285 resultados para COMMENSAL


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Escherichia coli, the most common cause of bacteraemia in humans in the UK, can also cause serious diseases in animals. However the population structure, virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes of those from extraintestinal organs of livestock animals are poorly characterised. The aims of this study were to investigate the diversity of these isolates from livestock animals and to understand if there was any correlation between the virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes and the genetic backbone of the bacteria and if these isolates were similar to those isolated from humans. Here 39 E. coli isolates from liver (n=31), spleen (n=5) and blood (n=3) of cattle (n=34), sheep (n=3), chicken (n=1) and pig (n=1) were assigned to 19 serogroups with O8 being the most common (n=7), followed by O101, O20 (both n=3) and O153 (n=2). They belong to 29 multi-locus sequence types, 20 clonal complexes with ST23 (n=7), ST10 (n=6), ST117 and ST155 (both n=3) being most common and were distributed among phylogenetic group A (n=16), B1 (n=12), B2 (n=2) and D (n=9). The pattern of a subset of putative virulence genes was different in almost all isolates. No correlation between serogroups, animal hosts, MLST types, virulence and antimicrobial resistance genes was identified. The distributions of clonal complexes and virulence genes were similar to other extraintestinal or commensal E. coli from humans and other animals, suggesting a zoonotic potential. The diverse and various combinations of virulence genes implied that the infections were caused by different mechanisms and infection control will be challenging.


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Currently, there are limited published data for the population dynamics of antimicrobial-resistant commensal bacteria. This study was designed to evaluate both the proportions of the Escherichia coli populations that are resistant to ampicillin at the level of the individual chicken on commercial broiler farms and the feasibility of obtaining repeated measures of fecal E. coli concentrations. Short-term temporal variation in the concentration of fecal E. coli was investigated, and a preliminary assessment was made of potential factors involved in the shedding of high numbers of ampicillin-resistant E. coli by growing birds in the absence of the use of antimicrobial drugs. Multilevel linear regression modeling revealed that the largest component of random variation in log-transformed fecal E. coli concentrations was seen between sampling occasions for individual birds. The incorporation of fixed effects into the model demonstrated that the older, heavier birds in the study were significantly more likely (P = 0.0003) to shed higher numbers of ampicillin-resistant E. coli. This association between increasing weight and high shedding was not seen for the total fecal E. coli population (P = 0.71). This implies that, in the absence of the administration of antimicrobial drugs, the proportion of fecal E. coli that was resistant to ampicillin increased as the birds grew. This study has shown that it is possible to collect quantitative microbiological data on broiler farms and that such data could make valuable contributions to risk assessments concerning the transfer of resistant bacteria between animal and human populations.


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There has been continued and expanding recognition of probiotic approaches for treating gastrointestinal and systemic disease, as well as increased acceptance of probiotic therapies by both the public and the medical community. A parallel development has been the increasing recognition of the diverse roles that the normal gut microbiota plays in the normal biology of the host. This advance has in turn has been fed by implementation of novel investigative technologies and conceptual paradigms focused on understanding the fundamental role of the microbiota and indeed all commensal bacteria, on known and previously unsuspected aspects of host physiology in health and disease. This review discusses current advances in the study of the host-microbiota interaction, especially as it relates to potential mechanisms of probiotics. It is hoped these new approaches will allow more rational selection and validation of probiotic usage in a variety of clinical conditions.


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Studying the pathogenesis of an infectious disease like colibacillosis requires an understanding of the responses of target hosts to the organism both as a pathogen and as a commensal. The mucosal immune system constitutes the primary line of defence against luminal micro-organisms. The immunoglobulin-superfamily-based adaptive immune system evolved in the earliest jawed vertebrates, and the adaptive and innate immune system of humans, mice, pigs and ruminants co-evolved in common ancestors for approximately 300 million years. The divergence occurred only 100 mya and, as a consequence, most of the fundamental immunological mechanisms are very similar. However, since pressure on the immune system comes from rapidly evolving pathogens, immune systems must also evolve rapidly to maintain the ability of the host to survive and reproduce. As a consequence, there are a number of areas of detail where mammalian immune systems have diverged markedly from each other, such that results obtained in one species are not always immediately transferable to another. Thus, animal models of specific diseases need to be selected carefully, and the results interpreted with caution. Selection is made simpler where specific host species like cattle and pigs can be both target species and reservoirs for human disease, as in infections with Escherichia coli.


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The intestinal microbiota is a dynamic multifaceted ecosystem which has evolved a complex and mutually beneficial relationship with the mammalian host. The contribution to host fitness is evident, but in recent years it has become apparent that these commensal microorganisms may exert far more influence over health and disease than previously thought. The gut microbiota are implicated in many aspects of biological function, such as metabolism, angiogenesis and immune development: disruption, especially during the neonatal period, which may impose life-long penalty. Elimination of the microbiota appears difficult, but manipulation of the ratios and dominance of composite populations can be achieved by alterations in diet, rearing environment, antibiotics and/or probiotics. Components of the intestinal microbiota are frequently documented to affect normal function of the mucosal immune system in experimental animals and in domesticated, agricultural species. However, it is not always clear that the effects described are sufficiently well understood to provide a sound basis for commercial intervention. Some microbial interventions may be beneficial to the host under particular circumstances, while detrimental during others. It is essential that we further our understanding of the complex and intricate host-commensal relationship to avoid causing more long-term damage than advantage


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Each human body plays host to a microbial population which is both numerically vast (at around 1014 microbial cells) and phenomenally diverse (over 1,000 species). The majority of the microbial species in the gut have not been cultured but the application of culture-independent approaches for high throughput diversity and functionality analysis has allowed characterisation of the diverse microbial phylotypes present in health and disease. Studies in monozygotic twins, showing that these retain highly similar microbiota decades after birth and initial colonisation, are strongly indicative that diversity of the microbiome is host-specific and affected by the genotype. Microbial diversity in the human body is reflected in both richness and evenness. Diversity increases steeply from birth reaching its highest point in early adulthood, before declining in older age. However, in healthy subjects there appears to be a core of microbial phylotypes which remains relatively stable over time. Studies of individuals from diverse geopraphies suggest that clusters of intestinal bacterial groups tend to occur together, constituting ‘enterotypes’. So variation in intestinal microbiota is stratified rather than continuous and there may be a limited number of host/microbial states which respond differently to environmental influences. Exploration of enterotypes and functional groups may provide biomarkers for disease and insights into the potential for new treatments based on manipulation of the microbiome. In health, the microbiota interact with host defences and exist in harmonious homeostasis which can then be disturbed by invading organisms or when ‘carpet bombing’ by antibiotics occurs. In a portion of individuals with infections, the disease will resolve itself without the need for antibiotics and microbial homeostasis with the host’s defences is restored. The administration of probiotics (live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host) represents an artificial way to enhance or stimulate these natural processes. The study of innate mechanisms of antimicrobial defence on the skin, including the production of numerous antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), has shown an important role for skin commensal organisms. These organisms may produce AMPs, and also amplify the innate immune responses to pathogens by activating signalling pathways and processing host produced AMPs. Research continues into how to enhance and manipulate the role of commensal organisms on the skin. The challenges of skin infection (including diseases caused by multiply resistant organisms) and infestations remain considerable. The potential to re-colonise the skin to replace or reduce pathogens, and exploring the relationship between microbiota elsewhere and skin diseases are among a growing list of research targets. Lactobacillus species are among the best known ‘beneficial’ bacterial members of the human microbiota. Of the approximately 120 species known, about 15 are known to occur in the human vagina. These organisms have multiple properties, including the production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins, which render the vagina inhospitable to potential pathogens. Depletion of the of the normal Lactobacillus population and overgrowth of vaginal anaerobes, accompanied by the loss of normal vaginal acidity can lead to bacterial vaginosis – the commonest cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women. Some vaginal anaerobes are associated with the formation of vaginal biofilms which serve to act as a reservoir of organisms which persists after standard antibiotic therapy of bacterial vaginosis and may help to account for the characteristically high relapse rate in the condition. Administration of Lactobacillus species both vaginally and orally have shown beneficial effects in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and such treatments have an excellent overall safety record. Candida albicans is a frequent coloniser of human skin and mucosal membranes, and is a normal part of the microbiota in the mouth, gut and vagina. Nevertheless Candida albicans is the most common fungal pathogen worldwide and is a leading cause of serious and often fatal nosocomial infections. What turns this organism from a commensal to a pathogen is a combination of increasing virulence in the organism and predisposing host factors that compromise immunity. There has been considerable research into the use of probiotic Lactobacillus spp. in vaginal candidiasis. Studies in reconstituted human epithelium and monolayer cell cultures have shown that L. rhamnosus GG can protect mucosa from damage caused by Candida albicans, and enhance the immune responses of mucosal surfaces. Such findings offer the promise that the use of such probiotic bacteria could provide new options for antifungal therapy. Studies of changes of the human intestinal microbiota in health and disease are complicated by its size and diversity. The Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre in Cork (Republic of Ireland) has the mission to ‘mine microbes for mankind’ and its work illustrates the potential benefits of understanding the gut microbiota. Work undertaken at the centre includes: mapping changes in the microbiota with age; studies of the interaction between the microbiota and the gut; potential interactions between the gut microbiota and the central nervous system; the potential for probiotics to act as anti-infectives including through the production of bacteriocins; and the characterisation of interactions between gut microbiota and bile acids which have important roles as signalling molecules and in immunity. The important disease entity where the role of the gut microbiota appears to be central is the Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS patients show evidence of immune activation, impaired gut barrier function and abnormal gut microbiota. Studies with probiotics have shown that these organisms can exert anti-inflammatory effects in inflammatory bowel disease and may strengthen the gut barrier in IBS of the diarrhoea-predominant type. Formal randomised trials of probiotics in IBS show mixed results with limited benefit for some but not all. Studies confirm that administered probiotics can survive and temporarily colonise the gut. They can also stimulate the numbers of other lactic acid bacilli in the gut, and reduce the numbers of pathogens. However consuming live organisms is not the only way to influence gut microbiota. Dietary prebiotics are selectively fermented ingredients that can change the composition and/or activity of the gastrointestinal microbiota in beneficial ways. Dietary components that reach the colon, and are available to influence the microbiota include poorly digestible carbohydrates, such as non-starch polysaccharides, resistant starch, non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDOs) and polyphenols. Mixtures of probiotic and prebiotic ingredients that can selectively stimulate growth or activity of health promoting bacteria have been termed ‘synbiotics’. All of these approaches can influence gut microbial ecology, mainly to increase bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, but metagenomic approaches may reveal wider effects. Characterising how these changes produce physiological benefits may enable broader use of these tactics in health and disease in the future. The current status of probiotic products commercially available worldwide is less than ideal. Prevalent problems include misidentification of ingredient organisms and poor viability of probiotic microorganisms leading to inadequate shelf life. On occasions these problems mean that some commercially available products cannot be considered to meet the definition of a probiotic product. Given the potential benefits of manipulating the human microbiota for beneficial effects, there is a clear need for improved regulation of probiotics. The potential importance of the human microbiota cannot be overstated. ‘We feed our microbes, they talk to us and we benefit. We just have to understand and then exploit this.’ (Willem de Vos).


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Background Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of healthcare associated mortality, but like many important bacterial pathogens, it is a common constituent of the normal human body flora. Around a third of healthy adults are carriers. Recent evidence suggests that evolution of S. aureus during nasal carriage may be associated with progression to invasive disease. However, a more detailed understanding of within-host evolution under natural conditions is required to appreciate the evolutionary and mechanistic reasons why commensal bacteria such as S. aureus cause disease. Therefore we examined in detail the evolutionary dynamics of normal, asymptomatic carriage. Sequencing a total of 131 genomes across 13 singly colonized hosts using the Illumina platform, we investigated diversity, selection, population dynamics and transmission during the short-term evolution of S. aureus. Principal Findings We characterized the processes by which the raw material for evolution is generated: micro-mutation (point mutation and small insertions/deletions), macro-mutation (large insertions/deletions) and the loss or acquisition of mobile elements (plasmids and bacteriophages). Through an analysis of synonymous, non-synonymous and intergenic mutations we discovered a fitness landscape dominated by purifying selection, with rare examples of adaptive change in genes encoding surface-anchored proteins and an enterotoxin. We found evidence for dramatic, hundred-fold fluctuations in the size of the within-host population over time, which we related to the cycle of colonization and clearance. Using a newly-developed population genetics approach to detect recent transmission among hosts, we revealed evidence for recent transmission between some of our subjects, including a husband and wife both carrying populations of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Significance This investigation begins to paint a picture of the within-host evolution of an important bacterial pathogen during its prevailing natural state, asymptomatic carriage. These results also have wider significance as a benchmark for future systematic studies of evolution during invasive S. aureus disease.


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BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas tolaasii is a problematic pathogen of cultured mushrooms, forming dark brown 'blotches' on mushroom surfaces and causing spoilage during crop growth and post-harvest . Treating P. tolaasii infection is difficult, as other, commensal bacterial species such as Pseudomonas putida are necessary for mushroom growth, so treatments must be relatively specific. RESULTS: We have found that P. tolaasii is susceptible to predation in vitro by the δ-proteobacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. This effect also occurred in funga, where B. bacteriovorus was administered to post-harvest mushroom caps before and after administration of the P. tolaasii pathogen. A significant, visible improvement in blotch appearance, after incubation, was observed on administration of Bdellovibrio. A significant reduction in viable P. tolaasii cell numbers, recovered from the mushroom tissue, was detected. This was accompanied by a more marked reduction in blotch severity on Bdellovibrio administration. We found that there was in some cases an accompanying overgrowth of presumed-commensal, non-Pseudomonas bacteria on post-harvest mushroom caps after Bdellovibrio-treatment. These bacteria were identified (by 16SrRNA gene sequencing) as Enterobacter species, which were seemingly resistant to predation. We visualised predatory interactions occuring between B. bacteriovorus and P. tolaasii on the post-harvest mushroom cap surface by Scanning Electron Microscopy, seeing predatory invasion of P. tolaasii by B. bacteriovorus in funga. This anti-P. tolaasii effect worked well in post-harvest supermarket mushrooms, thus Bdellovibrio was not affected by any pre-treatment of mushrooms for commercial/consumer purposes. CONCLUSIONS: The soil-dwelling B. bacteriovorus HD100 preys upon and kills P. tolaasii, on mushroom surfaces, and could therefore be applied to prevent spoilage in post-harvest situations where mushrooms are stored and packaged for sale.


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This study aimed to compare ESBL-producing Escherichia coli causing infections in humans with infecting or commensal isolates from animals and isolates from food of animal origin in terms of the strain types, the ESBL gene present and the plasmids that carry the respective ESBL genes. A collection of 353 ESBL-positive E. coli isolates from the UK, the Netherlands and Germany were studied by MLST and ESBL genes were identified. Characterization of ESBL gene-carrying plasmids was performed using PCR-based replicon typing. Moreover, IncI1-Iγ and IncN plasmids were characterized by plasmid MLST. The ESBL-producing E. coli represented 158 different STs with ST131, ST10 and ST88 being the most common. Overall, blaCTX-M-1 was the most frequently detected ESBL gene, followed by blaCTX-M-15, which was the most common ESBL gene in the human isolates. The most common plasmid replicon type overall was IncI1-Iγ followed by multiple IncF replicons. ESBL genes were present in a wide variety of E. coli STs. IncI1-Iγ plasmids that carried the blaCTX-M-1 gene were widely disseminated amongst STs in isolates from animals and humans, whereas other plasmids and STs appeared to be more restricted to isolates from specific hosts.


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Gramastacus insolitus is a very small non-burrowing Australian freshwater crayfish with a restricted distribution, occurring almost exclusively in seasonal habitats throughout its range. It is listed as a threatened species but its strategy for surviving dry periods was unknown. Eight seasonal surveys of crayfish distribution showed that members of G. insolitus were never found at sites that were outside the distribution of two larger burrowing freshwater crayfish species, Geocharax falcata and Cherax destructor. Excavation of 80 burrows of members of G. falcata and C. destructor in three different seasonal habitats in the Grampians National Park, Victoria, Australia, revealed that individuals of G. insolitus found refuge from drying by estivating in cracks and shallow depressions at the side of the main burrow tunnels constructed by larger species. Members of G. insolitus were not found estivating at the surface, such as under fallen wood, nor was it usually found in crayfish burrows unoccupied by the host crayfish. This study indicates that members of G. insolitus are commensal upon larger crayfish species, using their burrows to survive the seasonal drying of their habitat. Conservation strategies for populations of G. insolitus will need to consider co-existing species of burrowing crayfish.


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Objective: Depression is accompanied by activation of immuno-inflammatory and oxidative and nitrosative stress (IO&NS) pathways, and increased IgM/IgA responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram-negative commensal bacteria. The latter suggests that bacterial translocation has caused IgM/IgA responses directed against LPS. Bacterial translocation may drive IO&NS responses.

Method: To examine the associations between IgM/IgA responses to LPS and IO&NS measurements, including plasma/serum interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF)α, neopterin, lysozyme, oxidized LDL (oxLDL) antibodies, peroxides, and IgM (auto)immune responses against malondialdehyde (MDA), azelaic acid, phophatidyl inositol (Pi), NO-tryptophan and NO-tyrosine in depressed patients and controls.

We found significant positive associations between IgM/IgA responses to LPS and oxLDL antibodies, IgM responses against MDA, azelaic acid, Pi, NO-tryptophan, and NO-tyrosine. The IgA responses to LPS were correlated with lysozyme. There were no significant positive correlations between the IgM/IgA responses to LPS and IL-1 and neopterin.

: The findings show that in depression there is an association between increased bacterial translocation and lysozyme production, an antibacterial compound, O&NS processes, and autoimmune responses directed against O&NS generated neoantigenic determinants. It is suggested that bacterial translocation may drive IO&NS pathways in depression and thus play a role in its pathophysiology.


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Monotremes are the only oviparous mammals and exhibit a fascinating combination of reptilian and mammalian characters. They represent a component of synapsidal reproduction by laying shelled eggs which are incubated outside the mother’s body. This is accompanied by a prototherian lactation process, marking them as representatives of early mammals. The only extant monotremes are the platypus, and the short- and long- beaked echidnas, and their distributions are limited to Australia and New Guinea. Apart for a short weaning period, milk is the sole source of nutrition and protection for the hatchlings which are altricial and immunologically naive. The duration of lactation in these mammals is prolonged relative to the gestational length and period of incubation of eggs. Much of the development of monotreme young occurs in the non-sterile ex-utero environment. Therefore the role of milk in the growth, development and disease protection of the young is of significant interest. By sequencing the cDNA of cells harvested from monotreme milk, we have identified a novel monotreme- specific transcript, and the corresponding gene was designated as the EchAMP. The expression profile of this gene in various tissues revealed that it is highly expressed in milk cells. The peptides corresponding to the EchAMP protein have been identified in a sample of echidna milk In silico analysis indicated putative antimicrobial potential for the cognate protein of EchAMP. This was further confirmed by in vitro assays using a host of bacteria. Interestingly, EchAMP did not display any activity against a commensal gut floral species. These results support the hypothesis of enhancement of survival of the young by antimicrobial bioactives of mammary gland origin and thus emphasize the protective, non- nutritional role of milk in mammals.


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There has been a dramatic rise in the prevalence of IgE-mediated food allergy over recent decades, particularly among infants and young children. The cause of this increase is unknown but one putative factor is a change in the composition, richness and balance of the microbiota that colonize the human gut during early infancy. The coevolution of the human gastrointestinal tract and commensal microbiota has resulted in a symbiotic relationship in which gut microbiota play a vital role in early life immune development and function, as well as maintenance of gut wall epithelial integrity. Since IgE mediated food allergy is associated with immune dysregulation and impaired gut epithelial integrity there is substantial interest in the potential link between gut microbiota and food allergy. Although the exact link between gut microbiota and food allergy is yet to be established in humans, recent experimental evidence suggests that specific patterns of gut microbiota colonization may influence the risk and manifestations of food allergy. An understanding of the relationship between gut microbiota and food allergy has the potential to inform both the prevention and treatment of food allergy. In this paper we review the theory and evidence linking gut microbiota and IgE-mediated food allergy in early life. We then consider the implications and challenges for future research, including the techniques of measuring and analyzing gut microbiota, and the types of studies required to advance knowledge in the field.


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Parents play a critical role in promoting fruit and vegetable consumption, for eating patterns established early in life tend to persist into adulthood. Despite this, the factors that facilitate or inhibit parents’ capacity to socialise fruit and vegetable consumption into their children’s daily diets remain poorly defined. Thirty-eight semi-structured interviews with residents, allied healthcare professionals, community leaders, community programme leaders and a local government leader living or working in two low socioeconomic suburbs were consequently conducted to ascertain factors exogenous and endogenous to the family unit that shaped parental food socialisation practices. Budgetary and time constraints emerged as exogenous factors that constrained fruit and vegetable socialisation. Constraining effects were also found for a range of endogenous factors, including commensal experiences, children’s food fussiness and the feeding styles employed by parents. As such, while many caregivers may wish to socialise fruit and vegetable consumption into their children’s daily diets, their capacity to do so is often inhibited by factors beyond their volitional control. Failure to take heed of these factors could therefore result in the development of social marketing campaigns that are ineffective at best or give rise to unintentionally harmful outcomes at worst.


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Monotremes (platypus and echidna) are the descendants of the oldest ancestor of all extant mammals distinguished from other mammals by mode of reproduction. Monotremes lay eggs following a short gestation period and after an even briefer incubation period, altricial hatchlings are nourished over a long lactation period with milk secreted by nipple-less mammary patches located on the female's abdomen. Milk is the sole source of nutrition and immune protection for the developing young until weaning. Using transcriptome and mass spectrometry analysis of milk cells and milk proteins, respectively, a novel Monotreme Lactation Protein (MLP) was identified as a major secreted protein in milk. We show that platypus and short-beaked echidna MLP genes show significant homology and are unique to monotremes. The MLP transcript was shown to be expressed in a variety of tissues; however, highest expression was observed in milk cells and was expressed constitutively from early to late lactation. Analysis of recombinant MLP showed that it is an N-linked glycosylated protein and biophysical studies predicted that MLP is an amphipathic, α-helical protein, a typical feature of antimicrobial proteins. Functional analysis revealed MLP antibacterial activity against both opportunistic pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus and commensal Enterococcus faecalis bacteria but showed no effect on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Salmonella enterica. Our data suggest that MLP is an evolutionarily ancient component of milk-mediated innate immunity absent in other mammals. We propose that MLP evolved specifically in the monotreme lineage supporting the evolution of lactation in these species to provide bacterial protection, at a time when mammals lacked nipples.