999 resultados para Calculated (Richards, 1962, U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Tech Rept 106)


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Cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 501, 504B and 505B have an unusual near-vein zonation in basalts. Megascopically, zonation occurs as differently colored strips and zones whose typical thickness does not exceed 6 to 7 cm. Microscopically, the color of zones depends on variably colored clay minerals which are the products of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration in basalt. These differently colored zones form the so called "oxidative" type of alteration of basalts. Another "background," or, less precisely termed, "non-oxidative," type of alteration in basalts is characterized by large-scale, homogeneous replacement of olivine, and filling of vesicles and cracks by an olive-brown or olive-green clay mineral. The compositions of clay minerals of the "background" type of alteration, as well as the composition of co-existing titanomagnetites, were determined with an electron microprobe. There are sharp maxima in potassium and iron content, and minima in alumina, silica, and magnesia in clay minerals in the colored zones near veins. Coloring of clay and rock-forming minerals by iron hydroxides and a decrease of the amount of titanomagnetite, which apparently was the source of redeposited iron, occur frequently in colored zones. We assume that the large-scale "background" alteration in the basalts occurred under the effect of pore waters slowly penetrating through bottom sediments. Faulting can facilitate access of fresh sea water to basalts; thus above the general homogeneous background arise zones of "oxidative" alteration along fractures in basalts. The main factors controlling these processes are time (age of basalt), grain size, temperature, thickness of sedimentary cover, and heat flow.


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Seven opal-CT-rich and five quartz-rich porcellanites and cherts from Site 504 have a range in oxygen-isotope values of 24.4 and 29.4 per mil. In opal-CT rocks, d18O becomes larger with sub-bottom depth and with age. Quartz-rich rocks do not show these trends. Boron, in general, increases with decreasing d18O for porcellanites and cherts considered together, supporting the conclusion that boron is incorporated within the quartz crystal structure during precipitation of the SiO2. Silicification of the chalks at Site 504 began 1 m.y. ago - that is, 5 m.y. after sedimentation commenced on the oceanic crust. Temperatures of chert formation determined from oxygen-isotope compositions reflect diagenetic temperatures rather than bottom-water temperatures, and are comparable to temperatures of formation determined by down-hole measurements. Opal-A in the chalks began conversion to opal-CT when a temperature of 50°C was reached in the sediment column. Conversion of opal-CT to quartz started at 55 °C. Silicification occurred over a stratigraphic thickness of about 10 meters when the temperature at the top of the 10 meters reached about 50°C. It took about 250,000 years to complete the silica transformation within each 10-meter interval of sediment at Site 504. Quartz formed over a stratigraphic range of at least 30 meters, at temperatures of about 54 to 60°C. The time and temperatures of silicification of Site 504 rocks are more like those at continental margins than those in deep-sea, open-ocean deposits.


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Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) studies at Site 570 on the landward slope of the Middle America Trench off Guatemala allow for the first time a quantitative estimate of the methane hydrate content in the massive mudstones deposited there. Drilling across the Guatemalan transect on DSDP Legs 67 and 84 has resulted in the greatest number of visual observations of gas hydrate in any marine area. At Site 570, a 1.5-m-long section of massive methane hydrate was unexpectedly cored in an area where none of the usual signs of gas hydrate in seismic records were present. The sediment section is similar to that recovered at the other eight sites off Guatemala, but drilling at Site 570 may have penetrated through a fault zone that provided the space for accumulation of massive gas hydrate. The methane hydrate was analyzed using the following well logs: density, sonic, resistivity, gamma-ray, caliper, neutron porosity, and temperature. The density, sonic, and resistivity logs define a 15-m-thick hydrated zone within which a 4-m-thick nearly pure hydrate section is contained. The methane gas content ranges from 240 m**3 to 1400 m**3 per m**2 of lateral extent; and if the body extends a square kilometer, its total volume of stored gas could be from 240*10**6m**3 to 1400*10**6m**3. Because the acoustic impedance of hydrate calculated from the sonic and density logs shows no anomalous values, the shape and extent of the hydrate body cannot be defined in seismic records. Thus the body is theoretically nonreflective in contrast to the base of the hydrate reflection. The base of the gas hydrate reflection is presumed to be the result of the velocity contrast between sediment containing gas hydrate and sediment containing free gas.


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The hydraulic piston coring device (HPC-15) allows recovery of deep ocean sediments with minimal disturbance. The device was used during Leg 72 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) aboard the Glomar Challenger. Core samples were recovered from bore holes in the Rio Grande Rise in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Relatively undisturbed sediment cores were obtained from Holes 515A, 516, 517, and 518. The results of shipboard physical property measurements and on-shore geotechnical laboratory tests on these cores are presented in this chapter. A limited number of 0.3 m cores were obtained and used in a series of geotechnical tests, including one-dimensional consolidation, direct shear, Atterburg limit, particle size analysis, and specific gravity tests. Throughout the testing program, attention was focused on assessment of sample disturbance associated with the HPC-15 coring device. The HPC-15 device limits sample disturbance reasonably well in terrigenous muds (clays). However, sample disturbance associated with coring calcareous sediments (nannofossil-foraminifer oozes) is severe. The noncohesive, granular behavior of the calcareous sediments is vulnerable to severe disturbance, because of the design of the sampling head on the device at the time of Leg 72. A number of modifications to the sampling head design are recommended and discussed in this chapter. The modifications will improve sample quality for testing purposes and provide longer unbroken core samples by reducing friction between the sediment column and the sampling tool.


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Tetrapyrrole pigments isolated from sediments retrieved during Leg 57 include pheophytin-a, a myriad of chlorins, free-base deoxophylloerythroetioporphyrin (DPEP), as well as copper and nickel porphyrins. Their richness, both qualitatively and quantitatively, in chlorin tetrapyrroles affords a relatively complete study on the early diagenesis of chlorophyll. Our studies, coupled with those in the preceding chapter by Louda et al., point out the influence of pre- and postdepositional environments upon the mode of chlorophyll diagenesis. Formation of tetrapyrroles, collectively called "petroporphyrins," is seen to occur in only a limited set of environmental conditions (see Baker and Palmer, 1978). The more generalized route of chlorophyll diagenesis, at least in the ocean, results in removal of tetrapyrrole pigment, from the fossil record. Late diagenetic products, metalloporphyrins, are found to represent an extremely minor component of the tetrapyrrole assemblage in sediments studied from the Japan Trench. The products of chlorophyll diagenesis isolated from Japan Trench sediments allow expansion of previous diagenetic schemes (Baker and Palmer, 1978; Triebs, 1936) and indicate directions for future studies.


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The calcite compensation depth (CCD) fluctuates as a result of changes in the water-mass system, thereby producing a distinct dissolution pattern. Differential dissolution changes the composition of the foraminiferal assemblages, reflecting the depositional environment in respect to the fluctuating CCD. The dissolution pattern for the comparatively shallow Site 541 on the Barbados Ridge indicates a depositional environment mostly above the CCD, but below the foraminiferal lysocline during the late Miocene to early Pleistocene. In contrast, sediments of the deeper-water Site 543 indicate a depositional environment above the CCD during the late Pliocene to early Pleistocene only. Furthermore, similarities in the dissolution pattern of corresponding time intervals of Site 541 (represented by superimposed faulted intervals termed Tectonic Units A and B) are recognizable. Sediments deposited clearly above the foraminiferal lysocline are rare


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Alkali-basalt clasts in Upper Cretaceous sediments from Site 466 on southern Hess Rise suggest that parts of Hess Rise were constructed by off-ridge volcanic activity. Apparently, tectonic adjustments at Hess Rise occurred during the Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian), when parts of the original volcanic pedestal were uplifted and provided source rocks for the clasts. Synchronous volcanism may have occurred. Causes for the Late Cretaceous tectonic adjustments (and volcanism?) are not known, but they may be related to intraplate movement along the Mendocino Fracture Zone.


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Chert, Porcellanite, and other silicified rocks formed in response to high heat flow in the lower 50 meters of 275 meters of sediments at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 504, Costa Rica Rift. Chert and Porcellanite partly or completely replaced upper Miocene chalk and limestone. Silicified rock occurs as nodules, laminae, stringers, and casts of burrows, and consists of quartz and opal-CT in varying amounts, associated with secondary calcite. The secondary silica was derived from dissolution of opal-A (biogenic silica), mostly diatom frustules and radiolarian tests. Temperature data obtained at the site indicate that transformation of opal-A to opal-CT began at about 50°C, and transformation from opal-CT to quartz at about 55°C. Quartz is most abundant close to basement basalts. These silica transformations occurred over the past 1 m.y., and took place so rapidly that there was incomplete ordering of opal-CT before transformation to quartz; opal-CT formed initially with an uncommonly wide d spacing. Quartz shows poor crystallinity. Chemical data show that the extensively silicified rocks consist of over 96% SiO2; in these rocks, minor and trace elements decreased greatly, except for boron, which increased. Low Al2O3 and TiO2 contents in all studied rocks preclude the presence of significant volcanic or terrigenous detritus. Mn content increases with depth, perhaps reflecting contributions from basalts or hydrothermal solutions. Comparisons with cherts from oceanic plateaus in the central Pacific point to a more purely biogenic host sediment for the Costa Rica Rift cherts, more rapid precipitation of quartz, and formation nearer a spreading center. Despite being closer to continental sources of ash and terrigenous detritus, Costa Rica Rift cherts have lower Al2O3, Fe2O3, and Mn concentrations.


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Pigmy Basin sediments cored in Hole 619 of Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 96 are silty clays composed, on the average, of < 1% sand, 37% silt, 48% clay, and 14% carbonate minerals. Except for minor grain dissolution in some silt grains, there is no distinctive variation with depth in either composition or texture of the sand- and silt-sized minerals. This suggests a constant source of sediment supply and little diagenetic alteration of these size fractions. Clay minerals are dominated by smectite or, more precisely, montmorillonite. On the average, the clay-sized fraction consists of 48% smectite and mixed layer minerals, 30% illite, and 23% total kaolinite and chlorite. There appears to be a slight decrease in smectite and concomitant increases in other clay minerals with depth. These changes are further substantiated by the variations of ammonium acetate exchangeable K+, Mg2+, and Na+ in bulk samples. Thus, incipient diagenesis of Pigmy Basin sediments is evidenced in the mineralogical and associated chemical characteristics of the clay fractions.


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Sr and Nd isotopic composition of 23 basalts from Sites 556-559 and 561-564. are reported. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios in fresh glasses and leached whole rocks range from 0.7025 to 0.7034 and are negatively correlated with the initial 143Nd/ 144Nd compositions, which range from 0.51315 to 0.51289. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions (in glasses or leached samples) lie within the fields of mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) and ocean island basalts (OIB) from the Azores on the Nd-Sr mantle array/fan plot. In general, there is a correlation between the trace element characteristics and the 143Nd/144Nd composition (i.e., samples with Hf/Ta>7 and (Ce/Sm)N<1 [normal-MORB] have initial 143Nd/144Nd>0.51307, whereas samples with Hf/Ta<7 and (Ce/Sm)N>1 (enriched-MORB) have initial 143Nd/144Nd compositions <0.51300). A significant deviation from this general rule is found in Hole 558, where the N-MORB can have, within experimental limits, identical isotopic compositions to those found in associated E-MORB. The plume-depleted asthenosphere mixing hypothesis of Schilling (1975), White and Schilling (1978) and Schilling et al. (1977) provides a framework within which the present data can be evaluated. Given the distribution and possible origins of the chemical and isotopic heterogeneity observed in Leg 82 basalts, and some other basalts in the area, it would appear that the Schilling et al. model is not entirely satisfactory. In particular, it can be shown that trace element data may incorrectly estimate the plume component and more localized mantle heterogeneity (both chemical and isotopic) may be important.


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Basalts from Hole 534A are among the oldest recovered from the ocean bottom, dating from the opening of the Atlantic 155 Ma. Upon exposure to a 1-Oe field for one week, these basalts acquire a viscous remanent magnetization (VRM), which ranges from 4 to 223% of their natural remanent magnetization (NRM). A magnetic field of similar magnitude is observed in the paleomagnetic lab of the Glomar Challenger, and it is therefore doubtful if accurate measurements of magnetic moment in such rocks can be made on board unless the paleomagnetic area is magnetically shielded. No correlation is observed between the Konigsberger ratio (beta), which is usually less than 3, and the ability to acquire a VRM. The VRM shows both a log t dependence and a Richter aftereffect. Both of these, but especially the log t dependence, will cause the susceptibility measurements (made by applying a magnetic field for a very short time) to be minimum values. The susceptibility and derived Q should therefore be used cautiously for magnetic anomaly interpretation, because they can cause the importance of the induced magnetization to be underestimated.


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Compressional-wave velocity, wet-bulk density, and porosity were measured on sediments and rocks recovered from Deep Sea Drilling Project Holes 515B and 516F. Wet-bulk densities were measured by both gravimetric and GRAPE methods. Velocities were measured on trimmed samples with the Hamilton frame velocimeter. The shipboard measurement techniques are discussed in the explanatory notes chapter (Coulbourn, this volume) and are described in detail by Boyce (1976a). Only the shipboard measurements are reported here.


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Alteration products of basalts from the four holes drilled during Leg 81 were studied and found to be characterized by the widespread occurrence of trioctahedral clay minerals (Mg smectite to chlorite). In some cases zeolites (analcite, chabazite) are associated with the saponite. A more oxidizing stage is marked by a saponite-celadonite association, presenting the geochemical characteristics of hydrothermal processes. Later stages of alteration are represented by palagonitization and subaerial weathering at two sites. These different alteration processes of basalts from Leg 81 record the paleoenvironment during the first opening stages of the Northeast Atlantic Ocean in the Paleocene-Eocene periods.