografía y la historia de vida. Posteriormente, se realizó un análisis del cincuenta por ciento de las historias de vida, desde una dimensión laboral y otra social y educativa, partiendo de dos campos que son el empírico y el interpretativo. El procedimiento adoptado ha sido desarrollado a través del contraste entre pasado y presente, siempre con el interés de ubicarlos en la realidad histórica mundial en la que nos hallamos. El mundo laboral incide en un proceso de sustancial desestructuración social y en este proceso la persona tiene que adaptarse de manera forzada a la identidad legitimadora que sustenta la hegemonía de la sociedad globalizadora. Si contextualizamos ese panorama en Brasil, específicamente en el Estado del Amazonas vemos que en dicho contexto se encuentra un predominio de la cultura hegemónica que impone sus reglas desde Manaus, que es el gran centro urbano de referencia. La conclusión es que los seres humanos se olvidan realmente de lo que son y se involucran en una realidad legitimadora que les ha sido impuesta, donde desgraciadamente pierden su identidad en diferentes fragmentos de su vida. Lo cierto es que el proceso de cambio no comienza cuando se llega a Manaus, pero el momento de la emigración supone el inicio de la realización de un sueño al cual les ha constado mucho llegar y donde se encuentran con una gran confrontación, puesto que ven la necesidad de involucrarse en todo lo que perciben como un mecanismo de autodefensa para sustentarse en la nueva realidad olvidando de dónde han venido, lo que han aprendido y la historia que ellos mismos han construido.